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    Leganto Student Usage

    Using the Leganto Student Usage subject area, you can create reports/dashboards relating to Leganto Student Usage and answer the following types of business questions:
    • How many students at the institution use Leganto?
    • How engaged are students with the reading list?
    This subject area includes only information about reading lists and citations that have been used by students in some way.
    Star Diagram – Leganto Student Usage

    Field Descriptions

    The following fields are available in Leganto Student Usage.
    Leganto Student Usage – Field Descriptions
    Date fields can consist of a partial date, such as just the year or a month and year. Calendar Date fields always consist of a month, date, and year. If the information is not provided, 01 is added, so that a date of 2020 is rendered 01/01/2020. This date format is useful when filtering the report by date.

    Student Usage

    The Student Usage table is a fact table that stores all measures relating to student usage, such as the number of active students, the number of reading list views, number of portfolios, and the number of students that viewed a reading list.
    • Counts for unique users are those that contain the word Students. Those that start with Number count total selects.
    • A student is someone without the instructor role.
    • This subject area includes only student and guests usage and not library staff or instructor usage.
    • The Student Usage table only contains courses, reading lists, and citations that had some student usage. Reading lists with no usage do not appear in the Student Usage data.
    • Courses, reading lists, and citations that had student usage and were then deleted and purged display usage information, but no additional details. For example, the list name or citation name may be blank.
    Student Usage
    Field Description Additional Information
    Active Citations

    The number of citations with any student usage


    Active Courses The number of courses linked to reading lists with any student usage


    Active Reading Lists The number of reading lists with any student usage


    Active Sections

    The number of sections with any student usage


    Active Students The number of unique students that interacted with the list or citation in any way, for example, selected, liked, commented, or viewed the material


    Activity Score The average number of citations interacted with by each student This is calculated according to the following formula:
    [Sum (Active_Students per Active_citation) / (Total_Num_participants X Total citations)] X 100
    For example: A Reading list with 10 citations and 10 total participants
    • Example 1: 5 students did any kind of activity on all the 10 citations -> activity score =50%
      [(5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5) / (10 X 10) ] X 100
    • Example 2:
      10 students did any kind of activity on 5 citations -> activity score will be = 50%
      [(10+10+10+10+10) / (10 X 10)] X 100
    • Example 3:
      10 students did any kind of activity on 10 citations -> activity score = 100%
      [(10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10) / (10 X 10)] X 100
    Browser Type The browser the student used  
    Browser Version The browser version the student used  
    Citation Origin Where the citation originated Possible values are:
    • Brief (appears for citations with only metadata details without a link and attachments)
    • CiteIt!
    • Digital (Repository)
    • Digital/Electronic (Repository)
    • Digital/Physical/Electronic (Repository)
    • Electronic (Repository)
    • External URL
    • File
    • Manually Added
    • Mendeley
    • Physical (Repository)
    • Physical/Digital (Repository)
    • Primo Central
    • RefWorks
    • Zotero
    • None
    Leganto Annotations The number of annotations per file Includes private and public annotations
    LTI Profile Code The LTI profile code  
    LTI Version The version of LTI  
    New UI Indicates if the usage was made in the new Leganto UI.  
    Number of Citations Views The total number of times users have accessed the full view of a citation  
    Number of Discussions The total number of comments in the student discussion thread on the list or any citation


    Number of Files Downloaded


    The total number of times any file of any citation was downloaded (multiple downloads by the same student count multiple times)


    Number of Full Text Views The total number of times any full text link on a citation was clicked (either from the brief view of the full view of the citation)

    This includes related records. Multiple accesses by the same student count multiple times.


    Number of Likes The total number of likes


    Number of Marked as Done

    The total number of times any citation was marked "Done"


    Number of Mobile Activities The total number of activities from mobile devices  
    Number of Non-Mobile Activities The total number of activities from non-mobile devices  
    Number of Reading List Views The total number of reading list views  
    Operating System The operating system of the student's device  

