2022 CDI Release Notes
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CDI Content Updates
Week 52 - December 25
- QuickLinks are also available for 高等教育出版社 (Higher Education Press) content for HTML. The list of supported providers can be found here and is updated with any new provider.
Week 50 - December 11
- In addition to indexing book-level from Ebook Central (EBC) into CDI, we will begin indexing chapter-level records. For more information, please read the Article
- QuickLinks are available now also for American Chemical Society content for both PDF and HTML. The list of supported providers can be found here and is updated with any new provider.
Week 47 - November 20
- QuickLinks are also available for Cambridge University Press Content (corebooks and journals- HTML links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 44 - October 30
- Bibliolabs have new collections, you can review them in the attached file bibliolabs new collections.xlsx
Week 40 - October 2
- QuickLinks are available now also for
- World Scientific Publishing journal content for PDF.
- Brepols Publishers content for PDF.
- Taylor & Francis content for both PDF and HTML.
The list of supported providers can be found here and is updated with any new provider.
Week 39 - September 25
- QuickLinks are available now also for American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Content (Journals, Standards, Proceedings- HTML, PDF Links. Books- HTML links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
- QuickLinks are available now also for Alexander Street content for HTML. The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 36 - September 4
- QuickLinks are also available for JSTOR Content (Journals- HTML, PDF). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider
Week 35 - August 28
- QuickLinks are available now also for Project MUSE Content (Journals- HTML, PDF Links Books- HTML links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
- As part of the integration between ProQuest and Clarivate, we have both extended content coverage in CDI for existing collections, as well as added new collections from the Web of Science. As a result, we added 296 new collections of Web of Science to CDI, with more than 10 million new records from Web of Science in the index.
For the full list of new collections please see the following spreadsheet: Web_of_Science_New_Collections.xlsx
For more information about Web of Science content in CDI please see the following article: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/...tent_available
Week 32 - August 7
Week 30 - Jul 24
- QuickLinks are available now also for Royal Society Publications Content (HTML, PDF Links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 25 - Jun 19
- In June 2022, the old feed of IBISWorld will be removed from the index. The new and improved data will remain in the index, to ensure the best possible discovery experience for the community. We strongly recommend to all institutions who wish to discover any content of IBISWorld to make sure they activated IBISWorld (Alma ID: 6113915960000041, DBID:6EY). For more information please see the following link: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Content_Corner/Central_Discovery_Index/Knowledge_Articles/IBISWorld_new_feed_in_CDI
Week 24 - Jun 12
- Quicklinks are now avaliable for Chicago University Press content (PDF and HTML). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 22 - May 29
- QuickLinks are also available for SPIE Content (HTML, PDF Links). The list of supported providers can be found here and is updated with any new provider.
Week 19 - May 8
- QuickLinks are also available now for Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Content (HTML, PDF Links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 18 - May 1
- QuickLinks are also available now for IEEE Content (HTML Links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 15 - April 10
After receiving from our community reports on non-working links from the template of InfoBase Publishers, Inc. - Films on Demand, we have improved the linking template syntax of the template "infobase_linking". The new syntax should ensure that even when records from InfoBase are merged with other sources from the index, the metadata piece of the link that should be used for linking to the InfoBase website will come from the InfoBase record and will construct a valid linking. The new syntax appears now in the chart at the following link: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Content_Corner/Central_Discovery_Index/Knowledge_Articles/Special_links_configuration_in_CDI_for_Primo_and_Primo_VE. While the old syntax will still work properly for most cases, we recommend switching the linking syntax from the old one to the new syntax.
Our recommendation is hence to change the following:
At the end of the syntax, instead of
Please change to:
- New collections of Gale Literature Criticism Online were indexed, as detailed in the list below. Please note a few unique aspects of these collections:
- The data of these collections are mostly reprints. An original text was published, and then it was reprinted at a later date. The data on Gale's website belongs to the later print, so the links of the new records lead to the reprinted version.
- Our CDI records contain the title, author, and copyright information which are identical in both versions, But the publication information, such as volume number, issue number, publication title, and publication date reflects the reprint in Gale's platform.
- All the data from the original publication (Journal title, original publication date etc.) is mapped to the abstract field in the form of "Originally published in -" and then the original publication information.
- The pagination here reflects the unit in Gale's website, which can be larger than the record itself.
- Please note that these collections use an IEDL direct linking method, that requires a unique authentication in each link. For Summon clients, please follow instructions for Gale's unique linking IEDL as detailed here: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Summon/Product_Documentation/Configuring_The_Summon_Service/Direct_Linking_in_the_Summon_Service/Summon_and_360_Link%3A_Index-Enhanced_Direct_Linking_Special_Providers#gale and for Primo, please follow instructions here for gale_linking template: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Content_Corner/Central_Discovery_Index/Knowledge_Articles/Special_links_configuration_in_CDI_for_Primo_and_Primo_VE
- The rights method for these collections does not support selective activation. Therefore, we strongly recommend making sure that the option "We subscribe to only some titles in this collection" is set to no, to allow rights based on the collection level and not on selected titles.
Week 14 - April 3
- QuickLinks are available now also for Emerald (PDF and HTML Links) and Credo Reference Content (HTML Links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
- Cambridge Books content was refreshed with a new feed from the provider.
