Courses and Reading Lists
To import courses from a course management system – See Configuring Course Loading.
Ex Libris maintains an internal tool to import reading list information in bulk. Contact Ex Libris support for assistance.
For information on working with the course management Web services, see
Leganto customers only:
Ex Libris Leganto is an online solution for instructors and librarians to collaboratively create and process reading lists and manage citations. For more information about Leganto, see the Leganto Product Description. In particular, see Configuring External Services for Leganto. For UK customers, Leganto can be integrated with the DCS; see Integrating with the UK's Digital Content Store (DCS). For NA customers, you can clear copyrights through the CCC; see Clearing Copyrights Through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC).
Alma enables you to integrate the Alma-supplied reading list citations and their statuses into a Course Management System (CMS), and provide a link that can be used from within the CMS to view the services that the library can supply for a given citation. If you are running Leganto, you can configure authentication between Leganto and your course management systems – See Configuring Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI).