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    Usage Data (COUNTER)

    Using the Usage Data (COUNTER) area, the Design Analytics user may create reports/dashboards for the Usage Data (COUNTER) area and is able to answer the following types of business questions:
    • Most frequently used journals
    • Annual journal usage trend
    • Total and monthly number of successful requests per each journal
    • Database Usage - Annual Trend
    • Most Frequently Used Databases
    • Total number of searches and sessions per each database and the monthly/yearly search statistics
    Star Diagram – Usage Data

    Field Descriptions

    The following lists the fields available in Usage Data.
    Usage Data – Field Descriptions

    Usage Data Details - Release 5

    The Usage Data Details - Release 5 table is a fact table that stores all measures relating to specific Title/platform/publisher/subscriber for COUNTER version 5. The data contained in the Usage Data subject area originates from the COUNTER reports loaded by the Alma institution.

    Usage Data Details - Release 5
    Field Description Additional Information
    Title Identifier Count The number of unique title identifiers  
    Usage Measures Total

    The sum total of all of the other measures for the particular query.  This includes the usage measures from both Release 4 and Release 5.

    DR - Searches Automated The number of automated searches  
    DR - Searches Federated The number of federated searches  
    DR - Searches Regular The number of regular searches  
    DR - Total Item Investigations The total number of item investigations  
    DR - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    DR - Unique Item Investigations The number of unique item investigations  
    DR - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    DR - Unique Title Investigations The number of unique title investigations  
    DR - Unique Title Requests The number of unique title requests  
    DR - No License No license  
    DR - Limit Exceeded Limit exceeded  
    DR_D1 - Searches Automated The number of automated searches  
    DR_D1 - Searches Federated The number of federated searches  
    DR_D1 - Searches Regular The number of regular searches  
    DR_D1 - Total Item Investigations The total number of item investigations  
    DR_D1 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    DR_D2 - No License No license  
    DR_D2 - Limit Exceeded Limit exceeded  
    PR - Searches Platform The searches platform  
    PR - Total Item Investigations The total number of item investigations  
    PR - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    PR - Unique Item Investigations The number of unique item investigations  
    PR - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    PR - Unique Title Investigations The number of unique title investigations  
    PR - Unique Title Requests The number of unique title requests  
    PR_P1 - Searches Platform The searches platform  
    PR_P1 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    PR_P1 - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    PR_P1 - Unique Title Requests The number of unique title requests  
    TR - Total Item Investigations The total number of item investigations  
    TR - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    TR - Unique Item Investigations The number of unique item investigations  
    TR - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    TR - Unique Title Investigations The number of unique title investigations  
    TR - Unique Title Requests The number of unique title requests  
    TR - No License No license  
    TR - Limit Exceeded Limit exceeded  
    TR_B1 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    TR_B1 - Unique Title Requests The number of unique title requests  
    TR_B2 - No License No license  
    TR_B2 - Limit Exceeded Limit exceeded  
    TR_B3 - Total Item Investigations The total number of item investigations  
    TR_B3 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    TR_B3 - Unique Item Investigations The number of unique item investigations  
    TR_B3 - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    TR_B3 - Unique Title Investigations The number of unique title investigations  
    TR_B3 - Unique Title Requests The number of unique title requests  
    TR_J1 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    TR_J1 - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    TR_J2 - No License No license  
    TR_J2 - Limit Exceeded Limit exceeded  
    TR_J3 - Total Item Investigations The total number of item investigations  
    TR_J3 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    TR_J3 - Unique Item Investigations The number of unique item investigations  
    TR_J3 - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    TR_J4 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    TR_J4 - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    IR - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    IR - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    IR - Total Item Investigations The total number of item investigations  
    IR - Unique Item Investigations The number of unique item investigations  
    IR - No License No license  
    IR - Limit Exceeded Limit exceeded  
    IR_A1 - Unique Item Requests The number of unique item requests  
    IR_A1 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    IR_M1 - Total Item Requests The total number of item requests  
    Access Method Indicates if the purpose of the access is for regular use or for text and data mining (TDM).   
    Access Type The access type - either open access or controlled (requiring a license)  
    New for July!
    Data Type
    The type of content usage being reported on. Possible values include: book, book segment, database, dataset, journal, multimedia, newspaper, newsletter, platform, other, repository item, report, thesis, and dissertation.
    Material Type Indicator The material type indicator, based on the Metric Type and Data Type fields from COUNTER reports. Possible values include:  book report, journal, database, multimedia, and platform.
    New for July!
    Section Type
    The type of section that was accessed by the user. Possible values include: article, book, chapter, and other section.  Used primarily for reporting on book usage where content is delivered by section.
    Year of Publication The year of publication  