    Number of Student Discussions 

    The number of unique students that commented  
    Student Type The student type Possible values are:
    • Guest – a user not logged in to Leganto
    • Not Registered – a user not registered for the course
    • Registered
    Students that Added Private Annotations The number of unique students that added private annotations to a citation  
    Students that Added Public Annotations The number of unique students that added public annotations to a citation  
    Students that Clicked Like The number of unique students that selected Like on a citation  
    Students that Downloaded Files The number of unique students that downloaded a file  
    Students that Marked as Done The number of unique students that marked a citation as Done  
    Students that Viewed Citation The number of unique students that viewed a citation in full view This includes guest users.
    Students that Viewed Full Text The number of unique students that clicked on a full text link on a citation This includes related records.
    Students that Viewed Reading List The number of unique students that viewed the reading list  
    Total Events

    The total number of events that students performed in Leganto, including access from the LMS and shareable links. The events counted are the following:

    • Number of Citation views
    • Number of Reading List views
    • Number of Full Text Views
    • Number of Files Downloaded
    • Number of Discussions
    • Number of Likes
    • Number of Marked as Done
    Total Events using LTI The total number of events (likes, selects, comments, and so forth) that a student who accessed Leganto from an LMS using a Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) link performed  
    User Role The user role Use this field to filter reports to display student usage without guest usage, for example.

    Possible values are:

    • Guest – a user not logged in to Leganto
    • Student - a user logged in to Leganto

    Event Date

    The Event Date dimension is a dimension table that stores details about the date of events.
    Event Date
    Field Description Additional Information
    Date Stores the date in number format, for example: 2/29/2012  
    Date and Time Stores the date and time in number format, for example: 2/29/2012 12:35 PM  
    Time Stores the time in the format configured by your institution, for example:12:35 PM  
    Week Number The number of the week of the year This field is useful when you want to see usage by week
    Start of Week The date of the first business day of the week This field is useful when you want to see usage by week
    Month Key Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February This field is useful when you want to sort by month
    Month Desc Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February  
    Full Month Desc Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12  
    Quarter Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1  
    Year Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012  
    Fiscal Month Key Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February  
    Fiscal Year Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012  
    Date Filter Used to filter report results by date Includes the option to filter by Current Academic Year, which is determined by your country as outlined in the table below
    Year-Month The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1  

    The current academic year of your institution is determined by your country, according to the following table:

    Current Academic Year
    Country Code Start Month End Month
    Argentina 54 March February
    Australia 61 January December
    Austria 43 October September
    Belgium 32 August July
    Botswana 267 August July
    Brazil 55 January December
    Canada 01 August July
    Chile 56 January December
    China 86 September July
    Colombia 57 January December
    Czech Republic 420 September August
    Denmark 45 August July
    Ecuador 593 September August
    Finland 358 August July
    France 33 September August
    Germany 49 September August
    Hong Kong 852 August July
    Ireland 353 September July
    Israel 972 October September
    Italy 39 September August
    Japan 81 April March
    Luxembourg 352 September August
    Macau 853 August July
    Malta 356 September August
    Mexico 52 January December
    Netherlands 31 August July
    New Zealand 64 January December
    Norway 47 July June
    Peru 51 January December
    Philippines 63 September August
    Poland 48 October September
    Portugal 351 September August
    Qatar 974 September August
    Singapore 65 August July
    South Africa 27 January December
    South Korea 82 March February
    Spain 34 September August
    Sweden 46 August July
    Switzerland 41 September August
    Taiwan 886 September August
    United Arab Emirates 971 September August
    UK 44 September August
    USA 01 August July
    Vietnam 84 January December


    The Courses table is a dimension table that stores details about the course, including the course name, the course year, and the course creator. The primary key of the table is COURSE_ID.
    When a reading list is associated with multiple courses, all courses associated with the reading list appear in Analytics.
    Field Description Additional Information
    Academic Department The academic department of the course  
    Academic Department Description The description of the academic department  
    Campus Name and Participants

    The campus description and the number of participants per campus

    Course Code The course code of the course  
    Course Creation Date The date that the course was created  
    Course Created By The creator of the course  
    Course Submit List By The Submit Lists By date of the course, which is the date the library requests that all reading lists for the course be submitted  
    Course End Date The end date of the course  
    Course_ID The ID of the course



    Course Instructor

    Lists the names of all course instructors, separated by (;)

    Example: Smith, John; Jones, Susie
    Course Instructor Preferred Email 

    Lists the preferred email address of all course instructors, separated by a semicolon (;) 

    Course Instructor With Primary Identifier

    Lists the name and primary identifier of all course instructors, separated by a semicolon (;) 

