Suppressing Alma Records from Primo
If you are working with Primo VE, see Suppressing Alma Records from Primo VE.
You can suppress Alma records from discovery in the following ways:
Suppress all holdings records at a physical location – Select the Suppress from Discovery check box for a location. For more information, see Editing a Physical Location.
After a location has been suppressed or unsuppressed, you must execute the Republish a set of Bibliographic records to Primo job in order to update the availability information for the holdings. For more information, see Republishing Sets of Bibliographic Records.
Suppress an individual record – In the MD Editor, select the Suppress from Discovery option for the holdings or bibliographic record. For more information, see Navigating the MD Editor Page. Note that suppression takes effect even without saving the record.
Suppression done in the MD Editor is suppressing the member's copy of the record only. If a member's copy is suppressed, then its inventory + local fields are not added to the published network record. -
Suppress discovery of a record under the following conditions (see Configuring Other Settings):
When suppressBibWithDeletedHol is set to true in the Customer Parameters mapping table (Configuration Menu > Resources > General > Other Settings), the bib record is suppressed if an operator chooses to delete the last holdings record after deleting its last item. Note that bibliographic records that never had holdings are not suppressed from publishing by this parameter.
When suppressBibWithSuppressedHol is set to true in the Customer Parameters mapping table (Configuration Menu > Resources > General > Other Settings), the bib record is suppressed if an operator suppresses all of its holdings records.
Exclude resources with specific process types. See Excluding Resources with Specific Process Types from Publishing.
Suppress Network Zone records - Log into the Network Zone and suppress the record.
Suppressing a record in the NZ (Network Zone) does not automatically suppress a record that is linked to it in the IZ (Institution Zone). If you want local records to be suppressed from discovery, you must suppress them in the IZ.