Fines and Fees
By using the Fines and Fees area, the Design Analytics user is able to create reports/dashboards for the Fine and Fees area. The user is able to display the following information:
- A list of all a user's cash transactions
- A list of all the open cash transactions by patron group
- A list of users that have fines and fees with their preferred address, phone, and email information
- A list of all the transaction types and amounts per library
Star Diagram – Fines and Fees
Field Descriptions
The following lists the fields available in Fines and Fees.
Fines and Fees – Field Descriptions
Fines and Fees Transactions
The Fines and Fees Transactions table is a fact table that stores all amount related to Fines and Fees Transactions. It also stores details of fines and fees including active balance, disputed balance, and transferred balance information. The primary key of the table is FINE_FEE_TRANSACTION_ID.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Associated Course Code | The code of a course that was active during the time the item was loaned. The item belonged to a citation that was part of the reading list of the course. | |
Associated Course Name | The name of a course that was active during the time the item was loaned. The item belonged to a citation that was part of the reading list of the course. | |
Additional Fine Fee Transaction ID | Displays an additional identifier of the fine or fee transaction | To view the Fine Fee Additional Transaction ID in Alma:
Currency | Displays the actual currency of the fine and fee | |
Dewey Classification Top Line | Displays the first 3 digits of the Dewey classification | |
External ID | Displays the ID of the fine or fee in the originating system | |
Fine Comment | Displays the content of the comment associated with the fine or fee | |
Fine Fee Created By ID | Displays the user ID of the Staff Operator who created the fine or fee transaction | |
Fine Fee Creation Date | Displays the date that the fine and fee was created | |
Fine Fee Creator | Displays the user name of the user that created the fine and fee | |
Fine Fee ID | Displays the unique identifier of the fine or fee | |
Fine Fee Modification Date | Displays the modification date of the fine and fee | |
Fine Fee Modified By | Displays the user name of the user that modified the fine and fee | |
Fine Fee Status | Indicates whether or not the fine or fee is active | |
Fine Fee Transaction Created By ID | Displays the user ID of the user that created the fine or fee transaction | |
Fine Fee Transaction Creation Date | Displays the creation date of the fine and fee transaction | |
Fine Fee Transaction Creator | Displays the user name of the user that created the fine and fee transaction | |
Fine Fee Transaction ID | Displays the unique identifier of the fine or fee transaction | |
Fine Fee Transaction Modification Date | Displays the modification date of the fine and fee transaction | |
Fine Fee Transaction Modified By | Displays the user name of the user that modified a previously existing fine and fee transaction | |
Fine Fee Transaction Type | Displays the type of fine or fee transaction such as paid or waived | |
Fine Fee Type | Displays the type of the fine or fee such as overdue loan fee or lost loan fee | |
In House Loan Indicator | Y/N field that indicates if the loan is an in-house or a regular loan. Null means that it is not an in-house loan. | |
In Temp Location at Time of Loan | Y/N field that indicates if the loan is a temporary location at the time of the loan | |
Is Hold Request Loan | Indicates if the loan was initiated by a hold request | |
Item Loan ID | Indicates the associated item loan ID when the fine or fee is associated with a loan | |
Item Title | Indicates the title of the loan when the fine or fee is associated with an item | |
Loaned at Another Institution | Indicates if the item was loaned at an institution different than the one that owns the item | |
Loaned at Institution Name | The name of the institution at which the item was loaned | |
Original Amount | Displays the original amount of the fine or fee | |
Original Currency | Displays the original currency | |
Original VAT | Displays the original tax amount of the fine or fee | |
Originating Loan ID | Displays the Loan ID from the originating system | |
Payment Method | Indicates whether the payment was made online or by cash or credit | A null value indicates that the transaction is not a payment transaction (waive, for example) |
Remaining Amount | Displays the amount of money remaining after subtracting the transaction amount from the original amount. | When the fee is in Transferred status, the Remaining Amount displays as 0. |
Status Date | Displays the date that the status of the fine or fee was changed | |
Transaction Amount | Displays the amount of money that is associated with this transaction | |
Transaction Note | Displays the content of notes associated with fine or fee transactions | |
Transaction Reference Number | Displays the reference number of the fine or fee transaction | |
Transaction VAT | Displays the tax amount associated with the transaction | |
User ID Encryption | The Encryption ID of the User | This ID is used to get counts by user ID after the anonymization job is run, which deletes the Primary ID |
Waiving Reason Description | A description of the waiving reason |
Transaction Date
The Transaction Date table is a dimension table that stores details about the dates of fine and fee transactions such as month, year or quarter. Key fields may be used whenever calculations are required. Description fields may be used for formatting the display of the report. Alma stores the following types of fields:
- Calendar Fields – These are date fields as they display in the calendar.
