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    2022 RefWorks Release Information

    December 13, 2022

    Attach Full Text PDF When Importing References via Save to RefWorks

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    When importing references via Save to RefWorks, users can select to import tags and can now also ask that RefWorks searches for full text. If RefWorks finds full text, the PDF will be imported. When import is complete, RefWorks will display how many full text PDFs were found and attached..

    Save to RefWorks Import References

    Save to RefWorks Import References

    Save to RefWorks Import Complete.
    Save to RefWorks Import Complete
    To find full text during RefWorks Save to RefWorks:
    1. During import, RefWorks searches for reference data in the open-source PubMed Central database for: PMCID, then PMID and lastly DOI (in this order).
    2. If a match is found, RefWorks checks if the reference has a full text PDF available.
    3. If there is a full text PDF available without copyright restrictions, PubMed Central will supply the full text and RefWorks will attach it to the reference. If there are copyright restrictions, PubMed Central will not return a full text attachment.

    Refworks does not use non-open-source databases to check for full text.

    New Reference Types Added

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    RefWorks now includes two new reference types. The new reference types added will appear in citations created with RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM), Write-n-Cite (WnC), RefWorks for Google Docs and Quick Cite. They are available in the Citation Style Editor.

    Two new reference types were added:

    • Archival Material
    • Dissertation/Theses
    Archival Material Reference Type.
    Archival Material Reference Type

    Dissertation/Thesis Reference Type.
    Dissertation/Thesis Reference Type

    Accessibility Improvements

    Added keyboard navigation to the Save to RefWorks pane.

    New Messaging for Legacy Deactivation

    Added new banner to the legacy log-in and direct export pages to notify users that as of June 30, 2023, legacy RefWorks will no longer be available. Follow the instructions in the Upgrade Guide to upgrade to the newest version of RefWorks.

    New banner on legacy log-in page.
    New banner on legacy log-in page
    New banner on direct export page.
    New banner on direct export page

    New Citation Styles 

    RefWorks now supports the following new styles:

    • 医療と社会
    • Cite Them Right 12th Edition

    November 8, 2022

    Improved Find Duplicates Feature

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    The deduplication feature has been revamped. New search algorithms have been implemented and the user interface is updated. Now, users can pick a Primary Reference, have the choice of which fields to choose in search, search in shared folders, and delete all duplicates at once.

    Users may continue working in RefWorks while a duplicates search is in progress. Users are no longer required to stay on the search page or be logged into RefWorks; they can return to search results at any time. Please refer to the Knowledge Article and How-To video for more information.

    Find duplicate references.

    Find Duplicate References

    Duplicates Navigation Section Process Completed.

    Duplicates Navigation Section Process Completed

    Duplicates Navigation Section.

    Duplicates Navigation Section

    Delete Duplicates.

    Delete Duplicates

    Attach Full Text PDF When Importing References During Direct Export

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    When importing references via direct export, users can now also select for RefWorks to search for and attach full text PDF, if found. When import is complete, RefWorks will display how many full text PDFs were found and attached.

    Import references.

    Import References

    Import complete.

    Import Complete

    Finding full text during RefWorks direct export:

    1. During import, RefWorks searches for reference data in open-source PubMed Central database for: PMCID, then PMID and lastly, DOI (in this order).
    2. If a match is found, RefWorks checks if the reference has a full text PDF available.
    3. If there is a full text PDF available without copyright restrictions, PubMed Central will supply the full text and RefWorks will attach it to the reference. If there are copyright restrictions, PubMed Central will not return a full text attachment. 

    Refworks does not use non-open-source databases to check for full text.

    New Citation Styles

    RefWorks now supports the following new styles:

    • ASA - American Sociological Association, 7th Edition

    Updates to Citation Styles

    RefWorks has updated the following styles:

    • IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    October 11, 2022

    Exciting News! Admin notifications will now be displayed in RefWorks.

    RefWorks is very excited to announce the development of a brand new in-app notification, exclusively for Administrators. This new feature allows us to seamlessly communicate Admin related product enhancements, announcements, and webinar invites.
    Make sure to log in to RefWorks regularly to find timely notifications.