Week 13 - March 27
A new collection from Editions ENI, Libros Online ENI, is now live in the index. More details on this new collection can be found below. Please note that the links of this new collection require a unique authentication key supplied by Editions ENI directly to the libraries. In order to configure the IEDL links of this new collection, we kindly ask Primo and Primo VE clients to configure the linking template "editions_eni_linking" as explained here: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Content_Corner/Central_Discovery_Index/Knowledge_Articles/Special_links_configuration_in_CDI_for_Primo_and_Primo_VE. For Summon clients, please configure your custom URL as instructed here: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Summon/Product_Documentation/Configuring_The_Summon_Service/Direct_Linking_in_the_Summon_Service/Summon_and_360_Link%3A_Index-Enhanced_Direct_Linking_Special_Providers#Editions_EI
Geofacets collections offer access to maps, figures, and tables associated with various resources. In most cases, the Geofacets record in CDI holds the relevant associate title of the published resource. The content available in Geofacets is not the article but only the maps and tables.
Week 12 - March 20
A new feed of eBooks and book chapters of ASTM International was ingested to CDI. The new records are available based on current activations of ASTM books collections, and no new activations are needed for discovering the refreshed feed.
Week 11 - March 13
Knowledge Unlatched multiple collections that are Full Text Collections, with portfolios, have Coverage in CDI. As for KU Select 2017 which is database, was changed to Not in CDI as it does not have coverage.
Week 9 - February 27
QuickLinks are available now also for PubMed Central Content from the National Library of Medicine, and for the New England Journal of Medicine records. (PDF and HTML Links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 7 - February 13
ProQuest Primary Sources Access Collections are available in CDI with Alma/SFX Full Text Rights - Subscription (Collection level), and Linking - Link in record.
Week 6 - February 6
IngentaConnect has started sending to CDI a new and more complete feed of their academic journal content. This feed includes hundreds of thousands of new records including content that was missing until now in CDI. This new content will be discoverable by the current activations of existing collections of IngentaConnect, and clients are not required to take any proactive steps to discover this new content.
Week 5 - January 30
ProQuest Collection Research Library was changed to a Full Text Hybrid collection, to improve its linking accuracy. please read more about Hybrid collections in the article.
QuickLinks are available now also for BioOne Content (PDF Links). The list of supported providers can be found here, and is updated with any new provider.
Week 1 - January 2
Oxford Handbooks Online feed was enriched with Book level records, in addition to the Book chapter records.
- Casalini Torrossa have refreshed their feed by adding missing content and including Book level records, in addition to the Book chapter records.
Week 2 - January 9
- International Monetary Fund collections were updated: All collections are Open Access, and the Databases are using Link in Record. We are aware that part of the Links provided by IMF are not working. We are working with them to fix this.
Week 3 - January 16
- Together with the Alexander Street Team we have improved the AS content ingestion to CDI. New records, updates and removals will be live in CDI within a week.
- 1900 SFX/Alma collections were updated with "Available for CDI search activation" and all the CDI fields. These changes are already reflected in this month CDI collection list for Alma and SFX, and ia also available as list here.
Electronic Collection Updates
Week 52 - December 25
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
RILM Music Encyclopedias | Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale | 615300000000000118/RME_RILM_MUSIC_ENCYCLOPEDIAS |
In CDI: No |
In CDI: Yes CDI Type: Full Text Collection Search rights: Free Full-text rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link in record |
The publisher now provides record coverage for CDI. |
Week 51 - December 18
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) | Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education | 6114068690000041/EDUCATION_RESOURCES_INFORMATION_CENTER_ERIC |
Full Text Rights in CDI: OpenAccess CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights in CDI: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
As mentioned in the article, this is the A&I collection. Records of this database do not have Full text in ERIC website. |
History Vault: Black Freedom Struggle in C20: Organizational Records & Personal Papers, Part 1-b | ProQuest | 6121088640000041/HISTORY_VAULT_BLACK_FREEDOM_STRUGGLE_IN_C20_ORGANIZATIONAL_RECORDS_AND_PERSONAL_PAPERS_PART_1-B |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) Linking: Linkresolver |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link in record
There are no titles for the DBID: STRUG , the collection is Full Text, and there is no coverage. |
Internet Archive | Internet Archive | 613780000000001264/INTERNET_ARCHIVE |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Fulltext rights: OpenAccess |
The provider has confirmed that the contact is free. |
Knesset | Knesset: Research and Information Center | 615320000000000306/KNESSET |
Target: KNESSET Public name(global): Knesset |
Target: THE_KNESSET_RESEARCH_AND_INFORMATION_CENTER Public name(global): The Knesset Research and Information Center |
An in-depth description of the target. |
Week 50 - December 11
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Repository@Nottingham | University of Nottingham | 615400000000000167/REPOSITORY_AT_NOTTINGHAM | Full Text rights: Subscription (Collection Level) | Full Text rights: Partially Open Access | About 82% of the content is Open Access, and the records are marked with the appropriate flag. Descriptive fields were changed accordingly. |
History Makers | History Makers | 615490000000001342/HISTORY_MAKERS | In CDI |
Not in CDI |
The collection has no coverage in CDI. |
History Makers | ProQuest | 6113988510000041/HISTORYMAKERS | In CDI |
Not in CDI |
The collection has no coverage in CDI. |
Week 49 - December 04
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
