Lending Requests (Resource Sharing)
Using the Lending Requests (Resource Sharing) area, the Design Analytics user may create reports/dashboards for the Lending Requests (Resource Sharing) area and is able to answer the following types of business questions:
- Which partners were requested?
- Lending Request counts
- Which type of users issue the requests
- Time statistics between request and sent

Star Diagram – Lending Requests
Field Descriptions
The following lists the fields available in Lending Requests:

Lending Requests – Field Deceptions
Lending Requests Details
The Lending Requests table is a fact table that stores all measures relating to specific Lending requests. This table also holds details about the lending requests including request status, request format, and locate status. The primary key is ID.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Actual Shipped Format | The shipping format | Possible Values:
Additional Notes | The additional notes added under the Notes tab of the Resource Sharing Lending Requests page | |
Base Fee Amount | The baseline fee that the lender charges per request. | |
Borrowing Institution (Rapid ILL) | The Rapid ILL borrowing institution | |
Borrowing Library (Rapid ILL) | The Rapid ILL borrowing library | |
Citation Type | Indicates whether the resource is an article or book | |
Copyright Fee Amount | The copyright cost assigned to the request. | |
Creator | Stores the creation date | |
Days of Material Sent to Return | Number of days from when the material sent to the partner until the material returned to the library | The Day value is the number of complete days. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Days of Request | Displays the number of days from when the request was created until the request was completed | The Day value is the number of complete days. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Days of Request Created to Material Sent | The number of days from when the lending request was created until the material was sent to the requested partner | The Day value is the number of complete days. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
eBook Indicator | Indicates (Yes/No) if the resource is an eBook | |
External Request ID | Displays the Request ID that arrived from the partner (external system ID) | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |
Hours of Material Sent to Return | Number of hours from when the material sent to the partner until the material returned to the library | The Hour value is the number of complete hours. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Hours of Request | Displays the number of hours from when the request was created until the request was completed | The Hour value is the number of complete hours. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Hours of Request Created to Material Sent | Number of hours from when the lending request was created until the material was sent to the requested partner | The Hour value is the number of complete hours. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Identifier | Displays the ISSN/ISBN of the requested resource | |
Internal ID | Displays the Unique ID of the lending request | |
Item Barcode | Displays the item barcode | |
Item ID | Displays the Item ID of the borrowing resource | |
Item Policy | Hold the item policy | |
Item Return Date | Displays the date that the item returned to the library | |
Item Sent Date | Displays the date that item was sent to the partner | |
Journal Title | The title of the journal | |
Label | The labels on the lending request | |
Label History | The deleted labels on the lending request | |
Lending Request Status | Displays the status of the request | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |
Level of Service | The level of service of the lending request | |
Locate Status | Indicates whether the resource has been located or not | |
Lost Item Fee Amount | The mount of the lost item fee | |
Lost Item Fee Currency | The currency of the lost item fee | |
Lost Item Fee VAT | The VAT of the lost item fee | |
Lost/Damaged Invoice Number | The invoice number that contains the request's fee information | Relevant only for Rapido customers. |
Lost/Damaged Invoice Paid | Indicates (Yes/No) if the invoice was paid | Relevant only for Rapido customers. |
Lost/Damaged Invoice Printed | Indicates (Yes/No) if an invoice was created for this request | Relevant only for Rapido customers. |
Lost/Damaged Invoice Sent Date | The date the invoice was sent to the partner | Relevant only for Rapido customers. |
Material Type | Displays the Item material type | |
Minutes of Material Sent to Return | Number of minutes from when the material sent to the partner until the material returned to the library | The Minute value is the number of complete minutes. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Minutes of Request | Displays the number of minutes from when the request was created until the request was completed | The Minute value is the number of complete minutes. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Minutes of Request Created to Material Sent | Number of minutes from when the lending request was created until the material was sent to the requested partner | The Minute value is the number of complete minutes. If the value is composed of several time periods, the sum of the values is considered. |
Modification Date | Stores the modification date | |
Modified By | Stores the user name that modified the record | |
Needed by Date | Displays the date by which this material is needed | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |
Days of Delivery Duration | The number of days from when the lending library sent the requested material until the patron received it. | |
Hours of Delivery Duration | The number of hours from when the lending library sent the requested material until the patron received it. | |
Minutes of Delivery Duration | The number of minutes from when the lending library sent the requested material until the patron received it. | |
Page Overage Fee Amount | The fee that is assigned when the requested page count is greater than the page count included in the base fee. | |