    New Catalog Searches

    RefWorks now supports the following new Z39.50 catalog searches:

    • Nottingham Trent University - Library OneSearch

    Updates to Citation Styles

    RefWorks has updated the following styles:

    • IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    September 13, 2022

    DOI is now a default field in Reference Editor

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) field is now automatically listed in the Reference Editor and does not need to be added manually. This applies to editing existing reference metadata as well as for manual reference input.

    DOI field for new reference.

    Reference Editor DOI Field When Creating a New Reference

    DOI field for existing reference.
    Reference Editor DOI Field When Editing an Existing Reference

    New Catalog Searches

    RefWorks now supports the following new Z39.50 catalog searches:

    • Vocational Training Council Libraries

    Updates to Citation Styles

    RefWorks has updated the following styles:

    • AMA 11th - American Medical Association, 11th Edition
    • APA 7th - No Case Changes (No Title Casing), DOI: empty, Annotated
    • APA 7th - No Case Changes (No Title Casing), DOI: https://
    • APA 7th - No Case Changes (No Title Casing), DOI: https://, Annotated
    • APA 7th - No Case Changes (No Title Casing), DOI:
    • APA 7th - No Case Changes (No Title Casing), DOI:, Annotated
    • APA 7th - Sentence Casing, DOI: empty
    • APA 7th - Sentence Casing, DOI: empty, Annotated
    • APA 7th - Sentence Casing, DOI: https://
    • APA 7th - Sentence Casing, DOI: https://, Annotated
    • APA 7th - Sentence Casing, DOI:
    • APA 7th - Sentence Casing,, Annotated
    • APA 7th (basic) - No Case Changes (No Title Casing), DOI: empty
    • Cite Them Right, 11th edition - Harvard

    August 9, 2022

    Bibliography Sort and Numbering Limit Increased to 2,000 References 

    References will now be sorted or numbered up to 2,000 records. Previously, sorting and numbering was limited to 500 records.

    Advanced Search Results are More Focused by Allowing User to Filter on Reference Type

    Users can now choose Journal Article as the Reference Type to focus advanced search results.

    Accessibility Improvements

    • Added keyboard navigation to:
      • Pagination elements and editing option in the View Pane.
      • View options (Normal View, Full View and Citation View) dropdown menu.
    • Added keyboard navigation and contrast in banner options.
    • Reference Metadata author fields are now screen reader enabled.
    • Folder location labels for references in Normal View and Full View clearly show which folder the reference is viewed in vs. in which folder it is also saved.

    Normal View Folder Labels.

    Normal View Folder Labels

    July 12, 2022

    Legacy RefWorks Updates - Institutional Upgrade

    The new Institutional Upgrade feature provides institutional admins with the ability to move users from legacy to RefWorks in bulk.

    This only affects those institutions who offer access to, and have active users on, legacy RefWorks.

    Institutional upgrade menu item.

    Institutional Upgrade

    New Messaging for Legacy Users who Try to Log in to their Old Legacy RefWorks Account after an Upgrade was Completed

    Institution has been Upgraded message.

    Institution has upgraded message
    You've been upgraded message.
    You've been upgraded message

    RefWorks Updates

    Added Ability to Edit DOI Field 

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    Users can now add a prefix text to the DOI field to create a working link.

    Delete References when in Table View

    Users are now allowed to move references to the Trash when in Table View.

    Move to trash option.

    Move to Trash from Table View

    Bulk Edit Feature now Includes Tags

    In Bulk Edit, users are now able to add tags (multiple tags separated by semicolon, append, overwrite, or leave existing data), delete tags, and find & replace tags.

    Tags in bulk edit.

    Tags in Bulk edit

    Accessibility Improvements

    • Improved accessibility for banner options for screen readers.
    • Global header size adjustment is responsive and does not obscure content or functionality for low vision users.
    • Create Account panels updated color contrast allows low vision or colorblind users the ability to read content on-screen instructions.
    • Adding, editing, or removing names in the Authors field in the Reference Editor is now keyboard accessible.

    Updates to Citation Styles

    RefWorks has updated the following styles:

    • AMA 11th - American Medical Association, 11th Edition

    June 14, 2022

    Legacy RefWorks Update - Institutional Upgrade Feature

    The new Institutional Upgrade feature provides institutional admin the ability to move users from legacy to RefWorks in bulk.

    This only affects those institutions who offer access to, and have active users on, legacy RefWorks.

    Institutional upgrade option.