De Gruyter Columbia University Press eBook-Package Archive 1658-1999 | Walter de Gruyter | 615450000000000218/DE_GRUYTER_COLUMBIA_UNIVERSITY_PRESS_EBOOK-PACKAGE_ARCHIVE_1658-1999 | In CDI = No | In CDI = Yes | There is coverage for this package in CDI. |
De Gruyter Columbia University Press Complete eBook-Package 2017 | Walter de Gruyter | 615450000000000213/DE_GRUYTER_COLUMBIA_UNIVERSITY_PRESS_COMPLETE_EBOOK-PACKAGE_2017 | In CDI = No | In CDI = Yes | There is coverage for this package in CDI. |
Week 47 - November 20
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
AIAA Standards |
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
6114025240000041/AIAA_STANDARDS | IN_CDI = No | IN_CDI = Yes | There is coverage for this package in CDI. |
AIAA Books |
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
6114025260000041/AIAA_BOOKS | IN_CDI = No | IN_CDI = Yes | There is coverage for this package in CDI. |
Week 46 - November 13
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Torrossa | Casalini Libri | 613840000000000286/CASALINI_TORROSSA | Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
The title list doesn't have good identifiers therefore, the linking method has been changed to link in record |
Week 45 - November 6
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Reveal Digital Independent Voices Open Access | JSTOR | 613850000000000399/REVEAL_DIGITAL_INDEPENDENT_VOICES_OPEN_ACCESS | Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Fulltext rights: Open Access |
This collection is open to the general public |
American Prison Newspapers | JSTOR | 615300000000000212/AMERICAN_PRISON_NEWSPAPERS | Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Fulltext rights: Open Access |
This collection is open to the general public |
Student Activism | JSTOR | 615420000000000016/STUDENT_ACTIVISM | Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Fulltext rights: Open Access |
This collection is open to the general public |
Wiley Online Library Database Model 2022 | Wiley | 615490000000000780/WILEY_ONLINE_LIBRARY_DATABASE_MODEL_2022 | In CDI: No |
In CDI: Yes
This collection has available portfolios |
Making of America Journals (Michigan) | University of Michigan | 613780000000001530/MAKING_OF_AMERICA_JOURNALS_MICHIGAN | Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Fulltext rights: |
This collection is open to the general public |
Week 44 - October 30
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
History Vault: Japanese American Incarceration: Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946 | ProQuest | 614940000000000135/HISTORY_VAULT_JAPANESE_AMERICAN_INCARCERATION_RECORDS_OF_THE_WRA_1942-1946 |
FULLTEXT_RIGHTS: Subscription (Linkresolver) LINKING: Linkresolver CDI_PROVIDER_COVERAGE: No
FULLTEXT_RIGHTS: Subscription (Collection Level) LINKING: Link in record CDI_PROVIDER_COVERAGE: Yes |
CDI fields and functionality of records from the collection should be aligned |
Latin America and Caribbean social science virtual library: CLACSO | Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) | 612440000000000008/CLACSO_JOURNALS_FREE |
FULLTEXT_RIGHTS: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
The provider describe this collection as open-access and therefore we updated our descriptive fields accordingly . Please note that The Open Access flag in CDI is managed at the record level and is not based on the collection’s Open Access flag in Alma/SFX, and it does not determine whether an active link goes to an open access collection or a subscription database. For more information on open access content in CDI please visit the following link: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Content_Corner/Central_Discovery_Index/Knowledge_Articles/Open_Access_Content_in_CDI |
Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies | Liverpool University Press | 614910000000002921/LIVERPOOL_SCIENCE_FICTION_TEXTS_AND_STUDIES |
In CDI = No |
In CDI = Yes |
Content is available in CDI |
Liverpool University Press Books | Liverpool University Press | 613640000000000035/LIVERPOOL_UNIVERSITY_PRESS_BOOKS |
In CDI = No |
In CDI = Yes |
Content is available in CDI |
Liverpool University Press - Littman E-Library of Jewish Civilization | Liverpool University Press | 615490000000000345/LIVERPOOL_UNIVERSITY_PRESS_LITTMAN_E-LIBRARY_OF_JEWISH_CIVILIZATION |
In CDI = No |
In CDI = Yes |
Content is available in CDI |
Liverpool University Press - Modern Languages Archive | Liverpool University Press | 614910000000002920/LIVERPOOL_UNIVERSITY_PRESS_MODERN_LANGUAGES_ARCHIVE |
In CDI = No |
In CDI = Yes |
Content is available in CDI |
Liverpool University Press - Transnational Modern Languages Digital Collection | Liverpool University Press | 615490000000000344/LIVERPOOL_UNIVERSITY_PRESS_TRANSNATIONAL_MODERN_LANGUAGES_DIGITAL_COLLECTION |
In CDI = No |
In CDI = Yes |
Content is available in CDI |
Week 43 - October 23
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online | Brill | 614900000000001796/BRILL_ENCYCLOPEDIA_OF_EARLY_CHRISTIANITY_ONLINE | In CDI - no |
In CDI - Yes Search rights: Free Full text rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link in record |
This collection changed to be zero title database. |
Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart | Brill | 614900000000001805/RELIGION_IN_GESCHICHTE_UND_GEGENWART | In CDI - no |
In CDI - Yes Search rights: Free Full text rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link in record |
This collection changed to be zero title database. |
Sacramentum Mundi Online | Brill | 614900000000001806/SACRAMENTUM_MUNDI_ONLINE | In CDI - no |
In CDI - Yes Search rights: Free Full text rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link in record |
This collection changed to be zero title database. |
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals | DOAJ | 61111061245432000 / DOAJ_DIRECTORY_OPEN_ACCESS_JOURNALS | Not in CDI | In CDI | Content is available in CDI |
Week 40 - October 2
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
The GOOD DOCS Canadian Collection | Docuseek2 | 614960000000000604/THE_GOOD_DOCS_CANADIAN_COLLECTION | In CDI ? No | In CDI ? Yes | Docuseek has released new collections. They are now available in CDI |
Ethnic NewsWatch: A History | ProQuest | 612610000000000085/ETHNIC_NEWSWATCH_HISTORY | Linking: Linkresolver | Linking: Hybrid | The linking of this collection is Hybrid |
