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Projects Migration and Data Format

General Overview

For customers with the Esploro Advanced Edition that also contracted for a migration of Projects data from the legacy CRIS system, the following guide will help you in filling out the Projects Migration Form.

Related Documentation 

For more information on working with Esploro Projects, see: Working with Projects 

Projects Migration Form

Customers from all CRIS legacy systems should download and use the following form:


Field Mapping

The following fields are available in the Projects Migration Field Mapping tab.
Esploro Field Field Info
Project_id Mandatory. Free-text
project_name/language Use Language Map  (ISO 639-2)
project_name/value Mandatory. Free-text
project_type Use Project Type Map
description_type Hard Coded table: ResearchProjectDescriptionTypes. Possible values: short, long, external, objective, methods
description_value_translations/language Use Language Map  (ISO 639-2)
description_value_translations/value Free-text. Up to 5,000 chars in each value tag. If there are more in the incoming data, the data should be divided into several value fields
project_status Mandatory. Use in Project Status Map (ResearchProjectStatusTypes)
profile_visibilty Mandatory. True/False
profile_visibilty_date Date in format YYYYMMDD, if not mapped, current date will be assigned 
portal_visibility Mandatory. True/False
portal_visibility_date Date in format YYYYMMDD, if not mapped, current date will be assigned 
repository_status Mandatory. Hard Coded table: ResearchProjectRepositoryStatusTypes
repository_status_date Mandatory. Date in format YYYYMMDD.
project_start_date Date in format YYYYMMDD
project_end_date Date in format YYYYMMDD
subject_code ResearchTopics code table
subject_type Possible values: TOPIC
project_subject_etd ResearchTopics code table
project_keyword_translation/value Free-text
input_method Mandatory. Should use the constant "imported"
source_system Mandatory. Free-text
project_acronym Free-text
project_attribute Mandatory. Use in Project Attributes Map
local_field/local_field_name Fee-text. Up to 15 local fields. Up to 4,000 chars in each local field. If there are more in the incoming data, it should be divided into several local fields
date_type Values from Code table: ResearchProjectDateTypes
date_value Date in format YYYYMMDD
identifier_type Use in Identifier Type Map
identifier_value Free-text
file_sort_order Integer
file_type Map using File and Link Types
files_access_rights Map using File and Link Access Rights 
link_rights Map using File and Link Access Rights 
link.license Values from Code table: EsploroLicense
link.order Integer
owning_department Use Affiliation Map. Only internal units are allowed
user_primary_id Researcher primary ID
researcher_unique_id Unique researcher identifier which can be used to match this researcher.
researcher_id_type Optional. Unique researcher identifier type. If empty match by all unique identifiers will be performed.
role Use Project Member Role Map. Mandatory if migrating member researchers
order Mandatory if migrating member researches
active Mandatory if migrating member researchers, input: true/false.
display_in_profile Mandatory if migrating member researchers, input: true/false.
creator Mandatory if migrating member researchers. This is the researcher that entered the project, input: true/false.
org_code Use Affiliation Map
role Mandatory if migrating member organizations. Possible values: 'participating', 'sponsoring'
order Mandatory if migrating member organizations
active Mandatory if migrating member organizations
internal_external Optional.

Affiliation Map (Organization Unit) 

When your projects are migrated to Esploro, they can be affiliated automatically with one or more Organization Units, assuming this information is contained in your source data. These tables facilitate that automatic affiliation.

In the Source Data column, indicate the value of the organization unit in your data. There are two fields in the field mapping form where you would need to map the data in your source system to Esploro organization units, if applicable: owning_department (line 68) and org_code (line 91).

In the Organization Unit Code column, indicate the corresponding code of the Organization Unit as it appears in Esploro.

This is a many-to-one mapping. More than one Source Data value may be mapped to a given Organization Unit, but each Source Data value may be mapped to only one Organization Unit.

Internal Org Unit Code should have the institution prefix, for example 01ABC_INST___

Owning department must an internal unit, but member organization can be also external units from the local or global list. If you want to relate to an external unit, you can map to the external unit. Global units have this prefix 41___ for example: 41___100_BLACK_MEN_OF_AMERICA_(ATLANTA)

Project Type Map 

The Project type map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field name: project_type

Projects in Esploro must be of a particular "type", for example "Research", "Technology", "Innovation", etc. (The list is configurable). The table below is used to assign the appropriate Esploro project type to your migrated projects based on information contained in the projects metadata.

For more information on Project types in Esploro, see the Configuring Project Types.   

Source value: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to project_type.

Project Type:  Select from the OTB values or add your own values and map to them. New codes must begin with 'project.' For example:

Project Status Map 

The Project status map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field name: project_status

Projects in Esploro must be of a particular "status", for example "active", "not_used", "completed", etc. (The list is configurable). The table below is used to assign the appropriate Esploro status type to your migrated projects based on information contained in the projects metadata.

For more information on Project types in Esploro, see the Configuring Project Statuses

Source value: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to project_status

Project Status: Select from the OTB values or add your own values and map to them. Customized codes must begin with 'project.'

Language Map 

The Language map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field name: language.  Esploro uses three-letter language codes to designate the language.

Incoming Language value: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to language.

Esploro Language: There is a defined list of language codes, available in the dropdown box for this column.

Project Member Role 

The Project member role map takes incoming data and maps it to the member researcher role field. The list is predefined in Esploro and cannot be customized. 

Source data: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to role.

Role: The code for the member researcher role used in Esploro.

Description Type Map

Projects in Esploro may have descriptions. The description should have a description type.  The list is predefined in Esploro and cannot be customized. 

Source data: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to description type.

Description Type Code: The code for the description type used in Esploro.

Project Attributes Map

Projects in Esploro may have attributes from different types.  You can map to Esploro OTB values or add your own values.  For assistance in filling out these Esploro values, see Configuring Project Attributes.

Source Data: The values in the incoming field(s) which are mapped to the attribute type field.

Attribute Type Code: The code for the attribute type used in Esploro. You can add your own codes. Customized codes must begin with 'project.'

Attribute Type Desc: the description of the attribute type field (for adding into Esploro configuration).

Identifier Type Map

Projects in Esploro may have may identifiers; those should have an identifier type. Types are defined in ResearchProjectIdentifierTypes  For assistance on filling out these Esploro values, see Configuring Project Identifiers.

Source Data: The values in the incoming field(s) which are mapped to the identifier type field. 

Identifier Type Code: The code for the attribute type used in Esploro. You can add your own codes. Customized codes must begin with 'project.'

Identifier Type Desc: The description of the identifier type field (for adding into Esploro configuration).



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