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    campusM 2024 Release Notes

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    Calendar - Activity Reminders

    August 2024  idea exchange Idea Exchange

    React Native


    End-users can now set up reminders for all calendar activities (classes, events, etc.). They can determine whether or not to receive reminders for each type of activity, and can set the timing for the reminders they choose to receive. For customers using the Attendance module, the existing reminder functionality remains unchanged for Attendance activities (see Configuring Attendance; campusM Attendance Student Experience), but users now have the additional ability to set up reminders for non-Attendance activities.

    Activity reminders pop-up on end-users' devices at specified intervals before the activities are scheduled to take place. (They are not included in the Alerts list.)

    Calendar Reminder notification pop-up on a mobile device.

    Activity Reminder 15 Minutes Before Its Start Time

    Configuration for this feature is part of the app settings, so end-users can configure their reminder settings themselves. Reminders for each timetable endpoint can be configured individually, and end-users can choose whether to have reminders at all, and if so, whether to have multiple reminders for each activity, at specified times before they are scheduled to take place. For example, they could choose to have reminders for events 1 hour before they are scheduled to begin, and reminders for exams 5 minutes and 15 minutes before they are scheduled to occur.

    Notification settings for each type of timetable.

    Reminder Settings Configured for Each Timetable Endpoint in the System

    As part of this development, the name of the Settings > Notifications > Alerts option was changed to Settings > Notifications > Channels Subscription. The functionality of this option, which enables end-users to sign up for specific notification groups, has not changed. For additional information about notification groups, see Sending Notifications to End-Users from Notification Center.

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Attendance - Invalidation of Mock Locations

    August 2024CAM-24884

    When the attendance system is set to use geolocation to validate students' locations when they check into a class, it now automatically checks whether the GPS location coordinates were manually set on the student's device, indicating that the data from the location sensor was overridden in order to spoof the geolocation system. Location data that is found to have been tampered with on a device now invalidates the student's check-in. 

    For additional information about using geolocation in the check-in validation process, see Configuring Attendance.

    Information about mocked locations that were detected can be retrieved by admins via the API, using the Check In Report API, in the isLocationMocked parameter. For additional information about the Check In Report, see Check In Report in the Developer Network.

    Product Integration - Syncing of User Role Data with Alma

    August 2024CAM-23518

    A new vendor, Alma, is now supported by the Roles Product Integration. This vendor enables syncing user-role information with Alma's student information system (SIS) in order to import the latest information about students' user groups.  

    Configuring a Roles Product Integration with Alma.

    Configuring a Product Integration for Sync User Roles with Alma's SIS

    For more information, see Roles.

    Notifications - Search All History 

    August 2024CAM-24555

    You can now search for notifications that were sent more than 30 days ago. The Date field in the Notification Center now allows you to select any date in the past in order to find notifications that were sent on that day. 

    The Notification Center with the new Date Selector open.

    New Date Selector in the Notification Center

    For more information, see Sending Notifications to End-Users from Notification Center.

    App Settings - Default Language for Landing Page

    August 2024CAM-24469

    You can now set the default language for the landing page that end-users see the first time they open the app. The language can be set in a new field, Language pack, which is located in the App Manager at App Settings > App Settings > General Settings.

    For additional information, see Configuring App Basics

    App Builder - Alerts and Maps Tiles

    August 2024CAM-17870

    Two new types of tiles can now be added by admins to the end-user apps:

    • Alerts
    • Maps

    New Tile Types - Alerts and Maps - in the App Builder.

    New Tile Types

    Previously, these types of tiles could only be added by Ex Libris customer support.

    For information about creating new tiles for the end-user app, see Creating Services.

    Calendar - New Agenda View

    July 2024 (Added to the June 2024 release)

    React Native

    A new view has been added to the calendar on the React Native platform: Agenda view. As compared with the default view, Day view, this view enables end users to see the activities of the selected day as a list, presented as equal-sized rectangles, each of which represents a single activity, regardless of its duration. Times for which no activities are scheduled do not appear in this view. To switch between calendar views, end-users select  (Day to Agenda view) or  (Agenda to Day view).

    Calendar in Day View.