    Usage Data Details - Release 4

    The Usage Data Details - Release 4 table is a fact table that stores all measures relating to specific Title/platform/publisher/subscriber. The primary key is ID.
    The data contained in the Usage Data subject area originates from the COUNTER reports loaded by the Alma institution.
    Usage Data Details - Release 4
    Field Description Additional Information
    Title Identifier Counter The number of unique title identifiers  
    Usage Measures Total The sum total of all of the other measures for the particular query. This includes the usage measures from both Release 4 and Release 5.  
    BR1 - Book Success Title Requests (Total) Displays the total number of successful title requests by month and title for the Book Report 1 (BR1) material type.  
    BR1 – Book Success Title Requests (html) Displays the number of successful title requests in HTML format by month and title for the Book Report 1 (BR1) material type.  
    BR1 – Book Success Title Requests (pdf) Displays the number of successful title requests in PDF format by month and title for the Book Report 1 (BR1) material type.  
    BR2 - Book Success Section Requests (Total) Displays the total number of successful section requests by month and title for the Book Report 2 (BR2) material type.  
    BR2 – Book Success Title Requests (html) Displays the number of successful title requests in HTML format by month and title for the Book Report 2 (BR2) material type.  
    BR2 – Book Success Title Requests (pdf) Displays the number of successful title requests in PDF format by month and title for the Book Report 2 (BR2) material type.  
    BR3 – Title Access Denied (license limit exceeded) Displays the number of title requests denied because the license limit was exceeded for the Book Report 3 (BR3) material type. Includes Turnaway responses
    BR3 – Title Access Denied (item not licensed) Displays the number of title requests denied because the item was not licensed for the Book Report 3 (BR3) material type.  
    BR4 – Platform Access Denied (license limit exceeded) Displays the number of platform requests denied because the license limit was exceeded for the Book Report 4 (BR4) material type.  
    BR4 – Platform Access Denied (item not licensed) Displays the number of platform requests denied because the item was not licensed for the Book Report 4 (BR4) material type.  
    BR5 - Total Searches The total number of searches  
    BR5 - Total Searches Federated The total number of federated searches  
    DB1 - DB Federated Searches The number of DB federated searches. Federated search is an information retrieval technology that allows the simultaneous search of multiple searchable resources. A user makes a single query request that is distributed to the search engines participating in the federation. The federated search then aggregates the results that are received from the search engines for presentation to the user.
    DB1 - DB Federated Sessions The number of DB Federated sessions  
    DB1 - DB Records Views A successful request for a database record that has originated from a set of search results, from browsing the database, or from a select on another database record.  
    DB1 - DB Result Clicks A select originating from a set of search results.  
    DB1 - DB Searches The number of successful database searches  
    DB1 - DB Sessions The number of DB sessions. DB session is the period of activity between a user logging in to database and logging out of a (multi-user) system.  
    JR1 - Journal Usage Counter (total) The total number of successful full text article requests by month and journal report.  
    JR1 - Journal Usage Counter (HTML) The number of successful full text article requests by month and journal report in HTML format.  
    JR1 - Journal Usage Counter (PDF) The number of successful full text article requests by month and journal report in PDF format.  
    JR1a - Journal Usage Counter Archive Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests from an Archive by Month and Journal  
    JR1 GOA – Journal Usage Counter Gold Open Access (Total) Number of Successful Gold Open Access Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal  
    JR1 GOA – Journal Usage Counter Gold Open Access (html) Number of Successful Gold Open Access Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal in HTML format  
    JR1 GOA – Journal Usage Counter Gold Open Access (pdf) Number of Successful Gold Open Access Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal in PDF format  
    PR1 - Platform Federated Searches The number of platform federated searches.  
    PR1 - Platform Regular Searches The number of platform regular searches.  
    PR1 - Platform Records Views Total Searches, Result Clicks, and Record Views by Month and Platform  
    PR1 - Platform Result Clicks The number of platform result selects  
    MR1 - Multimedia Full Content Unit Requests Thnumber of multimedia full content unit requests  
    Load File ID Unique ID of the file loaded into Alma  
    Material Type Indicator Indicate if the usage is DB usage, Journal usage, Book Report 1 usage, or Book Report 2 usage For example, book report, journal, database, multimedia, and platform

    JR5 Usage (Release 4)

