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    Introduction to Lists and Items


    For an overview of Leganto features, workflows, and terminology, see Introduction to Leganto. In particular, note that a learning management system (LMS) is sometimes called a course management system (CMS) or a virtual learning environment (VLE), among other terms.

    The Quick Start Welcome Screens (LTI)

    The Quick Start Welcome Screens guide instructors on quickly setting up a list for their course.

    When an instructor logs in from an LMS using an LTI link from a course that does not exist in Alma or does not have any lists, the Quick Start Welcome screens is displayed.

    Creating list using Quick Start.
    Quick start

     The Quick Start Welcome screen can include the following options, depending on what has been configured by your library:

    • Create a new list from scratch
    • Create list from an existing list
      • Duplicate list — create a copy of the list and link it to this course
      • Link course to this list — link the course to an existing list
    • Ask your library to create your list by uploading a file that contains the reading list materials. The file is sent to the library for processing.

    You may also be prompted to confirm the course information.




    Navigating the UI

    Leganto always displays a header bar, a main, central pane, and a left pane. The right pane displays when information is available.

    The header bar includes:

    The left pane includes your institution's logo, the Lists menu, and the Favorites menu.

    Depending on your institution's configurations, the following appears on the right pane:

    Right Pane
    Icon Function Configuration
    clipboard_e35f57acc8e152280cc46b3fa2047232a.png Discuss with library See Discussing the List with the Library.
    clipboard_e61d16045415ff7ed3a77590b8b9cfaf1.png Analytics See Viewing Student Usage.
    clipboard_ee10c0aa6e4685f80d5fc6826b9571097.png Suggestions See Suggestions.
    clipboard_ec12b0d4b4e18f0baf180de398386560f.png Upcoming due dates Appears anytime there are upcoming due dates.


    The Lists pane.


    Setting the UI Language

    You can change the language of the Leganto interface to your preferred language.

    To change your interface language:
    1. From the Settings clipboard_e38b9e1d4804fb7427dda11149f818a89.png menu, select the current language. The Choose a language window opens.

      The Language menu.

      Language menu
    2. Select your preferred language and select Close. The interface language now displays in your preferred language.

      Leganto in Hebrew.

      Leganto in Hebrew

    Configuring Accessibility Settings

    You can set the font size, site contrast, and the duration for feedback messages (such as confirmation messages for certain actions).

    To change your Accessibility settings:
    1. From the Settings clipboard_e38b9e1d4804fb7427dda11149f818a89.png menu, select Accessibility settings. The Accessibilty window opens.

      The Accessibility settings menu option.

      Accessibility settings menu option
    2. Select your desired font size, preferred site contrast, and how long to display feedback messages, and select Close. Your settings are applied.

      The Accessibility settings configuration.

      Accessibility settings

    Viewing and Managing Notifications

    Certain changes to lists or items create notifications that you can view in Leganto. When configured (see Configuring Sending Notifications) by your institution, these notifications are also sent to you by email.

    To view Notification settings:
    • From the Notifications clipboard_e9046a7e6bec4c2d3a2e1e0e845881921.png, you can view notifications for all lists or specified lists.

      The list activity notifications pane.

    To disable email notification:
    1. From the Settings clipboard_e38b9e1d4804fb7427dda11149f818a89.png menu, select Notification settings. The Notification window opens.

      The notification settings option.

      Notification settings
    2. If your institution has enabled sending notifications by email, uncheck Receive notifications by email and select Save. Your settings are applied.

      The notification settings.

      Notifications settings

    Getting Help

    The library can define customized help pages for Leganto. The default URL when selecting Help opens the Leganto online help page.

     The help option.


    By default, each article links to the corresponding article in the Leganto English online help unless customized by your library. Each article opens in a new tab.

    The help menu.

    Help menu

    Linking Leganto to an External Citation Manager

    If you use RefWorks, Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote citation managers, you can configure Leganto with the external site's credentials and then drag and drop these citations into Leganto. Also see Adding an Item from a Reference Manager.

    To link to an external citation manager:
    1. From the Settings clipboard_e38b9e1d4804fb7427dda11149f818a89.png menu, select Reference managers. The Reference managers window opens.

      The reference managers settings.

      Reference managers
    2. Select Add citation manager and select the relevant citation manager and add your credentials.

      The option to add a citation manager.

      Add citation managers

      Your library must configure RefWorks/Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote credentials (Configuration > Leganto > General > External Integrations) for these options to appear correctly.

      The RefWorks configuration.

      RefWorks configuration

      The Zotero configuration.

      Zotero configuration

      The Mendeley configuration.

      Mendeley configuration

      The EndNote configuration.

      EndNote configuration

      After adding valid credentials, the citation managers appear in the Add > Import references list menu, enabling you to add citations to the list.

      Citation managers in the Add menu.

      Citation Managers

    Viewing Citations by Expanded/Collapsed View

    List owners can choose to view Leganto items by Expanded view (default view) or Compact view. The Expanded view expands the brief view to mirror the student view providing more metadata for each item.

    The Expanded view does not apply when viewing a section from a shared link.

    An item expanded view.
    Item compact view.
    Expanded view
    Compact view

    When toggling between Expanded view or Compact view, the selection only applies to the selected list. Users can change the default view from the Leganto Settings The settings icon. > User settings menu. 

    The Leganto user settings.

