Intota: The Holding Details Page
- Product: Intota
What do the fields mean on a Holding Details page in Intota?
The top left of the Holding Details page highlights key details such as the status of the holding in your Intota profile and in which services is the resource discoverable:

Below the key details are additional sections, and along the right side of the screen you see highlighted above the quick access to related actions and information.
The left side sections contain many fields that are described below. By default, the fields that display are those fields that are populated; click Edit to view all available fields in a section.
Holding Details Section
Database Name: The name of the database within which the selected holding appears.
Provider Name: The provider of the database is defined as either the vendor that owns the content or the vendor that delivers access to it. Because Intota is primarily based on delivering access to content, the provider is usually the vendor that provides access to it.
Collection: You can choose to have the resource associated with a collection of resources you have created in Intota. Libraries group resources together into collections for various purposes.
Status: This is the status of this particular holding. If on the database's Database Details page you have configured Title Coverage so that you can select particular titles you have access to, then the Status setting on the Holding Details page will provide a drop-down menu to change the status of the item.
OA: This indicates whether the ejournal is marked Open Access by Ulrichsweb. Valid values are "Yes" or "No."
Coverage Dates: By default this field displays the coverage dates reported by the provider, maintained in our Knowledgebase. You can change the dates if the default ones are not appropriate for your subscription. For more on customizing coverage dates see Valid Date Formats.
To see which other databases contain the title, click the View Title Details For More Holdings link on the right side. You will be taken to the Title Details page.
Discovery Section
Title Details Section
The View Title Details Record link on the right side takes you to the Title Details page where you see a similar page to the Holding Details page you are currently on, but the details pertain to the title (that may exist in several databases) as opposed to the holding that exists solely in one particular database.
Administration Section
- The default URL for the title, as provided by the content provider.
- Your library's proxy prefix, prepended to the Default URL if you have a proxy prefix set up in the Library Settings section of your Intota profile.
- Any title-level linking adjustments that have been made to facilitate access to resources, such as the way Gale resources need to have your library's Gale LocID embedded in the Holding URL.
The rest of the fields in this section include, by default, any inherited values from entries made at a higher level such as database or provider level.
See the Administration section of Administration and Renewal Details for your Resources for information about the fields.
Renewal Details Section
See the Renewals section of Administration and Renewal Details for your Resources for information about the fields.
- Date Created: 25-May-2014
- Last Edited Date: 13-Oct-2015
- Old Article Number: 10791