ProQuest One Literature | ProQuest | 614940000000000057/PROQUEST_ONE_LITERATURE | Linking: Linkresolver | Linking: Hybrid | The linking of this collection is Hybrid |
ProQuest One Business | ProQuest | 614940000000000198/PROQUEST_ONE_BUSINESS | Linking: Linkresolver | Linking: Hybrid | The linking of this collection is Hybrid |
ProQuest One Business (Alumni) | ProQuest | 614940000000000199/PROQUEST_ONE_BUSINESS_ALUMNI | Linking: Linkresolver | Linking: Hybrid | The linking of this collection is Hybrid |
Gale In Context: Middle School | Gale | 613800000000000324/GALE_IN_CONTEXT_MIDDLE_SCHOOL | In CDI : no |
In CDI : yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription Linking: Linkresolver |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
Week 39 - September 25
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Gale Literature: LitFinder | Gale | 613800000000000397/GALE_LITERATURE_LITFINDER |
FullText rights = Subscription (LinkResolver) Linking = Link Resolver |
FullText rights = Subscription (Collection level) Linking = Link in Record |
This collection was turned into Zero Title Database. |
Week 38 - September 18
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
eLibro Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002926/ELIBRO_ARQUITECTURA_URBANISMO_Y_DISENO_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Bellas Artes, Artes Visuales y Ciencias Semióticas - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002927/ELIBRO_BELLAS_ARTES_ARTES_VISUALES_Y_CIENCIAS_SEMIOTICAS_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Cátedra Argentina | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003164/ELIBRO_CATEDRA_ARGENTINA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Cátedra Chile | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003165/ELIBRO_CATEDRA_CHILE | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Cátedra Colombia | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003166/ELIBRO_CATEDRA_COLOMBIA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Cátedra Ecuador | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003167/ELIBRO_CATEDRA_ECUADOR | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Cátedra México | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003168/ELIBRO_CATEDRA_MEXICO | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Ciencias Biológicas, Veterinarias y Silvoagropecuarias - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002946/ELIBRO_CIENCIAS_BIOLOGICAS_VETERINARIAS_Y_SILVOAGROPECUARIAS_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Ciencias de la Información y de la Comunicación - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002947/ELIBRO_CIENCIAS_DE_LA_INFORMACION_Y_DE_LA_COMUNICACION_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Ciencias de la Salud - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002948/ELIBRO_CIENCIAS_DE_LA_SALUD_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002949/ELIBRO_CIENCIAS_ECONOMICAS_Y_ADMINISTRATIVAS_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Ciencias Exactas y Naturales - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002950/ELIBRO_CIENCIAS_EXACTAS_Y_NATURALES_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Ciencias Sociales - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002951/ELIBRO_CIENCIAS_SOCIALES_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Derecho - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000003007/ELIBRO_DERECHO_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Educación - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000003006/ELIBRO_EDUCACION_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro English | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003171/ELIBRO_ENGLISH | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro High School | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003169/ELIBRO_HIGH_SCHOOL | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Informática, Computación y Telecomunicaciones - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002954/ELIBRO_INFORMATICA_COMPUTACION_Y_TELECOMUNICACIONES_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Ingenierías y Tecnologías - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002955/ELIBRO_INGENIERIAS_Y_TECNOLOGIAS_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Interés General - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002956/ELIBRO_INTERES_GENERAL_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro Psicología - España | eLibro, Corp. | 614910000000002957/ELIBRO_PSICOLOGIA_ESPANA | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
eLibro WK Educacion | eLibro, Corp. | 615450000000003170/ELIBRO_WK_EDUCATION | In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes Search rights: Free Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
There is coverage for this collection, therefor it's been added to CDI |
Week 37 - September 11
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Naxos Music Library - World | Naxos International | 615300000000000220/NAXOS_MUSIC_LIBRARY_WORLD | In CDI ? No | In CDI ? Yes | There is coverage for this collection, Therefor it's been added to CDI |
National Diet Library Digital Collections: Internet Access (国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 図書 インターネット公開) | National Diet Library | 615420000000000087/NATIONAL_DIET_LIBRARY_DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_INTERNET_ACCESS |
Sear rights: Subscription Full Text rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Search rights: Free Full Text rights: Open Access |
Provider contacted us and notified that this collection is now available without subscription, therefore these changes were implemented |
Week 36 - September 4
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Australia's Natural Resources Database (STREAMLINE) | Informit | 6114021150000041 / AUSTRALIAS_NATURAL_RESOURCES_DATABASE_STREAMLINE | CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I)
This collection has only A&I coverage in the index from Informit. |
Australia's National Geosciences, Minerals and Petroleum Reference Database (AESIS) | Informit | 6114039780000041 / AUSTRALIAS_NATIONAL_GEOSCIENCES_MINERALS_AND_PETROLEUM_REFERENCE_DATABASE_AESIS | CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
This collection has only A&I coverage in the index from Informit. |
Week 33 - August 14
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
