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    Configuring Institution Settings

    To configure Esploro, you must have the Configuration Manager role.

    This page describes how to configure institution settings in Esploro. For information on configuring the various parts of the research information hub see here.

    Multi-Lingual Data Elements

    You can set the default language and additional languages that will be used in Esploro. To configure these values, open the Multi-Lingual Data Elements page (Configuration Menu > General > Institution Settings > Multi-Lingual Data Elements).

    Multi lingual data elements.

    Multi-Lingual Data Elements

    Select the default language from the dropdown list. Then select additional languages from the multi-select list.

    For information on configuring languages for the institution, see Configuring Institution Languages. For information on adding information in multiple languages on the portal, see here.

    Configuring Default Researcher Settings

    You can configure the default values for researcher notifications for all new researchers. For details on configuring the opt in defaults for researcher letters see here

    To configure the default publication language, navigate to Configuration > Researchers > Default Researcher Settings. For more information see Default Publication Language in Adding Researchers.

    Research Job Configuration

    You can activate and deactivate Esploro scheduled jobs. You do this from the Research Jobs Configuration page (Configuration > General > Institution Settings > Research Jobs Configuration):

    Research Jobs Configuration.

    Research Jobs Configuration

    To activate or deactivate a job, select the appropriate radio button for a job and select Save. To run the job immediately, select Run Now. For detailed information on jobs see Scheduled Jobs.

    Users with both the Configuration Manager and Media Mentions Manager roles can configure the Media Mentions loader job. Currently, the loader runs only for the Retriever format with a RSS URL. You can define the run time in the Schedule field, the status of all incoming records in the Load all records as field, and enter the feed URL in the URL of the feed for the loader field. The options in the Load all records as field are Approved for display in portal and profiles, which is the default, Approved only for display in portalApproved only for display in profiles, and Pending approval. Although some of the statuses indicate that approved records will display in the portal and/or profiles, the media mentions do not currently display in the portal or profile. If these options are selected when the records are loaded, they will appear in the correct pages when display of media mentions begin on the portal and profile.

    Once activated, the Media Mentions Loader job is active in the scheduled jobs on the Monitor Jobs page. 

    Monitor Jobs - Research Jobs.png

    Monitor Jobs with the Research Filter Applied

    Configuring Asset Enrichment from Web of Science

    Institutions that subscribe to Web of Science (WoS) can configure Esploro to automatically import metadata from  WoS to the Esploro repository for newly-added assets. When this option is activated for these institutions, the Research asset WOS identifier retriever job (see Viewing Scheduled Jobs), which imports WoS IDs for all newly added assets, can also import metadata from certain WoS fields. The institution can choose which of this data to import, and under what conditions.

    The settings for this feature are configured in the WOS Asset Enrichment Configuration page (Configuration menu > Repository > Integrations > Web of Science Asset Enrichment). Each row in the table lists one of the Esploro asset fields for which information can be imported from WoS. 

    Configuration Settings for the WoS Asset-Enrichment feature.

    WOS Asset Enrichment Configuration Page

    To configure the settings for a field in the table, under Action, select one of the following options:

    • Always Take – If data for this field is available for the asset in WoS, import it into Esploro, and overwrite whatever data is already in the field.
    • Never Take – Do not import data from WoS for this field.
    • Take When Empty – If data for this field is available for the asset in WoS, only import it into Esploro if the field is empty in Esploro. Do not overwrite data that is already in the field in Esploro.

    Only one profile is currently available for this feature: First Run. This means that the first time an asset is brought into Esploro, WoS will be checked for relevant metadata. In the future, another profile, enabling the job to process existing assets in a set, may be added. 

    When data is imported from WoS for an asset, information about what was imported appears in the Research asset WOS identifier retriever job history. A Job Report, broken down by category, appears when you open the job history (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs > History tab > [select the job]).

    Web of Science Asset Enrichment Job Report.

    Job Report

    Selecting the WOS ID found and updated and record data enriched for record line in the report opens an Events Report containing additional details about what data was imported for each asset that was enriched from WoS by the job.

    WoS Enrichment Report showing what information was brought into assets by the job.

    Events Report

    In addition, if an asset record was enriched from WoS, this is indicated in the record, in the summary information.