Received Date | The date that the requested material was received | |
Note | Text field for comments | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |
Num of Canceled Requests | Displays the number of requests canceled by the borrower | |
Num of Expired Requests | Displays the number of requests that expired | |
Num of Filled Requests | Displays the number of fulfilled requests | This includes requests with the status of Shipped Physically or Shipped Digitally |
Num of General Messages | Displays the count of messages sent between the borrower and lender | |
Num of Locate Failed Requests | The number of failed locate requests | Includes data for requests that were created from May 2021 and later |
Num of Recalled Requests | The number of recalled requests | |
Num of Requests | Displays the number of lending requests | This includes the number of requests from all potential partners in the Rota |
Num of Non-fulfilled Requests | Displays the number of rejected requests | |
Overdue | Indicates if the item is overdue | |
Overdue Sent Date
The date the last overdue message was sent | |
Reject Reason | The reason the lending request was rejected | |
Requested Format | Indicates the format of the request (Digital/Physical) | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |
Requester Email | Displays the email address of the requester | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |
Service Level Fee Amount | The fee that the lender charges per the service level assigned to the request. The service level is provided by the borrowing institution in the request information. | |
Shipping Cost | The shipping cost. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |
Shipping Cost Currency | The currency of the shipping cost. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Lending Requests - Edit, below. |

Lending Requests - Edit
Lending Creation Date
The Creation Date table is a dimension table that stores details about the lending request creation date. Key fields are used whenever calculations are required. Description fields may be used for formatting the display of the report. Alma stores the following types of fields:
- Calendar Fields – These are date fields as they display in the calendar.
- Fiscal Date Fields – These are date fields that match the institution's fiscal period. In the examples below, the fiscal period of the institution is for fiscal year 2012 that starts June 1, 2011 and ends May 31, 2012.
Using this dimension, the user may drill down from year to month and from month to the specific date on which the lending request was created. The number of the lending requests is accumulated to the relevant level in the hierarchy.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Lending Creation Date | Stores the lending request creation date in a date format such as 2/29/2012 | |
Lending Creation Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Lending Creation Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Lending Creation Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Lending Creation Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Lending Creation Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Lending Creation Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Lending Creation Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Lending Creation Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Lending Creation Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Lending Creation Date Filter | Used to filter report results by date. | |
Lending Creation Date | Stores the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific creation date. | This column provides the user the option to view the cumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy |
Rapido Attributes
The Rapido Attributes table is a dimension table that stores details about Rapido.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Rapido Automatic Renewals Allowed | Indicates if automatic renewals of the borrowing request are allowed | |
Rapido Expire Time (in days) | The number of days until the borrowing request expires | |
Rapido Indicator | Indicates if the request originated from Rapido. | The value is Yes if the request is automatically sent by Rapido to a Rapido partner from a Rapido pod. |
Rapido Invoice Creation Date | The date the invoice was created | |
Rapido Invoice ID | The ID of the invoice | |
Rapido Invoce Printed | Indicates if the invoice is printed (Yes / No) | |
Rapido Label | The Rapido label | |
Rapido Label History | The Rapido label history | |
Rapido Pod Delivery Time (in days) | The Rapido Pod delivery time (in days) | |
Rapido Pod Delivery Time (in hours) | The Rapido Pod delivery time (in hours) | |
Rapido Pod ID | The Rapido Pod ID to which the request is linked. | |
Rapido Pod Loan Period | The Rapido Pod loan period | |
Rapido Pod Name | The Rapido Pod name | |
Rapido Pod Shipping Cost | The Rapido Pod shipping cost |
Due Date
The Due Date table is a dimension table that stores the details about the item's due date such as month, year, or quarter. The key fields can be used when calculations are required, and the description fields can be used for formatting the display of the report. Alma stores the following types of fields.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Due Date | Stores the loan date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Due Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Due Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Due Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Due Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Due Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Due Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Due Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Due Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Due Time | Stores the time in the hours:minutes:seconds format for the loan date | |
Due Date | Stores the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific loan date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