    Example: 12345678 – John Smith; 22334455 – Jones, Susie

    Course Instructor Identifier

    Lists the primary identifiers of all course instructors, separated by a semicolon (;) 

    Example: 12345678; 22334455

    Course Modification Date The date that the course was last modified  
    Course Modified By The person who last modified the course  
    Course Name The name of the course  
    Course Section The section of the course  
    Course Start Date The start date of the course  
    Course Status The status of the course Possible values: Active, Inactive
    Course Term The term of the course  
    Course Visibility Indicates if the course is archived or unarchived  
    Course Year The year of the course  
    No list Expected Indicates if the No List Expected checkbox for the course is selected or not Possible values: Checked and Unchecked. You select this checkbox to alert the librarian that this course deliberately does not include a reading list. For more information on this checkbox, see Indicating that Courses Deliberately Have No Reading List.
    Number of Citations The total number of citations on lists associated with the course  
    Number of Participants The total number of participants in the course  
    Processing Department The processing department of the course  
    Rolled Over from Code

    The code of the course from which the course was rolled over


    Searchable ID 1-10 Searchable ID 1- 10 of the course  
    Weekly Hours The weekly hours of the course  

    Reading Lists

    The Reading Lists table is a dimension table that stores details relating to a reading list, including the reading list name, the reading list status, and the reading list creation date. The primary key of the table is READING_LIST_ID.
    Reading Lists
    Field Description Additional Information
    First Sent for Library Review Date The date and time that the reading list was first sent for review  
    First Sent for Library Review Date (Calendar)  The date that the reading list was first sent for review (calendar format) This field is useful for filtering by selecting dates from a calendar
    Instructors and Collaborators IDs The IDs of the instructors and collaborators  
    Leganto Last Sent for Library Review Date The date and time that the reading list was last sent for review  
    Leganto Last Sent for Library Review Date (Calendar)  The date that the reading list was last sent for review (calendar format) This field is useful for filtering by selecting dates from a calendar
    List Last Set to Complete Date The last date that the reading list was set to complete  
    Number of Active Students on the List The number of unique students who engaged with this list in any way (including simply viewing the list and exiting)  
    Number of Citations The total number of citations on a list  
    Leganto List Num of Suggestions The number of suggestions for the reading list  
    Publication List Visibility

    The publication status of the list

    Possible values are:
    • All Students Full
    • All Students Restricted
    • Anyone Full
    • Anyone Restricted
    • Anyone Restricted, All Students Full
    • Archived
    • Course's Students
    • Deleted
    • Draft
    Publication Status

    Whether a reading list is published to students or not

    Possible values are:
    • Draft
    • Published
    Reading List Associated to a Course Indicates if the reading list is associated to a course Possible values: Yes, No
    Reading List Code The code of the reading list  
    Reading List Creation Date The date that the reading list was created  

    Reading List Created By

    The creator of the reading list

    Reading List Deleted Indicates if the reading list was deleted Possible values: Yes, No
    Reading List Description The description of the reading list  
    Reading List Due Back Date The due back date of the reading list  
    Reading List ID The ID of the reading list  
    Reading List Locked Indicates if the reading list is locked Possible values: Yes, No
    Reading List Modification Date The date that the reading list was last modified  
    Reading List Modified By The person who last modified the reading list  
    Reading List Name The name of the reading list  
    Reading List Number of Participants The total number of participants on the courses associated with the reading list  
    Reading List Owner

    Lists the names of all reading list owners/collaborators, separated by a semicolon (;) 

    Example: Smith, John; Jones, Susie
    Reading List Owner Preferred Email

    Lists the preferred email address of all reading list owners/collaborators, separated by a semicolon (;) 

    Reading List Reset Date The date the reading list was last reset The reset is performed by the Reading List Bulk Update Job.
    Reading List Status The status of the reading list  
    Reading List Score The score of the reading list The list score (level of completeness) as calculated by the list advisor. Institutions that disabled the list advisor from display in Leganto still see a score.
    Reading List Type The reading list type Possible values are Parent and blank (no value)
    Reading List Visible Start Date The date that the reading list is visible to students  
    Reading List Visible End Date The date that the reading list is no longer visible to students  
    Reading List Sticker Price The total price of the citations with a sticker price  
    Reading List Sticker Price (Covered by Library) The total sticker price of the citations that are covered by the library  
    Review Requester Name The name of the review requester Last name, first name format
    Review Requester Name and ID The name of the review requester with the requester's ID ID, last name, first name format
    Review Requester Preferred Email The preferred email of the review requester  