    Institutional Upgrade

    RefWorks Updates

    Users can Add References to Folders in Table View

    Reference can be assigned to a folder in Table View via the Assign to Folder menu item or by dragging and dropping.

    Reference Editor Button Placement Changes

    Undo, Save and Cancel actions were moved to the bottom of the Reference Editor.

    Changes to Reference Editor.

    Changes to Reference Editor

    Improved Accessibility Functionality

    • RCM (RefWorks Citation Manager)
      • RCM Menu
        • Keyboard accessible and only considers elements visible on page 
        • Visible in high contrast mode 
        • Checkboxes are keyboard accessible; when in focus state, the label reader is enabled.
      • The tabbing cycle follows the elements order in the user interface.
    • Enhancements were made to the top banner site elements to provide a clear and consistent focus state.
      Enhancement top banner.
      Enhanced Top Banner
    • Reference Editor
      • Undo, Save and Cancel are keyboard accessible.
      • Add and Attachment are keyboard accessible.

    Updates to Citation Styles

    RefWorks has updated the following styles:

    • Bluebook (notes only)
    • Bluebook (notes & bibliography)
    • Avian Diseases
    • Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

    May 10, 2022

    Users are Now Able to Search for References by RefID in RCM (RefWorks Citation Manager)

    Users can click into the search box in RCM and key in the RefID.

    RefWorks Citation Manager with Ref ID keyed in

    RCM with RefID

    Improvements to Folder Count for Shared Folders and Folder Actions

    The reference count for folders now reflects both references added by the sharer and the person shared with.

    Reference count for folders.

    Reference Count for Folders

    The Actions menu for folders with long names now appears without the need to adjust screen size.

    Actions menu for folders.

    Actions Menu for Folders

    Improved URL Field in References Metadata

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    The URL field now lists multiple links as separate, clickable hyperlinks. This allows for each link to be clicked individually, and no longer combines links resulting in errors.

    URL field with multiple links

    URL Field

    Reference and Folder Info Added to User Data in Admin Analytics

    Admins are now able to see folder and reference totals for each user. This information is also included in the export in CSV format.

    User Data in Admin Analytics.

    User Data in Admin Analytics

    April 12, 2022

    New YouTube Video for RefWorks Administration Settings Checklist was Added

    Click here to see the video.

    Removed Library Views from Admin Analytics

    Library Views was removed from the Admin Analytics section because the information was redundant. We recommend viewing sessions and page views stats under Usage Analytics (Admin > Analytics > Usage Analytics).

    Library Views tab removed from the menu.

    Library Views

    Improved Accessibility of Reference Actions

    Several changes were done to improve accessibility for Reference Actions for screen reader and speech-input users.

    RCM Prominence in Tools Section

    RCM was made more prominent in the Tools section. This was done to indicate that RCM is the preferred add-in.

    RefWorks Citation Manager with Insert Citation button.

    RefWorks add-ons for your papers

    Resolved Issues

    Delete Menu Remained Open after Removing References from a Folder

    After removing references from a folder, the Delete menu would remain open. This was fixed and the Delete menu now closes.

    Extra Space between Share and Create Bibliography Icons

    There was extra space between the Share and Create Bibliography icons in the Reference Actions.

    Extra space between Share and Create Bibliography icons.

    This was fixed and there is no longer extra space between the icons.

    March 8, 2022

    Updates to Search Area in RefWorks

    The search area in RefWorks was updated with the following changes:

    • New placeholder text "Search in all references and PDFs" was added to the search area. This indicates the ability to search text inside PDFs.
      Placeholder text "Search in references and pdfs" in search area.
    • The focus state is now on the search text field which enables keyboard users to keep track.
    • The Advanced and Cancel options are now keyboard accessible.

    Implementation of New Logo across RefWorks

    The RefWorks logo was replaced with a new logo. It can be seen in all places where the old logo appeared including the main web app, RCM, RefWorks for Google Docs, etc.

                                        Old RefWorks logo.         New RefWorks logo that replaces the old logo throughout the product.

    Old Logo                        New Logo

    Footer for RefWorks Login Page is now Responsive

    When the screen was made smaller, its content was obscured by the footer. This was an obstacle to keyboard and vision impaired users. The footer is now pinned to the bottom of the page instead of the bottom of the browser window so that all the content is visible.

