Using a Second Broker
Last Resort Partners — Process Requests Using Another Broker
Configuring a Last Resort Partner
Managing your requests in Rapido supports the user experience for staff and patrons. By adding partners from other systems, you can maximize the number of requests that are managed in one place with the familiar automated workflows. Libraries may want to use another broker if requests are unfilled by partners established in Rapido. See Establishing New Partners.
There are various reasons that libraries may opt to utilize a second resource sharing solution or broker. Connecting Rapido with another interlibrary loan system is processed through another broker or partner of last resort. This is used for moving unfilled requests from Rapido into another system for processing within that system. You can then create a rota template with the partner of last resort and add a rota assignment rule for using this partner. See Configuring Rota Templates and Configuring Rota Assignment Rules.
Rapido and ILLiad
Alma institutions that are “Lenders Only” can specify whether they are managing resource sharing from Alma or ILLiad. If ILLiad is selected (Configuration > Resource Sharing > Configuration > Members) the lending request for this institution is created and can be managed from ILLiad.
When a request status changes from being calculated to presenting the Lending library details, the Lending library information and contact details are also available in the right pane.
Enter the parameters User identifier regex (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > ILLiad partner) so that when requests are passed to ILLiad, ILLiad recognizes the identifier. By default, this field is blank.
The User identifier regex field in the example below indicates that Alma should use the identifying information until the @ to match the User identifier type Primary Identifier in ILLiad.
For more information, see the Developers Network.
Rapido and ReShare
Rapido enables you to push user borrowing requests to ReShare (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners). Rapido can check whether the resource is found in the ReShare network without your users needing to leave their known discovery system. Additionally, your users do not need to enable Rapido to search for the resource they need through the various resource sharing options that your institution supports.
Enter the ReShare credentials on the Parameters tab.
The RESHARE SHARED INVENTORY CONFIGURATION section is used for searching on the ReShare network.
The RESHARE OPENURL CONFIGURATION section is used for pushing borrowing requests.
The RESHARE API (MOD-RS) CONFIGURATION is used for syncing Rapido with the ReShare request.
The ReShare Updates Job (Admin > Monitor Jobs > Fulfillment > Scheduled tab) runs every four hours and is enabled automatically upon configuring ReShare.
Add the ReShare partner as a locally managed Rapido pod (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Templates).
Once the partner record is added to a rota, you can order the pod priority from the Borrowing Policies (Configuration > Resource Sharing > Members) tab.
To ensure a smooth integration, verify that the pickup locations list in Rapido is configured in ReShare as well.
Rapido and Tipasa
You can push borrowing requests from Rapido to Tipasa to further process requests. NCIP updates are also sent to Alma as required.
This option enables requests that have not been fulfilled by a local peer-to-peer rota to be automatically pushed into Tipasa, where they are further processed as a broker-managed request. This eliminates the need to manually transfer such requests to Tipasa.
Enter Tipasa in the Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > General tab. Configure the API settings in the Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > Parameters > EXPORT TO THIRD PARTY section.
To enable third party integrations to better support and manage requests, the Pickup Location, library Name, and library ID are automatically transferred when sending Tipasa requests. Additionally, when Send requester information (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > Parameters tab) is checked, other patron details such as their email address, username, first name, and last name are also included when sending the request.
For the Export to Third Party radio button, select Yes. Enter the URL and API key as supplied by Tipasa, and the Requesting agency ID that they expect to identify your library.
The Close request when exported defines whether the borrowing request is closed after export or is managed under the same borrowing request. Since these systems are not able to use the exported request’s ID to further send NCIP messages that hook up to the existing request, we recommend setting this parameter to true, resulting in the request being closed in Alma when it is exported. A new request with a different ID is created when the item is received in Tipasa, as it is with other NCIP broker systems.
Rapido and WorldShare
You can push borrowing requests from Rapido to WorldShare to further process requests.
This option enables requests that have not been fulfilled by a local peer-to-peer rota to be automatically pushed into WorldShare, where they are further processed as a broker-managed request. This eliminates the need to manually transfer such requests to WorldShare.
WorldShare ILL can be set up in a peer-to-peer rota as a supplier for last resort (see Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing in the Resource Sharing Guide).
To enable information to be transferred to an NCIP broker, the parameter rs_block_sending_requester_info (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings) must be set to false. For more information, see Configuring Other Settings (Fulfillment).
From the Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > General Information tab, select NCIP as the Profile Type and select WorldShare ILL as the System Type.
Configure the API settings in the Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > Parameters > EXPORT TO THIRD PARTY section.
For the Export to Third Party radio button, select Yes. Enter the API key and Server URL as supplied by WorldShare ILL, and the Requesting agency ID that they expect to identify your library (e.g., the institution's OCLC symbol in OCLC-XXX format).
To enable third party integrations to better support and manage requests, the Pickup Location, library Name, and library ID are automatically transferred when sending WorldShare requests. Additionally, when Send requester information (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > Parameters tab) is checked, other patron details such as their email address, username, first name, and last name are also included when sending the request.
The Close request when exported defines whether the borrowing request is closed after export or is managed under the same borrowing request. Since these systems are not able to use the exported request’s ID to further send NCIP messages that hook up to the existing request, we recommend enabling this parameter, resulting in the request being closed in Alma when it is exported. A new request with a different ID is created when the item is received in WorldShare, as it is with other NCIP broker systems.
Rapido and Relais
Relais can be configured in a resource sharing rota as a supplier of last resort (see Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing in the Resource Sharing Guide).
From the Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > General Information tab, select NCIP as the Profile Type and select Relais ILL as the System Type.
Configure the API settings in the Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > Parameters > EXPORT TO THIRD PARTY section.
For the Export to Third Party radio button, select Yes. Enter the API key and Server URL as supplied by Relais ILL, and the Requesting agency ID that they expect to identify your library (e.g., the institution's OCLC symbol in OCLC-XXX format).
The Close request when exported defines whether the borrowing request is closed after export or is managed under the same borrowing request. Since these systems are not able to use the exported request’s ID to further send NCIP messages that hook up to the existing request, we recommend enabling this parameter, resulting in the request being closed in Alma when it is exported. A new request with a different ID is created when the item is received in Relais, as it is with other NCIP broker systems.