    Reading List Section

    The Leganto Reading List Section table is a dimension table that stores details relating to a reading list, including Section Name, Section Order, and Section Creation Date.
    Leganto Reading List Section
    Field Description Additional Information
    Section Creation Date The creation date of the section  

    Section Created By

    The creator of the section  
    Section Description The description of the section  
    Section End Date The end date of the section  
    Section ID The ID of the section  
    Section Library Internal Tags The internal library tags of the section Include tags of type "Library-Internal"
    Section Locked Indicates if the section is locked Possible values: Yes, No
    Section Modification Date The last modification date of the section  
    Section Modified By

    The person who last modified the section


    Section Name The name of the section  
    Section Number of Citations The number of citations in the section  
    Section Order A number indicating the place of the section in the list  The first section in the list is 0, followed by 1,2,3, etc.
    Section Start Date The start date of the section  


    The Reading List Citation table is a fact table that stores the measure relating to number of citations. This table also holds details about the citation, including citation creator, citation status, and citation type. The primary key of the table is CITATION ID.
    Field Description Additional Information
    Citation Alma Digital Downloads

    The number of times the Alma digital citation was downloaded during the course dates

    Citation Alma Digital Views

    The number of times the Alma digital citation was viewed during the course dates

    Citation Attribute (1-5) The citation attribute

    For information on configuring the citation attribute fields, see Displaying Citation Attributes in Analytics Reports.


    Citation Copyright Status The citation copyright status  
    Citation Covered by Library

    Indicates if the citation is covered by the library collections

    Possible values: Yes, No

    Value is Yes if the citation is attached to an MMS ID or if “Links & Availability” in Leganto includes an Alma link resolver URL.


    Citation Creation Date The creation date of the citation  

    Citation Created By

    The creator of the citation  
    Citation Due Date The due date of the citation  
    Citation File Size (KB) The size of the citation file  
    Citation Has Assignment Indicates if the citation has an assignment linked to it Possible values: Yes, No
    Citation Has Public Note Indicates if the citation has a public note Possible values: Yes, No
    Citation Hidden Links Indicates if there are hidden links in the citation Possible values:
    • No hidden links
    • Hidden link/s
    Citation ID The ID of the citation  
    Citation Library External Tags The library external tags of the citation Includes tags of type "Library-External"
    Citation Library Internal Tags The library internal tags of the citation Includes tags of type "Library-Internal"
    Citation Library Tags Indicates if the citation has library tags  Includes tags of type "Instructor-Library"
    Citation License Type The license type of the citation Possible values: CLA, CCC, Creative Commons, Self-Declared, Bolk
    Citation Locate Status The locate status of the citation Possible values are:
    • Information Incomplete – Not enough information was entered to perform a resource locate.
    • Locate Failed – A locate was attempted but failed to complete for some reason.
    • Locate Not Run – A locate was not attempted.
    • Multiple Resources Located – A locate was attempted and multiple resources were found.
    • No Resource Located – A locate was attempted but no resource was found.
    • Not Complete – A locate attempt is in process.
    • Resource Located – A locate was attempted and a single resource was found.
    Citation Material Type The material type of the citation Example: Book Chapter, DVD, Article
    Citation Material Type Code The material type code of the citation

    Example: BK(If citation material type is book), AR (If citation material type is Article), PATENT(If citation material type is Patent)


    Citation Material Visibility End Date The visibility end date of the citation material  
    Citation Material Visibility Start Date The visibility start date of the citation material  
    Citation Modification Date The last modification date of the citation  
    Citation Modified By The user who last modified the citation  
    Citation Number of Loans The number of times the citation was loaned during the course dates Calculated for physical items, per bibliographic record. This value is the number of times the item was loaned for the course or for any other reason.
    Citation Order A number indicating the position of the citation within the section  The first citation in a section is 0, followed by 1,2,3, etc. Combine with the Section Order in the Section table to see the citation position within the full list
    Citation Public Note The public note of the citation Contains the text of the note.
    Citation Public Tags The public tags of the citation Include tags of type "Public".
    Citation Resolving Disabled Indicates if the resolving feature is disabled for the citation Possible values: Yes, No.
    Citation Source The source URL of the citation The value in the "Source" (Alma) or "URL" (Leganto) field in the citation.
    Citation Status The status of the citation  
    Citation Sticker Price

