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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

Getting Started with Pivot-RP

Creating an Account (Registering)

If you do not have a Pivot-RP account, go to, select the Create account link, and follow the on-screen instructions. You must select an affiliated member institution from the list on the page and specify a valid email address for that institution.

After submitting your information, Pivot-RP sends you an email message with a verification URL. Select the URL to confirm your registration and log in.

If you are an administrator, you can create accounts for other users. See Adding Users.

To view the list of all user accounts that were created in the last 90 days, open the User Accounts Created in the Last 90 Days page (Admin > Reports > Accounts > New Accounts).

Signing In and Out of Pivot-RP

After you create an account and sign in for the first time, Pivot-RP automatically searches for your profile and prompts you to claim your profile. If you do not claim a profile when creating your account, you can do so at a later time. See Claiming or Creating Your Profile.

If you forgot your password, you can recover it yourself by selecting the Forgot your password? link in the sign-in area, or your administrator can manually send you an email with a URL that enables you to change your password. 

Some institutions enable you to sign in using single sign-on (Shibboleth), which does not require you to enter your email address and password as long as you are already signed in to your institution's internal systems. In this case, select your institution from the Use login from drop-down list. 

To sign in to Pivot-RP: 
  1. Enter the following URL in a browser:

  2. Enter your institutional email address and password in the login pane, and select Sign In. After you sign-in, the 

To sign out, select Sign out in the user menu at the top of the page. If you are inactive for more than an hour, you are automatically signed out of Pivot-RP.

Pivot-RP's Home Page

After signing in, Pivot-RP will display its Home Page by default if you have claimed your profile. Otherwise, it will display the Profiles page first until you claim your profile. For more information, see Claiming or Creating Your Profile.


Pivot-RP Home Page

Pivot-RP's home page contains the following areas:

  • Top Navigation – Access the user menu (your user name), and select custom links. The user menu contains the following options:

  • Main Navigation – View system announcements, open this user guide (Help), and access the main menu. In this document, an option in the main menu is simply referred to by its name, for example: Profiles.

    Only administrators will have access to the Admin Dashboard (Admin). For more information, see Configuring Pivot-RP.

  • Search Panel – The search box allows you to search for funding opportunities and access advanced search capabilities for funding opportunities.

  • My Funding Opportunities Panel – This panel contains quick links to tabs that manage various lists of funding opportunities that you have saved or have been shared with you. For more details, see My Funding Opportunities Tabs.

  • My Profile & Groups Panel – Access to pages related to your account, proxies, groups, and preferences.

  • Tips & Resources Panel – Displays tips, resources, and contact information.

  • Bottom Navigation – View additional information about Pivot-RP, contact Ex Libris, and submit an idea (Idea Exchange).

My Funding Opportunities Tabs

After selecting a quick link in the My Funding Opportunities Panel, its associated tab opens. The following tabs are supported:

  • Tracked Opps – Funding opportunities that you have personally marked as of interest. You can receive regular alerts about these opportunities. Note that an administrator can add an opportunity to this list, in which case the opportunity is noted as having been added by an administrator.

  • Saved Searches – Searches that you have personally performed and then saved. You can receive regular alerts with new and updated results from these searches. You can also share these searches with other users. Note that an administrator can add a saved search to this list, in which case the search is noted as having been added by an administrator.

  • Shared – Funding opportunities that you have shared with other users in the last 60 days.

  • Received – Funding opportunities that other users have shared with you.

  • Advisor – Funding opportunities automatically shared with you by Pivot-RP's intelligent Advisor feature. The Advisor analyzes several areas of your profile (keywords, publications, CV information, abstracts, and so forth) and displays funding opportunities based on its analysis. The more details you include in your profile, the better the quality of matches you can expect from the Advisor.

  • Curated Opps – Funding opportunities and saved searches that an administrator has shared with all users.

    From the Curated tab, administrators will also see options to view only their curated lists and saved searches.

  • Internal Opps – Funding opportunities that were added by, and are local to, your institution.


Example of the Tracked Opps Tab

For detailed information regarding funding opportunities, see funding opportunities.

Filters and Facets

Different filters/facets or sort options appear in the sidebar, depending on the tab that is currently selected.

  • Type filter (Tracked Opps / Shared / Received) – Select the funding opportunity types to display: LImited Submission, Internal Coordination, Other, and/or Expired.

  • Tags filter (Saved Searches) – Select one or more tags that you associated with the searches.

  • View filter (Received) – Select whether to display opportunities that you have already acted upon.

  • View sort options (Shared) – Sort by opportunity or by profile.

  • Recently added facet (Advisor) – Select whether to only view funding opportunities added in the last 7 days.

  • Submission type facet (Advisor) – Select whether to view only funding opportunities marked as Limited Submission and/or Other internal coordination required.

  • Top funding types (Advisor, Internal) – The intended reason for the funding, such as Artistic Pursuit, Prize, or Award.

  • Top sponsor types (Advisor, Internal) – The organization providing the funding, such as Private Foundation, Federal, US.

  • Top applicant types (Advisor, Internal) – The kind of recipient who is eligible for the funding, such as Nonprofit or Individual: Graduate Student.

  • Top keywords (Advisor, Internal) – The categories of research or purpose intended to receive the funding, such as Community Services or Education.

