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    Resource Management - August 2016 Enhancements

    Brief Record Levels - Final Phase of the Implementation

    With the August release, the final phase of the three-phase implementation for brief record levels is complete. As part of this final phase, the following changes were implemented:
    • In the Advanced Search options, the Tag Brief condition was removed and replaced by the Brief Level condition.
    • The Identifying Brief Records job was removed and replaced by the Identifying Brief Level job. This jobs calculates the brief level of records. See Identifying Brief Level for more information.
    • The Brief record field that displayed Yes or No in the MARC Record Simple View was removed and replaced by the Brief level field. This field displays the level number of the record (01-10).
    • The Brief? set management tag indicator was removed from the MD Editor and replaced by an indicator that specifies the brief level number. For more information, see Viewing the Brief Record Level Set for a Bibliographic Record.
    • For import profiles, the Merge/Overlay option Do not override/merge a non-brief record with a brief version was replaced with Do not override/merge a record with a lower brief version. When this option is selected, Alma checks/compares the brief level number of the record (01-10) versus a yes/no condition to determine if the record is brief. See Do not override/merge a non-brief record with a brief version for more information.
    • For the OCLC Connexion external system integration profile, the merge option Do not override/merge a non-brief record with a brief version was replaced with Do not override/merge a record with a lower brief version. When this option is selected, Alma checks/compares the brief level number of the record (01-10) versus a yes/no condition to determine if the record is brief. See Do not override/merge a non-brief record with a brief version for more information.
    • In the MARC21 Bibliographic metadata configuration profile details, the MmsIdentifyingBriefRecords normalization process was removed and replaced by the Identifying Brief Level process. See Identifying Brief Level and the Working with Normalization Processes section for more information.
    • When saving or receiving a PO line, the warning The bib record is brief appears for PO lines attached to records considered brief (equal to or lower than the value specified in brief_level).
    See the June (Brief Record Levels) and July (Brief Record Levels - Phase 2) release notes regarding the previous phases of this feature's implementation and Working with Brief Record Levels for more information.

    Changing the Placement of an Authority Record

    While working in draft mode with an authority record, you can change the placement of the record to the Community Zone, Network Zone, or Institution Zone. The placement options depend on how your metadata configuration is set for locally-managed or community-managed authority records (see Controlling the Display and Access of Global Authorities in the MD Editor) and the vocabulary that you select when creating your draft record. For more information, see Change Authority Placement and the Changing the Placement of an Authority Record section on the Working with Authority Records page.
    Placement of authority records is limited to vocabularies to which contributions are possible. Currently, these include the GND and BARE vocabularies.

    Generation of Author Numbers

    This feature was developed for the Chinese market.
    Alma cataloging now generates the author number in MARC 21 bibliographic records. This capability is based on an author table (Cutter Sanborn Three-Figure Author Table). See Generating Author Numbers Automatically on the Working with Bibliographic Records page, Configuring Author Number Lists, or Generate Author Number for more information.

    Normalization Process Enhancement for the CNMARC Bibliographic Profile

    This feature was developed for the Chinese market.
    Alma cataloging now includes a new normalization process for the CNMARC Bibliographic profile to create the 210 $a from the 010 $a. See the Working with CNMARC Fields, Normalization, and Validation section on the Configuring Cataloging page for more information.

    Export URL Options Expanded

    To support your ongoing needs for managing URL content, Alma's export options were expanded to provide additional flexibility for improved workflows and URL content accuracy. Alma offers a new Export URLs job, which enables you to export the following:
    • Logical sets and itemized sets
    • Static URLs and dynamic URLs
    • URLs from electronic collection level sets
    • URLs from portfolio level sets
    • URLs from the 856 $u (repeatable) in bibliographic records
    With these new export options, you can perform periodic validation tests to find broken links and fix them. You can test test the URLs using third-party, external link checkers such as LinkChecker ( To support these third-party options, both the CVS and HTML export output formats are provided.
    This feature also helps with setting up EZproxy.
    For more information, see the Exporting URLs section on the Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets page.
    The Export URLs configuration option under Resource Management (Resource Management > Resource Configuration > Configuration Menu > Record Export section) is labeled To Be Deprecated and will be removed at some point in the future. See Extracting Electronic Portfolio URLs - Export URLs (To Be Deprecated) and Viewing Extracted Electronic Portfolio URLs Job Report (To Be Deprecated).

    Sharing Alma Link Resolver Data Statistics with bX

    In the following releases, Alma will start sharing Alma Link Resolver data statistics with the bX community. For Alma customers with bX installed, this capability will be automatically configured and set up in Alma to begin sharing these statistics. Alma customers that do not have bX installed may also optionally choose to share their data statistics. For more information, see Sharing Alma Link Resolver Data Statistics with bX.

    Delete Electronic Collection Job

    Alma now deletes electronic collections using a background job. Electronic collections can be deleted by clicking the Delete link for an electronic collection in the repository search results. While the job is running, the action buttons for the record are not available. The job ID is displayed at the top of the page. To monitor the job and view the job report, view the Monitor Jobs page (Administration > Manage Jobs > Monitor Jobs). If the job runs for a long time and the action links are still disabled, you can request Alma Support to restore these links. For more information, see the Delete entry under Electronic Collections in the Actions You Can Perform on the Repository Search Results Page table, as well as Viewing the Delete Electronic Collection Job Report.

    Additional Resource Management Enhancements

    • The reports for the Publish bibliographic records to OCLC, Publish holdings records to OCLC, and Publish holdings to Libraries Australia jobs now contain information regarding deleted records.
    • You can now handle both double quotation marks and Hebrew dates in normalization rules, for conditions only. To use double quotation marks as part of a condition, use single quotation marks to enclose text in the rule (') instead of double quotation marks ("). You can use double quotation marks inside the text following a double slash (\\). For example:
      rule "populate 008 7-10 2016"
      ((exists '260.{*, }.c.תשע"\\ו') OR (exists '264.{*, }.c.תשע"\\ו'))
        replaceControlContents "008.{7,4}" with "2016"
    • In the MD Editor, Sanskrit and Persian are now available under Edit > Add Alternate Graphic Representation.
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