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    Esploro Publishing to OAI and Exporting to FTP

    To create a publishing profile, you must have the following role:
    • Repository Manager

    This page describes how to publish to OAI and export to FTP. For general information on publishing in Esploro, see here.

    For more details about research general profiles, see Publishing Research Assets to Primo. For related information on publishing to OAI, see Setting Up OAI Integration.
    For a video showing how to publish research assets in OAI protocol, see here.


    You can publish assets to third-party systems. Esploro publishing includes several features:

    • Incrementally published data through files or OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).
    • Notification about asset deletion.

    The input to ongoing incremental General Publishing is all records that were changed and "touched" (saved without a change) since the last incremental job run, and all records whose related entity was changed.

    The job that publishes the records to the third-party systems is called "Publishing Platform Job <profile name>". Note that if the publishing process fails, all the records that did not publish will be published by the next publishing process.

    Before configuring a profile, you must first create the set to publish; see Managing Search Queries and Sets. You can also create a set after performing a search query; see Searching in Esploro.

    Creating a General Publishing Profile

    Use the following procedure to create a general publishing profile.
    To create a general publishing profile to an external target:
    1. On the Publishing Profiles page (Repository > Publishing > Manage Publishing Profiles), select Add Profile > Research General Profile. The Research Publishing Profile Details page appears.
      Research Publishing Profile Details page that displays after selecting Add Profile.
      Research Publishing Profile Details Page
      1. Complete the following information.
        Field Description
        Profile Name (mandatory) A unique profile name.
        Profile Description A free text description of the profile.
        Publishing Parameters section
        Status Active or Inactive.
        Scheduling The exact times are dependent on your time zone and data center.
        If you select Not scheduled, the publishing profile does not run automatically.
        Email Notifications Specify the email addresses of users to receive email notifications when the publishing profile is complete. You can choose whether to send notifications for successful jobs and/or jobs that contain errors.
        Content section
        Set name (mandatory) Select the set of assets to publish. Note that if you are publishing from the Network Zone, you cannot select an itemized set.
        Output format Select the output format.
        • Dublin Core (Simple)
        • Dublic Core (Qualified)
        • Esploro Format
        • Esploro for Primo
        • DIDL (for ETDs). To activate this format, see Setting_Up_OAI_Integration.
        • MARC-XML. This profile is currently available only for import of ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations). To activate this format, see Setting_Up_OAI_Integration.
        • SWEPUB
        • DDF
          • Institution ID (Mandatory free text that will be used throughout the OAI XML)
        Is For Unpaywall

        Select this option if the output is being generated for publishing on Unpaywall. This option is only available when Dublin Core (Simple) is selected for the Output format.

        Selecting this option produces a simplified output that only contains the fields used by Unpaywall:

        • DOI -  <dc:identifier>
        • Title -  <dc:title>
        • Creators -  <dc:creator>
        • Contributors - <dc:contributor>
        • License - <dc:rights.license>
        • url_for_pdf  - <dc:identifier>
        • Direct link to Esploro landing page - <dc:identifier>
        Publishing Protocol section
        FTP / OAI Select to publish the records using FTP / OAI. Once selected, the following fields appear (depending on your selection). You must select either FTP or OAI.
        FTP subsection
        FTP configuration and Sub-directory FTP configuration field values come from your institution’s setup (see Configuring S/FTP Connections in the Esploro documentation). The Sub-directory field is an additional relative path to the FTP configuration. For example, if you specified Esploro in the Sub-directory field during S/FTP connection configuration and you enter exports in this field, the data is exported to the Esploro/exports directory.
        Include all records each time file is published Records that were not modified since the last run are not published. Select this option to publish all the non-deleted records in the set to the FTP file.

        If this parameter is not selected, only records that were modified, created, or deleted since the last run are published to the FTP file.

        If you work with third parties that require you to publish the whole set (because they are not able to work with a partial set/only modified records), select this parameter.

