Rialto 2025 Release Notes
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Ebook Central Subscriptions
March 2025 RialtoNGS-13002
A new page has been added to Rialto: Ebook Central Subscriptions. The page presents information about your current Ebook Central subscriptions, and suggests other Ebook Central subscriptions that might be of interest to you. The information appears in two tabs:
- Unsubscribed – A short list of Ebook Central subscriptions which may be of interest to your institution but to which your institution or consortium is not currently subscribed. When available, a description of the subscription, and a link to a URL at which more details are available, are included.
- Subscribed – A list of the Ebook Central subscriptions to which your institution or consortium is currently subscribed, including the start and end date of each subscription.
- Subscribed – A list of the Ebook Central subscriptions to which your institution or consortium is currently subscribed, including the start and end date of each subscription.
The Ebook Central Subscriptions page can also be opened directly from the records of offers that are part of a current Ebook Central subscription purchased by your institution. These offers are marked with an EBC subscription badge ( or
). Hovering over one of the badges shows the name of the subscription package to which the offer belongs. Selecting the badge in the Details pane of the offer opens Ebook Central Subscriptions page in a sliding panel with the Subscribed tab selected.
For more information, see Ebook Central Subscriptions.
New Status and Alerts for Leganto Integration
March 2025 RialtoNGS-12727 NGS-12496
As part of the integration with Leganto, the following have been added to the facets in the Citations page (Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Citations):
- Under Citation Status:
- Rialto Order Submitted
- Under Alerts:
- Rialto Order Placed
- Rialto Order Complete
- Rialto Order Rejected
For additional information about the integration with Leganto, see Leganto Integration.
Predicted to Be Treated Search Category
March 2025 RialtoNGS-12888
A new search category has been added to the Query Builder: Predicted to be treated. This new category enables you to search Rialto's index specifically for works that have not yet been reviewed by the New Title team, but have characteristics that make it likely that they will be treated by the team in the near future, such as publishers, subject areas, and historical sales data. The more a title's properties are similar to those of titles that were treated in the past, the higher it is ranked in the list of items that are Predicted to be treated. This ranking reflects the expected overall value of an untreated title; applying it in a title search filters the results so that they prioritize the works that are most likely to be required by your institution.
When you use this feature, you choose the maximum number of items that the search should return: from 500,000 to 3,000,000. The larger the number of items you choose to return, the broader the range of rankings in the list, and, thus, the lower the chances that any particular offer in the list will be treated by the New Titles team.
The ranking of titles for this feature is based on the analysis of a range of data about each work:
- Metadata fields of the work, including LCC and Dewey subjects, binding, country of publication, readership level, language, author, publisher, publication date, and price
- Data derived from the workgroup to which the work belongs:
- Historical sales information
- Age of the work compared to those of other works in the workgroup
- Edition of the work compared to other editions in the workgroup
- Size of the workgroup
For additional information about working with the Query Builder, see Managing Recommendation Profiles and Feeds.
Go to Titles Link Added to Notification
March 2025 RialtoNGS-12627
A link to the relevant titles has been added to the New Titles Awaiting Approval notification.
Improved Navigation when Returning to a List of Offers
March 2025 RialtoNGS-6952
Navigation has been enhanced as follows: when a user navigates away from a list of offers, and then uses the Back button to return to the list of offers, they are not only taken back to the correct page, as they were before, but the focus on the page is also returned to the last item they viewed before they navigated away from the list.
Low Fund Balance Warning
March 2025 RialtoNGS-8998
Warning messages are now displayed when the fund of a Selection Plan has an insufficient balance to implement one of its rules:
- When editing or reviewing the Selection Plan for which a fund balance is insufficient:
- When creating a Snapshot for the Selection Plan for which a fund balance is insufficient:
Improved Confirmation for Activated Selection Plan
March 2025 RialtoNGS-12960
The message that appears when you activate a Selection Plan has been modified so that it no longer implies that all active Selection Plans automatically create POs, when, in fact, some just add titles to a pool. The message now reads as follows:
Purchasing from Alibris Now Supported
February 2025 Rialto
The Alibris online marketplace is now integrated with Rialto for UK customers. Alibris enables independent sellers worldwide to market books and other media, and makes it possible to purchase books that are out of stock (unavailable from James Bennet or Baker and Taylor) or out of print via Rialto.
When the Alibris module is activated, Rialto includes Alibris in its market searches for print books, and integrates Alibris items within its search results. If the Rialto Marketplace does not have a particular edition of an item, but Alibris does, the Alibris item is included in the search results. When you select such an item from the search results in the Works page, two tabs appear in the Offerings page, at the top of the Facets panel: a Market tab () and an Alibris tab (
). Select the Alibris tab to see the Alibris offerings for the item.

