Intota: Data Retrieval Service (DRS): Status Report
- Product: Intota
What information is provided in the report I'm sent after the DRS service has completed uploading COUNTER reports to our Intota profile?
When you are notified that we have completed administration-based harvesting of your COUNTER usage reports, you are provided with a status report about the uploads and a zip file containing copies of the original CSV and text files that were uploaded to Intota.
It is important to open the status report and review the results of the uploads because there can be instances where the COUNTER report did not upload; often times there is a step you can take in order for you or us to upload such reports successfully. The rest of this document reviews:
It is important to open the status report and review the results of the uploads because there can be instances where the COUNTER report did not upload; often times there is a step you can take in order for you or us to upload such reports successfully. The rest of this document reviews:
- The report indicators (Yes, No, ND, etcetera), Download Comments, Upload Comments and Remarks that may be in your status report (see below screenshot).
- Steps to fix an issue listed in the status report.

Report Indicators
For each COUNTER report requested, the orange shaded cell will display Yes for a report uploaded to your profile. An empty cell (a cell with no letters or words) indicates the report did not upload; see the Download Comments and Upload Comments sections below. The report indicator cell may also indicate the following status:
- ND (No Data): A report is not available for the selected time period. We requested the report but the provider's site indicated that no usage exists for that time period.
Zero: When a very large report contains primarily titles that the customer does not subscribe to, we do not upload the report.
- If you do want the report loaded into Intota, let us know and we will upload it. Contact us through the Support case you received regarding the Status Report.
- See the Additional Help section at the bottom of this article if you need an easy way to find the Support case.
- If you do want the report loaded into Intota, let us know and we will upload it. Contact us through the Support case you received regarding the Status Report.
Download Comments
The Download Comments column includes the most commonly encountered comments on the status of whether we were able to access the COUNTER report from the provider's site. If the Action You Can Take column in the tables below includes a fix, correcting the issue will enable us to successfully download/upload during the next Intota DRS collection period.
- After fixing the issue, you can request that we try to download/upload again for the current collection period. Submit the request through the Support case you received regarding the Status Report. See the Additional Help section at the bottom of this article if you need an easy way to find the Support case..
Download Comments | Action You Can Take |
Invalid username and/or password | We are not able to login. See the table rows below for the most common reasons why we cannot log in. |
Invalid username and/or password: Login given does not have admin permissions | We are able to log in, however the option to view reports is not available. The login probably needs permissions set up for viewing reports. |
Invalid username and/or password: Account requires revalidation -- or -- Invalid username and/or password: Provider site prompts to reset password -- or -- Invalid username and/or password: User account is locked | We are not able to log in because the site is asking for the institution to update its username and/or password. |
Download Comments | Action You Can Take |
Could not retrieve reports; Available reports are not in COUNTER compliant format | The DRS service cannot upload non-COUNTER compliant reports. If you want to upload the report, see Uploading Non-COUNTER Compliant Usage Data. |
Could not retrieve reports: Only blank templates are available | At the time of collection, the provider delivered reports with no data. This could mean there is no usage for this time period, or the reports were not yet available. You may want to check with the provider. |
Could not retrieve reports: Please update the DRS form with required data | See Data Retrieval Service (DRS) Request Form to review and update the information you have provided. Typically this comment means that your form is missing Access URL, Username, and/or Password. |
Could not retrieve reports: Getting error message "< error text >" | Often times the <error text> states that we were unable to log in from our IP address because the provider's administrative site requires IP authentication. You can set up DRS so that we are able to download reports from such providers, see Data Retrieval Service (DRS): IP Authenticated Providers for details. If you have a question about the message in the <error text>, contact us through the Support case you received regarding the Status Report (See the Additional Help section at the bottom of this article if you need an easy way to find the Support case.). |
Counter reports are not available on the provider's website | This may mean:
Download Comments | Action You Can Take |
Multiple accounts are listed at this provider's site for collection: please identify which account to collect in Library Note | The provider's report collection page displays multiple accounts for your institution. Use the Add Library Note field in the Data Retrieval Service (DRS) Request Form to indicate which account name we should select for report collection. |
Multiple vendors were given [provider name] as a source for COUNTER reports. To avoid duplication of reports, we did not download the Counter report multiple times for given Vendor. | When the same URL and username/password and report selections are given for multiple providers in the DRS form (or multiple lines for the same provider), those reports are retrieved and uploaded only once. This note will indicate which provider to which the reports were uploaded. Consider updating your DRS form so that only one provider is selected for these reports. |
Provider's website is unavailable at time of collection. | Has the correct URL been entered into the Data Retrieval Service (DRS) Request Form? URL fails to bring up the website, or an error message displays immediately. If you can suggest a new collection URL for this provider, please contact the Support team so that the default URL in the DRS form can be updated. |
[report type] report not available on the provider's website. | Typically this means that this report type(s) from the provider is currently not available for your account. Check your URL and credentials for this provider and ensure you selected the correct reports. |
Upload Comments
The Upload Comments column contains the status of whether we were able to upload the COUNTER report to your Intota profile after downloading the report from the provider's site and preparing it for upload. If the Action You Can Take column in the table below includes a fix, correcting the issue will enable us to successfully upload during the next Intota DRS collection period.
- After fixing the issue, you can request that we try to upload again for the current collection period. Submit the request through the Support case you received regarding the Status Report. See the Additional Help section at the bottom of this article if you need an easy way to find the Support case.
Upload Comments | Action You Can Take |
Could not upload reports: Provider's name is not listed in Upload form: please select a database as subscribed for this provider | Your Intota profile needs to include a database from this provider, otherwise Intota cannot upload reports from that provider. Your Intota profile does not need to include every database and title that you subscribe to from the provider; your profile only needs to include a single database.
If you want to upload the reports to an alternate provider name for which you have a database selected, enter "Upload reports to [provider name]" in the Add Library Note field in the DRS form. |
The last column in the status report, Remarks, will include comments if there are unusual aspects of the situation being reported.
Additional Help
Our Support Team is available if you have questions about your Status Report. The most efficient way to contact us will be through the Support case you received regarding the Status Report.
- One way you can always access the Support Case is via the Support Portal (available through the More Sites drop-down menu above).
- Date Created: 11-Mar-2016
- Last Edited Date: 16-Mar-2016
- Old Article Number: 13660