The Partner table is a dimension table that stores the details about the partner to which the borrowing request was sent. The primary key of the table is PARTNER_ID.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Alternate Symbol | The alternate symbol of the institution | |
Average Supply Time | Average time it takes for the supplier to process the request and send the material | See the field location in Alma in the figure Borrowing Requests - Partners, below. |
Billing Address Line1 | Line 1 of the billing address | These fields are relevant for Rapido. |
Billing Address Line2 | Line 2 of the billing address | |
Billing City | The billing city | |
Billing Contact Email | The billing contact email | |
Billing Contact Name | The billing contact name | |
Billing Country | The billing country | |
Billing Postal Code | The billing postal code | |
Billing State Province | The billing state or province | |
Copyright Payment Responsibility | Whether the borrower or lender is responsible for the copyright payment. | |
Creation Date | The date the request was created | |
Creator | The name of the user that created the request | |
Currency | Displays the currency that this partner is using | See the field location in Alma in the figure Borrowing Requests - Partners, below. |
Delivery Delay | Average time it takes to send an item back to this supplier | See the field location in Alma in the figure Borrowing Requests - Partners, below. |
Direct Charge Indicator | Indicates if the Enable Direct Charge Functionality checkbox is selected, which enables you to set whether the borrowing or lending partner is responsible for the Copyright Payment when payments apply. | For more information, see Configuring Copyright Billing Settings. |
Maximum Request Cost | The maximum cost the requesting partner accepts without additional approval. | |
Modification Date | The user name that modified the record | |
Modified By | The modification date | |
Partner Code | Displays the partner code | See the field location in Alma in the figure Borrowing Requests - Partners, below. |
Partner Deleted Status | Indicates if the partner was deleted. | |
Partner ID | Displays the unique partner ID | |
Partner Institution | The institution of the partner | |
Partner Name | Displays the partner name | See the field location in Alma in the figure Borrowing Requests - Partners, below. |
Partner Status | Displays the partner status (Active/Reject/Non Active) | See the field location in Alma in the figure Borrowing Requests - Partners, below. |
Partner System Type | The system type of the resource sharing partner | |
Profile Type | Displays the protocol type with which we communicate with the partner (ARTEmail, NCIP) | See the field location in Alma in the figure Borrowing Requests - Partners, below. |
Use Consolidated Billing | Indicates if consolidate billing is configured with the partner so that all billing is consolidated into one monthly bill. |

Borrowing Requests - Partners
Library Unit
The Library Unit table is a dimension table that stores details about the library where the borrowing request was created. The primary key of the table is LIBRARYID.
The field descriptions can be found in the Library Unit shared dimension.
Location at Time of Loan
The Location table is a dimension table that stores details about the location of the physical item. The primary key of the table is LIBRARYID and LOCATION_CODE.
Bibliographic Details
The Bibliographic Details table is a dimension table that stores the bibliographic details of the borrowing request item. The primary key of the table is MMS_ID.
The field descriptions can be found in the Bibliographic Details shared dimension.
Physical Item Details
The Physical Item Details table is a dimension table that stores details about the physical item details. The primary key is ITEM_ID.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Accession Number | A sequential code used to file items on the shelf. | |
Barcode | The unique identifier of the specific physical item. | |
Base Status | Indicates the availability of the item in its permanent location (in place/not in place). | |
Call Number Normalized | The normalized call number | |
Chron I | The main level of chronology - usually the year. | |
Chron J-M | Additional chronology fields | |
Creation Date | The date that the physical item was created. | |
Creator | The username of the operator that created the physical item. | |
Description | The description of the item. | |
Dewey Top Line | The first 3 digits of the Dewey classification | |
Display Temp Call Number | A normalized temporary call number for display. | |
Due Back Date | Indicates the date that the item is due back at the library. | |
Enum A | The main level of enumeration - usually the volume. | |
Enum B-H | Additional enumeration fields | |
Expected Receiving Date | The date when a purchased item is expected to arrive at the library. | |
Fulfillment Note | The fulfillment note. | |
Has Committed to Retain | Indicates if the library has committed to retain the item | |
Holding ID | The unique identifier of the holding | |
Internal Note 1-3 | Displays internal notes | |
Inventory Date | The last time inventory was checked (not currently in use). | |
Inventory Number | The inventory number | |
Item Call Number | The item call number for display | |
Item Call Number Type | The item call number type | |
Inventory Price | The price of the physical inventory for each physical item | |
Is Magnetic | Whether the item is magnetic material or not. | |
Item Copy ID | The ID of the copy of the item | The field “Item Copy ID” folder comes from the item record and not from the holdings record. It is visible in the physical item editor in the “general” tab and is called “Copy ID”. |
Item Policy | Defines the conditions under which a request for this item can be fulfilled. | |
Last Loan Date | The last time the item was loaned. | |
Library Address Line 1 | The first line of the address of the institution. It usually includes the building number and the street name. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Address Line 1. |
Library City | The city of the library. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is City. |
Library Country | The country of the library. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Country. |
