Summon: Administration Console: User Guide
- Product: Summon
Where can I find a Summon Administration Console User Guide?
This document is an outline of information contained in the Support Center on how to use the Summon Administration Console.
The Summon Administration Console is a tool that provides clients the ability to customize the patron experience, view usage reports, and view MARC mappings for local collections.
The Summon Administration Console is accessed from your Intota or Client Center profile:
Intota Users: Click the link within the Administrative section of the Intota home page -

Client Center Users: In the Administer Your Productions, Summon section, click Administration Console:
If you do not see the Summon Administration Console link, that means that you do not have permissions to access that feature. To request permissions, contact your library's Client Center Administrator.
For more information about permissions:
Intota users: see Admin User Accounts - Add/Edit/Delete, Configure Permissions, Change Password
Client Center users: see Client Center Accounts
There are seven tabs (pages) in the Administration Console, as shown below. Customizations saved in the admin console take effect in five minutes.
The Settings page provides a number of ways you can customize the look, feel, and behavior of your Summon service. For more information, see Settings.
Detail Page - Use this page to enable and configure the display of catalog records and enrichment content within the Summon service. For more information, see Detail Page.
Custom Panel Sections - Use this page to create and manage custom panel sections within the Summon service. For more information, see Custom Panel Sections.
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Content Ingestion
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 5-May-2016
- Old Article Number: 8745