Are there separate Voyager Oracle ODBC drivers for Access 32-bit and Access 64-bit?
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Do I need to download separate Oracle ODBC drivers for both Microsoft Access 32-bit and Microsoft Access 64-bit?
Microsoft Access 64-bit requires 64-bit ODBC drivers, and Microsoft Access 32-bit requires 32-bit ODBC drivers.
Due to the interactions between character encodings in the Oracle Database and the ODBC drivers, we strongly encourage the use of 32-bit Access with the 32-bit Oracle 10g client and the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle.
It is possible to use the newer Oracle 19c ODBC drivers, which are available for either 32- or 64- bit versions of Microsoft Access, but these do not work correctly with non-Latin characters or with diacritical markings.
See this defect report: Unicode characters not displaying correctly for Oracle ODBC 19c drivers in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports
If you must use the 64-bit version of Microsoft Access, you can follow these instructions to install the 64-bit Oracle 19c ODBC drivers.
Additional Information
Access 64-bit ODBC client installation instructions: PREPACKAGED REPORTS: Installing 64-bit ODBC Drivers
Access 32-bit ODBC client installation instructions: Installation and Configuration of ODBC for Voyager
Contact Voyager Support to download the 10g and/or 19c installation files. Do not download these files from another source.
Support recommends you archive the ODBC drivers zip file(s) locally. They rarely change.
- Article last edited: 20-May-2021