Leganto Instructor Usage Events
Using the Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject area, you can create reports/dashboards relating to Leganto instructor usage events and answer the following type of business question:
- What are the changes done in a reading list during a period of time?
Star Diagram – Leganto Instructor Usage Events
Field Descriptions
The following fields are available in Leganto Instructor Usage Events.
Leganto Instructor Usage Events – Field Descriptions
Date fields can consist of a partial date, such as just the year or a month and year. Calendar Date fields always consist of a month, date, and year. If the information is not provided, 01 is added, so that a date of 2020 is rendered 01/01/2020. This date format is useful when filtering the report by date.
Instructor Usage Events
The Instructor Usage Events table is a dimension table that stores details about instructor usage events.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Event Creator | The creator of the event | |
Event Date | The date of the event | |
Event Type | The type of the event | |
Event Value | The value of the event | The value of the event type |
New UI | Indicates if the usage was made in the new Leganto UI. |
The following table describes the possible values of the Event Type field:
Event Type | Event Value |
Create a Reading List | The name of the reading list. |
Associate to Course | Associate – <the new course code> <the course section> |
De-associate to Course | De-associate – <the old course code> <the course section> |
Change reading list publication | The publication status. Possible values:
Add Section | The section ID |
Add Section Tag | The tag value |
Add Citation Tag | The tag value |
Delete Citation | The citation ID |
Remove Citation Tag | The tag value |
Delete Section | The section ID |
Remove Section Tag | The tag value |
Rollover reading list | Old Course ID/New Course ID |
Citation sent to Library | The citation ID |
Add Citation Public Note | The text of the public note |
Change Citation due date | The new due date |
Add Citation | The citation ID |
Create a Course from LTI | A course was created from a learning management system using Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) |
Instructor added annotation | The text of the annotation |
Instructor added workflow note | The text of the workflow note |
Instructor or course operator clicked on citeit and saved it | The site URL where Cite It! was selected and saved |
Instructor's comment to library - citation | The text of the comment to the library |
Instructor's comment to library - list | The text of the comment to the library |
The Courses table is a dimension table that stores details about the course, including the course name, the course year, and the course creator. The primary key of the table is COURSE_ID.
Currently, when reading lists can be associated with multiple courses, only the first course appears in Analytics. All courses associated with a reading list will appear in Analytics in an upcoming release (at which point all data, past and present, will appear).
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Academic Department | The academic department of the course | |
Campus Name and Participants | The campus name and the participants in the course | |
Course Code | The code of the course | |
Course Creation Date | The date that the course was created | |
Course Created By | The creator of the course | |
Course End Date | The end date of the course | |
Course ID | The ID of the course | |
Course Instructor | The name of the course instructor | |
Course Instructor Preferred Email | The preferred email address of the course instructor | |
Course Instructor With Primary Identifier | The course instructor with the course instructor's primary identifier | This field is useful when a course has more than one instructor. This field allows you to display the instructors together with their identifiers. |
Course Instructor Identifier | The primary identifier of the course instructor | |
Course Modification Date | The date that the course was modified | |
Course Modified By | The person who modified the course | |
Course Name | The name of the course | |
Course Section | The section of the course | |
Course Start Date | The start date of the course | |
Course Status | The status of the course | |
Course Submit List By | The date by which all reading lists for the course should be submitted | |
Course Term | The term of the course | |
Course Visibility | Indicates if the course is archived or unarchived | |
Course Year | The year of the course | |
No list Expected | Indicates if the No List Expected checkbox for the course is selected or not | Possible values: Checked and Unchecked. You select this checkbox to alert the librarian that this course deliberately does not include a reading list. For more information on this checkbox, see Indicating that Courses Deliberately Have No Reading List. |
Number of Citations | The total number of citations | |
Number of Participants | The total number of participants in the course | |
Processing Department | The processing department of the course | |
Searchable ID 1-10 | Searchable ID 1-3 of the course | |
Weekly Hours | The weekly hours of the course |
Reading Lists
