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    Recall Requests

    This page describes how to work with recall requests. For a full overview of the requests workflow starting from the different ways a request can enter into the Alma system through to scanning and final processing, see Resource Requests Workflow.
    For links to all the main fulfillment documentation pages see Fulfillment.
    When an item is on loan to a patron and then a request is made on that item, a recall request may be created for the original loan. The recall process is initiated if the Loan Recalls Configuration (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Loan Recalls Configuration) is set to activate a recall for the submitted request type.
    The following policies are then examined on the loan's Loan TOU to determine which actions will be taken. See Configuring Terms of Use and Configuring Loan Recall Requests for more information.
    • Is Recallable - If this policy is set to true, the original loan status changes to Recalled and the due date on the original loan changes. If Is Recallable is set to false, the loan status changes to Recalled but the due date does not change. See Is Recallable.
    • Recall Period - The recall period policy determines how the due date will change. If the due date is already due back before the number of days in the policy, the due date will not be changed. See Recall Period.
    • Recalled Overdue Fine - A different overdue fine may be applied to a recalled loan. This policy determines the fine, if any. The fine is independent of the due date change and may be applied even if Is Recallable is set to false. See Recalled Overdue Fine.
    • Requested Item Due Date - You may specify a shortened due date when loaning an item that already has additional requests in the queue. See Requested Item Due Date.
    • Cancelled Recall Due Date - For an item that is loaned and then recalled, if the recall is canceled, this policy determines what happens to the due date of the original loan. See Cancelled Recall Due Date.
    When a recall request is issued on an item with multiple copies that are loaned, one loan will have its due date changed. The others may continue to renew their loans. However, if the Not Renewable Item Has Request(s) block policy is set to block, the other loans for the same item will be blocked from renewing their loans. See Configuring Block Preferences.
    When a recall is issued, a Loan Status Notice Letter is sent to the patron. The letter can be disabled (see Configuring Alma Letters). The letter can also be opted in/out by users (see Configuring Library Notices Opt-In). The letter may also be opted in/out for a set of users in the Update/Notify Users job, also see Selected Patron Letters. Recall letters are most commonly disabled when your institution does not change due dates for patrons with recalled loans. For more information about the letter, see Configuring Alma Letters.
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