    Updates to Citation Styles

    RefWorks has updated the following styles:

    • Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
    • American Physiological Society

    Resolved Issues

    UI Alignment for Profile Creation Modal

    The title and text box for "last name" was previously misaligned with the Role elements. It was moved and is now aligned with the Role elements.

    February 8, 2022

    Direct Export now Supports WAYFless

    Admins of a Single-Sign On (SSO) institution that uses direct export from their databases to RefWorks can now integrate the WAYFless link. This allows users to directly export references without having to login into RefWorks (if they are signed into their institution).
    To learn more about setting up direct export, click here.
    To learn more about the WAYFless link, click here.

    Web of Science Now Supports Direct Export to RefWorks

    Users of Web of Science can now export references directly to RefWorks.
    When a reference is selected in Web of Science, simply select RefWorks from the Export menu and follow the instructions.
    RefWorks selected in the Export menu for Web of Science.
    Export to RefWorks from Web of Science

    Keyboard Accessibility for Reference Organization Area and Creating/Renaming a Folder

    The Reference Organization area and folder creation and renaming is now accessible to keyboard users.
    Users can use the Tab and Tab+Shift keys to navigate through the menu, and use the Enter key to perform an action.
    Users can also create folders and rename existing folders in the naming modal, pressing the Enter key to save changes.
    To read the RefWorks accessibility statement, click here.

    Navigate Menu with Keyboard

    Navigate Menu with Keyboard

    RefWorks APIs Testing

    The RefWorks APIs have been updated to allow admins to test out API calls on the site by using the 'Authorize' function.

    Admins must implement the first 3 steps noted in the documentation to receive the cookieString

    The page also now includes the TLS 1.2 system requirement.
    To view the RefWorks API documentation, click here


    Authorize logo.

    Authorize Logo

    Resolved Issues

    HTML Tags Removed from Citekey String in Export Files

    Following the addition of the new citekey to export files, text formatted titles resulted in HTML tags being added to the citekey. This issue was fixed, and the HTML tags no longer appear.

    Citekey with HTML removed.

    Citekey with HTML Tags - Before Fix

    Updated ‘Contact Support’ Link for Admin and Projects areas

    In the Admin area and in Manage Projects, the link to contact RefWorks was not the typical support link. This has been fixed and it is now the same as the support link available via the main RefWorks page, from the help menu in the Utility Toolbar. Users and admins can open a support case or start a chat with a support representative.

    To contact RefWorks support, click here.


    January 11, 2022

    Citekey String Added to Export Files

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    An additional text string has been added to all reference export files, providing additional information that can assist users in easily locating and identifying references in the file. In addition, the Ref ID added to export files in the November release, was reformatted, since the original format included a comma which is not supported by LaTeX. When creating an export file, the metadata for each reference shows a string with the RefID, the first author's surname, the year of publishing and the first word in the title (excluding prepositions).

    Example of metadata in exported Bibtex file

    Reference Metadata in an exported Bibtex file

    This is helpful to users of LaTeX, Overleaf and other word processors, citing references without using a RefWorks writing tool add-on.

    Click here to learn more about exporting references.

    Institutional Admin can Delete any Institutional Style

    idea exchange Idea Exchange

    RefWorks administrators can share citation styles across their institution; these styles appear in the Institutional Styles drop-down list when users select a citation style. However, until now, administrators could only delete institutional styles that they created themselves.
    A change was made allowing administrators to delete any institutional style configured for their institution.
    Click here to learn more about creating an institutional style.
    Example of institution style: Alpine Research
    Delete Institutional Styles

    Importing References with Multiple Attachments

    When a user imports references with multiple attachments from legacy RefWorks or Mendeley to RefWorks, or upgrades their legacy RefWorks account to RefWorks, they remain as single references with multiple attachments. Previously, importing a reference with multiple attachments would create multiple references, one for each attachment.

    This improvement was made as part of wider improvements to PDF metadata accuracy for importing references from Legacy or Mendeley.

    Import from another reference manager with Legacy RefWorks and Mendeley buttons.

    Import References

    Resolved Issues

    Error when Signing into RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM)

    Users who have a legacy RefWorks account and a RefWorks account were presented with an error after an attempted login to RCM, if the password associated with the RefWorks account contained a special character (e.g. !@#$%&*). This issue was fixed, and users can sign into RCM without triggering an error.
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