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    Leganto Workflow: Citation Availability


    Citations appear in Leganto with their library availability, when available. When a citation is added using an item in the library, this is automatic. When a citation is added using another means, such as manually or using Cite It!, Leganto attempts to locate the resource in the library using a process known as resource locate (unless configured otherwise). For electronic resources, this also includes locating the relevant URLs to the resources, a process known as link resolving (using the SFX uResolver) to find the resource's OpenURLs. The citation's availability is then inherited from the located / resolved resource.

    Leganto is built on the Alma framework. Both Alma and Leganto provide numerous options for controlling the resource locate process, resource availability, and availability restrictions. In addition, Leganto provides options for configuring how or which links appear in the Leganto UI. When enabled, instructors can then determine which of these links appear to their students.

    Resource Locate

    The resource locate process runs automatically and can be run manually or disabled. Citations can also be manually detached from a located resource ("un-located").

    • Library items added as citations, either from Alma, Primo, Primo VE, Primo Central, or Summon, are automatically located.
    • For all other citations, Leganto automatically tries to locate the resource when the item is added or, if the item was not yet located, edited. You can disable this in Alma (see reading_list_auto_locate_citation_upon_creation in Configuring Other Settings).
    • You can manually try to locate a resource. When multiple matches are found, you can select among the choices. When no matches are found, you can change the search criteria and try again. See Managing a Citation's Attachment to an Inventory Item.
    • You can run a resource locate in bulk on citations. See Process and Enrich Citations in Bulk. You can define what happens when multiple matches are found using this process (see resource_locate_multiple_matches and resource_locate_multiple_matches_priority in Configuring Other Settings).
    • You can detach (un-locate) a citation from its resource, removing all availability information from the citation. In this case, the citation is not automatically located again when it is edited but can be manually located or relocated by being part of a set on which a bulk locate process is run. See Managing a Citation's Attachment to an Inventory Item.
    • A located citation does not re-locate when you edit the citation (see the exception about changing the identifier, below). To change the availability, detach the citation from the repository and relocate to a different record.
    • You can configure whether another resource locate is performed on an already located citation when the citation's resource identifier, such as ISBN, is changed.
    • To automatically identify electronic items, the following information is required:
      • ISSN, volume, issue, start page, and publication year
      • ISBN
      • DOI

      You can disable resolving for an electronic citation. See Disable Resolving in Adding Citations to a Reading List.

    • You may want to use one of the other formats or editions that are suggested in Leganto, as they may have different availability dates. To configure whether these appear in Leganto, see Configuring the Display of Other Formats and Editions of Citations.
    • In Alma, you can run a job to generate alternate suggestions for already located citations. See Finding Alternate Resource Suggestions for Citations.
    • When you change any of the citation metadata listed in the Match by Fields table (in Fulfillment Configuration > Courses > Locate Citation by Fields), a new resource locate is performed. In Alma, you are then prompted to perform the resource locate (or cancel). If the citation was previously located, and the new locate process does not find a match, the citation is detached from the repository. This functionality is controlled by the relocate_modified_citation parameter in the General Settings table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings). When set to 'true', the automatic resource locate is triggered when the citation metadata is edited.
    • If you are a UK customer and have implemented a Digital Content Store (DCS) integration profile, you can manage the citation's attachment to a DCS item. See Attaching a Citation to the CLA Digital Content Store.

    Restricted Availability

    The availability of citations added from Alma is based on the citation's bibliographic record based on its MMS ID. The Source URL field of an electronic citation holds the resolved OpenURL link. Both record related and OpenURL availability can appear for the same citation. Citations added using the Alma search scope or using Cite It! always use this availability.

    The Source URL field of citations added from Primo Central holds either the direct link or the OpenURL link. To change the availability, you must change this link.

    A resource is unavailable if there is no inventory and its availability may be restricted for various reasons. Note that you can request additional availability; see Requesting Availability.