    The value in the "Sticker price" field in the citation

    Citation Thumbnail File Size (KB) The size of the citation thumbnail file  
    Citation Type The citation type Possible values are:
    • Electronic Article – An electronic item with Electronic Material Type=Journal
    • Physical Article – A physical item with Material Type=Journal
    • Physical Book – All other items
    Citation Uploaded File Indicates if the citation has an uploaded file Possible values: Yes, No
    Citation Visibility End Date The visibility end date of the citation  
    Citation Visibility Start Date The visibility start date of the citation  
    Course End Date The end date of the course  
    Course Start Date The start date of the course  
    Is Alma Digital Citation Indicates if the citation is an Alma digital resource Possible values: Yes, No
    Is Repository Citation Indicates if the citation is linked to the repository Possible values are:Yes, No
    New for August!
    Link to PDF
    The URL of the PDF of the citation  
    MMS ID The MMS ID of the citation  
    Num of Assignments The number of assignments that are linked to a citation  
    Num of Private Annotations The number of private annotations on the citation  
    Num of Public Annotations The number of public annotations on the citation  

    Citation Metadata Details

    The Citation Metadata Details table is a dimension table that stores the citation metadata details of the course reserves.
    Citation Metadata Details
    Field Description Additional Information
    Additional Person Name The additional person name  
    Author The author of the article  
    Book Call Number The call number of the book  
    Book Chapter Author The author of the book chapter  
    Book Chapter Editor The editor of the book chapter  
    Book Chapter Number The chapter number of the book  
    Book Chapter Title The title of the book chapter  
    Book Edition The edition of the book  
    Barcode The barcode of the physical item  
    DOI The digital object identifier  
    End Page The end page of the article  
    End Page 2 An additional end page of the article  
    ISBN The ISBN of the book  
    ISSN The ISSN of the journal  
    Issue The issue of the journal  
    Journal Title The title of the journal  
    Language The language of the citation  
    Note The note on the citation  
    Number of Pages The number of pages in the article This field includes the number of pages between the Start Page and End Page fields and the Start Page 2 and End Page 2 fields
    OCLC Number The OCLC number  
    Pages The pages of the citation  
    Part The part   
    Publication Date The date of publication  
    Publication Place The place of publication  
    Publisher The publisher   
    Start Page The start page of the article  
    Start Page 2 An additional start page of the article  
    Title The title of the citation  
    Volume The volume of the citation  

    Student Details

    The Student Details table is a dimension table that stores information concerning student details. It contains information only when the institution has opted into the Student Success Measurements Service, tracking individual student information. 

