Esploro Migration Guide
This guide covers migration from a variety of systems. The Migration and Configuration Form for Esploro is designed to be broad enough to be adaptable for many incoming systems. The following systems have been migrated to Esploro:
- Dspace
- ePrints
- Islandora
- Digital Commons (Bpress)
- Converis
- Pure
- Vital
Customer migrating from Digital Commons should download and use this form:
Esploro Migration Form - Digital Commons.xlsm
Customer migrating from all other systems should download and use this form:
Esploro Migration Form - All systems.xlsm
This document provides information on all aspects of migrating systems to Esploro, including:
- A step-by-step guide to filling out the Esploro Migration and Configuration Form
- An explanation of how certain fields are used in Esploro to help you with the mapping process.
Related Documentation
- Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Esploro, plus the concepts and architecture of your incoming asset management system.
- Review the guidelines described in Getting Ready for Esploro Implementation
Additional data elements
This document covers loading Research Assets and their related configuration.
Organization Units: To load Organization Units, use the format described in Organization Units Data Format.
Researchers: To load Researchers, use the format described in Researchers Data Format.
Projects: For information on the migration of Projects data into Esploro see Project Migration and Data Format
Historical Usage Statistics: To load usage statistics from your previous Asset Management System, see the guide here: Importing Usage Statistics.
Migration General Overview
Ex Libris migrates your data into Esploro two times: once as a test load, where you check the migration and provide feedback, and once as the cutover load, after which your data will be live in Esploro and you will stop using your previous Research Management System.
This document is divided into two areas:
Field Mapping Tab
The following fields are available in the Esploro Migration Field Mapping tab.
ent | Description |
identifier.doi | Asset DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - Use only one. Format: DOI |
identifier.pmid | Asset PMID (PubMed ID)- Use only one. Format: PMID |
identifier.pmcid | Asset PMCID (PubMed Central ID)- Use only one. Format: PMCID |
identifier.ismn | Asset ISMN - Use only one, Field is for future use |
identifier.issn | Asset ISSN - Use only one, not visible in the UI |
identifier.eissn | Asset EISSN - Use only one, not visible in the UI |
identifier.isbn | Asset ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Multiple values are allowed. For more information see |
identifier.eisbn | Asset Electronic ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Multiple values are allowed. For more information see |
identifier.uri | Field is for future use |
identifier.other | Other asset identifier |
identifier.handle | Asset Handle.Net Identifier. For more information see |
identifier.govtnum | Government number |
identifier.wos | Asset WoS (Web of Science) accession number. For more information see |
identifier.scopus | Asset Scopus electronic identification. |
identifier.arxiv | Asset arXiv identifier. For more information see |
identifier.ark | Asset ARK (Archival Resource Key) Identifier. For more information see |
identifier.sici | Asset SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier). |
identifier.rno | Report number. |
identifier.additional01 | Additional identifier fields (up to 9 fields) |
identifier.additional02 | |
identifier.additional03 | |
identifier.additional04 | |
identifier.additional05 | |
identifier.additional06 | |
identifier.additional07 | |
identifier.additional08 | |
identifier.additional09 | |
creator/creatorname | Not in use by migration |
creator/familyname | |
creator/givenname | |
creator/middlename | |
creator/suffix | |
creator/order | |
creator/identifier.orcid | |
creator/identifier.isni | |
creator/identifier.researcherid | |
creator/identifier.scopus | |
creator/identifier.arxiv | |
creator/identifier.era | |
creator/identifier.orcid.uri | |
creator/identifier.isni.uri | |
creator/identifier.researcherid.uri | |
creator/identifier.scopus.uri | |
creator/identifier.arxiv.uri | |
creator/pubmed | |
creator/identifierLcnaf | Not visible in the UI |
creator/identifier.wikidata | |
creator/identifier.viaf | |
creator/identifier.era.uri | |
creator/user.primaryId | |
creator/user.barcode | |
creator/user.additional | |
creator/additionalIdentifiers/entry/key | |