SAGE CQ Press Weekly | SAGE Publications | 613850000000000810 / SAGE_CQ_PRESS_WEEKLY | Linking: Linkresolver | Linking: Link in record | This collection's portfolio does not provide a complete coverage of the relevant records, and this resulted with issues both in linking and rights. Therefore, we have changed this collection to use link in record, which is more appropriate in this case. |
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints | Galegroup | 611000000000000491 / GALE_IN_CONTEXT_OPPOSING_VIEWPOINTS | Linking: Linkresolver | Hybrid |
In this collection, content without ISSN or eISSN tends to fail and provides unreliable linking. To address this issue and to ensure the best Discovery experience possible, we will change the collection to use Hybrid Linking in August 2022. More details can be found here https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Content_Corner/Central_Discovery_Index/Knowledge_Articles/Gale_In_Context%3A_Opposing_Viewpoints_-_Hybrid_Linking |
Week 30 - July 24
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
CiNii Complete | National Institute of Informatics | 613800000000000514 / CINII_COMPLETE |
Target Type = Journal CDI Type = Full Text Collection |
Target Type = A&I CDI Type = Abstracting and Indexing database |
The Provider changed the type of records they supply, from now on it will be A&I records |
Week 29 - July 17
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Nexis Uni | LexisNexis | 613780000000001685 / NEXIS_UNI | Provider coverage: Yes |
Provider coverage: No |
We do not hold data directly from Lexis Nexis for this collection, but we have alternative coverage for it. |
Nexis Advance UK | LexisNexis | 614900000000001238 / NEXIS_ADVANCE_UK | Provider coverage: Yes | Provider coverage: No | We do not hold data directly from Lexis Nexis for this collection, but we have alternative coverage for it. |
US Government Documents | U.S. Government | 613170000000000069 / US_GOVERNMENT_DOCUMENTS_FREE | In CDI ? No | In CDI ? Yes | In CDI ? Yes |
Week 28 - July 10
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Docuseek2 Complete Collection |
Docuseek2 |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
We did an alignment in all Docuseek's collections. |
The Docuseek Complete Collection 3rd Edition LoF |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Complete Collection 3rd Edition Upgrade |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Complete Collection 2nd Edition LoF |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
Docuseek2 Essential Collection |
Docuseek2 |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
We did an alignment in all Docuseek's collections. |
Docuseek Canadian Collection |
Docuseek2 |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
We did an alignment in all Docuseek's collections. |
The Docuseek Canadian Collection 3rd Edition LoF |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Canadian Collection 3rd Edition Upgrade |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Canadian Collection 2nd Edition LoF |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
Docuseek2 International Collection |
Docuseek2 |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
We did an alignment in all Docuseek's collections. |
The Docuseek Australia - New Zealand Collection (subscription) |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek K-12 Collection |
Docuseek2 |
614960000000000592/THE_DOCUSEEK_K_12_COLLECTION |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Anand Patwardhan Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The GOOD DOCS Complete Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Icarus Films Fiction Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Women Make Movies Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek African-American Studies Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Anthropology Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Asian Studies Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Health and Health Care Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Nursing Studies Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
The Docuseek Sustainability Collection |
Docuseek2 |
In CDI ? No |
In CDI ? Yes |
Docuseek has released new collections. |
Global Environmental Justice Collection |
Docuseek2 |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
We did an alignment in all Docuseek's collections. |
Foreign Office Files for the Middle East III |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
Foreign Office Files for the Middle East II |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: The History of Tourism |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Not in CDI |
In CDI : Full Text Rights: |
We have coverage on CDI for this collection |
Research Source: Area Studies Japan |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
J. Walter Thompson: Advertising Archive |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
Eighteenth Century Drama: Censorship, Society and the Stage |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
Age of Exploration |
Adam Matthew Digital |
615280000000000120 / AGE_OF_EXPLORATION |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
Foreign Office Files for the Middle East I |
Adam Matthew Digital |
615280000000000122 / AGE_OF_EXPLORATION |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement and Colonial Encounters |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Not in CDI |
In CDI : Full Text Rights: |
We have coverage on CDI for this collection |
Medical Services and Warfare: Module I 1850-1927 |
Adam Matthew Digital |
615280000000000129 / MEDICAL_SERVICES_AND_WARFARE_MODULE_I_1850-1927 |
Not in CDI |
In CDI : Full Text Rights: |
We have coverage on CDI for this collection |
Research Source: Area Studies China and Southeast Asia |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Linking: Linkresolver |
Linking: Link in record |
This collection is without portfolios, therefore link in record is a better method of linking in this case. |
Foreign Office Files for Japan, 1919-1952: Japanese Imperialism and the War in the Pacific, 1931-1945 |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Not in CDI |
In CDI : Full Text Rights: |
We have coverage on CDI for this collection |
Colonial America Module I: Early Settlement, Expansion and Rivalries |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Not in CDI |
In CDI : Full Text Rights: |
We have coverage on CDI for this collection |
Service Newspapers of World War Two: Module I |