    Calendar in Day View

    Calendar in Agenda View.

    Calendar in Agenda View

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Day View Tile - Customizable Backgrounds

    July 2024 (Added to the June 2024 release)

    React Native

    The Day View tile, which shows end-users their next scheduled activity, now includes backgrounds as follows:

    • Upcoming activities – When the end-user has at least one remaining activity scheduled for the day, information about the next upcoming activity appears in the tile with a solid-color background. The color of the background can be configured in the tile's settings, so it can match your institution's standard color-scheme.
    • No upcoming activities – When the end-user has no remaining activities scheduled for the day, the tile appears with a standard background image and message. Several versions of the background image, employing different color-schemes to better match the institution's standard color-scheme, are available for selection in the tile's configuration.

    Day View tile with a background color and information about an upcoming activity.

    Day View Tile When There Is an Upcoming Activity

    Day View Tile with a background image when there are no upcoming activities.

    Day View Tile When There Are No Upcoming Activities (Default Color-Scheme)

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    The No Activities Message is now used both when no activities were scheduled for the day and when activities were scheduled, but they are all in the past. The Activities Done Message is no longer in use.

    Calendar - Refresh Mechanisms

    July 2024 (Added to the June 2024 release)

    React Native

    Three methods end-users can employ in order to update their calendars are now supported:

    1. Tap the Updated... line at the top of the calendar
    2. When the first week of the month is visible in the calendar area (above the schedule of the selected day; in Week or Month view) drag down from the row of that week in the calendar area.
    3. Drag in the schedule area:
      • In Day view – When 12:00 AM is visible at the top of the timeline, drag down from the 12:00 AM row.
      • In Agenda view – When the first activity of the day is visible, drag down from it.

    Locations of Calendar Refresh Options.

    Calendar Refresh Options

    For additional information about working with the calendar in React Native, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Feeds Tile - Icon Position Configuration

    July 2024CAM-20437

    A new field has been added to the configuration of a feed in a Feeds tile, Icon Position. The new field allows you to choose from six possible positions of an icon when one is superimposed on the tile (e.g., the logo of the provider of the RSS feed): top left, top center, top right, bottom left, bottom center, and bottom right.

    New Icon Position Field in the settings of a feed in the App Builder.

    New Icon Position Field in the Settings of a Feeds Tile

    New Icon Position Field in the settings of a feed in the App Builder.

    Feeds Tile with an Icon at the Top Right

    For additional information about adding and configuring tiles in the App Builder, see Configuring Services.

    Accessibility - Improved Page Headings

    July 2024CAM-24779

    As part of our continuing efforts to optimize the accessibility of our applications, page headings have been added to a number of pages in which they were not previously displayed.

    Calendar - Week-Month Display

    June 2024

    React Native CAM-24367

    In React Native mobile apps, the calendar views have been streamlined. Expanding from week view to month view is done by dragging down to open a "drawer"; expanding from month view to week view is done by dragging up to close the drawer. The Day view is always displayed whether or not the week/month view are expanded.

    The Timetable type Color indicator has been enlarged for accessibility purposes.

    Calendar in Week view, showing the bar below the dates that can be dragged down to open month view.

    Calendar in Week View: Drag the Bar Down to Open Month View

    Calendar in Month view, showing the bar below the dates that can be dragged up to open week view.

    Calendar in Month View: Drag the Bar Up to Switch to Week View

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Notifications - Specify Recipients Based on Their Roles 

    June 2024 CAM-24442

    You can now configure notifications to be sent to users based on their roles. This powerful enhancement even enables you to define groups of recipients based on two roles, using logical operators to define the relationship between them. For example, you can define a list of recipients that includes all users who are both first-year students and physics majors.

    Send Advanced Role Notification page with the profile and roles selected.

    Fields for Selecting and Configuring Roles in the Send Advanced-role Notification Page

    For more information, see Sending Notifications to End-Users from Notification Center.

    API - REST API for Account Information

    June 2024CAM-24563

    A REST API is now available for retrieving user-account information from the database.

    API - REST API for User Holds

    June 2024 (Updated May 27, 2024)CAM-24562

    A REST API is now available for retrieving user-holds information from the database.