creator/additionalIdentifiers/entry/key | |
creator/affiliation | Free text, repeatable |
creator/email | |
creator/organization | Use when the creator is an organization |
creator/role | |
creator/isDisplayInPublicProfile | |
contributor/contributorname | |
contributor/familyname | |
contributor/givenname | |
contributor/middlename | |
contributor/suffix | |
contributor/order | |
contributor/identifier.orcid | |
contributor/identifier.isni | |
contributor/identifier.researcherid | |
contributor/identifier.scopus | |
contributor/identifier.arxiv | |
contributor/identifier.era | |
contributor/identifier.orcid.uri | |
contributor/identifier.isni.uri | |
contributor/identifier.researcherid.uri | |
contributor/identifier.scopus.uri | |
contributor/identifier.arxiv.uri | |
contributor/identifier.era.uri | |
contributor/pubmed | |
contributor/affiliation | |
contributor/email | |
contributor/identifierLcnaf | Not visbile in the UI |
contributor/identifier.wikidata | |
contributor/identifier.viaf | |
contributor/identifier.era.uri | |
contributor/user.primaryId | |
contributor/user.barcode | |
contributor/user.additional | |
contributor/additionalIdentifiers/entry/key | |
contributor/additionalIdentifiers/entry/key | |
contributor/organization | |
contributor/role | |
contributor/isDisplayInPublicProfile | |
geoLocation/latitude | |
geoLocation/longitude | | | Asset Event Name. Free text. |
event.location | |
event.type | |
event.number | | | The date of the event. YYYYMMDD |
link.url | |
link.type | Use in File and Link type Map |
link.description | |
link.title | |
link.rights | Use in Access Rights Map |
link.license | Use in License Map |
link.ownership | |
link.order | |
link.display_in_viewer | Force display of a link using Esploro file viewer. Boolean |
title | Asset Title (mandatory). Free text. |
title.subtitle | Asset Subtitle. Free text. |
title.alternative | Asset Alternate Title. Free text. |
title.translated | Asset Translated Title. Free text. |
title.other | Asset other title. Multiple values are allowed. Free text. |
publisher | Asset Publisher. Free text. | | |
series | Asset Series. Free text. |
series.number | Asset series volume number. Free text. |
date.presented | Asset Date Presented. YYYYMMDD |
date.published | Asset Publication Date. YYYYMMDD |
date.accepted | Asset Accepted Date. YYYYMMDD |
date.available | Asset Available Date. YYYYMMDD |
date.collected | YYYYMMDD |
date.copyrighted | Asset Copyright Date. YYYYMMDD |
date.created | Asset Creation Date. YYYYMMDD |
date.issued | Asset Date Issued. YYYYMMDD |
date.submitted | Asset Submitted Date - for ETDs. YYYYMMDD |
date.posted | YYYYMMDD |
date.epublished | YYYYMMDD |
date.updated | Asset Date Updated. YYYYMMDD |
date.other | Asset Date Other. YYYYMMDD |
date.valid | Asset Date Validated. YYYYMMDD |
date.approved | Asset Date Approved - for ETDs. YYYYMMDD |
date.completed | Asset Date Completed - for ETDs. YYYYMMDD | | Asset Date Degree Awarded - for ETDs. YYYYMMDD |
date.application | |
date.renewed | |
date.defense | Asset Date Defended - for ETDs |
date.opening | |
date.performance | |
resourcetype.esploro | Mandatory. Use Asset Type Map, column A |
subject.esploro | Asset research topics, based a on an Esploro pre-defined list. |
subject.anzfor/code | Field is in use when ANZ research topics is activated for the environment. based on ANZ pre-defined list |
subject.ansfor/percentage | |
subject.anzseo/code | |
subject.anzseo/percentage | |
subject.anztoa/code | |
subject.anztoa/percentage | |
discipline.summon | For future use (not yet supported). |
keywords | Asset additional subjects. Use this field for the default language defined in Esploro. free text |
keywordsTranslations/language | Use in Language Map |
keywordsTranslations/values | Use this field for any additional keywords you have in another language |
relationship/relationtype | Use only for "IsPartof" relation |
relationship/relationtitle | For example Journal title |
relationship/relatedidentifiers/relatedIdentifer | |
relationship/relatedidentifiers/relatedIdentiferType | |
relationship/relateduri | for future use |
relationship/epage | |
relationship/spage | |
relationship/issue | |
relationship/article.number | |
relationship/volume | Asset Volume Number. free text |
relationship/part | The higher-level asset part. Free-text. |
relationship/pages | Field is not visible in the UI. |
relationship/identifier.eissn | |
relationship/identifier.issn | |
relationship/identifier.isbn | For example Chapter of a book |
relationship/identifier.eisbn | |