Adam Matthew Digital |
Not in CDI |
In CDI : Full Text Rights: |
We have coverage on CDI for this collection |
Reveal Digital Independent Voices Open Access |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
This collection has titles, therefore the appropriate Fulltext rights should be Subscription (Linkresolver) |
American Prison Newspapers |
615300000000000212 / AMERICAN_PRISON_NEWSPAPERS |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Collection Level) |
Fulltext rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) |
This collection has titles, therefore the appropriate Fulltext rights should be Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 27 - July 3
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Open Community Collections | JSTOR | 615400000000000133/OPEN_COMMUNITY_COLLECTIONS | In CDI: No | In CDI: Yes | The collection has CDI coverage |
Reveal Digital Independent Voices Open Access | JSTOR | 613850000000000399/REVEAL_DIGITAL_INDEPENDENT_VOICES_OPEN_ACCESS | In CDI: No | In CDI: Yes | The collection has CDI coverage |
American Prison Newspapers | JSTOR | 615300000000000212/AMERICAN_PRISON_NEWSPAPERS | In CDI: No | In CDI: Yes | The collection has CDI coverage |
Week 26 - June 26
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
National Diet Library Digital Collections: Internet Access (国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 図書 インターネット公開) | National Diet Library | 615420000000000087 / NATIONAL_DIET_LIBRARY_DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_INTERNET_ACCESS | Not in CDI |
In CDI Fulltext Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link in record |
The collection has CDI coverage |
Week 25 - June 19
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Primary Sources Access & Build (Plan A) - International | ProQuest | 614940000000000248/PRIMARY_SOURCES_ACCESS_AND_BUILD_PLAN_A-INTERNATIONAL |
In cdi: No open access link resolver |
In cdi: Yes subscription link in record |
PQ updated their DBID mapping and there are new ones. |
Primary Sources Access & Build (Plan D) - International | ProQuest | 614940000000000247/PRIMARY_SOURCES_ACCESS_PLAN_D-INTERNATIONAL |
In cdi: No open access link resolver |
In cdi: Yes subscription link in record |
PQ updated their DBID mapping and there are new ones. |
Primary Sources Access—Foundation Edition (Plan E) - International | ProQuest | 614940000000000249/PRIMARY_SOURCES_ACCESS_FOUNDATION_EDITION_PLAN_E-INTERNATIONAL |
In cdi: No open access link resolver |
In cdi: Yes subscription link in record |
PQ updated their DBID mapping and there are new ones. |
Hyper Article en Ligne (HAL) | Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSd) | 6114109950000041/HYPER_ARTICLE_EN_LIGNE_HAL |
Linking : link resolver CDI type : A&I FullText Rights: subscription |
Linking: Hybrid CDI type : Hybrid FullText Rights: Hybrid |
Part of the records has FT with Links. They will appear as available and will use the direct link. part of the records does not link to the full text. They will appear as available only if there is a match to active portfolios, and the linking will be Link resolver. |
HAL-SHS: Archive ouverte en Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société | Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSd) | 615410000000002418/HAL-SHS_ARCHIVE_OUVERTE_EN_SCIENCES_DE_LHOMME_ET_DE_LA_SOCIETE |
Linking : link resolver CDI type : A&I FullText Rights: subscription |
Linking: Hybrid CDI type : Hybrid FullText Rights: Hybrid |
Part of the records has FT with Links. They will appear as available and will use the direct link. part of the records does not link to the full text. They will appear as available only if there is a match to active portfolios, and the linking will be Link resolver. |
Wiley Digital Archives : Royal College of Physicians | Wiley-Blackwell | 615300000000000189/WILEY_DIGITAL_ARCHIVES_-_ROYAL_COLLEGE_OF_PHYSICIANS |
Linking : link resolver |
Linking: link in record |
Changed the Linking method to link in record since the content was not working well with LinkResolver linking. |
Wiley Digital Archives : Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland | Wiley-Blackwell | 615300000000000188/WILEY_DIGITAL_ARCHIVES_-_ROYAL_ANTHROPOLOGICAL_INSTITUTE_OF_GREAT_BRITAIN_AND_IRELAND |
Linking : link resolver |
Linking: link in record |
Changed the Linking method to link in record since the content was not working well with LinkResolver linking. |
Wiley Digital Archives : New York Academy of Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 615300000000000187/WILEY_DIGITAL_ARCHIVES_-_NEW_YORK_ACADEMY_OF_SCIENCES |
Linking : link resolver |
Linking: link in record |
Changed the Linking method to link in record since the content was not working well with LinkResolver linking. |
Week 24 - June 12
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Gale Newsvault | Gale | 6114169790000041 /GALE_NEWSVAULT | In CDI | Not in CDI | The Database has no CDI content |
IBISWorld Global Industry Reports | IBISWorld | 6122239520000041/IBISWORLD_GLOBAL_INDUSTRY_REPORTS | In CDI | Not in CDI | There are duplicate records |
IBISWorld Australian Industry Research Reports | IBISWorld | 6113984730000041 /IBISWORLD_AUSTRALIAN_INDUSTRY_RESEARCH_REPORTS | In CDI | Not in CDI | There are duplicate records |
Week 23 - June 6
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Miyada Village Internet Museum (宮田村インターネット博物館) | National Diet Library | MIYADA_VILLAGE_INTERNET_MUSEUM / 6113986410000041 | Not in CDI |
Full-Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link Link in Record |
National Diet Library Digital Collections: Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries(国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 図書 図書館送信参加館配信) | National Diet Library | NATIONAL_DIET_LIBRARY_DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_DIGITIZED_CONTENTS_TRANSMISSION_SERVICE_FOR_LIBRARIES / 615420000000000088 | Not in CDI |
Full-Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link Link in Record |
Content is available in CDI |
Media Art Database (メディア芸術データベース) | National Diet Library | MEDIA_ART_DATABASE / 615300000000000151 | Not in CDI |
Full-Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link Link in Record |
Content is available in CDI |
Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive (京都大学貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ) | National Diet Library | KYOTO_UNIVERSITY_RARE_MATERIALS_DIGITAL_ARCHIVE / 615300000000000150 | Not in CDI |
