Basic Resource Sharing Configurations
For links to all the main fulfillment documentation pages see Fulfillment.
Configuring basic resource sharing requires the following basic elements that are described on this page:
- Resource sharing library
- Partners
- Locate Profiles
- Rota templates
- Rota assignment rules
Configuring Resource Sharing Libraries
All of the borrowing and lending resource sharing activity is managed in the context of a resource sharing library.
The resource sharing library is in the scope of the fulfillment services manager or operator roles assigned to the staff users that work at the research sharing desk.
Patrons are affiliated with one or more resource sharing library.
Borrowing and lending requests are always owned by a single resource sharing library.
Using the facets, you can filter the resource sharing task lists by the owning resource sharing library.
The resource sharing library reflects the physical place and the method by which the resource sharing operations are handled at the institution. It may be a dedicated resource sharing library reflecting a single resource sharing office that handles resource sharing for all libraries of the institution. It may also be one resource sharing library per campus if resource sharing operations are handled separately at each campus. It may also be that every library in the institution handles its own resource sharing requests and therefore every library is also set to be a resource sharing library.
The resource sharing library is configured as a normal library, but has additional resource sharing related attributes. This means that, being a library, it needs to be set up with locations that are linked to fulfillment units, circulation desks, and relationships with other libraries. For more information on setting up the resource sharing library as a library in the Alma set up see Configuring Parameters of a Resource Sharing Library.
The library's fulfillment unit must have rules of type Borrowing Resource Sharing and of type Lending Resource Sharing. For more information see Configuring Fulfillment Units.
Configuring Resource Sharing Partners
The resource sharing partners reflect the libraries or other resource sharing entities that you manage resource sharing requests with. The partners may reflect remote borrowers that borrow from your library or remote lenders that lend to your library. For more information on the different types of resource sharing partners and on their configuration details see Resource Sharing Partners.
Configuring Locate Profiles
- Fulfillment Administrator

- Add locate profiles (see Adding Locate Profiles)
- Edit locate profiles (select Edit from the row actions list; the fields appearing on the Locate Profile Parameters tab page depend on the type of locate profile selected)
- Duplicate locate profiles (select Duplicate from the row actions list and modify the relevant fields)
- Delete locate profiles (select Delete from the row actions list)
Adding Locate Profiles
- On the Locate Profiles List page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Locate Profiles), select Add Locate Profile. The Locate Profile Details page appears.
Locate Profile Details Page
- Enter a name and description for the locate profile in the relevant fields.
- In the Type field, select the profile type. Choose from the following options:
- Alma - The sharing institution also uses Alma.
- No Locate - The default partner is used and therefore no attempt is made to locate another partner.
- Z39.50 - The Z39.50 communications protocol is used for searching remote catalogs. For details on the Z39.50 protocol, see
- BLDSS - The BLDSS API is used for searching the British Library catalogs. For more information, see British Library Document Supply Service (BLDSS).
- Fulfillment Network - The fulfillment network type is used for institutions that share the same fulfillment network. For more information, see Automated Fulfillment Network Requests (AFN).
- Select Next. The second page of the wizard opens. The page differs based on profile type, with the different profile types described in the steps below.
If the No Locate profile type was selected, no additional parameters can be configured. Select Save to save the locate profile.
- For an Alma profile type, configure the following fields:
Locate Profile Details Page for the Alma Profile Type
- In the Server field, enter the URL of the target Alma.
- In the Port field, enter the port number on which the external Alma system is located. This field may also be left blank.
- In the Username field, enter the username of the Z39.50 external interface in the target Alma system.
- In the Password field, enter the password of the Z39.50 external interface in the target Alma system. The characters you enter are encrypted.
- In the Institution field, enter the institution in which the external Alma system is located.
The Institution field can be left blank (empty).
- For members of a Network Zone institution, select the Alma network check box to search against the Network Zone itself rather than each institution's local catalog. Selecting this field also allows sharing this locate profile among all the network members. When checked, the Alma network code must be entered in the Institution field. When this check box is selected, the Check item availability and Check item requestability check boxes are deactivated.