relationship/identifier.doi | |
relation/relation.category | Valid values are "EXTERNAL" or "INTERNAL". Mandatory for asset to asset relations. |
relation/relationType | Type of relation to a different asset. Use value from RelationType. Mandatory for asset to asset relations. |
relation/relatedIdentifiers | List of identifiers related to the asset. Relevant to internal relations only. |
relation/relatedTitle | Title of the related external asset. Free-text. Mandatory for external relations. Not relevant for internal relations. |
relation/relatedDoi | DOI of the related external asset. Free-text. Not mandatory for external relations. Not relevant for internal relations. |
relation/relatedUrl | URL of the related external asset. Mandatory for external relations. Not relevant for internal relations. When using a DOI, make sure to insert a full URL and not only the DOI number. |
RelatedIdentifiers/relatedIdentifer | Value of the related identifier. |
RelatedIdentifiers/relatedIdentiferType | Type of related identifier. Use value from code table RelatedIdentifierTypes |
relationship/relatedmetadatascheme | for future use |
schemeuri | for future use |
schemetype | for future use |
nlm.abbrev | |
relation.category | |
relationTypeWithDesc | |
size | Asset Size; multiple fields |
extent | for future use |
format | Asset Format, Video recording for example |
medium | for future use |
edition | Asset Edition |
version | for future use |
accrualpolicy | for future use |
accrualperiodcity | for future use |
accrualmethod | for future use |
openaccess | Optional to map / will be calculated by Esploro if empty Possible values: yes/no/unknown |
peerreview | Optional to map / will be calculated by Esploro if empty Possible values: yes/no/unknown |
rights | for future use |
rights.uri | for future use |
rights.holder | for future use |
provenance | for future use |
license | use in License Map |
copyright | Asset Copyright ; Copyright statement. |
accessRightsFixedDate | for future use |
description.abstract | Asset Abstract |
abstractTranslations/language | use in Language map |
abstractTranslations/values | Asset Abstract in another language |
description.methods | |
description.seriesinformation | |
description.tableofcontents | |
description.coverage | |
description.audience | |
description.educationlevel | |
description.instructionalmethod | |
description.mediator | |
description.technicalinfo | |
description.spatial | |
description.temporal | |
description.other | |
description.illustrations | |
description.bibliographic | |
comment | Asset notes fields, displayed in the Portal |
language | use Language map |
fundername | Link to Funder |
funder.identifier.isni | for future use |
funder.identifier.grid | for future use |
funderidentifier.crossref | for future use |
funderidentifier.other | for future use |
awardnumber | Link to migrated Grant ID |
awarduri | for future use |
awardtitle | for future use |
conferencename | Asset Conference Name |
conferencenumber | Asset Conference Number |
conferencelocation | Asset Conference Location |
conferencedate | Asset Conference Date YYYYMMDD |
identifier.pqdt | for future use |
pages | Asset Pages, appear under asset details for certain asset types |
etd/degree.grantor | Mandatory for ETD |
etd/degree.level | |
etd/ | Mandatory for ETD |
etd/degree.program | |
etd/degree.discipline | |
etd/degree.primarysubject | Primary topic for the ETD. Relevant Code Table is ResearchETDTopicsLabels |
etd/degree.secondarysubject | Secondary topic for the ETD. Relevant Code Table is ResearchETDTopicsLabels |
etd/ | |
etd/diss.type | |
etd/provenance | |
patent.status | |
patent.number | |
patent.abbrevnum | |
patent.kindcode | |
patent.applicationnum | |
patent.applicationcode | | | Agency where the patent was registered. Use value from ResearchOrganizationUnitsNames Code Table |
originalRepository/assetId | The asset ID from the originating system. Mandatory for migration. |
originalRepository/date.submission | The submission date from the originating system, if any. Relevant when not using research_originate_id. |
originalRepository/repositoryName | Name of the repository in which the asset was originally stored. Mandatory for migration |
originalRepository/ | |
originalRepository/coverpage.url | |
resource.subtype | Esploro asset subtypes. Only relevant for certain asset types. Use value from asset subtypes code table. |
grants.note | Asset Grant Note |
pages.unpaginated | |
season.published | | | |
asset.deposit.status | |
depositStatusWithDesc | |