    • Many institutions store information about individuals, including personal details and information about their activities. Due to privacy concerns, some institutions are required to anonymize the data on a regular basis.
    • Alma offers the option to delete such user information for fulfillment and resource sharing activities. The information is deleted for activities that have been completed, such as completed loans, closed fines and fees, or resource sharing borrowing requests.
    • You can configure Alma to delete the more specific information (for example, User ID) and retain the more general user information (for example, User Group and Job Title).
    • The information that is not anonymized can be included in Analytics reports.
    • For more information concerning anonymization, see Security and Data Privacy.
    Field Description Additional information
    User ID Stores the unique ID of the user  
    Primary identifier Stores the primary identifier that the user uses in order to log on to Alma See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    User Title The title of the user  
    User Type Stores the values Internal and External.
    • Internal - An internal user is one whose core user details are managed within the system such as user name, password, contact information, and so forth.
    • External - An external user is one whose core user details are managed by a student information system.
    See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    User Group Stores the group with which the user is associated such as Faculty, Graduate, or Student See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    User Record Type Indicates if the user is a Public User or a Staff User See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    First Name Stores the user’s first name See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Full Name The user's first and last name There is no option to include the middle name.
    Last Name Stores the user’s last name See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Middle Name Stores the middle name of the user See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Preferred First Name Stores the user’s preferred first name See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Preferred Last Name Stores the user’s preferred last name See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Preferred Middle Name Stores the user's preferred middle name See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Job Description Stores free-form text that describes the function of the user in the library See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Job Title Stores the job category definition to which the user belongs based on the Job Categories code table See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Gender Possible values are taken from the Genders code table (Configuration > User Management > User Details > Genders) See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Birth Date Stores the birth date of the user See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Campus Code Stores the campus code of the user See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Status Date Stores the date on which the patron was registered in the institution See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Status Indicates if the user is active See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Creation Date Stores the date that the user was created in the system See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Last Activity Date The last date that a patron made a request or borrowed or returned an item  
    Modified By Stores the name of the user that modified the user record See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Modification Date Stores the date of the modification of the user record See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Expiry Date Stores the date on which the user is to expire and no longer be able to get service from the system See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Changing the user expiry date is one way to control item due dates that extend beyond the end of a semester and must be shortened to the end of the semester. For more information, see How to Make Items Have Due Dates at the End of the Semester.
    Purge Date Stores the date on which the user record is to be deleted from Alma See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Default Language Stores the default language of the user See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    Failed Authentication Stores the number of times that the user tried to access Alma with an incorrect password  
    Creator Stores the user name of the user that created the user in the system See the field location in Alma in the image below.
    External ID Stores the ID of the user in the originating system  
    Identifier 1 Stores identifier 1. The identifier field allows you to enrich the user details exported to Analytics with additional identifiers. Selecting a specific identifier to be included in the user details is done in Alma (in a table that is currently restricted to Ex Libris staff). For assistance in defining this field, contact Ex Libris Support.
    Only one value per identifier is supported.
    Identifier 2 Stores identifier 2. See details for the Identifier 1 field above.  
    IdP Service in Use Indicates if an identity provider service is in use  
    Statistical Categories 1-10 These fields allow you to map ten statistical categories. This allows you to filter reports based on advanced user information typically stored in the statistical category fields. For more information, see Configuring Statistical Categories for Analytics.  
    Resource Sharing Library Code The code of the resource sharing library assigned to the user.  
    Resource Sharing Library The resource sharing library assigned to the user.  
    Cataloger Level The cataloger level of the user  
    Has Role Other Than Patron indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron  
    Has Role Other Than Patron and Instructor  Indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron and Instructor  
    Is Blocked Indicates if the patron is blocked  
    Patron Letters Opt In The letters for which the patron has opted in  
    Patron Letters Opt Out The letters for which the patron has opted out  
    User – Linked From Other Institution Indicates if the user is linked from another institution Possible values:
    • yes
    • no
    User – Linked From Institution Code The code of the institution from which the user is linked  
    User – Linked From Institution Name The name of the institution from which the user is linked  
    Linked To Other Institution Indicates if the user is linked to another institution  
    User Group Code The user group code  


    The shared Institution dimension allows the Network Zone to view reports according to institution. If an analytics report is run from the Network Zone in a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone, all member institutions are included in the report for Institution Code and Institution Name. If an analytics report is run from an institution that is not part of a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone, only the single institution from which the report is run is included in the report for Institution Code and Institution Name.
    Reports involving data across a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone may take longer to run than reports within one institution.

    This dimension is available in every subject area. It contains the following fields:

    Field Description Additional information Data Type Data Size
    Institution Code The code of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.

    The label in Alma is Code located on the right pane.

    VARCHAR 50
    Institution Name The name of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.

    The label in Alma is Organization unit name.

    VARCHAR 255
    Institution Address Line 1 The first line of the address of the institution. It usually includes the building number and the street name. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is  Address Line 1.

    VARCHAR 1000
    Institution City The city of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is City.

    VARCHAR 255
    Institution State Province The state or province of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is State/Province.

    VARCHAR 320
    Institution Country The country of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is Country.

    VARCHAR 320
    Institution Postal Code The postal code of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is Postal code.

    VARCHAR 200
    Institution Timezone The timezone of the institution. The timezone is set during implementation. VARCHAR 255
    Data Available As Of When the institution data became available in analytics. Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. VARCHAR 255
    Data Updated As Of When the institution data was taken from the Alma database. Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. VARCHAR 255

    Leganto Usage Dashboard

    The Leganto Usage data visualization dashboard displays reports on student usage. It is located in the Leganto Analytics catalog under Leganto > Data Visualization > Leganto usage tracking. 