    Calendar - Combined Display of Activities

    May 2024

    React Native


    In React Native mobile apps, the calendar now incorporates more scheduled activities in a single display – timetable items such as courses and exams, as well as scheduled events from other event product integrations (PIs). Items are color-coded to indicate their type. Tapping on an item opens its details.

    Only events that the end-user has registered for or tagged as favorites are included in the calendar. Favorites for which the end-user has not registered appear in the calendar with the same color-coding as other events from the same feed, but in a much paler shade. All favorites are marked with a Heart icon (Heart icon.).

    New Calendar Screen with Events from Multiple Feeds and the current time marked.

    New Calendar Screen with Events from Multiple Feeds

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Calendar - New Day View Tile

    May 2024

    React Native


    In React Native mobile apps, a new tile, Day View, is now available. This tile gives end-users information about their next upcoming activity of the day, taking the information from the new calendar, which includes information from timetables and other event PI feeds (see above). Selecting the tile opens the calendar with the activity displayed.

    Day View Tile.

    Day View Tile
    • If you add a Day View tile to your app, and the app already has a Timetable tile, it is recommended to remove the Timetable tile, because it essentially serves the same purpose as the Day View tile.
    • Although the Day View tile can be added to the Web app, it is not recommended to do so at this time, because the Web-app does not yet support the React Native calendar, so activities may appear in the Day View tile that do not appear in the calendar.

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Calendar - New Calendar Button in Menu Bar

    May 2024

    React Native

    In React Native mobile apps, a new Calendar button (Calendar Icon.) has been added to the menu bar of React Native mobile apps, enabling end-users to open the calendar quickly from any screen in the app (see illustration above). The button is added to the app automatically if the system has any scheduling feeds – timetables such as courses or exams, and/or other event PIs.

    Customers who do not have any active timetables, but do have event PIs, or who do not have any event PIs nor any CAL endpoints, can have the Calendar button removed if they wish. 

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Attendance - Export of Data to CSV

    May 2024CAM-XXXXX

    Attendance data can now be retrieved for review and further processing by exporting it to a CSV file. The export process can be scheduled to take place daily or weekly, and/or performed ad hoc, as required. CSV files can be opened by spreadsheet applications like Excel.

    For more information, see Exporting Attendance Data.

    Product Integration - Support for New Leganto UI

    May 2024

    The new Leganto UI is now supported by campusM. In organizations in which Leganto is deployed with its new UI, the Leganto product integration opens in campusM in the new UI.

    New Leganto UI in campusM.

    New Leganto UI in campusM

    Directory Search Results - Contact Information Display

    April 2024CAM-23802

    You can now control which contact information is displayed in the Contact page, which is the page that opens when a user selects a contact from the list of contacts retrieved by a directory search. To configure this, in the App Manager, in the Product Integrations module, in the settings of the Directory Search Instance, under Contact Page, select the items that should be displayed in Contact pages for this type of directory search.

    Directory Search Filters.png

    Contact Page Settings

    Contact Info.png

    Contact Page Displaying the Selected Items

    For more information, see Directory Search.

    Event Product Integrations - Support for JSON Imports

    April 2024CAM-23003

    Events can now be imported via REST API in JSON format. This can be configured in the App Manager, in the Product Integrations module, in the settings of the Events Instance, under JSON Events.

    PI Events - JSON.png

    Settings for JSON Event Imports

    Although JSON supports nested objects, only top-level attributes can currently be imported.

    For more information, see Events.

    Map Display Enhancements in Position Pages

    April 2024CAM-24061, CAM-24015

    React Native Platform

    In React Native versions of the app, the following enhancements have been implemented in the map displays in Position pages: 

    • An About tab has been added to the page, and is the default tab that opens when the end-user selects a position in the app. When this tab is open, only the location of that position is marked on the map, in order to reduce clutter. By default, the name of the position is displayed in the About tab. However, if the Note field of the position contains text, this text is displayed in the About tab, rather than the name of the position. All marked locations continue to appear in the map when the Around Here tab is selected. 
    • Actions that appear in Actions tabs can have icons identifying their types.