        Disable file compression Select this option if you do not want to compress the output to a tar.gz file.
        Compressed file extension This extension identification for compressed output of tar.gz appears when Disable file compression is not selected.
        Physical format Select XML or Binary.
        For XML output, the file extension is .xml.
        For binary output, the file extension is .mrc.
        Only MARC XML is compressed. When selecting MARC binary, the published files are not compressed.
        Number of records in the file The maximum number of records for each file published.
        Choose a maximum of 1,000, 5,000, or 10,000 assets per file or to select a single file option with no maximum assets specified. The default is 1,000.
        This enables you to determine how many assets are included in each file in order to align with external source requirements regarding file structure.
        Use default file name Select Yes or No to indicate your preference to use or not use the default file name. See the following in this table for more information regarding the file naming conventions:
        • File name prefix
        • File name
        • Disable file compression
        • Compressed file extension
        File name prefix When you select Yes for Use default file name, you must specify a file name prefix. The output file is named in the following manner:
        <prefix>_<time stamp>_<job ID>_<new or update or delete>.<xml or mrc>.<tar.gz>
        You are only able to enter allowable characters in this field. Esploro automatically deletes any characters that are not permitted.
        File name When you select No for Use default file name, you must specify a file name. You may specify a static or dynamic file name in the following manner:
        • Enter a single file name to be used for the publishing output that is created.
        • For dynamic file names, enter the file name variables as indicated below. Use the information icon for assistance.
          <name of your choice>_{JOB_ID}_{TIMESTAMP}
          The {JOB_ID} inserts the publishing job ID in the file name. The {TIMESTAMP} inserts the date and time stamp in the following format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS[mmm]. This is year, month, day and hour, minutes, and seconds plus milliseconds.
          This creates a file with a name in the following format:
          <name>_<job ID>_<time stamp>_<new or update or delete>.<xml or mrc>.<tar.gz>
          When you use the dynamic file naming convention, the system generates new, additional files instead of overwriting a previous file with the new file and using the same name.
        You are only able to enter allowable characters in this field. Esploro automatically deletes any characters that are not permitted.
        Add OAI-header The OAI header check box must be selected when you are publishing to Primo using the Esploro for Primo format. The check box must be selected for Primo to process the records correctly.
        OAI subsection
        Set Spec A colon (:) separated list indicating the path from the root of the set hierarchy to the respective node. It must be unique for each set.
        Set Name The name of the set. The set must be defined according to the OAI requirements.
        Metadata Prefix The prefix on the output. This is set automatically based on the Output format selected in the Content section.
    2. Select Save to enter the profile in the database and return to the Publishing Profiles list page.
    Publishing Profiles list.
    Publishing Profiles Page

    Working with an Existing General Publishing Profile

    You can do the following with existing general publishing profiles.

    To work with a general publishing profile:
    1. On the Publishing Profiles page (Repository > Manage Publishing Profiles), select Research General Profiles in the Publishing Profile Type filter.
    2. Select one of the following row actions:
      To: Do:
      Edit the profile Select the Edit row action.
      Manually run the profile Select the Run row action. Note that you can also run a profile from inside the profile (after selecting the Edit row action).
      Republish a subset, date range, or all of the records in the set, instead of an incremental update

      Select the Republish row action. Note that you can also run a profile from inside the profile. This action is only available for publishing profiles that you can edit.

      A job triggered by General Publishing > Republish method processes all input records, and includes them in the product, without skipping records whose processed value is identical to the last published value (unlike the regular ongoing incremental jobs).

      When the Republish row action is selected, select one of the following publishing modes from the pop-up dialog box:

      • Date Range – Enter a date range to identify the records in the set that you want to be published.
      • Republish Subset – Select a separate (sub)set of records to publish. Note that you need to preplan your work for this option and have the set created that you want to use.
      • Rebuild Entire Index – Republish the entire set and rebuild the entire publishing index. This option will recalculate the entire set and publish all the records as new. Use this option with caution. This action is not reversible.
      • Select Run Now to republish runs immediately (as soon as available in the job queue). There is no scheduling option for this action. Note that when you select Run Now, Esploro saves the profile. If you made changes to the profile in addition to selecting Republish, those actions are saved before the publishing job starts.
      Delete the profile Select the Delete row action.

    When you edit a general publishing profile, the Run and Republish row actions are also available as buttons on the Publishing Profile Details page. These buttons perform the same actions as described in the procedure above. Note that when you use the Run and Republish buttons, they also save the profile.

    publishing profile run and republish.png

    Republish and Run