- Select the Check item availability check box for the profile to check whether an item is available in the institution. An item is available if it's status is Item in Place.
- Select the Check item requestability check box for the profile to check whether an item can be requested as part of a resource sharing request.
- You can select either the Alma network or Check item availability and Check item requestability check boxes, but not all three.
- Availability and requestability are checked on the institution level only.
- Select the Ignore Electronic and Digital Resources check box for the profile to check only for physical items. Any partner that contains only electronic and/or digital items is skipped in the rota.
- Select the Ignore Physical Resources check box for the profile to check only for electronic and digital items. Selecting this field means that the locate process does not check physical resources and does not use the locate by, check item availability, or requestability fields.
- Select the Allow Locate by Metadata check box to successfully locate an item even when the request between partners that share a Network Zone was not placed from the shared Network Zone discovery system. In this case, the locate process will use the request’s metadata to find a match in the partner’s catalog.
This option allows borrowers that share a Network Zone with the lenders to create resource sharing requests for records that are not shared in the Network Zone. It also allows hold requests to be converted to resource sharing requests even if the borrower and lender share a Network Zone.
- Select the Locate by Fields check box to configure additional search fields when locating a resource for a borrowing request. The page refreshes and displays additional fields:
- Title
- Author
- System Control Number
This 'Locate by' field searches a normalized value (without prefix) in the system control number.
- Edition
- Select the fields by which you want resources to be searched for in the remote institution. Alma uses these fields when the specified locate profile is used in a search by the resource sharing partner (that is, when selecting Locate Resource on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests page).
- Select Yes in the Locate only if all fields match field if you want the locate to be successful only when all selected fields match. If set to No, then:
- If the request has identifiers (such as ISBN, System Control Number, or LCCN) locate is successful if any of the selected identifier fields finds a match. Other fields such as Title and Author are not used for the match.
- If no identifier fields exist on the request, locate is only successful if all of the other selected fields match.
- Select Test Connection to check connectivity to the server. (This doesn't check the authentication parameters.)
- For a Z39.50 profile type, configure the displayed fields, as follows:
- To add holdings to the search, select the Enrich with holdings check box. The holding field and subfield fields appear. Enter the relevant values in the fields. In this field+subfield, the partner's holdings code will be searched in the Bib record that is retrieved from the external resource. For the holdings code, see Resource Sharing Partners.
- Select the Find resource field to search for a resource. The Search External Resource Setup page appears.
- Enter search criteria in the Find box to search for a resource, and select Go. The Search External Resource Setup page appears. Choose an entry and select Select to return to the Locate Profile Details page.
- In the Credentials field, enter any relevant credentials for the search. Note: The credentials format must be user/password.
- Select Test Connection to check connectivity to the server. (This doesn't check the authentication parameters.)
- For a BLDSS profile type, configure the displayed fields, as follows:
- Select Succeed on possible match to force the locate process to succeed even if the British Library determines that there are a number of possible matches.
- Select Check availability to match only on British Library resources that are readily available. This option is recommended if you would like to request a BL resource only if it is available for immediate supply.
- The Locate By Fields option enables configuring what metadata will be used by the locate process. This parameter is optional and may be left unchecked. The system will then use its internal defaults.
- For a Fulfillment Network profile type, configure the displayed fields, as follows:
- In the Server field, enter the URL of the target Alma.
- In the Port field, enter the port number on which the external Alma system is located. This field may also be left blank.
- In the Username field, enter the username of the external interface in the target Alma system.
- In the Password field, enter the password of the external interface in the target Alma system. The characters you enter are encrypted.
- In the Institution field, enter the institution in which the external Alma system is located.
- Select the Check item availability check box for the profile to check whether an item is available in the institution. An item is available if it's status is Item in Place.
- Select the Check item requestability check box for the profile to check whether an item can be requested as part of a resource sharing request.
- Select Test Connection to check connectivity to the server. (This doesn't check the authentication parameters.)
