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    User Experience 2024-2025 Roadmap

    Return to Rapido Roadmap Highlights Overview

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    User Centric: User Experience Roadmap

    2024 H2 2025 H1 2025 H2
    • Populate blank form via bookmark
    • Ebook offer tiles 
    • Tiles for local Offers
    • pending update

    2024 H2

    Populate Blank Form Via Bookmark

    Edit section

    What’s New Highlights Impact
    Bookmark to populate library's resource sharing request form from an Amazon result. 

    Ease the library request experience for users that search on Amazon.



    Bring the library to users. Support users that start their search in Amazon by automating the process of submitting their request into Rapido.  

    Ebook offer tiles

    What’s New Highlights Impact
    Within the library discovery experience, users will have Rapido offers available for requesting chapters of ebooks. Ebook chapter requests. Rapido connects libraries and their collections to create a collective collection. Expanding the collection to include ebook chapters expands access, promotes sharing, and provides a consistent user discovery and request experience.

    2025 H1

    Tile for Local Offers

    What’s New Highlights Impact

    Ability to created hold requests via Rapido tile

    Currently request tiles are used for digital requests and physical items owned by other libraries. The tile experience will be available for locally held physical requests.


    Create consistent and intuitive request experience for users regardless of where the content is coming from.



    2025 H2

    Update pending. 

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