Configuring Alma/Broker Integration
This page describes configuration for integration of Alma with the broker. For more information on resource sharing including locating items for resource sharing, working with resource sharing partners, managing borrowing and lending requests and contributing to the resource sharing directory, see Resource Sharing.
Following are the configuration settings that must be invoked in Alma to enable integration with the broker:
- Define the Resource Sharing Library and the Calendar Management settings to determine a loan’s due date (see Configuring the Institution and Its Libraries).
You can also configure Terms of Use and policies to determine when an overdue fine is invoked (see Physical Fulfillment).
- Configure a physical location for the resource sharing library, as needed (see Configuring Physical Locations). Ensure that you select the resource sharing library in the Configuring: drop-down list.
Generally, only one circulation desk is needed. However, multiple circulation desks are required if there is more than one receiving location, in which case you must link the circulation desks to different physical locations. Different users can also be assigned to the various circulation desks through Alma User Roles (see Managing User Roles).
- Configure a circulation desk (see Configuring Circulation Desks).
On the first page of the wizard (Circulation Desk – General Information):
- Leave the Printing Information section blank (unless otherwise specified by the institution).
- In the Hold Shelf Information section, select Has hold shelf if there is a separate hold shelf for document delivery where patrons are to collect items. Otherwise, do not select this option.
On the second page of the wizard (Circulation Desk – Physical Locations), add the physical location configured in step 2. - Configure the relationships that the resource sharing library has with other libraries in the institution (see Configuring Fulfillment Services Between Libraries Within an Institution).
- On the Fulfillment Configuration menu (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment), change the Configuring: drop-down value from the library to the institution.
- Configure display logic rules to define the instances in which instances Resource Sharing links display (see Configuring Display Logic Rules).
- Optionally, configure the activities that are to be performed manually in Alma for borrowing and/or lending requests (see Configuring Workflow Profiles). This may not be necessary, as the broker generally handles all necessary steps automatically.
- Configure a resource sharing partner to define the type of communication between Alma and the broker (see Resource Sharing Partners).
When configuring a resource sharing partner, ensure that you have configured the following parameters, as indicated:On the General Information tab:
- Profile Type: NCIP (for Libris, see Importing Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests from an External System)
- System Type: <Broker Name> ILL
On the Parameters tab:In the General Information section:- User identifier type: Select the type of ID to be used by the broker to identify the patron in the messages (for Relais, select Primary Identifier).
If an identifier other than the Primary ID (example: Barcode) is selected in the broker configuration, and a patron does not have the selected identifier, the request will be sent to the broker without any patron identifiers. See Viewing Additional User Identifier Types.
- Request pushing method: OpenURL or Link (for Relais, select OpenURL)
- URL template:
- The URL or base URL of the OpenURL that Alma will use to link to the broker system when a patron places a request to the broker system using the Primo GetIt link. For Relais: where xxxx and XXXX is the code by which the library is identified in the Relais system.
- Add user auto login to URL. For Relais: Yes
- Enable service for guest user: Depends on the policy in use; generally, the value is No
- Disable service when: The parameters upon which the service is to be disabled
- Loan period: The amount of time the user has before having to return the item to the resource sharing library
- Default library owner: The resource sharing library that will own the broker's requests
In the Request Item section:- Bibliographic record ID type: other_system_number
- Supports Borrowing: Most broker systems send the RequestItem message only for lending request. Select this option if the broker system does send RequestItem when a borrowing request is created. If selected, also enter:
- Default location: The physical location in which the temporary item will be created for the borrowing request.
- Default Pickup Library: The default pickup location for the borrower request, if it is not indicated by the broker system in the message.
When a RequestItem message is received by Alma, the system determines whether it is a borrowing request or a lending request based on the AgencyId that is indicated by the broker system for the UserId. If it is the same as the AgencyId in the InitiationHeader, then Alma identifies the message as a borrower request.
In the Check-Out Item section (defines how items checked out on the lending side are to be managed):- Default location: The physical location to which the received temporary item will belong
- Default item policy: The created item policy
In the Accept Item section (defines how items received on the borrowing side are to be managed):- Default location: The physical location created for the resource sharing library
- Automatic receive: Select to indicate that items received at the broker will be considered received in Alma (and automatically placed on the hold shelf). Leave blank to indicate that another wand-in action will be required in Alma to place the item on the hold shelf.
Select if the broker system can communicate the barcode that will be used in Alma in the message.
- Receive desk: When Automatic receive is selected, this parameter defines at which desk the receive action will be considered to have been performed when updated from the broker system.
In the Look Up User section:- Require authentication: No
- Define a terms of use (see Physical Fulfillment). Ensure that the Configuring: drop-down displays a resource sharing library. The following terms of use must be defined:
- Loan
- Request
- Borrowing resource sharing: Ensure that Allow Resource Sharing Requesting = Resource Sharing Allowed, to enable displaying the Resource Sharing link from Primo to the broker’s system. This Terms of Use is also used to set fees to be charged to specific user groups when an item from a borrowing request is received.
- Define a fulfillment unit (see Physical Fulfillment). Ensure that the Configuring: drop down displays a resource sharing library.
- Define a z39.50 server integration profile (see Configuring Integration Profiles).
Configuring Communication Between the Broker and Alma
The URL to be used for communication between Alma and the broker is:
- ILLiad, OCLC Navigator, Relais: https://<Alma domain>/view/NCIPServlet
- INN-Reach: https://<Alma domain>/view/NCIPServlet/v1
For details on configuring the broker’s system, contact your broker’s support team.