Rota Templates
Rota templates are an optional element of configuration. You can use them to bundle groups of partner records that you want to assign to your borrower requests as groups of potential lenders. For example, you could bundle some of your partner records into a rota template called "quick to supply partners". You could then assign these ' quick to supply partners' as first priority partners on your new requests. For more information on rota templates see Configuring Rota Templates.
Configuring Rota Assignment Rules
- Fulfillment Services Operator
- Fulfillment Services Manager

To determine whether the network or local rota assignment rules are executed first, configure network_rota_assignment_rules_precedence (see Configuring Other Settings).
- Configure rota assignment rules for an institution
- Configure rota assignment rules for a library
- On the Rota Assignment Rules List page, select Add Rule. The Rota Assignment Rules page appears.
Rota Assignment Rules Page
- In the Rota Assignment Rules section, enter a rule for the name in the Name field.
- Configure input parameters: these parameters specify the conditions (Name, Operator, and Value) for which the rota template specified by the output parameter is assigned to the request.
- Name: One of:
- Level of Service - Assigned when the request requires one of the selected levels of service
- Price - Assigned when the request's price is greater than, equal to, or less than the specified price
- Requested Format - Assigned when the request requires one of the specified request types
- Required in Number of Days - Assigned when the requested duration is greater than, equal to, or less than the specified number of days
- User Group - Assigned when the user making the request is in one of the specified user groups
- Operator - a comparison operator
- Value: These depend on the Name parameter:
- Level of Service - Select one (or more) levels of service (see Level of Service in Manually Adding a Borrowing Request).
- Price - Enter a price. If this value is less than 1, enter a leading 0. For example, 0.44, not .44.
- Requested Format - Select one (or more) requested formats (see Requested Format in Manually Adding a Borrowing Request).
- Required in Number of Days - Enter a number of days.
- User Group - Select one (or more) predefined user groups.
- Name: One of:
- Configure output parameters in the relevant fields: Select the rota template that is applied when the conditions specified by the input parameters are met.
- Select Save. The configured rule appears on the Rota Assignment Rules List page.
- On the Rota Assignment Rules List page, ensure that a library is selected in the Configuring filter at the top of the page. Rules configured on the library level appear in the Library Rules List section and rules configured on the institution level display in the Institution Rules List section.
Rota Assignment Rules List Page
- To add a rule, select Add Rule and see the above steps for configuring a rule for an institution.
- To copy an institution rule to the library level:
- In the Institution Rules List section, select Copy to Library. The Rota Assignment Rules page appears.
- Modify the rule parameters, as required, and select Save. The specified rule appears in the Library Rules List section.
If library rules are defined for a specific library, the institution’s rules will not be applied for borrowing requests managed by this library (network rules, if exist, will be applied according to network_rota_assignment_rules_precedence, see Configuring Other Settings).
Configuring Workflow Profiles
- General System Administrator
- Fulfillment Administrator

- Add workflow profiles (see Adding Workflow Profiles)
- Edit workflow profiles (select Edit from the row actions list)
- Delete workflow profiles (select Delete from the row actions list)
Adding Workflow Profiles
- On the Workflow Profiles page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Workflow Profiles), select Add Workflow Profile. The Add Workflow Profile dialog box appears.
Add Workflow Profile
- Enter a name for the workflow profile.
- From the Type drop-down list, select Borrowing or Lending.
In general, borrowing and lending here refer to situations in which the partner (and not the resource sharing library) is the borrower or lender.
- Select the steps you want added to the profile. More than one step can be selected. These steps control the actions that can be performed on the borrowing and lending request task lists for the partner associated with the workflow.
The available steps depend on the workflow profile type selected in step 3, and are described in the following table:
Workflow Profile Steps Type Step Description Borrowing Automatic renew Enable automatic renewal of requests received for borrowing partners linked to the specified workflow. A request whose profile contains this step is automatically renewed as per the requested due date, and the request's status updates to Renew Request Accepted.In the case of rejection, you can define the rejection text that will display in the Full Borrowing Info letter when it is sent to the patron. See Configuring Renew Reject Reasons for details.Automatic renewal is possible only for ISO partners.Cancel request not accepted A cancelation request can be rejected by the partner. Canceled by patron A request can be canceled by a patron. Canceled by partner A request can be canceled by the lending partner and notification is received by the borrowing partner. Canceled by staff A request can be canceled by a staff member. Conditional Support Conditional status and conditional replies. Damaged communicated A damaged item can be reported by the partner. When enabled, the Damaged row action is enabled for a borrowing request. See Managing Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests. Declared lost by partner An item can be declared lost by the partner. Externally Obtained An item can be requested from the CCC GetItNow service. Lender check in
Lending request that has been returned by the borrower will be not be closed until checked in at the lender side.