  • Curated Lists (Curated) – Select to view view a curated list, which is a list of opportunities that an administrator thinks may be of interest.

  • Internal Funding (Internal) – Select to view only opportunities funded locally at your institution.

  • View Tracked Conferences (Tracked Opps) – Select this link to view tracked conferences. For more details, see Tracking Conferences and Papers Invited.

  • View Tracked Funding Opportunities (Tracked Conferences) – Select this link to view the tracked funding opportunities.


After navigating to specific pages in Pivot-RP, you can use the breadcrumbs to return to a previous page.



Managing Your Account

After you have created your account, you can update the information your account or delete your account.

Changing Your Account Information

You can change your user ID, institution, and password. The option to change your institution appears only if your account is affiliated with more than one institution that subscribes to Pivot-RP.

To change your account information, select Change account info in the user menu. The Change Account Information page appears.


Change Account Information

Deleting Your Account

You must consent for Pivot-RP to collect and use your personal information according to Pivot-RP's privacy policy and terms of use in order to maintain an account with Pivot-RP. Select the link to see information about managing personal data in Pivot-RP.

To delete your account, clear your confirmation of this consent on the Change Account Information page. The consent dialog box appears. Select No, I do not consent to delete your account. This action is not reversible.

Setting Your Preferences

From the Manage Preferences page (User Menu > My Preferences), users can configure personal settings for search, alerts, and proxies.


Preferences - Search Tab

Changing Your Funding Opportunity Search Preferences

On the Search tab, you can change whether your funding opportunity searches use the institution's defined search filters by default (you can always clear these filters when performing an advanced search).

Changing Your Alert Settings

On the Alerts tab, you can configure the following preferences:

  • Whether deadline reminders are sent as announcements or by email, and when, as well as whether to enable alerts from the Advisor.

  • For more relevant weekly advisor recommendations, you may select one or more of the following career stages: Early Career and Emerging in Field, Graduate Student or Pre-doc, Mid-Career to Established in Field, Undergraduate Student, and Not Applicable. If you select one or more options then only funding opportunities with the selected career stages are included in your weekly advisor recommendations. If you select no filters, then all career stages are by default included in your weekly Advisor Alerts.


My Preferences - Alerts Tab

In addition, you can modify your personal recommendations, with the use of the following:

  • Keywords – Recommendations are heavily influenced by the keywords on your profile. You can visit your Profile page and select 'Edit Profile' to add or modify keywords.

  • Filters – On the Advisor Alert page you can select filters on the left side to narrow your results to only show opportunities that include the specific filter criteria selected. These filter preferences are automatically saved and used for your next weekly advisor alert. From the Advisor Alert page, you can always clear filters to expand your results.

Managing Profile Proxies

You can add and remove proxies that can edit your profile. To manage your profile proxies, select My Preferences in the user menu and select the Proxies tab.


Preferences - Proxies Tab

To add a proxy, select Add a Proxy, enter all or part of the Last Name and select their Affiliation, and select Search. Select add in the line of the user that you want to add as proxy.

To delete a proxy, select remove in the line of the user and select Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Claiming or Creating Your Profile

Researchers have a profile, which is a user identity associated with publications and funding opportunities. Researchers who claim their profile receive automated funding recommendations based on the content and preferences in your profile. After you configure your profile, you are able to get personalized funding recommendations targeted to your research interests. For more information about profiles, see Pivot-RP Profiles.

It is expected that Pivot-RP users will also have profiles. The benefits to having a profile are:

  • Managing information – Ensuring that the information associated with your research publications and funding opportunities is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Advisor recommendations – These are based on your profile keywords.

If you are an administrator, you can claim or create a profile for another user. See Claiming Profiles.

To claim a profile:

After you create an account and log in for the first time, Pivot-RP automatically searches for your profile and prompts you to claim your profile. If you do not claim a profile when creating your account, you can do so at a later time, by following the procedure below.

  1. Select Claim profile in the user menu. Pivot-RP displays a list of potentially matching profiles based on your account information, if it can find any.
  2. If you see the correct profile, select This is me in the profile row.
    • If the email on the profile you are claiming matches the email on your Pivot-RP account, Pivot-RP sends a confirmation with a verification URL to your email. Open the verification URL to claim the profile.
    • Otherwise, Pivot-RP asks you to confirm that you still have access to one of the email addresses in the profile before sending the message.
    • If you do not have access to one of the emails in the profile, select this. Pivot-RP displays a form to request access to the selected profile. The information you submit is reviewed by Ex Libris. Once validated, Ex Libris updates the profile and sends you the message with the verification URL.
To create a profile:
  1. Select Claim profile in the user menu. Pivot-RP displays a list of potentially matching profiles based on your account information, if it can find any.
  2. Select Create Your Profile and select Continue in the confirmation dialog box. The Create Your Profile page appears.


    Create Your Profile
  3. Follow the on-screen steps to create your profile. When you are done, select Return to Pivot-RP. The current tab/window closes and Pivot-RP refreshes, displaying your new profile.


    New Profile

To update your profile, see Updating Your Profile. In particular, you may want to add:

  • Keywords. Pivot-RP's Advisor can only suggest funding opportunities if you have at least one keyword defined.
  • Your publications, grants, and patents.
  • A profile photo.
  • Integrate your account with ORCID® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). 
  • Proxies to manage your profile.
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