portal_visibility | Should the asset be displayed in the research portal? Valid values are "true" or "false". If the asset is not approved, value should be false |
profile_visibility | Should the asset be displayed in the researcher profiles? Valid values are "true" or "false". If the asset is not approved, value should be false |
subjectAnzToaWithDesc | |
local.fields/local.note01 | The first local note should be used for the originating asset ID, in order to be able to search for it |
local.fields/local.note02 | Up to 15 local fields can be managed in Esploro, local fields will appear on the new asset page but will not be indexed for now (in Portal) |
local.fields/local.note03 | |
local.fields/local.note04 | |
local.fields/local.note05 | |
local.fields/local.note06 | |
local.fields/local.note07 | |
local.fields/local.note08 | |
local.fields/local.note09 | |
local.fields/local.note10 | |
local.fields/local.note11 | |
local.fields/local.note12 | |
local.fields/local.note13 | |
local.fields/local.note14 | |
local.fields/local.note15 | |
nationalAssessmentsProfiles | Only for Esploro Advanced Contract |
nationalAssessmentsProfile/profileCode | Only for Esploro Advanced Contract |
nationalAssessmentsField/tagName | Only for Esploro Advanced Contract |
nationalAssessmentsField/value | Only for Esploro Advanced Contract |
Temporary Data Files | |
asset.licenseCode | Use in License Map (for asset level) |
asset.accessRightPolicyId | Use in Access Rights Map (for asset level) |
asset.accessRightName | |
asset.accessRightDate | Asset Access Rights Date - Relevant when access rights is not "open": A date associated with the access rights, such as a fixed embargo date. MM/DD/YYYY |
asset.accessRightEmbargo | Calculated Field, don’t map |
asset.affiliation | Repeatable, Use in Affiliation Map for both ETDs and research assets. Mandatory. |
asset.affiliationAction | For internal use, don’t map |
researcher.affiliation | Calculated Field, don’t map |
researcher.degreeProgram | Calculated Field, don’t map |
Policy/acceptedDatePolicy | Date the deposit policy was accepted. Ex: 20181231 YYYYMMDD |
Policy/note | Free-text note on the researcher acceptance of the deposit policy. |
Policy/policyName | Name of the policy that the researcher accepted. Valid values are policy names that appear in the deposit policy configuration table. Ex: ETD-Default |
esploroDepositPolicy/policyType | Must be "Text". |
asset.assetPublicationLanguageName | Calculated Field, don’t map |
asset.awardingAcademicUnit | Free text. Use for external ETDs only |
alt.advisor.num.set | |
alt.comm.mem.num.set | |
linkToExtract/link.url | Download URL for the assets files |
linkToExtract/link.type | Use in File and Link Types mapping table |
linkToExtract/link.description | |
linkToExtract/link.title | |
linkToExtract/link.rights | Use in Files Access Rights Map (for file level) |
linkToExtract/link.embargoend | Embargo end date. Use when file access right is 'embargo' |
linkToExtract/link.license | Use in License Map (for file level) |
linkToExtract/link.ownership | |
linkToExtract/link.order |
Migration and Configuration Tabs
The following tabs are in two categories
Migration Maps: these tabs should be filled in with values taken from incoming data. The incoming data is transformed to values that are used in Esploro. In addition, code tables or mapping tables are generated and loaded.
Configuration: these tabs should be filled in with desired vales for working in Esploro. They are not related to migrated data. The tabs are provided to save time so that you do not have to enter the data in the Esploro interface.
Migration Maps
Affiliation Map (Organization Unit)
When your research assets are migrated to Esploro, they can be affiliated automatically with one or more Organization Units, assuming this information is contained in your source data. This is a many-to-one mapping. More than one Source Data value may be mapped to a given Organization Unit, but each Source Data value may be mapped to only one Organization Unit.
In the Incoming column, indicate the value the field in the incoming file. The field used is the field you specified in the Field Mapping tab, line 290, 'asset.affiliation'. The contents of the mapped field you specified should be listed here in column A.
In the Organization Unit Code column, indicate the corresponding code of the Organization Unit as it should appear in Esploro.
Incoming Value: the values in the incoming field that are mapped to the asset.affiliation (organization unit) field in the field mapping tab.
