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    Delete an e-item in the Voyager Course Reserve module

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Delete E-Reserve items (e-items) in the Voyager Reserve module.


    When deleting E-Reserve items in the Voyager Reserve module you must also delete the record using the Voyager Cataloging client. It is important to perform these steps in the order specified below:

    1. Delete the E-Item from the Reserve list in Voyager Circulation.
      • Option A: In the Reserve list, select the E-Item you wish to delete; right-click on the E-Item, choose "Delete E-Item."
      • Option B: In the Reserve list, select the E-Item you wish to delete; navigate to the Reserve Menu> E-Items> Delete E-Item.
    2. Retrieve the Bib record in the Voyager Cataloging client by searching for the title or BIB ID.
    3. Click on "Get Holdings" Icon.
    4. To delete the MFHD: Click on the "Record" menu in the top tool bar.
    5. Choose Delete from the drop down menu.
    6. Click Yes to delete the holdings for this item.
    7. To delete the Bib: Click on the "Record" menu in the top tool bar.
    8. Choose Delete from the drop down menu.
    9. Click Yes to delete the bib record.


    Additional Information

    See: How to delete e-item when associated reserve list has been deleted?

    • Article last edited: 06-Jul-2020
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