      Map Location Action Icons (RN) doct sm marked 2.png

      Icons Identifying Actions in the Actions Tab of a Position Page

    For more information, see Adding Maps and Locations to Services and Feature Focus – Maps.

    Enhancements in Class Details Pages

    April 2024CAM-24099, CAM-23826

    React Native Platform

    In React Native versions of the app, the following enhancements have been implemented in the Class Details pages: 

    • Timezone display: The times displayed are for the time zone currently selected in the device, and the name of the time zone is indicated above the times. 
    • Location Info: Selecting this opens the campusM Position page for the location.
    • Navigate to Location: Selecting this takes the user out of campusM and opens the location in the device's map app.

      Class Details Page 1 marked.png

      Icons Identifying Actions in the Actions Tab of a Position Page

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    New "Go to Today" Button in Calendar

    April 2024CAM-24159

    React Native Platform

    In React Native versions of the app, a Go to Today button (Go to Today Button sm.png) has been added to the Calendar page.

    Timetable w Go to Today Button 2.png

    Go to Today Button in Calendar Page

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Attendance - Configurable Icon of "Unable to Validate" Check-In Status

    March 2024CAM-23000

    It is now possible to configure how campusM marks check-ins that it identifies as "unable to validate" in the student check-in screen. You can choose whether these check-ins should be marked with the icon used for valid check-ins (Validated Check-In Icon sm.png) or the icon for invalid check-ins (Invalid Check-In icon 1.png). To configure this setting, in the App Manager, go to Attendance Settings > Attendance > Check-in History Settings, and, under How to Consider Unable to Validate Entries, select Invalid or Valid.

    Unable to Validate -settings.png

    How to Consider Unable to Validate Entries Field

    For more information, see Configuring Attendance.

    Notifications - Undo for Deletions

    March 2024 

    React Native PlatformCAM-22216

    End users now have the option to undo the deletion of a notification. After the user selects Delete in the Delete Alert, the Undo option appears for several seconds in the Alert deleted message at the bottom of the screen.

    Confirm Notif Delete sm1.png
    Delete Alert
    Undo Notif Delete sm1.png
    Undo Option

    For more information about managing notifications, see Sending Notifications to End-Users.

    Product Integration - New SAML Certificate

    March 2024CAM-23810

    The SAML certificate has been renewed for 2024. For more information, see Configuring Integration Profiles.

    React Native: Improved Navigation from Timetable

    February 2024CAM-23616

    In the React Native UI, a new Navigation button (Navigation Icon.png) has been added to the Event screen. Selecting this button takes the user directly to the screen of their device's map app in which they can get directions to the location.

    Navigation Option in React Native marked.png Navigation Selected in React Native marked.png
    Navigation Button in Event Screen Map Screen with Directions Option

    For more information, see Feature Focus – My Calendar.

    Attendance - Enhanced Bulk Management

    January 2024CAM-23186

    Lecturers can now select multiple students to check-in or mark absent using Select All Unsubmitted Students and Select All With Status buttons. In addition, when one or more students are selected, lecturers can set their status in one action, by selecting an option from below the list of students. For additional information, see campusM Attendance Lecturer Experience

    Lecturer Check-In - Bulk - non status selected.png

    All Not-Checked-In Students Selected, with Options for Setting Their Statuses Below the List of Students

    Notifications - Editing of Future Notifications

    January 2024CAM-22241

    You can now edit scheduled notifications that have not yet been sent. To do so, in the Notifications Dashboard (Notifications), under Date, select All future notifications to open a list of scheduled notifications, and then select the notification you want to edit. For more information, see Sending Notifications to End-Users from Notification Center.

    Notification Center - Future Notifications.png

    List of Scheduled Notifications

    App Builder - Configurable Location for Banner Controls

    January 2024CAM-23084

    It is now possible to configure where the User Controls of banner tiles are placed - at the top or the bottom of the image. When a Play/Pause control is also included in the banner, it is placed in the alternate location. For additional information, see Configuring Services.

