Requests in Alma
Request Types
Request Type | Description |
Acquisition Technical Services | A work order request to perform some kind of technical service, for example copy cataloging. |
Booking | A patron request to reserve a resource (such as a room or a book that cannot be checked out) for a specific time period. |
Borrowing | A resource sharing request placed by a local patron and fulfilled by another institution. Implemented as an ILL outgoing request. |
Digitization |
A work order request for digital copies of a physical or electronic resource. This is typically used to make a copy of a book chapter or an article for a patron or a group of students, and may require copyright clearance. The types of digitization requests are:
General Hold | A patron request to reserve a resource for pickup at a certain location (for bibliographic records with holdings but no items). |
Lending | A resource sharing request placed by another institution’s patron and fulfilled by the local institution. Implemented as an ILL incoming request. |
Library | Any internal request, typically generated by another request. For example, a borrowing request might generate a move request, which is a type of library request. |
Purchase | A request to acquire a physical title or a license to an electronic title. See Purchase Requests. |
Resource | A generic term for any fulfillment or resource sharing request. This may be for a item that can be checked out, like a book, a technical services request to bind an item, or a request to reserve a room or a piece of equipment. |
Resource Sharing | A request by a patron in one institution fulfilled by another institution, as opposed to a fulfillment request. |
Restore | A move request to return an item in a temporary location to its permanent location. |
Ship | A request to ship an item, either physically or digitally (by email). |
Transit for Reshelving | A restore request for an item that was returned after a lend request. |
Work Order |
A request to perform an action on a physical item, such as digitize or bind (fix) the item. A work order sends an item to the work order department that can handle it, which then returns it to its location when it is done.
Work orders are defined on the Work Order Types page. A work order can go through several stages; in each stage, the work order has a status, called a process type. For example, a binding request can have the process types Sent to Bindery, Binding Prep, In Process, and so forth. Process types are defined on the Work Order Type Statuses page; see Configuring Work Order Type Statuses. Also see Configuring Request Task Names.
Booking Requests
Pages for Managing Requests
Page | Path | Request Types | Roles | Description | More Information |
Active Hold Shelf Items | Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Active Hold Shelf Items | Physical Item | Requests Operator |
After an item that was requested by a patron is picked up from the stacks, it is sent to the hold shelf at the circulation desk. From the moment the item arrives at the hold shelf until the request is removed, it is considered to be on the active hold shelf of the circulation desk.
On this page, you can:
Managing Active Hold Shelf Items |
Approval Requests List | Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Approve Digitization Requests | Digitization |
Fulfillment Services Operator
Fulfillment Services Manager
You must approve or reject digitization when digitization rules determine that approval is required or when a copyright approval task is specifically requested, such as for a citation.
On this page, you can:
It is possible to have open approval tasks linked to completed and inactive requests. |
Approving/Rejecting a Request for Digitization |
Create Request | Several ways. For example: search the repository and select Request beneath a physical item or title in the results. |
Physical Item
Fulfillment Services Operator
Fulfillment Services Manager
Circulation Desk Operator/Manager Requests Operator |
You can create a request on an item, typically on behalf of a patron or a staff member.
On this page, you can:
Expired Hold Shelf Items | Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Expired Hold Shelf Items | Physical Item | Requests Operator |
After an item that was requested by a patron is picked up from the stacks, it is sent to the hold shelf at the circulation desk. When an item’s expiration date is reached, the item is listed as expired. If it is not collected by a specified time, it should be removed from the hold shelf and returned to its permanent location.
On this page, you can:
Managing Expired Hold Shelf Items |
In Process Items |
Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Manage In Process Items
Acquisitions > Post-Receiving Processing > Receiving Department Items
Acquisition Technical Services
Physical Item
Receiving Operator
Receiving Operator Limited
Work Order Operator (digitization)
After you receive physical material, it may be necessary to perform work on the material before it can be made available to the library. In addition, a work order request may require you to perform work on material before other requests can be made on it. You process new material or work orders on this page.
This page appears differently in a digitization department and in any other department (such as an acquisitions technical services department).
In a digitization department, on this page, you can:
In any other department, on this page, you can:
Post-Receiving Processing |
Pick Up Requested Resources | Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Pick From Shelf | Physical Item | Requests Operator |
Physical items are picked up from a shelf in the stacks (the general shelves of the library). If requested by a patron, the item is transferred to the hold shelf.
On this page, you can:
Pickup at Shelf |
Resource Request Monitoring | Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Monitor Requests & Item Processes
This page also appears when you search from the persistent search box using Request as the search type. See Searching in Alma.