The Reading Lists table is a dimension table that stores details relating to a reading list, including the reading list name, the reading list status, and the reading list creation date. The primary key of the table is READING_LIST_ID.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Instructors and Collaborators IDs | The IDs of the instructors and collaborators | |
Number of Citations | The total number of citations | |
Number of Mobile Activities | The total number of activities from mobile devices | |
Number of Non-Mobile Activities | The total number of activities from non-mobile devices | |
Number of Suggestions | The number of student suggestions for the reading list | |
Publication List Visibility | To whom the reading list is visible | Possible values are:
Leganto First Sent for Library Review Date | The date that the reading list was first sent for review | |
Leganto Last Sent for Library Review Date | The date that the reading list was last sent for review | |
List Last Set to Complete Date | The last date that the reading list was set to complete | |
Publication Status | The publication status of the reading list | Possible values are:
Reading List Associated to a Course | Indicates if the reading list is associated to a course (yes/no) | |
Reading List Code | The code of the reading list | |
Reading List Creation Date | The date that the reading list was created | |
Reading List Created By | The creator of the reading list | |
Reading List Deleted | Indicates if the reading list was deleted | |
Reading List Description | The description of the reading list | |
Reading List Due Back Date | The due back date of the reading list | |
Reading List ID | The ID of the reading list | |
Reading List Locked | Indicates if the reading list is locked (yes/no) | |
Reading List Modification Date | The date that the reading list was modified | |
Reading List Modified By | The person who modified the reading list | |
Reading List Name | The name of the reading list | |
Reading List Owner | The owner of the reading list | |
Reading List Owner Preferred Email | The preferred email of the reading list owner | |
Reading List Reset Date | The date the reading list was reset | |
Reading List Status | The status of the reading list | |
Date Sent For Library Review | The date that the reading list was sent for review | |
Reading List Type | The reading list type | Possible values are Parent and blank (no value) |
Reading List Visible Start Date | The start date that the reading list is visible to students. | |
Reading List Visible End Date | The end date that the reading list is visible to students. | |
Reading List Sticker Price | The total price of the citations with sticker price | |
Reading List Sticker Price (Covered by Library) | The total sticker price of the citations that are covered by the library | |
Review Requester Name | The name of the review requester | Last name, first name format |
Review Requester Name and ID | The name of the review requester with the requester's ID | ID, last name, first name format |
Review Requester Preferred Email | The preferred email of the review requester |
Reading List Section
The Leganto Reading List Section table is a dimension table that stores details relating to a reading list, including Section Name, Section Order, and Section Creation Date.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Section Creation Date | The creation date of the section | |
Section Created By | The creator of the section | |
Section Description | The description of the section | |
Section End Date | The end date of the section | |
Section ID | The ID of the section | |
Section Locked | Indicates if the section is locked | |
Section Modification Date | The modification date of the section | |
Section Modified By | Who modified the section last | |
Section Name | The name of the section | |
Section Number of Citations | The number of citations for the section | |
Section Order | A number indicating the place of the citation in order | |
Section Start Date | The start date of the section |
Event Date
The Event Date is a dimension table that stores details about the event date.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Date Key | Stores the event date in a date format such as 2/29/2012 | |
Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Month Desc | Stores the month of the date in a display format such as February | |
Full Month Key | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as 2/2017 | |
Full Month Desc | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 2017 | |
Full Quarter Key | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as 1 and the year | |
Full Quarter Desc | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 and the year | |
Quarter Key | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as 1 | |
Quarter Desc | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Year Key | Stores the year of the date in a string format such as 2012. | |
Year Desc | Stores the year of the date in number format such as 2012 | |
Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Date Filter | Used to filter report results by date | |
Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Citation Metadata Details