    Asset Summary Information showing the asset was Enriched from Web of Science.Asset Record that Was Enriched from WoS

    Configuring Citation Sources

    Esploro supports recording citation counts for research outputs from several sources. Before you can import citation counts for research outputs, you must verify that you have a license for the data for each source. This is configured on the Citations Sources page (Configuration > General > Institution Settings > Citation Sources):


    Citation Sources

    To configure a source, select the More Actions button, select Customize, and change the parameter to true. Select Save.

    The source you set to true is now available to be selected from the Load Citation Metrics page (Repository > Load Citation Metrics). For information on loading citation metrics see here. For information on selecting citation styles when exporting an asset as a citation see Citation Styles List.

    Configuring Other Institution Settings

    You can configure the Esploro customer parameters for institution settings from Configuration Menu > General > Institution Settings > Institution Settings.

    Institution Settings_Other Settings.png

    Configuring Institution Settings Customer Parameters

    The following list describes the Esploro customer parameters for institution settings that you can configure. For other general settings that can be configured, see here.

    Parameter Key Parameter Value
    true/false – Controls whether the affiliations of affiliated researchers matched with a creator/contributor on an asset are automatically added to the asset's affiliations when importing assets using the CDI Import Profile or Smart Harvesting.

    true/false – Controls what happens when the Open Access Status field of an asset is set to Green (indicating the asset was published in a toll-accessed journal, but was archived in an open-access archive; see Adding Staff-Mediated Research Deposits for Journal Articles): 

    • true – A link to the asset is added to the metadata of the asset if the OpenAlex API is invoked as part of the record-import process.
    • false (default) – A link to the asset is not included in the metadata of the asset. 
    Sets the date format displayed on the research portal.
    Enable the option for creating a token for uploading large files (see Uploading Large Files). 
    Whether to display the cover page in the file viewer.

    Controls whether researchers can make their own deposits. When set to true, researchers can make their own deposits. When set to false, researchers cannot make their own deposits.


    Controls the population of dates when receiving a deposit from ETD Administrator. The following options are available:

    • no_date – Only dates that are included in the metadata of the SWORD deposit are added to the asset record when it is imported into Esploro.
    • publication_date –  In addition to importing the dates that are included in the metadata of the SWORD deposit, the deposit date is added to the asset record as the publication date (date.publication) when it is imported into Esploro.
    • date_available –  In addition to importing the dates that are included in the metadata of the SWORD deposit, the deposit date is added to the asset record as the availability date (date.available) when it is imported into Esploro.

    For additional information, see ETD Administrator Integration.


    Controls the status assigned to deposits when receiving a deposit from ETD Administrator:

    • approved_asset – the deposit is assigned Approved status.
    • deposit – the deposit is assigned Submitted status.

    For additional information, see ETD Administrator Integration.

    Set the Google analytics - see Google Search Console and Analytics.
    Verify ownership of your website in the Google search console - see Google Search Console
    When true, open the new Esploro portal.
    Enable APC integration with OAble.

    Whether Esploro should publish to ORCID all approved assets that appear in a researcher's profile, or only those that are set to be visible to the public (i.e., not HIDDEN; see Adding Output to a Profile):

    • false – Esploro publishes all assets to ORCID (default)
    • true – Esploro only publishes visible assets to ORCID
    Enable integration with ORCID.
    Display the Researcher Profiles tab on the Organization Units tree.
    Allow researchers to activate their profile.
    esploro_project_anz_type The Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) list to use for the Research Topics lookup – FOR (Fields of Research – the default) or SEO (Socio-economic Objective)
    When true provide ability to search and display profiles publicly.
    Show or hide proxy tab in Researcher profile settings.
    Controls the default display of the researcher profiles when they have no assets to show:
    • true - A researcher with an active profile set will have the profile shown only if the researcher has approved assets to show. An option to display even without assets will be added to the active profile flag on the researcher, to allow overriding this behavior for individual researchers as needed.
    • false -  A researcher with an active profile set will have the profile shown, regardless of whether the researcher has approved assets to show.
    Upload Token Validity Time(In Days).
    API key for the WoS starter API.

    Defines the maximum size of an asset file that can be uploaded to Esploro using the Esploro Files Uploader (see Asset Files Uploader), in Gigabytes. See Working with Research Assets

    Default: 5; Maximum: 5000.

    Hide terms and conditions from the researcher deposit form. This allows researchers to proceed with a deposit, without accepting the terms and conditions.
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