General Hold
Physical Item
Transit for Reshelving
Fulfillment Services Operator
Fulfillment Services Manager
Requests Operator
Most workflow requests appear on this general information page.
On this page, you can:
Resource Request Monitoring |
Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests | Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Borrowing Requests | Borrowing |
Fulfillment Services Operator
Fulfillment Services Manager
Patrons can locate resources at other institutions and ask that they be delivered to the local institution. This creates a borrowing request at the local institution and a lending request at the partner institution.
For physical items, the item is received by the local institution, picked up and returned by the patron, and (typically) returned to the partner institution. Electronic items can be delivered digitally or physically from the partner institution.
On this page, you can:
Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests |
Resource Sharing Lending Requests Task List | Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Lending Requests | Lending |
Fulfillment Services Operator
Fulfillment Services Manager
Patrons at other institutions can locate resources at your institution and ask that they be delivered to the other (partner) institution. This creates a borrowing request at the partner institution and a lending request at your institution.
For physical items, the item is picked up at the stacks and sent to the partner institution and then received back from the partner institution and (typically) returned to the stacks. Electronic items can be sent digitally or physically.
On this page, you can:
Resource Sharing Lending Requests |
The Request Queue
- Request Type
- Destination - The location where the item is expected as a result of this request
- Current Activity - The current workflow step
- Priority - The request priority. See Request Priority.
- Barcode
- Material Type
- Request Date - For completed requests, the request date will show the date that the request was completed or canceled.
- Interested Until - An expiration date for this request
- Requester
- Description
- Requester Group - The user group of the requester
- Activate - Move this request to the top of the queue. This option appears only if an item is not on loan and not on the hold shelf. Selecting this option overrides the priority of the other requests in the queue and will move the request to the top of the queue and make it active (see Request Priority below). This option is not available if the item is in transit.
- Edit - Edit the request information. This option also enables changing the request's priority.
Request Priority
The request priority that appears in the request queue comes from one of two places:
- For patron requests it comes from the request Terms of Use (the request priority policy). For more information, see Configuring Fulfillment Policies.
- For library requests it comes from the Request Priorities table. For more information, see Configuring Physical Fulfillment.
Changing the Priorities of Individual Requests
To change the priorities of individual requests, you must have one of the following roles, and the Prioritize Requests Privilege must be activated for that role.
- Requests operator
- Fulfillment services operator
- Fulfillment services manager
- Circulation desk manager
- Circulation desk operator
- Circulation desk operator - limited
If the Prioritize Requests Privilege is not activated for a role, as required, contact Ex Libris support to activate it.
- If you do not have the required privileges, the Manual Priority field still appears for each request, but it is disabled, and the priorities are set according to the Request Priority fulfillment policy in the Terms of Use (TOU), which define policies for patrons (see Physical Fulfillment).
- Information about who and when the prioritization of requests in a queue was modified, either by selecting Activate for a request or by manually changing its priority, is not recorded in Alma.
- First (priority level 1)
- Prioritize (priority level 2)
- Highest (priority level 3)
- High (priority level 4)
- Medium (priority level 5)
- Low (priority level 6)
- Lowest (priority level 7)
- Last (priority level 8)
The values are arranged in order of priority from highest to lowest, i.e., First is the highest priority and Last is the lowest. For example, if there is an existing request with the priority of Prioritize, and another request's priority is changed to First, then the request with priority First will take precedence. (These values are not exactly the same as those used in the TOUs - see Request Priority under Adding Fulfillment Policies.) Note that using the Activate action for a request will always result in that request moving to the top of the queue and becoming active, regardless of the request priorities currently set for the other requests in the queue.
Resource Sharing Partners and Rotas
Resource Sharing Requests with Multiple Items
Request Jobs
- Cancel Physical Items Requests - Cancels open requests for physical items.
- Create Physical Item Move Requests - Initiates moving physical items to a new location.
- Create Physical Item Work Orders - Creates a work order request for physical items.
For more information, see Creating Physical Item Requests. (3:36 min)
- Cancel Physical Titles Requests - Cancels open requests for physical titles.
- Requests - Handle Expiration Step - Marks requested items as missing when requests in the pickup from shelf stage have passed their expiration date.
- Requests - Restore Temporary Shelved Items - Creates restore item requests on all temporarily shelved items whose due back date is the current day or earlier.
- Requests - Recalculate after Inventory Update - Recalculates requests after changes to the inventory are made.
- Requests - Send Report - Generates one letter per patron detailing all requests by status.
- Expired Resource Sharing Request - Checks for expired resource sharing requests.
- Items Requiring Special Action - Identifies items which may require some action, including items that have requests on them.
- Transfer Requests - Move all requests from a circulation desk to a different circulation desk in the same library.