    The Usage Date table is a dimension table that stores details about usage data details for the JR5 counter.
    When creating reports for JR5, use the the date fields from the JR5 Usage From Date and the JR5 Usage To Date dimensions and not from the Usage Date dimension.
    JR5 Usage (Release 4)
    Field Description Additional Information
    JR5 Usage From Date
    From Date The date from which usage is measured  
    From Start of Week The date of the first business day of the week  
    From Week Number The number of the week of the year  
    From Month Key The month from which usage is measured in number format such as 2 for February  
    From Month The month from which usage is measured such as February  
    From Full Month The month from which usage is measured in a display format such as Feb 12  
    From Year-Month The year and month from which usage is measured  
    From Quarter The quarter from which usage is measured  
    From Year The year from which usage is measured  
    From Fiscal Month Key The fiscal month from which usage is measured in number format such as 2 for February  
    From Fiscal Year The fiscal year from which usage is measured  
    JR5 Usage To Date
    To Date The date to which usage is measured  
    To Start of Week The date of the first business day of the week  
    To Week Number The number of the week of the year  
    To Month Key The month to which usage is measured in number format such as 2 for February  
    To Month The month to which usage is measured such as February  
    To Full Month The month to which usage is measured in a display format such as Feb 12  
    To Year-Month The year and month to which usage is measured  
    To Quarter The quarter to m which usage is measured  
    To Year The year to which usage is measured  
    To Fiscal Month Key The fiscal month to which usage is measured in number format such as 2 for February  
    To Fiscal Year The fiscal year to which usage is measured  
    JR5 - Journal Usage Counter Year of Publication The JR5 - Journal Usage Counter Year of Publication  
    Year of Publication The year of publication  

    Usage Date

    The Usage Date table is a dimension table that stores details about the usage date of transactions, such as month, year, and quarter.
    Field Description Additional Information
    Usage Date Stores the usage date in the date format 2/29/2012  
    Usage Date Start of Week The date of the first business day of the week  
    Usage Date Week Number The number of the week of the year  
    Usage Date Month Key Stores the month of the usage date in number format such as 2 for February  
    Usage Date Month Stores the month of the usage date in month description format such as February  
    Usage Date Full Month Stores the month and the year of the usage date in a display format such as Feb 12  
    Usage Date Quarter Stores the quarter of the usage date in a display format such as Q1  
    Usage Date Year Stores the year of the usage date in string format such as 2012  
    Usage Date Fiscal Month Key Stores the fiscal month of the usage date in number format such as 1 for July if your fiscal year begins in July, so that you can put the months of your fiscal year in order.  
    Usage Date Fiscal Year Stores the fiscal year of the usage date in string format such as 2012.  
    Usage Date Filter
    Used to filter the usage date.  
    Usage Date Year-Month The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1  
    Usage Date Stores the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures  

    Title Identifier

    The Title Identifier table is a dimension table that stores the details about the title identifier. The primary key of the table is TITLE_IDENTIFIER.
    Title Identifier
    Field Description Additional Information
    Title Identifier The unique identifier of the title This field is filled as follows:
    • If the ISSN contains at least one digit, the title identifier will is: ISSN_ + the ISSN
    • Otherwise, if the EISSN contains at least one digit, the title identifier is: EISSN_ + the EISSN
    • Otherwise, the title identifier is: TITLE_ + the normalized title (The maximum length is 800.)
    Origin Title The original title of the Journal/Database. This may be up to 200 characters.
    Display Title The title in display format. This is the original title truncated after 60 characters for better display.
    Display Title 20 Chars Holds 20 characters from the title  
    Normalized Title The normalized title - small letters without dashes

    The title is normalized without the dashes.

    Origin EISSN The Original EISSN (with dash)  
    Normalized EISSN The normalized EISSN without dash  
    Origin ISSN The original ISSN (with dash)  
    Normalized ISSN The normalized ISSN without dash  
    Origin ISBN The original ISBN (with dash)  
    Normalized ISBN The normalized ISBN without dash  


    The Platform table is a dimension table that stores details about the platform (vendor interface). The primary key of the table is PLATFORM.
    Field Description Additional Information
    Platform The vendor interface or content provider. An interface from an aggregator, host, publisher, or service that delivers the content to the user and that counts and provides the COUNTER usage reports.  
    Normalized Platform The normalized platform name  


    The Publisher table is a dimension table that stores details about the publisher. The primary key of the table is PUBLISHER.
    Field Description Additional Information
    Publisher An organization, whose function is to commission, creates, collect, validate, host, distribute and trade information online and/or in printed form.  
    Normalized Publisher The normalized publisher name  


    The Subscriber table is a dimension table that stores details about the subscriber. The primary key of the table is SUBSCRIBER_ID.
    Field Description Additional Information
    Subscriber The library or instance. An individual or organization that pays a vendor for access to a specified range of the vendors services and/or content and is subject to terms and conditions agreed to with the vendor.  
    Normalized Subscriber The normalized subscriber name  