The Citation Metadata Details table is a dimension table that stores the citation metadata details of the course reserves.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Additional Person Name | The additional person name | |
Author | The author of the article | |
Barcode | The barcode of the book | |
Book Call Number | The call number of the book | |
Book Chapter Number | The chapter number of the book | |
Book Edition | The edition of the book | |
Citation ID | The ID of the citation | |
DOI | The digital object identifier | |
End Page | The end page of the book | |
End Page 2 | An additional end page of the article | |
ISBN | The ISBN of the book | |
ISSN | The ISSN of the journal | |
Issue | The issue of the journal | |
Journal Title | The title of the journal | |
Language | The language of the citation | |
MMS ID | The MMS ID | |
Number of Pages | The number of pages in the article | This field includes the number of pages between the Start Page and End Page fields and the Start Page 2 and End Page 2 fields |
OCLC Number | The OCLC number | |
Pages | The pages of the citation | |
Publication Date | The date of publication | |
Publication Place | The place of publication | |
Publisher | The publisher | |
Start Page | The start page of the article | |
Start Page 2 | An additional start page of the article | |
Title | The title of the citation | |
Volume | The volume of the citation |
The Reading List Citation table is a fact table that stores the measure relating to number of citations. This table also holds details about the citation, including citation creator, citation status, and citation type. The primary key of the table is CITATION ID.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Citation AlmaD Downloads | The number of digital citation downloads during an active course | |
Citation Attribute (1-5) | The citation attribute. | |
Citation Copyright Status | The citation copyright status. | |
Citation Covered by Library | Indicates if the citation has availability in the library |
Value is Yes if the citation has an MMS ID (which means it is a repository citation) or if Link & Availability has a URL (using the Alma link resolver). |
Citation Creation Date | The creation date of the citation | |
Citation Created By | The creator of the citation | |
Citation Due Date | The due date of the citation | |
Citation File Size (KB) | The size of the citation file | |
Citation Has Assignment | Indicates if the citation has an assignment | |
Citation Has Public Note | Indicates if the citation has a public note | |
Citation Hidden Links | Indicates if there are hidden links in the citation | Possible values:
Citation ID | The ID of the citation | |
Citation Library External Tags | The library external tags of the citation | |
Citation Library Internal Tags | The library internal tags of the citation | |
Citation Library Tags | Indicates if the citation has library tags | |
Citation License Type | The license type of the citation | |
Citation Locate Status | The locate status of the citation | |
Citation Material Type | The material type of the citation | |
Citation Material Type Code | The material type code of the citation | |
Citation Material Visibility End Date | The visibility end date of the citation material | |
Citation Material Visibility Start Date | The visibility start date of the citation material | |
Citation Modification Date | The modification date of the citation | |
Citation Modified By | The user who modified the citation | |
Citation Number of Loans | The number of times the citation was loaned during the course dates | |
Citation Order | A number indicating the place of the citation in order | |
Citation Public Note | The public note of the citation | |
Citation Public Tags | The public tags of the citation | |
Citation Resolving Disabled | Indicates if the resolving feature is disabled | |
Citation Source | The source URL of the citation | |
Citation Status | The status of the citation | |
Citation Sticker Price | The total price of the citations with sticker price | |
New for January! Citation System Tags |
Displays all tags not mapped to a tag type, including tags added from the integration with the UK Digital Content Store and possibly tags added from the Leganto Questions feature. | |
Citation Thumbnail File Size (KB) | The size of the citation thumbnail file | |
Citation Type | The citation type | Possible values are:
Citation Uploaded File | Indicates if the citation has an uploaded file | |
Citation Visibility End Date | The visibility end date of the citation | |
Citation Visibility Start Date | The visibility start date of the citation | |
Course End Date | The end date of the course | |
Course Start Date | The start date of the course | |
Is Digital Citation | Indicates if the citation is a digital resource | |
Is Repository Citation | Indicates if the citation is linked to the repository | Possible values are:
Link to PDF | The URL of the PDF of the citation | The URL of the Link in Record. See Link in Record for more information. This link displays in Leganto as Get PDF. |
MMS ID | The MMS ID of the citation | |
Num of Assignments | The number of assignments that are linked to a citation | |
Num of Private Annotations | the number of private annotations of the citation | |
Num of Public Annotations | the number of public annotations of the citation |