Full-Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link Link in Record |
Content is available in CDI |
Gunma Prefectural Library (群馬県立図書館デジタルライブラリー) | National Diet Library | GUNMA_PREFECTURAL_LIBRARY / 615300000000000149 | Not in CDI |
Full-Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link Link in Record |
Content is available in CDI |
Fukui Prefectural Archives (デジタルアーカイブ福井) | National Diet Library | FUKUI_PREFECTURAL_ARCHIVES / 615300000000000148 | Not in CDI |
Full-Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link Link in Record |
Content is available in CDI |
Week 22 - May 29
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Dictionnaire historique de l''ancien langage français depuis son origine jusqu''au siècle de Louis XIV | Classiques Garnier | 6114054950000041 / DICTIONNAIRE_HISTORIQUE_DE_LANCIEN_LANGAGE_FRANAIS_DEPUIS_SON_ORIGINE_JUSQUAU_SICLE_DE_LOUIS_XIV |
In CDI | Not in CDI | There is no CDI content for this Database |
Week 21 - May 22
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
PERSEE - Portail de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales | Persee | 613780000000001478/PERSEE_PORTAIL_DE_REVUES_SCIENTIFIQUES_EN_SCIENCES_HUMAINES_ET_SOCIALES | Indexing Journal level records. | No longer indexes Journal level records. | Due to availability issues with journal records, they have been removed from CDI. |
Année Philologique | Brepols | 6121169840000041 / BREPOLS_PUBLISHERS_ANNE_PHILOLOGIQUE1 | In CDI | Not in CDI | The content is not available in CDI anymore. |
Scholars Portal Books: Springer-Protocols 2014 | Scholars Portal | 6113993250000041 / SCHOLARS_PORTAL_BOOKS_SPRINGER-PROTOCOLS_2014 | In CDI | Not in CDI | This DB has no titles and not CDI content mapped to it. |
Week 19 - May 8
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
大漢和辞典 (Great Chinese-Japanese character dictionary) | NetAdvance | 615400000000000130/GREAT_CHINESE_JAPANESE_CHARACTER_DICTIONARY | In CDI | Not in CDI | The provider no longer is supporting this Collection in CDI. |
Week 18 - May 1
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Freely Accessible Science Journals | Freely Accessible Science Journals | 615280000000001782 / FREELY_ACCESSIBLE_SCIENCE_JOURNALS | Full text Rights: Subscription (Link Resolver) | Open Access | This collection includes freely accessible journals, but the CDI coverage is not from the provider's feed but from alternative coverage. CDI records might not have the Open Access indication as they are provided by other providers |
Week 16 - April 17
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Norske og nordiske tidsskriftsartikler (Norart) | National Library of Norway/Nasjonalbiblioteket | 6114022380000041/NORSKE_OG_NORDISKE_TIDSSKRIFTSARTIKLER_NORART | In CDI | Not in CDI | Changed due to duplicate DBIDs with the same URL. Please activate the collection: 6113973350000041 (DBID:3HL) |
Week 14 - April 3
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Nikkei Asian Review | Nikkei Asian Review | 61433000000000045461 / NIKKEI_ASIAN_REVIEW | Linking method: Linkresolver | Linking method: Link in record | Changed the Linking method to link in record since the content was not working well with LinkResolver linking. |
White Rose Research Online | White Rose University Consortium | 6121489990000041 / WHITE_ROSE_RESEARCH_ONLINE | Fulltext rights : Open Access | Fulltext rights : Partially Open Access | Not all the content from the collection is OA |
CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database |
This collection does not have full text. We have decided to make this collection A&I |
National University of Ireland Maynooth - CALM | National_University_Of_Ireland_Maynooth | 615280000000001769 /NATIONAL_UNIVERSITY_OF_IRELAND_MAYNOOTH-CALM |
In CDI |
Not In CDI |
The Collection has no coverage in CDI. |
Week 13 - March 27
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
IEEE Xplore Enterprise | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000110/IEEE_XPLORE_ENTERPRISE | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Articles On Demand | IEEE Xplore | 614330000000000977/IEEE_ARTICLES_ON_DEMAND | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000120/IEEE_ELECTRONIC_LIBRARY_IEL | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Proceedings Order Plans POP All 2010 – Present | IEEE Xplore | 614330000000000981/IEEE_PROCEEDINGS_ORDER_PLANS_POP_ALL_2010_PRESENT | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore POP ALL | IEEE Xplore | 611000000000001682/IEEE_XPLORE_POP_ALL | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore All Conference Series | IEEE Xplore | 611000000000001468/IEEE_XPLORE_ALL_CONFERENCE_SERIES | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Proceedings Order Plans (POP) 2005-Present | IEEE Xplore | 613790000000000505/IEEE_PROCEEDINGS_ORDER_PLANS_POP_2005-PRESENT | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000109/IEEE_CONFERENCE_PROCEEDINGS_ARCHIVE | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore SMPTE Conferences | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000139/IEEE_XPLORE_SMPTE_CONFERENCES | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore Journals Library Plus | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000118/IEEE_XPLORE_JOURNALS_LIBRARY_PLUS | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore Computing Library | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000107/IEEE_XPLORE_COMMUNICATIONS_LIBRARY | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore Conference Library Plus | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000108/IEEE_XPLORE_CONFERENCE_LIBRARY_PLUS | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore Power & Energy Library | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000119/IEEE_XPLORE_POWER_AND_ENERGY_LIBRARY | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
IEEE Xplore Communications Library | IEEE Xplore | 613860000000000106/IEEE_XPLORE_COMMUNICATIONS_LIBRARY | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Making of America Books | University of Michigan | 614330000000000565/MAKING_OF_AMERICA_BOOKS | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Joyner Library Digital Collections | Joyner Library Digital Collections | 614330000000001116/JOYNER_LIBRARY_DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Journals@UrMEL | Journals@UrMEL | 614340000000000385/JOURNALSURMEL | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