For additional information, see Working with Alibris.
- By default, the Alibris module is not activated in Rialto. To activate it, contact technical support.
- Alibris support in Rialto is limited to print books sourced through Alibris and does not include other material types, such as electronic books, music, or videos.
- Alibris is currently only available for UK customers.
Interested Users Carried Over from Rapido
February 2025 RialtoNGS-12673
Interested users from borrowing requests that were created in Rapido are now automatically copied to the items in the cart that were added from these requests. This means that the interested users are automatically notified when the items are ordered, in accordance with the notification settings specified for them in Alma. Previously, the interested users appeared in the item details under Internal note, but were not added as Interested users. Now, staff do not have to add these interested users manually to the items or notify the interested users manually themselves.
For additional information about the Interested Users feature, see Submitting Cart to Approval.
Language Selection for the Purchase Request Form
February 2025 RialtoNGS-XXXXX
You can now select the language of the labels on the Purchase Request Form from a list of supported languages. You can do this in the form's settings (Configuration menu > Market > Purchase Request Form).
For additional information about these settings, see Configuring Rialto Settings.
"Held in My Institution" Toggle
February 2025 RialtoNGS-12992
The name of the Library Activity facet's toggle has been changed from Holdings to Held in my institution. This toggle enables users to include or exclude their institution's holdings in search results. The name change brings it in line with the name used for this option in the query builder.
For more information about these features, see Working with Facets, Searching the Rialto Marketplace.
Selection Plan Rule Test Content Update
January 2025 RialtoNGS-12735
On the Selection Plan Rule Test page, the informational content accompanying the test button has been enhanced. This update aims to provide Selection Plan users with a clear explanation of the differences between rule testing and snapshot generation, ensuring they have a better understanding of the expected outcomes from each process.
Alibris Out-Of-Print Drop Ship (in Testing)
January 2025 RialtoNGS-12670
Currently in testing for UK customers: New integration with Alibris allows users to search and order Alibris print books in Rialto, even if the books are out of stock (unavailable from James Bennet/Baker and Taylor) or out of print. This feature is limited to books sourced through Alibris and does not include other material types, such as music or video. Expected release of this feature will be communicated in a future release.
Collection to Vendor Mapping Update
January 2025 RialtoNGS-12640
Rialto introduces enhancements to ensure alignment between collection configurations for vendor and auto-holdings. The changes aim to improve consistency in electronic resource management and streamline portfolio handling. For new customers, the Out-of-the-Box (OTB) settings have been refined to ensure uniformity in Community Zone (CZ) collection assignments for vendor and auto-holdings. Current customers can update their collection IDs manually or reach out to Rialto Support for assistance in making these changes.
The following Out-of-the-Box (OTB) settings have been refined for Collection to Vendor mappings:
Platform | From: | To: |
Springer | 611000000000001381 | 613860000000000883 |
Wiley | 611000000000000499 | 615410000000002415 |
JSTOR | 613170000000000272 | 615400000000000569 |
Display Relink User Indication
January 2025 RialtoNGS-12113
Rialto introduces a feature that ensures that when a user performs a relink or manual link action, the Cart, Task List, and Order History pages display a notification detailing the action. The notification includes a message confirming the relink/manual link, the user's name who performed the action, and the date it was completed.
For more information, see Adding to Shopping Cart and Submitting to Approval > Relinking Cart Item Record Matching.
Restore Original MMS ID After Relinking
January 2025 RialtoNGS-12075
Rialto introduces a Restore button that appears after a user performs a relink, enabling retrieval of the original MMS ID that was matched. The restore action reverts to the original bibliographic record (BIB) and includes a confirmation popup to confirm the user's intent. Upon completion, a success or failure message is displayed to indicate the outcome of the action.
For more information, see Adding to Shopping Cart and Submitting to Approval > Restore Original MMS ID after Relinking.
Rialto PO Approval Date and Time Analytics Field Now Available
January 2025 Analytics and Insights URM-XXX
The Rialto PO Approval Date and Time field was added to Rialto Acquisitions > Rialto PO Line. It displays the date and time that the PO was approved.
Resolved Issues
- March 2025 Rialto NGS-12859
4th and 5th reporting codes were not included in invoices. This was fixed. - March 2025 Rialto NGS-13067
A performance issue involving selection-plan order-submission and snapshot generation caused some orders to be incorrectly marked as failed in the order history. This was fixed.
- February 2025 Rialto NGS-13015
A regression occurred where Selection Plan DDA rules were validated against the associated fund. This prevented titles from being added to the pool at the time the snapshot was created. This behavior has now been corrected. Items added to a DDA pool are no longer validated against the associated funds.