    Banner Controls Top.png

    Banner User Control on the Top (Play/Pause Control on the Bottom)

    Banner Controls Bottom.png

    Banner User Control on the Bottom (Play/Pause Control on the Top)

    Resolved Issues

    • August 2024 Platform: Android React Native SF: 07156864 07172224 CAM-25102
      On certain Android devices, scrolling from month to month in the calendar did not work properly. When the entire month was displayed, scrolling right or left in order to switch to the previous or next month would freeze after one month scrolled. This was fixed.
    • August 2024 Platform: App Manager SF: 07047992 07050225 07056145 CAM-24586
      In Nested tiles, when the Action (URL) field was selected, the search did not open as it should have, making it difficult to select campusM content pages and menu options. This was fixed.
    • August 2024 Platform: App Manager SF: 07166259 CAM-24949
      In the Product Integration settings for Events, the Browse button of the Events Home Page Image field did not work. This was fixed.
    • August 2024 Platform: App Manager SF: 07166851 CAM-24954
      It was not possible to replace the icon of Twitter with the icon of X in a template in Creative Studio. This was fixed.
    • August 2024 Platform: iOS React Native SF: 07199324 CAM-25107
      The calendar loaded very slowly and events were not displayed properly. This was fixed.
    • August 2024 Platform: Mobile Platforms React Native SF: 07132354 07173963 07187339 CAM-25239
      When a lecturer checked a student in on a mobile device, the student's check-in status was not updated in the lecturer's app immediately, as it should have been. This was fixed.
    • July 2024 Platform: React Native SF: 07114491 CAM-24597
      Certain AEK tiles were not functional, and displayed an error message. This was fixed.
    • July 2024 Platform: Web CAM-24516
      When the API returned a string in the locPostCode field, it was not displayed in the calendar. This was fixed.
    • July 2024 Platform: All SF: 06300247 CAM-24494
      When a language pack was applied, certain labels were still displayed in English. This was fixed.
    • July 2024 Platform: React Native Android and iOS SF: 07141827 CAM-24800
      In the the preview and sandbox versions of the mobile apps, an error message appeared when the Guest profile was selected. This was fixed.
    • June 2024 Platform: React Native - iOS SF: 06470401 CAM-20346
      The corners of the Top Banner Tile were not rounded on iOS. This was fixed in the React Native platform. Note that it was not fixed in the legacy platform.
    • May 2024 Platform: React Native - iOS SF: 07041838 CAM-24196
      When students tried to check into a class by scanning a QR code, the application unexpectedly closed. This was fixed.
    • May 2024 Platform: WebCAM-24132
      The timetable for Celcat month-view was failing to show events. This was fixed.
    • May 2024 Platform: React Native - Mobile AppsCAM-24399
      CSS was not correctly implemented in content pages. This was fixed.
    • April 2024 CAM-22486
      In the Timetable PI, the default response content-type (JSON) was not being applied. This was fixed.
    • April 2024 Platform: iOSCAM-20569
      The biometric lock was not activated when the app was open in the background. This was fixed.
    • April 2024 Platform: React Native CAM-23760
      The customer logo was not displayed at the top of the app. This was fixed.
    • April 2024 Platform: React Native CAM-23991
      When a large number of notifications were received, it was not possible to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list. This was fixed.
    • April 2024 Platform: React Native CAM-23905
      When the Arrange option was selected from the Actions (three dots) menu, the app did not respond. This was fixed.
    • March 2024 SF: 06890169 CAM-23069
      Previously, a maximum of 500 users could be imported to an App Role from a CSV file. This was fixed, and there is no longer any limit on the number of users that can be included in the CSV file.
    • March 2024 SF: 06865832 CAM-23023
      Previously, the Assignments widget did not pull in all the assignment information that it should have. This was fixed.
    • February 2024 Platform: React NativeCAM-23617 (HOTFIX FOR MONTH)
      Previously, in the class details screen, the course title was displayed below the lecturer's name, and was in a smaller typeface. This was reversed: the course title is displayed above the lecturer's name, and in a larger typeface.
    • February 2024 SF: 06893082 CAM-23336
      Previously, in the Attendance Transaction Viewer, the Bluetooth field was blank in even when a value existed for it in the database. This was fixed.
    • January 2024 
      Previously, there was an issue with the pagination in the Notification Center, in the Change notification group subscriptions page, when the "Only Subscribed Users" filter was applied. This was fixed.
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