    Load File

    The Load file table is a dimension table that stores details about the file that contains the usage data.
    If a report in the Usage Data subject area contains fields only from the Load File dimension, data appears in the report from all COUNTER files that were loaded to Alma, regardless of whether or not the COUNTER report contains usage. However, if the report contains a field from another dimension, for example, from the Uploading Vendor dimension, the report only includes data from COUNTER reports that have usage.
    Load File
    Field Description Additional Information
    Load File COUNTER Release The COUNTER Release of the load file  
    Load File COUNTER Report Type The COUNTER report type of the load file  
    Load File ID The ID of the load file  
    Load File Name The name of the load file  
    Load File Status The status of the load file  
    Load File SUSHI Account The SUSHI account of the load file  
    Load File SUSHI Account URL The URL of the SUSHI Account load file  
    Load File Type The type of the load file  
    Load File Upload Date The upload date of the load file  
    Load File Upload Method The upload method of the load file  
    Load File Uploading User The uploading user of the load file  

    Uploading Vendor

    The Uploading Vendor table is a dimension table that stores details about the vendor that uploaded the file that contains the usage data.

    The primary key of the table is VENDOR_ID.

    The access path in the UI is Acquisitions > Acquisitions Infrastructure > Vendors > Add/Edit Vendor. 

    See Adding a Vendor and Vendor Account for more information.

    Field Description Field Location in Alma Additional Information Data Type Data Size
    Additional Code A code in addition to the vendor code. Summary tab on "Vendor Details".   VARCHAR 255
    Creation Date The date the vendor was created.

    Right information pane for "Vendor Details" page.

    Label in Alma is "Created on".

    Creator The user who created the vendor

    Right information pane for "Vendor Details" page.

    Label in Alma is "Created by".

      VARCHAR 255
    ERP Code A code used by an institution's financial system, such as the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system

    Summary tab on "Vendor Details".

    Label in Alma is "Financial Sys. code".

      VARCHAR 255
    Modification Date The date the vendor was modified

    Right information pane for "Vendor Details" page.

    Label in Alma is "Last updated on".

    Modified By The user who modified the vendor

    Right information pane for "Vendor Details" page.

    Label in Alma is "Last updated by".

      VARCHAR 255
    Preferred Address The address of the vendor marked as the preferred address. It is used as the default address for the vendor. Contact Information tab on "Vendor Details" – Web Addresses section.   VARCHAR 3366
    Preferred Address Note The note of the preferred address. Contact Information tab on "Vendor Details" – Web Addresses section.   VARCHAR 1000
    Preferred Email The email address of the vendor marked as the preferred email address. It is used as the default email address for the vendor. Contact Information tab on "Vendor Details" – Email section.   VARCHAR 784
    Preferred Phone Number The phone number of the vendor marked as the preferred phone number. It is used as the default phone number for the vendor. Contact Information tab on "Vendor Details" – Phone Numbers section.   VARCHAR 176
    Primary Product URL The URL with URL type Primary Product. Contact Information tab on "Vendor Details" – "Web Addresses" section. If there are several primary product URLs, only one is displayed. VARCHAR 256
    Vendor Code The vendor code unique to the institution

    Summary tab on "Vendor Details".

    Label in Alma is "Code".

    All the vendors that have been on the order, not just the active vendor. The code must be unique across all vendors.

    Note that the PO Lines tab displays all PO lines whose vendor code is the current vendor.

    VARCHAR 255
    Vendor Name The vendor name

    Summary tab on "Vendor Details".

    Label in Alma is "Name".

    It is a required field. VARCHAR 255
    Vendor Status The status of the vendor

    Summary tab on "Vendor Details".

    Label in Alma is "Status".

    Possible values:
    • Active
    • Inactive
    • Deleted
    VARCHAR 255


    The shared Institution dimension allows the Network Zone to view reports according to institution. If an analytics report is run from the Network Zone in a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone, all member institutions are included in the report for Institution Code and Institution Name. If an analytics report is run from an institution that is not part of a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone, only the single institution from which the report is run is included in the report for Institution Code and Institution Name.
    Reports involving data across a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone may take longer to run than reports within one institution.

    This dimension is available in every subject area. It contains the following fields:

    Field Description Additional information Data Type Data Size
    Institution Code The code of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.

    The label in Alma is Code located on the right pane.

    VARCHAR 50
    Institution Name The name of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.

    The label in Alma is Organization unit name.

    VARCHAR 255
    Institution Address Line 1 The first line of the address of the institution. It usually includes the building number and the street name. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is  Address Line 1.

    VARCHAR 1000
    Institution City The city of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is City.

    VARCHAR 255
    Institution State Province The state or province of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is State/Province.

    VARCHAR 320
    Institution Country The country of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is Country.

    VARCHAR 320
    Institution Postal Code The postal code of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

    The label in Alma is Postal code.

    VARCHAR 200
    Institution Timezone The timezone of the institution. The timezone is set during implementation. VARCHAR 255
    Data Available As Of When the institution data became available in analytics. Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. VARCHAR 255
    Data Updated As Of When the institution data was taken from the Alma database. Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. VARCHAR 255

    Shared Dimensions with Other Subject Areas

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