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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Error #76: Path not found in Voyager Pick and Scan

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Getting "Error #76 Path not found" error in Pick and Scan.  How do I fix this?


    1. Check to see if the c:\voyager\logs subdirectory exists.  If it does not, create it (making sure its permissions are full access to all users.)
    2. In the Pick and Scan Logs tab check the Log Folder setting.  Make sure it is pointing to the above folder, or a different folder if you so choose. Note that using a local folder as opposed to a folder on a network drive is generally preferred.
    3. Keep in mind logs are also stored on the server.  It is always wise to keep an archive of log files in order to document changes. You can leave the logs on the server, or archive them locally. 


    If the above does not work, try the following:

    1. Completely uninstall and reinstall the Voyager Clients.  We always recommend you use the default installation directory when possible (e.g., c:\voyager). See these detailed instructions for installing the clients.

    Additional Information

    See the Pick and Scan Chapter, the "Logs" section, in either the Cataloging User's Guide or the Circulation User's Guide for your version of Voyager.



    • Article last edited: 20-Jun-2019
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