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    Connecting RefWorks to Browser, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs


    You can create citations in RefWorks to copy to your document, or more conveniently, you can add them while working in your document using a RefWorks add-on. In addition, the add-ons enable you to manage the citations in the: delete, add, restyle, and so forth.

    Save to RefWorks is a browser bookmarklet that enables you to add references to your RefWorks account directly from your browser.

    See the sections on this page for information about the bookmarklet and about the add-on relevant for your environment.

    Save to RefWorks

    Save to RefWorks is a bookmarklet that you can install in your browser's favorites (bookmarks) bar. When you are browsing a website that has references that you would like to add to your RefWorks account, select the bookmarklet. RefWorks attempts to save the references and full texts.

    Save to RefWorks should work on any modern browser.

    Installing Save to RefWorks

    To install Save to RefWorks:
    1. Ensure that your browser's favorites toolbar is currently visible in your browser.
    2. In RefWorks, select Tools > Tools. The Tools page appears.
    3. Select Install Save to RefWorks. A dialog box appears.
    4. Drag and drop the Save to RefWorks add-on to your browser's favorites toolbar. The add-on is installed.
    5. Click anywhere on the page to close the dialog box.

    If you experience any problems, you can manually install Save to RefWorks as described here.

    Adding References Using Save to RefWorks

    To add a reference or a list of references from a website to RefWorks:
    1. Ensure that you are logged into RefWorks.
    2. While browsing any website, when viewing a page containing a reference, or information about a reference, select Save to RefWorks from your browser's favorites toolbar. Save to RefWorks opens a Reference Editor window.

      The save to refworks pane.

      Save to RefWorks Reference Editor
      • If Save to RefWorks detects a single reference on the page, Save to RefWorks prefills as many fields as it can. Enter or correct information as required and select Save to RefWorks. The reference is added to your RefWorks account.
      • If Save to RefWorks detects multiple references, a list of references appears in the Reference Editor. Select the relevant references and select Save to RefWorks. You can edit each one by first opening the reference (select > in the reference row).
    3. You can then choose to assign the reference/s to a folder/s and whether to import tags or not.
      import tags.png
    4. If you have multiple projects, select the project to which you want to save the reference and click Continue.

    Finding the Right Writing Tool Add-on

    To find the right writing tool for your operating system and version of Microsoft Word, see the table below for your operating system and the row of your Word version. 

    Windows 8.1

    Word 2016, 2019 - latest versions only RCM for Word
    Word Online / 365 RCM for Word
    Google Docs RCM for Google Docs

    Windows 10

    Word 2016, 2019 - latest versions only RCM for Word 
    Word Online / 365 RCM for Word 
    Google Docs RCM for Google Docs
    Hangul 2014, 2018 or 2020 RCM Hangul

    Windows 11

    Word 2021 RCM for Word
    Google Docs RCM for Google Docs

    MacOS X Versions 10.6+

    Word 2016, 2019 - latest versions only RCM for Word
    Word Online / 365 RCM for Word
    Google Docs RCM for Google Docs

    iOS (iPad)

    Word app RCM for Word Online (currently available via Word online only)
    Google Docs RCM for Google Docs
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