    User settings

    Viewing Useful Links

    When configured (see Configuring Useful Links) by your institution, web pages that your institution believes are of general interest to all users are accessible from Leganto.

    To view one of these pages:
    • From the top menu, select Useful Links clipboard_edd7bf1b44eccf35c377b1c69e66533c4.pngat the top of Leganto and select the page. The page opens in a new browser tab.

    The useful links options.

    Useful Links

    Viewing a List

    When accessing Leganto, the reading list is presented. The options available to you depend on your institution's settings and your user permissions; therefore, some of the options below may not be available to you.

    The Leganto Reading List.

    Reading List

    Editing options are only available for lists that you own or lists on which you collaborate.

    The list header displays the following information:

    When a list is locked, since you cannot make changes to the list, the Add button is not available.

    List Info

    The List info pane includes:

    • List name
    • If the list is published or a draft
    • If the list is locked
    • Courses associated with the list
    • If the list is marked as a parent list
    • List status — viewable by list administrators
    • When the list was last changed
    • Total items in the total amount of sections
    • A share list icon
    • List menu
    • List Description
    • Syllabus — as a link or as a file
    • Add/view tags
    • List dates — Students have the ability to view lists whose Start/End dates are in the past/future, as long as the lists are published.
    • Course Instructors
    • List Collaborators
    • Manage collaborators option
    • Creative Commons license

    The list info pane.

    List info pane

    Add Menu

    From the Add menu, you can add:

    The add menu.

    Add menu

    From the list actions, you can use the manage sections toggle, filter lists, and search lists.

    The list actions.

    List actions

    List Menu

    You may not see all options depending on your permissions and what is configured for your institution.

    The list menu includes list actions:

    • Edit list
    • Unpublish list
    • Duplicate list
    • Lock/Unlock list
    • View list as a student
    • Sort items within sections
    • Set default section view
      • Collapsed/Expanded
    • Manage link to course
    • Display recent list changes
    • Export list
    • Print list
    • Delete list

    The list menu.

    List menu

    Section Menu

    You may not see all options depending on your permissions and what is configured for your institution.

    The section menu includes a share link and a menu.

    A list section.

    List Section

    The section menu includes the following actions:

    • Edit section — hidden when a section is locked
    • Copy section
    • Export section
    • Print section
    • Lock/Unlock section
    • Delete section — hidden when a section is locked

    The section menu.

    Section menu

    Sections can be collapsed/expanded.

    A collapsed section.

    A collapsed section

    When a section is collapsed, you can use the Drag icon clipboard_e0e83c1f079f04226fdc5501665cd3f4c.png to move the section.

    The option to drag a section.

    Drag section

    Collapsing or Expanding a Section

    Sections are presented by default as either collapsed or expanded for all lists as cpmfigred by the library.

    Due to loading times, the default presentation for lists that contain more than 100 items is collapsed regardless of the settings in the parameter sections_collapsedInstitutions that had previously configured all lists to be opened with sections collapsed specifically due to performance issues should consider changing the parameter to show sections expanded for all lists shorter than 100 items.

    A collapsed section.

    A collapsed section

    An expanded section.

    An expanded section

    To change the section view, you can collapse or expand all sections in a list by selecting Manage sections at the top of the list.

    The option to manage sections.

    Manage sections

    You can collapse or expand a specific section using the collapse clipboard_e7e10524f983fcce152ca51d27399a849.png or expand clipboard_ee51671914dea73204038a2df2f909966.pngicons at the left of the section name.

    When enabled, instructors can use the Set default section view action to override the institution's default setting.

    The option to set the default section view.

    Override default section view

    Item Details

    You may not see all options depending on your permissions and what is configured for your institution.

    The item includes:

    • A bulk actions checkbox
    • Drag icon clipboard_e0e83c1f079f04226fdc5501665cd3f4c.png
    • Item title
    • Item type
    • Item status
    • Item Due date
    • Note for students
    • Item tags (when configured)
    • Full details button
    • Share item link (when configured)
    • Item menu actions

    A list item.

    List Item

    The item menu includes the following actions:

    • Edit item
    • Copy item
    • Move item
    • Save as favorite
    • Quick Cite
    • Set complete
    • Delete item

    The item menu.

    Item menu

    Item Full Details

    The Full Details enables you to view/manage:

    Item Actions

    From the Item actions tab, you can:

    • Control the visibility to students
    • Add a Due date
    • Add a Student note
    • Manage item tags
    • Manage Library services 

    The item details pane.

    Item actions

    Links & Availability

    The Links & availability tab lists links to electronic resources and/or physical availability information. From the Links & availability tab, you can:

    • View any links or files related to the item
    • Download files
    • Make a file read only or downloadable
    • Hide links/items (when configured)
    • Mark a link as broken or Report a problem with the file
    • Enable Public annotations

    The links & availability pane.

    Links & availability

    Related Items

    When enabled by your library, the Related items, if any, appear here. From the Related items tab, you can:

    • View any items related to the item

    The related item pane.

    Related items

    Item Details

    From the Item details tab, you can:

    • View the item details
    • Add/view a Private note
    • Open the item on Google Books (when configured)
    • View the Google privacy details (when configured)

    The item details pane.

    Item details

    Library Discussion

    When enabled by your library, the Library discussion tab appears. From the Library discussion tab, you can:

    • Communicate with the library
    • View your correspondence

    The item library discussion pane.

    Library discussion
    • Was this article helpful?