Resource Types in CDI
In collaboration with our ELUNA and IGELU user groups, we have amended the list of resource types that CDI supports. We do not plan to make radical changes with the move to CDI, but we have incorporated requested changes—for example, the separation of the audio and visual material in the facets.
CDI Resource Type | Display/Facet Code in Primo and Primo VE | Description |
Archival Material/Manuscript (new) |
archival_material_manuscript / archival_material_manuscripts |
This resource type is a combination of the following resource types:
Article |
article / articles |
A self-contained nonfiction prose composition on a fairly narrow topic or subject, written by one or more authors and published under a separate title in a collection or periodical containing other works of the same form. Journal articles often include a brief abstract of the content, and are indexed, usually by author and subject, in periodical indexes and abstracting services, known as bibliographic databases when available electronically. |
Audio |
audio / audios (new) |
A generic term for any medium on which sounds are recorded for mechanical or electronic playback, including phonograph records (vinyl), audiotape, and compact disk. It also includes albums, streaming audio, as well as sound and music recordings. |
Book |
book / books |
A collection of leaves of paper, parchment, vellum, cloth, or other material (written, printed, or blank) fastened together along one edge, with or without a protective case or cover. |
Book Chapter |
book_chapter / book_chapters |
One of two ore more major divisions of a book, each complete in itself but related in theme or plot to the division preceding and/or following it. In works of nonfiction, chapters are usually given a chapter title, but in works of fiction they may simply be numbered, usually in roman numerals. Chapters are listed in order of appearance by title and/or number in the table of contents in the front matter of a book. |
Book Review |
review / reviews |
Previously called Review. An evaluative account of a book, usually written and signed by a qualified person, for publication in a current newspaper, magazine, or journal. The account can be descriptive, reportorial, comparative, or critical or serve as a vehicle for a lengthy essay in which the reviewer discusses several recently published works (omnibus review) or a broader topic for which the work reviewed serve as a springboard. |
Computer File (new) |
computer_file / computer_files |
Data or programs encoded in machine-readable format for processing by a computer. Data files stored on a computer are usually organized by topic or other characteristic in directories and subdirectories. |
Conference Proceeding |
conference_proceeding / conference_proceedings |
The published record of a conference, congress, symposium, or other meeting sponsored by a society or association, usually but not necessarily including abstracts or reports of papers presented by the participants. |
Database |
database / databases |
A large, regularly updated file of digitized information (bibliographic records, abstracts, full-text documents, directory entries, images, statistics, etc.) related to a specific subject or field, consisting of records of uniform format organized for ease and speed of search and retrieval and managed with the aid of database management system (DBMS) software. |
Dataset (new) |
datasets / datasets |
A logically meaningful collection or grouping of similar or related data, usually assembled as a matter of record or for research. Replaces Statistical Data Set / Research Data Set in Primo/VE. |
Dissertation |
dissertation / dissertations |
A proposition advanced and defended in a formal disputation, especially by a candidate in partial fulfillment of university requirements for a master's degree, or lengthy, formal written treatise or thesis, especially an account of scholarly investigation or original research on a specialized topic, submitted to a university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph.D. degree. |
Government Document |
government_document / government_documents |
Publications of the U.S. federal government, or the government of another country, including transcripts of hearings and the text of bills, resolutions, statutes, reports, charters, treaties, periodicals (example: Monthly Labor Review), statistics (U.S. Census), and so forth. |
Image |
image / images |
A two-dimensional image produced on film, usually by a photographic process, that does not produce the optical effect of motion when viewed by the human eye, for example, a transparency, slide, or single frame from a filmstrip, motion picture, or videotape. In a more general sense, an image in any medium that does not give the impression of movement. A digital image is one that has been converted, usually by a scanner or digital camera, into an array (matrix) of small discrete locations called picture elements ("pixels") that hold binary data quantifying the size in area of the location and the color and brightness (spectral intensity) of the image at the location. The data of which a digital image is comprised can be stored on a computer, manipulated, transmitted electronically, printed, reproduced on film, or displayed on a computer monitor or television screen. |
Journal |
journal / journals |
A periodical devoted to disseminating original research and commentary on current developments in a specific discipline, subdiscipline, or field of study (example: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology), usually published in quarterly, bimonthly, or monthly issues sold by subscription. |
Legal Document |
legal_document / legal_documents |
The official written record of a suit or action in law or equity. |
Magazine (new) |
magazine / magazines |
A popular interest periodical that usually contains articles on a variety of topics, which are written by various authors in a non-scholarly style. Prior to the CDI August 2023 release, magazines returned with type Journal. |
Magazine Article (new) |
magazinearticle / magazinearticle |
A self-contained nonfiction prose composition on a fairly narrow topic or subject, which are written by one or more authors and published under a separate title in a magazine. Prior to the CDI August 2023 release, magazine articles returned with type Article. |
Map |
map / maps |
Any two-dimensional graphic representation of the physical features (natural or man-made) of all or a portion of the surface of the earth or another celestial body, the heavens, or an imaginary geographic area, normally done to scale on a flat medium using a specified projection, with an indication of orientation, but increasingly in digital form. |
Market Research (new) |
market_research / market_researchs |
Data regarding consumer needs and preferences in any given product market. |
Microform (new) |
microform / microform |
A generic term for a highly reduced photographic copy of text and/or images stored on a translucent medium (microfiche or microfilm) or on an opaque medium such as card stock (micro-opaque or aperture card). |
Newsletter Article (new) |
newsletterarticle / newsletterarticle |