- Fiscal Date Fields – These are date fields that match the institution's fiscal period. For the examples below, the fiscal period of the institution is for fiscal year 2012 that starts June 1, 2011 and ends May 31, 2012.
Using this dimension, the user is able to drill down from year to month to the specific date on which the fine and fee transaction occurred. Measures such as transaction amount, original amount, etc., are accumulated to the relevant level in the hierarchy.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Transaction Date | Displays the transaction date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Transaction Date Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Transaction Date Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Transaction Fiscal Month Key | Displays the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Transaction Fiscal Year | Displays the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Transaction Full Month | Displays the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Transaction Month | Displays the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Transaction Month Key | Displays the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Transaction Quarter | Displays the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Transaction Year | Displays the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Transaction Date Filter | Used to filter report results by date. | |
Transaction Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 | |
Transaction Date | Displays the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific loan date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
Creation Date
The Creation Date table is a dimension table that stores the date that the fine and fee was created. It contains the date fields that exist in all date dimensions in Analytics.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Creation Date | Displays the creation date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Creation Date Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Creation Date Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Creation Fiscal Month Key | Displays the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Creation Fiscal Year | Displays the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Creation Full Month | Displays the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Creation Month | Displays the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Creation Month Key | Displays the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Creation Quarter | Displays the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Creation Year | Displays the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Creation Date Filter | Used to filter report results by date. | |
Creation Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 | |
Creation Date | Displays the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific loan date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
Owning Library
The Owning Library table is a dimension table that stores details about the library/institution that created the fine and fee. The primary key of the table is ORGANIZATION_ID.
The field descriptions can be found in the Library Unit shared dimension.
Executed by Unit
The Executed by Unit table is a dimension table that stores details about the library/institution that executed the transaction. The primary key of the table is LIBRARYID.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Unit Code | Displays the library unit code | |
Unit Code (Active) | Displays the code of active (not deleted) library units | |
Unit Name | Displays the library unit name | |
Unit Name (Active) | Displays the library name of active (not deleted) library units | |
Unit Description | Displays the library unit description | |
Unit Type | Store the type of organization unit | Values can be Institution/Library |
User Details
The User Details table is a dimension table that stores details about users with fines and fees. The primary key of the table is USER_ID.
The field descriptions can be found in the User Details shared dimension.
Preferred Contact Information
The Preferred Contact Information table is a dimension table that stores details about preferred contact information for users such as preferred address, phone, and email. The primary key of the table is USER_ID.