Library Name (Active) | The library name of active (not deleted) libraries. | The same as Library Name without deleted libraries. |
Library Postal Code | The postal code of the library. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Postal code. |
Library State Province | The state or province of the library. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is State/Province. |
Lifecycle | Indicates whether the item is active or deleted. | |
Material Type | Describes the nature of the material represented by the item record. | |
Modification Date | The date that the physical item was modified. | |
Modified By | The user that modified the physical item. | |
Num of Items | The number of items in the repository | |
Originating System ID | The ID of the item in the source system from which it has been imported. | |
Permanent Call Number | A code used to file the items on the shelf | |
Permanent Call Number Type | The call number type. | Possible values are:
Permanent LC Classification Code | Stores the letters that the LC class number start with such as BF, QA, etc. | |
Permanent LC Classification Number | Stores the numbers that follow the letters until the first period that is followed by a letter | |
Permanent LC Classification Top Line | Stores the LC class number top line that represents the code and numbers until the first period followed by a letter. | For example, when lc_class_number is NB933.F44, the top line is NB933). |
Permanent Physical Location Code | The code of the permanent physical location | |
Physical Item ID | The ID of the physical item | |
PO Line ID | The ID of the PO line | |
Process Type | When the item is being processed (acquisition/loan/bindery/etc) this indicates the type of processing. | |
Provenance Code | A code used to identify separate items that belong to different groups (but may be shelved together). | |
Receive Number | A sequential number assigned by the library to help maintain inventory. | |
Receiving Date | The date the material was actually received/activated for the first time. | |
Receiving Date and Time | The date and time the material was actually received/activated for the first time | |
Replacement Cost | The replacement cost | In order to filter your report based on the Replacement Cost field, you must add a second copy of this field and edit the formula with the following CAST("Physical Item Details"."Replacement cost" AS DOUBLE). This causes Alma Analytics to treat the field as numeric. |
Retention Note | A free-text note concerning the library's commitment to retain the item | |
Retention Reason | The reason the library has committed to retain the item | |
Statistics Note 1-3 | Displays statistic notes | |
Storage Location ID | The ID of the storage location. | |
Summary Holding | Free-text enumeration and chronology data | |
Temp Call Number Type | A call number type provided when the item is in a temporary location. | |
Temp Physical Location In Use | Whether the item is currently (at the time at which the report is run) in a temporary location or in a permanent location.
For example: An item was moved from a permanent location to a temporary location on November 28, 2017. It was loaned on November 29, 2017, and when it was loaned, it was still in a temporary location. It was returned from loan on December 13, 2017. On December 14, 2017 it was returned to its permanent location. If an Analytics report was run between November 28 and December 13, the Temp Physical Location In Use is Yes. If the report was run before November 28 or after December 13, the Temp Physical Location In Use is No. |
Temporary Item Policy | The code of the temporary item policy | |
Temporary Library | The temporary library | |
Temporary Library Code (Active) | The code of the active (not deleted) temporary library | |
Temporary Library Name (Active) | The name of the active (not deleted) temporary library | |
Temporary Physical Location | The temporary physical location | |
Times Loaned | The number of loans including in house and not in house loans in Alma and also loans from pre-migration. | |
Weeding Date | A date assigned by the library as the weeding date. By default it is the date that the weeding number was assigned | |
Weeding Number | A sequential number assigned by the library to help maintain inventory. |
Assigned To
The Assigned To table is a dimension table that stores details about the user details of the staff member to whom the request is assigned.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Campus Code | Stores the campus code of the user | |
External ID | Stores the ID of the user in the originating system | |
First Name | Stores the user’s first name | |
Gender | Stores male or female | |
Job Description | Stores free-form text that describes the function of the user in the library | |
Job Title | Stores the job category definition to which the user belongs based on the Job Categories code table | |
Last Activity Date | The last date that a patron made a request or borrowed or returned an item | |
Last name | Stores the user’s last name | |
Middle Name | Stores the middle name of the user | |
Preferred First Name | Stores the user’s preferred first name | See the field location in Alma in the image below. |
Preferred Last Name | Stores the user’s preferred last name | See the field location in Alma in the image below. |
Preferred Middle Name | Stores the user's preferred middle name | See the field location in Alma in the image below. |
Primary Identifier | Stores the primary identifier that the user uses in order to log on to Alma | |
IdP Service in Use | Indicates if an identity provider service is in use | |
Status | Indicates if the user is active | |
User Group | Stores the group with which the user is associated such as Faculty, Graduate, or Student | |
User ID | Stores the unique ID of the user | |
User Record Type | Indicates if the user is a Public User or a Staff User | |
User Title | Stores the title of the user | |
User Type | Stores the values Internal and External |
Shared Dimensions with Other Subject Areas
For information concerning shared dimensions with other subject areas, see Shared Dimensions.