Fulfillment - May 2018 Enhancements
New Re-loan Limit

- None – There is no limit on borrowing copies of the same title. This is the prior functionality and the default.
- Parallel – The patron may not check out two copies of the title at one time.
- Other – You may define the time span (in the Unit of Measurement) in which the same item may not be re-loaned - minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

Re-loan Limit Policy
When the re-loan limit policy is set to Parallel and an item of the same title and material type is attempted to be loaned to the same patron, the following block message is displayed: Item of the same title is already on loan for this patron. Parallel loan is prohibited. When the re-loan limit policy is set to Other and is within the specified period, the following block message is displayed: An item of the same title was recently loaned to this patron. Both blocks have a corresponding block in the Block Preferences table. For serial items, the limit only applies to items with the same description. If the policy is set to none or the time frame for re-loaning has passed, the loan will successfully execute. See Loaning Items.
Holdings Configuration in the Get It Tab
Alma now offers expanded holdings information and customization options in the Primo Get It tab. A new configuration table, Primo Customized Holding (accessed from Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Holdings Display Customization), allows you to configure which of the holdings records' fields and subfields appear in the Get It tab, and allows for the labels and order of the holdings fields to be customized. The Holdings Display Labels and Order table (accessed from Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Holdings Display Labels) allows you to configure the exact labels that are used for each field, and the order by which they appear in the Get It tab. The tables are only visible if the new parameter, uresolver_enable_getit_holding_configuration (configurable from Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings), is set to true. Additionally, when this parameter is set to true, the previous customer parameter that expanded the holdings, display_additional_holding_fields_in_getit, becomes obsolete. The uresolver_enable_getit_holding_configuration parameter is set to false by default for existing customers. For new customers, it is set to true by default.
For more information, see Displaying Additional Holdings Information.
Additional Fulfillment Enhancements
NERS Enhancement (Request ID #5197) and
Idea Exchange: Further to the April feature that enables you to view historical requests in Resource Request Monitoring, you can now view request history for an item retrieved in search results.
Search Results Other Details- You can configure Primo to use item-level requesting by contacting Ex Libris Support. For more information, see Request Options.
- There is a new daily scheduling option for the Loans - Overdue and Lost Loan job (see Configuring Fulfillment Jobs).
Idea Exchange: For fulfillment network members, the institutional drop-down list is now sorted alphabetically on the following pages:
- Patron Services (identification, loan and return)
- Return Items
- Scan In Items
- A new mapping table allows you to configure the priorities for each of the different library request types. The Request Priorities mapping table (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Request Priorities) allows you to configure priorities for each library request type. See Configuring Request Type Priorities.
- For a reading room desk, on the Active Hold Shelf, it is now possible to add a barcode column and a description column in the Held by Patron and On Shelf (Not Final) tabs. These columns are hidden by default but available in the list customization.
- See also Select List Size.