    The dashboard contains several tabs:

    • Course Usage Overview – an overview of student usage:


      Course Usage Overview Tab

      The following reports are displayed:

      • Number of reading lists – the reading lists that are associated with a course, except publication visibility deleted and archived
      • Number of published reading lists – the reading lists that are associated with course except publication visibility deleted, archived, and draft
      • Number of reading lists with active users – the reading lists that are associated with a course with active users, including publication visibility deleted and archived
      • Number of courses with reading lists – the courses that are associated with a reading list, except courses with visibility archived
      • Number of courses with active users – the courses which associated with a reading lists that has active users, includes courses with visibility archived
      • Number of students impacted (yearly) – the number of unique active students (excluding guests)
      • Percentage of citations covered by the library – (x/y)*100, where:
        • X= number of citations covered by the library that are associated with reading list, except publication visibility deleted and archived
        • Y= total number of citations that are associated with a reading list, except publication visibility deleted and archived
      • Number of citations – the citations that are associated with a reading list, except publication visibility deleted and archived

      You can filter the results according to the following criteria:

      • Course year
      • Course term
      • Course processing department
      • Course academic department
      • Course campus
    • List Usage Overview – data about reading lists that were used by students. It displays three reports:
      • Active reading lists by academic department
      • Active reading lists by month
      • Active reading lists by month – departments

      List Usage Overview Tab.png

      List Usage Overview Tab
    • Detailed list usage – a detailed list of student usage in Leganto:


      Detailed List Usage Tab
    • Citation Usage – a table with the following columns concerning student citation usage for a reading list:
      • Title
      • Author
      • Citation material type
      • Citation public tag
      • Active students
      • Total events
      • Students that viewed citation
      • Number of citation views
      • Students that viewed the full text
      • Number of full text views
      • Students that downloaded files
      • Number of files downloaded
      • Citation number of loans (from citations folder)
      • Students that marked as done


      Citation Usage
    • Weekly Usage – data concerning weekly student usage. You can filter the results with the Date filter and the Academic Department Description filter.


      Weekly Usage Tab

      The tab displays the following reports:

      • Weekly usage overview – active reading lists and active students per start of week
      • Course usage per week – number of courses per start of week
      • Student usage per week – active students per start of week
    • Year Over Year – displays the following information concerning Leganto usage across multiple years, including future projections:
      • Number of active students per year
      • Number of active courses per year
      • Number of active reading lists per year
      • Number of active citations per year
      • Number of full text views per year


      Year Over Year

    Leganto Student Savings Dashboard

    New for August!

    The Leganto Student Savings data visualization dashboard contains reports that display how much money students save by accessing their course material through Leganto rather than buying physical copies. Estimates are based on a cost of $75 per student per cost. It is located in the Leganto Analytics catalog under Leganto > Data Visualization > Leganto Student Savings.

    The information that is displayed according to enrollment is based on the Number of Participants field from the Leganto course record.

    The dashboard contains the following tabs:

    • Savings image (by Enrollment) –  a quick visual displaying the estimated cumulative savings based on enrollment in courses that have reading lists

      Savings image (by Enrollment).png

      Savings Image (by Enrollment)
    • Savings per Year (by Enrollment) – a graph of the estimated savings per year based on enrollment in courses that have reading lists. Students enrolled in several courses are counted for each course:

      Savings per Year (by Enrollment).png

      Savings per Year (by Enrollment)
    • Savings by Enrollment – summary information as well as a chart that displays the amount that students saved per course that have a reading list:

      Savings by Enrollment.png

      Savings by Enrollment
    • Savings Image (by Usage) – a quick visual displaying the estimated cumulative savings based on the number of students that accessed the materials for their course in Leganto:

      Savings Image (by Usage).png

      Savings Image (by Usage)
    • Savings per Year (by Usage) – a graph of the estimated savings per year based on the number of students that accessed the materials for their course in Leganto:

      Savings per Year (by Usage).png

      Savings per Year (by Usage)
    • Savings by Usage – summary information as well as a chart that displays the amount that students saved per course based on the number of students that accessed the materials for their course in Leganto:

      Savings by Usage.png

      Savings by Usage