Prebulk: FAQ
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 2000
- Relevant for Installation Type: Total Care; Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local
Q: What is Prebulk?
A: Prebulk is a program that processes MARC record files prior to import. It is launched from /m1/voyager/xxxdb/sbin with Pprebulk.
Q: Why use Prebulk?
A. To perform any of these actions on a MARC record file:
* create an interleaved file of Bibs and MFHDS that will be loaded into a Voyager database via BulkImport
* strip out one or more tags/subfields from Bibs
* move tag from bib to mfhd
* check file of bibs for errors prior to import
Q: How does Prebulk work?
A. Prebulk requires two files:
1) input file of bib records
2) configuration file
The configuration file dictates what changes are made to the input file when processed by Prebulk. Prebulk looks to /m1/voyager/xxxdb/local for the input file unless specified otherwise.
Q: Can I create the config file using Notepad on my PC?
A. No, you must create it on the server, using vi.
Additional Information
See Prebulk chapter in Technical User's Guide for additional details on Prebulk.
See also:
- How to create interleaved file with Prebulk, with all mfhds mapped to one location for a use case example and sample configuration file.
- How to create an interleaved file from the deleted records files in Voyager?
Category: Batch jobs
- Article last edited: 3/13/2021