Leganto Release Notes June 2016
New and Changed Leganto Features
The following features are new or changed in this month's release of Leganto.
Reordered Fields When Adding a Citation
The order of the fields that appear when adding a citation was changed. This change applies when adding a citation using Cite It! and adding a citation manually. The most relevant fields for the citation type now appear higher up in the screen and are visible without having to click More Item Details.
For example, in previous Leganto releases, when adding an article, the fields appeared as follows:

Adding an Article - Old Screen
Now, when adding an article, the fields appear as follows:

Adding an Article - New Screen
Citation Due Date
An instructor can now add a due date to a citation in Leganto (and in Alma).

Adding a Due Date to a Citation
To add a due date to a citation in Leganto:
On the citation page, click the calendar icon in the Due Date field and select the date.
The due date also appears in the citation when viewing the reading list.

Due Date in Reading List
To remove the date, on the Citation page click the calendar icon and click Clear.
To add a due date in Alma, see Additional Fulfillment Enhancements in the Alma Release Notes.
Additional Features
The following additional features were changed or added in this months release:
- Edit Item was added as an option to the Citation options menu. Citation Options Menu
- The new parameter primo_search_scopes works together with the existing parameter primo_default_search_scope to give you new options for how users search the repository in Leganto. For more information, see Configuring Repository Search in Leganto.
- Leganto now tries to locate resources and match citations when they are added using an RIS file. Also see the new manual job you can run to match citations to inventory in Matching Citations to Inventory in Bulk.
New and Changed Alma Configurations
See the Alma June 2016 Release Notes for more new and changed features.
- The links to configure tags were moved from the Leganto area of the Fulfillment Configuration page to the Courses area. All institutions can now configure (create, edit, delete) the public and library tags for citations; this feature was previously only available to institutions using Leganto.
- You can now configure whether newly added instructors for a course are automatically added as owners to any existing reading lists for that course. See Configuring Reading List Ownership.
- The reading list's Publication Status was added to the Edit Reading List page. Edit Reading List Page
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release:
- (URM-56571) Restricted records in Primo were not displayed as part of the search results. This was fixed.
- (URM-56684, URM-57222) When using View In Leganto from Alma, if you were not an owner of the list, viewing a citation didn't work. This was fixed.
- (URM-57172) Spaces at the end of a reading list name appeared as HTML codes. This was fixed.
- (URM-57198) Exporting to PDF on Google Chrome skipped some information and printed some blank pages. This was fixed.
- (URM-57397) RIS import did not work for citations exported from EndNote. This was fixed.
- (URM-57464) The Back button disappeared after clicking F5 to refresh the page. This was fixed.
- (URM-57593) The permalink to a reading list did not use the customer's CNAME URL when it was defined. This was fixed.
- (URM-57771) The calendar drop downs in date fields were updated to look better.
- (URM-57828) The bubble to display all of the tags appeared for students even when the citation had no public tags. This was fixed, and now the bubble only appears when the list contains public tags.
- (URM-57873) When you deleted the last out-of-the-box citation tag, all out-of-the-box citation tags were undeleted. This was fixed, and now the tags remain deleted.
- (URM-58210) The relevant reading list collaborators were not notified when an RIS file was uploaded in Leganto. This was fixed, and now adding a citation by RIS notifies the collaborators.