Loan Details
Overdue notification fees are linked to a letter. The sending of this letter is for payment, regardless of how many loans it includes. Therefore it is not possible to link an overdue notification fee to a specific loan record. This is only possible for overdue fines.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Author | The author of the loan | |
Description | A description of the loan | |
Item ID | Displays the ID of the item that was loaned | |
Barcode | Displays the barcode of the item that was loaned | |
Call Number | Displays the call number of the item that was loaned | |
LC Classification Code | Displays the letters of the LC class number of the item that was loaned such as BF or QA | In the Fulfillment subject area, if there is more than one classification code in the bibliographic record, the last one appears. |
LC Classification Number | Displays the numbers that follow the classification letters until the first period that is followed by a letter | |
LC Classification Top Line | Displays the combined LC code and classification numbers until the first period followed by a letter such as NB933 when the lc_class_number is NB933.F44 | |
Dewey Classification Top Line | Displays the first 3 digits of the Dewey classification | |
Loan Date | The date of the loan | |
Loan Status | Indicates if the loan is active or has already been returned; also known as historical loan | Possible values:
Process Status | Indicates the workflow status of the loan, based on the last activity of the loan | Possible values:
Loan Time | The time of the loan | |
Loan Note | Displays the last note attached to the loan | |
Location Code | The location code of the loan | |
Material Type | The material type of the loan | |
Recall Date | Displays the date on which the item was recalled | |
Recall Time | Displays the time in the hours:minutes:seconds format for the recall date | |
Return Date | The return date of the loan | |
Return Time | The return time of the loan | |
Original Due Date | Displays the original due date given to the loan | This field is populated only when the loan is "Recall" |
Original Due Time | Displays the time in the hours:minutes:seconds format for the original due date | |
Due Date | Displays the current due date as displayed in Alma | The new due date can differ from the original due date due to a recall or renewal |
Due Time | Displays the time in the hours:minutes:seconds format of the new due date | |
Item Loan ID | Displays the unique ID of the loan for the item | This is useful to find a specific loan of an item |
In House Loan Indicator | Y/N field that indicates if the loan is an in-house or a regular loan. Null means that it is not an in-house loan. | |
In Temp Location at Time of Loan | Y/N field that indicates if the loan is a temporary location at the time of the loan | |
Is Booking Loan | Indicates whether the loan was initiated by a booking request | |
Publication Year | For internal use only (by the migration team) | |
Courtesy Notification Sent | Indicates if a courtesy letter was sent to the patron concerning an overdue loan. | This field only contains data beginning from July 2018. |
MMS ID | The MMS ID of the loan | |
New Due Date | The new due date of the loan | |
New Due Time | The new due time of the loan | |
Title | The title of the loan | |
User ID Encryption | The Encryption ID of the User | This ID is used to get counts by user ID after the anonymization job is run, which deletes the Primary ID |
Loan Policy
The Loan Policy table is a dimension table that stores due-date policy details associated with fines and fees. The primary key is ITEM_LOAN_ID.
Staff Operator Details
The Staff Operator Details table is a dimension table that stores information about the staff operator.
The Staff Operator fields include information only about users in Alma and are empty if the transaction is paid by an external system.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Operator Primary Identifier | The primary identifier of the operator | |
Operator Type | The type of the operator | |
Operator Group | The operator group | |
Operator Record Type | The record type of the operator | |
Operator Title | The title of the operator | |
Operator First Name | The first name of the operator | |
Operator Last Activity Date | The last date that a patron made a request or borrowed or returned an item | |
Operator Last Name | The last name of the operator | |
Operator Middle Name | The middle name of the operator | |
Operator Preferred First Name | Displays the user’s preferred first name | See the field location in Alma in the image below. |
Operator Preferred Last Name | Displays the user’s preferred last name | See the field location in Alma in the image below. |
Operator Preferred Middle Name | Displays the user's preferred middle name | See the field location in Alma in the image below. |
Operator Job Title | The job title of the operator | |
Operator Description | The description of the operator | |
Operator Campus Code | The campus code of the operator | |
Operator Gender | The gender of the operator | |
Operator Status | The status of the operator | |
Operator External ID | The external ID of the operator | |
Identifier 1 | Displays identifier 1. | The identifier field allows you to enrich the user details exported to Analytics with additional identifiers. Selecting a specific identifier to be included in the user details is done in Alma (in a table that is currently restricted to Ex Libris staff). For assistance in defining this field, contact Ex Libris Support.
Only one value per identifier is supported.
Identifier 2 | Displays identifier 2. See details for the Identifier 1 field above. |
Shared Dimensions with Other Subject Areas
For information concerning shared dimensions with other subject areas, see Shared Dimensions.