A serial publication consisting of no more than a few pages, devoted to news, announcements, and current information of interest primarily to a specialized group of subscribers or members of an association or organization who receive it as part of their membership. Newsletters are listed in the Oxbridge Directory of Newsletters. |
Newspaper (new) |
newspaper / newspapers |
A serial publication, usually printed on newsprint and issued daily, on certain days of the week, or weekly, containing news, editorial comment, regular columns, letters to the editor, cartoons, advertising, and other items of current and often local interest to a general readership. |
Newspaper Article |
newspaper_article / newspaper_articles |
A self-contained nonfiction prose composition on a fairly narrow topic or subject, written by one or more authors and published under a separate title in a newspaper. |
Other |
other / other |
Unclassifiable non-textual sources. Includes art, artifacts, realia, special collections. |
Patent |
patents / patents |
A legal document issued by the U.S. government, or the government of another country, in response to a formal application process in which the inventor or originator of a new product or process is granted the exclusive right to manufacture, use, and sell it for a designated period of time. The document is assigned a patent number by the patent office for future reference. |
Questionnaire (new) |
questionnaire / questionnaires |
A set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study. It is used for records from the Henrietta Szold collection and Brookdale Institute - Research Tools collection. |
Reference Entry |
reference_entry / reference_entrys |
A book designed to be consulted when authoritative information is needed, rather than read cover to cover. The category includes almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, biographical sources, catalogs, concordances, dictionaries, directories, discographies and filmographies, encyclopedias, glossaries, handbooks, indexes, manuals, research guides, union lists, yearbooks, etc., whether published commercially or as government documents. |
Report (new) |
reports / reports |
Previously called Technical Report. A separately published record of research findings, research still in progress, or other technical findings, usually bearing a report number and sometimes a grant number assigned by the funding agency. Also, an official record of the activities of a committee or corporate entity, the proceedings of a government body, or an investigation by an agency, whether published or private, usually archived or submitted to a higher authority, voluntarily or under mandate. In a more general sense, any formal account of facts or information related to a specific event or phenomenon, sometimes given at regular intervals. Replaces Technical Report in Primo/VE. |
Score |
score / scores |
A record of a musical work in which the parts to be played or sung are written or printed in musical notation on separate staves, vertically aligned to enable them to be read at the same time. |
Standard (new) |
standard / standards |
An acceptable level or criterion according to which something is compared, measured, or judged. Also refers to an amount, extent, quality, pattern, criterion, etc., fixed by usage or convention or established as the norm by prevailing authority, as in the standard size of a catalog card used by libraries prior to the development of machine-readable cataloging. A standard may also be a specification that identifies model methods, materials, or practices. A standard approved by a formal ANSI-accredited standards body, such as NISO, is a de jure standard. A de facto standard is one that becomes generally accepted without the formal endorsement of a standard-setting organization. A community standard is a de facto standard developed and used within a particular user group. |
Text Resource |
text_resource / text_resources |
Unclassifiable textual sources. Includes pamphlets, papers, electronic resources, personal narratives, transcripts, publications and exams. |
Video (separate facet) |
video / videos (new) |
A generic term for an electronic medium in which visual images, usually in motion and accompanied by sound, are recorded for playback by means of a television receiver or monitor. The category includes videotapes, films, streaming videos and videodiscs. |
Web Resource (new) |
web_resource / web_resources |
An electronic document, image, recording, database, application or other item, stored on a Web server and accessible using Web browser software at a unique Internet address (URL), usually one of a group of related, interlinked files that together comprise a Web site. Replaces Web Site in Primo/VE. |
Deprecated Primo Central Resource Types
The following table lists the Primo Central resource types that will no longer be used in CDI:
Primo Central Resource Type (deprecated) | Replaced by New CDI Resource Type |
Statistical Data Set |
Dataset |
Research Data Set |
Dataset |
Technical Report |
Report |
Web Site |
Web Resource |
Handling Duplicate Facets for Local Resource Types
If you previously created a local resource type for any of the new CDI resource types, you will need to align it with its CDI equivalent to prevent it from appearing twice in the Resource Type facet.
Open the Normalization Rules Set page (Primo Home > Local Data > Normalization Sets).
Edit the normalization rules set for your Primo institution:
Edit the Display/Type, Facets/rsrctype, and Facets/prefilter fields.
For all rules that map your local resource type, make sure that they now map to the resource type used in CDI. For example, if the code for your local resource type is archival_materials, change it to archival_material_manuscripts, which is the code used used for CDI results. For details regarding the mapping of the new CDI resource types, see the list of resource types in Introduction.
Re-index your records.
If you want to modify the display label for the CDI resource type, update the description for the CDI code in the associated code table.
For more information, see How to Add a Searchable Resource Type to Primo.
Edit the resource type from the the Resource types configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Resource types configuration).
Change the value of the Code field to the new CDI resource type code. For example, if the code for your local resource type is archival_material, change it to archival_material_manuscript, which is the code used used for CDI results.
If you want to customize the label for the local resource type, modify the Display Singular Label and Display Plural Label fields; it will also override the CDI display values.
For more information, see Configuring Local Resource Types for Primo VE.
Mapping Resource Types for External Data Sources to Primo VE
Primo VE customers who are using the Dublin Core type to Discovery Type mapping table for external data sources should update it to use the new CDI codes for the Discovery types listed in the table above.
For more information about the Dublin Core type to Discovery Type mapping table, see Using the Mapping Table to Map Resource Types.