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    Disable renewals on requested item which is on loan (recalled)

    • Product: Alma



    How can we disable renewals on a loaned item that is requested by another patron?


    To block only renewals on requested items (and change nothing else about the loan, including the due date, overdue fines, etc.), this can be achieved by enabling recalls for requested items but setting the 'Is Recallable' policy in the TOU to 'No Recall'.

    1. Go to Configuration > Fulfillment > Loan Recalls Configuration.

    2. Set the "PATRON_PHYSICAL" parameter to "Yes".

    -This ensures that recalls are allowed when a Patron Physical Item Request is placed on an item

    2. Set the relevant Loan TOU policies to:

    Is Recallable = No Recall
    Recall Period = No Recall Due Date

    Now when an item is on loan and someone else requests that item, the loan status changes to "Recalled". The current borrower will not be able to renew the recalled item (and it will retain its current due date).

    If you would like to shorten the due date or otherwise alter the terms of use for a recalled item, you can set this in the relevant TOU by changing the "Is Recallable" parameter to "Recall Allowed". Now the other Recall polices, such as "Recall Period" and "Recall Overdue Fee," will affect the recalled loan.

    If you do not wish to change anything about the terms of use, leave the "Is Recallable" policy as "No Recalls" and only renewals will be blocked.

    Additional Information

    The description of the "Is Recallable" policy on the "Configuring Fulfillment Policies" says:

    Note :

    • If this policy is set to true, the original loan status changes to Recalled and the due date on the original loan changes.
    • If Is Recallable is set to false, the loan status changes to Recalled but the due date does not change.
    • In either case, the item becomes non renewable. Making recalled loans renewable can be done by configuring the Loan Recalls (Request Configuration) mapping table (see Configuring Loan Recall Requests).


    Click here for the Online Help page regarding "Recall Requests".



    • Article last edited: 08-FEB-2024
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