Organization Unit Code: The organization unit code that will be used in Esploro. This must include the code that was used in the Organization Units XML in addition to the institution prefix. For example, if the unit code is unit01 and the institution code is 01ABC_INST. The code to fill out in in this column will be: unit01___01ABC_INST
Asset Type Map
The Asset type map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field name: resourcetype.esploro.
Research assets in Esploro must be of a particular "type", for example "Published Journal Article", "Conference Presentation", "Dataset", "Musical Score", "Other", etc. (The list of Esploro asset types is not configurable). The table below is used to assign the appropriate Esploro asset type to your migrated assets based on information contained in the asset metadata.
For more information on Asset types in Esploro, see the Esploro Overview.
If you do not wish to migrate an entire record based on the asset type, select 'do.not.migrate.this.record' from the Esploro Asset Type column.
Asset Type Source value: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to resourcetype.esploro.
Esploro Asset Type: There is a defined list asset types, available in the dropdown box for this column.
Language Map
The Language map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field name: language. Esploro uses three-letter language codes to designate the language.
Incoming Language value: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to language.
Esploro Language: There is a defined list of language codes, available in the dropdown box for this column.
Links and Files Access Rights Maps
There are two maps which can be used to map Access rights. Both take incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field: links/link.rights or linkToExtract/link.rights.
For Links, you can only use the values that are listed in the dropdown box for 'Access Rights Policy Name'. Therefore, column B (Policy ID) and column D (Description) are not used.
For Files, you can add new values, which means you can define values in column B (Policy ID) and column D (Description).
links.rights incoming value: The values in the incoming field which is mapped to links/link.rights
Policy ID: The Access Rights code if you are defining for Files.
Access Rights Policy Name: The name of the Access Rights defined in Esploro. For links, the three values are: open, restricted, or institution.
Access Rights Description: Description for the Access Rights if you are defining for Files.
URI: Link to the Access Rights, if relevant.
For more information on configuring Access rights, see Configuring Access Rights and Licenses.
License Map
The license map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field: license. You may optionaly map your license codes into Esploro license codes and also add your own license codes here.
License code source value: The values in the incoming field which is mapped to license.
License code: The code for the license in Esploro.
License name: The name of the license which is display in the user interface in Esploro.
ETD Asset Type Map
The ETD Asset type map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field name: etd/degree.level.
Asset Type Source value: the values in the incoming field which is mapped to etd/degree.level.
Esploro Asset Type: There is a defined list asset types, available in the dropdown box for this column.
Deposit Policy Map
The Deposit Policy map takes incoming data and maps it to the Esploro field: depositPolicy/policyName
Incoming Deposit Policy value: The values in the incoming field which is mapped to depositPolicy/policyName.
Deposit Policy Name: The name of the policy in Esploro.
Policy type: link or text (two possible values)
Store policy on each asset: Yes or No
URL: list the URL if relevant
Contributor Roles Map
The contributor roles map takes incoming data and maps it to two Esploro fields: contributor/role and creator/role. The mapping is preserved, meaning if incoming field A maps to contributor/role, then the mapped value is placed in contributor/role. For assistance on filling out these Esploro values, see Configuring Contributor Types.
Incoming contributor role: The values in the incoming field(s) which are mapped to contributor/role or creator/role.
Contributor role code: The code for the contributor role used in Esploro.
Contributor role description: the description of the contributor role (loaded into the configuration table)
ETD Project type Map
The ETD Project Type map takes incoming data and maps it to etd/diss.type. For assistance on filling out the ETD (Project) type values, see: Configuring ETD Project Types. You may also add your own project types which are not migrated.
Incoming project type: The values in the incoming field which are mapped to etd/diss.type.
ETD Type code: The code for the project type in Esploro.
ETD Type Description: the description for the project type in Esploro.
ETD Degree Names Map
The ETD Degree Names map takes incoming data and maps it to etd/ For assistance on filling out the ETD Degree names, see: Configuring ETD Degrees. You may also add your owndegree names which are not migrated.
Incoming degree name: The values in the incoming field which are mapped to etd/
ETD Degree code: The code for the degree name in Esploro.
ETD Degree Description: the description for the degree name in Esploro.
Configuration Tabs
File and Link Types
For assistance on filling out this tab, see: Configuring File and Link Types.
Other Settings
For assistance on filling out this tab, see: Configuring Other Settings.