    • Physical resources that are not located and electronic resources whose links cannot be resolved have no availability. This restriction does not apply to digital resources (such as an uploaded file) or web sites (such as an online video) that are manually attached to the citation.
    • Availability is restricted for physical resources if your library does not own any copies or owns fewer copies than is required by the course. The same applies to electronic resources for which you have not purchased a license or sufficient licenses.
    • When enabled by the library, an instructor can manually choose to not display links to an uploaded file, web site, digital representation, or electronic resources, or to the physical availability of the resource. See Configuring Whether Instructors Can Disable Availability Links.
    • The librarian can prevent specific digital representations from appearing in Leganto; see Configuring Digital Representation Display Options.
    • The librarian can restrict access to physical resources in many ways, using policies, terms of use, and loan rules. See Physical Fulfillment.
    • The librarian can restrict access to electronic resources by library or by campus (for multi-campus institutions). See Configuring Distributed Access to Electronic Resources. When working in a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone, the librarian can restrict access by institution; see Configuring Distributed Access to Electronic Resources from the Network Zone.
    • In Leganto, an instructor can restrict access by date on a per citation, section, or reading list basis. Reading lists initially inherit their start and end dates from their associated courses. Reading lists and citations also have due back dates that indicate when physical material should be returned to the library; see Managing Reading List Due Back Dates.
    • For reading lists, an instructor can restrict availability to course students or all students. The librarian can configure the options available to the instructor; see Configuring Reading List Publication Options.
    • Resources licensed by the CCC are restricted to the times determined by the CCC license; see Licensing Items Using the CCC.
    • Librarians can set other resource restrictions, such as the date the library is required to return a resource to a resource sharing lending partner and the library open hours. Various sections in Alma deal with these subjects.
    • The availability of citations added from Alma is based on the citation's bibliographic records. Citations added using the Alma search scope or using Cite It! always use Alma availability. You can configure that items added from Primo use the availability based on Primo's dedup process; see Configuring Primo Availability for Citations Added from Primo.
    • You can enable or disable general electronic services and Google preview for the citation. See Enabling General Electronic Services in Leganto and Enabling Google Preview.
    • When enabled, Leganto users can mark citation's as broken. In Alma you can view all citations that were marked as unavailable. See the alert Citation Link Reported as Broken in Removing alerts from citations.

    Requesting Availability

    If a citation cannot be located, or has no inventory or not enough or limited availability, the instructor can ask the library and the library can arrange to provide more availability by moving or digitizing the resource or by licensing or purchasing additional copies of the resource.

    Citation Enrichment

    After a resource is located, information about the resource is copied to the citation.

    Availability Display in Leganto

    In addition to removing specific links or items in Leganto altogether (see Restricted Availability), you can configure how availability information appears in Leganto.

    • You can configure whether the link to the resource(s) that appears for each electronic citation on the Reading List page in Leganto links directly to a resource or to the list of resources on the Citations Details page; see the parameter force_direct_uresolver in Configuring Links for Electronic Citations.
    • You can also configure whether Primo availability restrictions appear in Leganto search results. See the parameter display_primo_restriction_label in Configuring Primo Availability for Citations Added from Primo.
    • You can configure how the library and location appear for physical citations on the Reading List page in Leganto; see the parameter citation_availability_format in Configuring Links for Electronic Citations.
    • If you are a Primo VE customer, you can force the physical availability request pane on the Citation Details page to look more closely to how it does in Primo VE. See the parameter primove_getit in Configuring Primo Availability for Citations Added from Primo.
    • You can enable Leganto users to report broken links. See the parameter mark_as_broken in Enabling Broken Link Reporting.
    • Leganto displays the View online and Check availability links in the brief display only when links exist on a citation. If, for instance, you hide all digital presentations, the link is not presented.
    • The May Also Be Held By service enables you to add links to other institutions, campuses, and libraries that may also provide services for a title. When enabled, (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) records that contain the configured linking information present links in the May Also Be Held By section of the record's full display. This may be useful for consortia that have blended environments in which one or more of their member institutions are non-Alma environments.

    Availability Messages in Leganto

    When an item is not available, various messages are displayed to the user indicating why an item is not available or not viewable.

    The item not available message.
    Link unavailable message

    The following labels can be configured (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels - NUI):

    • list.noAccess.archvied
    • list.noAccess.visibilityDate.end
    • list.noAccess.guest
    • list.noAccess.draft
    • list.noAccess.notSubscribed
    • list.noAccess.visibilityDate.start
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