Configuring Payment Methods
To configure payment methods, you must have one of the following roles:
- Acquisitions Administrator
- General System Administrator
You can configure the payment methods that appear in the Payment method drop-down list when creating new invoices (see Creating an Invoice From a PO or Manually), or in the Payment Methods section when creating a new vendor account. The payment method designated as the default in the code table is selected by default when creating a new vendor account. If a payment method is defined as the default but it is not enabled, the first enabled payment method will be used.
You configure the payment methods on the Payment Method code table (Configuration Menu > Acquisitions > Invoices > Payment Method). For more information about code tables, see Code Tables.
Description Code | Explanation |
ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT | The payment method is determined by the institutions accounting department (Invoice in Alma cannot be defined as Pre-Paid with this payment method). |
CASH | Payment is done using cash. |
CREDITCARD | Payment is done using a credit card. |
BANKTRANSFERS | Payment is done using bank transfers. |
DEPOSITACCOUNT | Payment is done using a deposit account where the institution deposits money with the vendor in advance. |
PREPAYMENT | Payment is transferred before the actual purchases take place. |
SPECIALPAYMENT | Special payment as decided between the institution and the vendor. |
ATTACHMENT | Payment method is described within the Attachment tab at the vendor account/Invoice. |
The payment method indicates the way the payment is done between the institution's payment system (accounting department) and the vendor, There are no actual payment functionalities done within Alma. Changing the description of the payment method will not have any functional effect. For more information, see Financial Systems.

Payment Method Code Table
You can enable or disable a payment method, select the default method to be displayed, and change the display names (Description).