Lost communicated A lost item can be reported by the partner. When enabled:
- Items noted as lost by the Loans – Overdue and Lost Item job do not generate fines based on a local Terms of Use. Instead, no fine is generated, the request's status changes to Lost Communicated, and a letter is sent to the lender.
- The Lost row action is enabled for a borrowing request. See Managing Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests.
Manual renew Enable manually approving renewal requests for borrowing partners linked to the specified workflow profile. For details on system behavior when this option is selected, see the Renew and Renew Reply entries in Workflow Actions.Mediated Patron Renewal Enable Mediated Patron Renewal to require operator review before renewals are transmitted to the lender. A mediated renewal will display the status of Mediated Patron Renewal while it is waiting for operator review. Once requests are sent to the lending institution, the request status is set to Renew Requested. Reactivated Support Reactivate Request action. To enable this feature, you must contact Ex Libris Support.Recalled by partner The request can be recalled by the partner.
The Recalled by Partner status places a recall on the item even if the Terms of Use prohibits recalls.Reject Reject controls the display of the reject action in the task list of the borrowing request and in the rota tab. It is selected by default. Deselecting Reject removes the reject action from the task list and the rota tab of the request. Also while deselected, the reject action in the action drop down list at the top of borrowing requests is not executed and will display an alert.Renew requested Enable requesting renewal of resource sharing borrowing requests. Request accepted A requested item can be accepted by the partner. Waiting for cancel response When this option is selected, if a borrower cancels a request, the request will not actually be canceled until the lender sends a cancellation response. Waiting for receive digitallyThis determines when the lender can close a request. When selected, a response must be received from the borrower before closing. When not selected, the lender can close the request when shipping digitally. Will Supply A partner can change the status of the request if it has not yet shipped but will soon. Automatic Will Supply When an internal 'ship digitally/physically' request is placed for a lending request (automatically OR manually), a 'Will Supply' message is automatically sent (and status changed accordingly) to reflect that. Lending Borrower Recall The recall option is hidden on the borrowing request's row actions when this step is disabled. When the step is enabled, which is the default, the recall option is displayed. Cancel reply Not currently supported Conditional Support Conditional status and conditional replies. Lender check in
Returned borrowing requests will not be considered completed until a check in message is received from the lender. This option should not be selected in workflow profiles that are used by broker partners because it causes the request to wait for lender confirmation.Patron renewal Enable a patron to request renewal of resource sharing items. In addition to enabling this option, you must also ensure that the Is Renewable policy value in the relevant Terms of Use is set to Is Renewable (see Configuring Fulfillment Units, Policies, and Terms of Use).Reactivated Support Reactivate Request action. To enable this feature, you must contact Ex Libris Support.Renewal response The borrower requesting renewal waits for a response from the lender before renewal can be carried out. When this step is enabled, the status of a request for which renewal was requested becomes Renew Requested. Staff renewal Renewal can be invoked by a staff member. When this step is enabled, the Renew link appears on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Requests page. - Select one of the following:
- Add - Add the workflow profile but leave the dialog box open so that you can add additional workflow profiles.
- Add and Close - Add the workflow profile and close the dialog box.
Excluding Non-Workdays Days from Expiry Period
The Expiry Time (days) can be defined on the partner record (borrower side). A job runs (on the lender side) that deletes unhandled expired requests. To prevent lending requests from expiring during non-workdays, Alma now enables you to set days to exclude from the expiry period calculation (Configuration > Resource Sharing > Configuration > Resource Sharing Working Days).