National Bureau of Economic Research Publications | National Bureau of Economic Research | 613800000000000314/NATIONAL_BUREAU_OF_ECONOMIC_RESEARCH_PUBLICATIONS | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
collection NBER Working papers | National Bureau of Economic Research | 615410000000000546/NBER_WORKING_PAPERS | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
World Bank E-Library Policy Research Working Papers | World Bank | WORLD_BANK_E_LIBRARY_POLICY_RESEARCH_WORKING_PAPERS | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Week 12 - March 20
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
British Library 19th Century Module | BiblioLabs | 614910000000001553/BRITISH_LIBRARY_19TH_CENTURY_MODULE | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
BiblioBoard Core Module | BiblioLabs | 614340000000001524/BIBLIOBOARD_CORE_MODULE | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Littérature de l'Afrique noire | Classiques Garnier Numerique | 614910000000001549/LITTERATURE_DE_LAFRIQUE_NOIRE | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Corpus des dictionnaires de l'Académie française | Classiques Garnier Numerique | 614330000000000483/CORPUS_DES_DICTIONNAIRES_DE_LACADEMIE_FRANCAISE | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Edmond Huguet, Dictionnaire de la langue française du 16e siècle | Classiques Garnier Numerique | 613790000000000903/EDMOND_HUGUET_DICTIONNAIRE_DE_LA_LANGUE_FRANCAISE_DU_16E_SIECLE | link resolver | link in record | Update collections linking method |
Week 11 - March 13
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
OECD iLibrary | OECD iLibrary | 613840000000000288/OECD_ILIBRARY | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Link in record | Update collections linking method |
OECD Books and Papers | OECD iLibrary | 614900000000000119/OECD_BOOKS_AND_PAPERS | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Link in record | Update collections linking method |
OECD Economics iLibrary | OECD iLibrary | 611000000000001369/OECD_ILIBRARY_ECONOMICS | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Link in record | Update collections linking method |
OECD Statistics | OECD iLibrary | 614330000000001216/OECD_STATISTICS | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Link in record | Update collections linking method |
Week 10 - March 6
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Deep Blue at the University of Michigan | University of Michigan | 6116378820000041 / DEEP_BLUE_AT_THE_UNIVERSITY_OF_MICHIGAN | Not in CDI | In CDI | Content is available in CDI |
Bibliothèque Numérique ENI | Editions ENI | 6122519690000041 / BIBLIOTHQUE_NUMRIQUE_ENI | Subscription (Collection Level) | Subscription (Linkresolver) | This collection has titles, and therefore it is activatable on the basis of those titles. Hence, the indication "Subscription (Collection Level)" was incorrect and has been fixed. |
Editions ENI - vidéos | Editions ENI | 615300000000000092 / EDITIONS_ENI_-_VIDEOS | Subscription (Collection Level) | Subscription (Linkresolver) | This collection has titles, and therefore it is activatable on the basis of those titles. Hence, the indication "Subscription (Collection Level)" was incorrect and has been fixed. |
Film Platform Collection - Canada | Alexander Street | 614940000000000122 / ALEXANDER_STREET_FILM_PLATFORM_COLLECTION_CANADA | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Link in record | Changed the Linking method to link in record since the content was not working well with LinkResolver linking. |
Film Platform Collection - Outside North America | Alexander Street | 614940000000000123 / ALEXANDER_STREET_FILM_PLATFORM_COLLECTION_OUTSIDE_NORTH_AMERICA | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Link in record | Changed the Linking method to link in record since the content was not working well with LinkResolver linking. |
Film Platform Collection - United States | Alexander Street | 614940000000000124 / ALEXANDER_STREET_FILM_PLATFORM_COLLECTION_UNITED_STATES | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Link in record | Changed the Linking method to link in record since the content was not working well with LinkResolver linking. |
Week 8 - February 20
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Research Repository UCD | Research Repository UCD | 614900000000002677 / RESEARCH_REPOSITORY_UCD | Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection level) | Full Text Rights: Open Access | Database type with open access content |
Week 7 - February 13
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
The Plice Gazette | Adam Matthew digital | 6114031370000041 / THE_POLICE_GAZETTE | In CDI | Not in CDI | Content is not in CDI |
SwePub Vitterhetsakademiens Bibliotek | SWEPUB | 615410000000002730 / SWEPUB_VITTERHETSAKADEMIENS_BIBLIOTEK | Not in CDI | In CDI | The collection is now available in CDI as A&I Collection. Coverage in CDI will work with Link resolver. |
University of Richmond UR Scholarship Repository | University of Richmond | 6114034960000041 / UNIVERSITY_OF_RICHMOND_UR_SCHOLARSHIP_REPOSITORY | In CDI | Not in CDI | Content is not in CDI |
Lenus The Irish Health Repository (Summon) | Lenus The Irish Health Repository (Summon) | 614900000000002674 / LENUS_THE_IRISH_HEALTH_REPOSITORY_SUMMON | Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection level) | Full Text Rights: Open Access | Database type with open access content |
Week 5 - January 30
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Cranfield Collection of E-Research - CERES | Cranfield University | 6113988310000041 / CRANFIELD_COLLECTION_OF_E-RESEARCH_-_CERES | In CDI | Not in CDI | The content is not covered in CDI. |
DIPPR Project 801 | American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) | 6113991860000041 / DIPPR_PROJECT_801 | In CDI | Not in CDI | This Database does not have CDI coverage. The content can be found under Knovel collections if this name. |
Knovel, Academic, ASM International Materials Collection | Knovel | 6113992260000041 / KNOVEL_ACADEMIC_ASM_INTERNATIONAL_MATERIALS_COLLECTION | In CDI | Not in CDI | Content can be found under Full Text collection 614920000000000139 / KNOVEL_ASM_INTERNATIONAL_MATERIALS_COLLECTION_ACADEMIC |
Knovel, Corporate, ASM International Materials Collection | Knovel | 6114016950000041 / KNOVEL_CORPORATE_ASM_INTERNATIONAL_MATERIALS_COLLECTION | In CDI | Not in CDI | Content can be found under Full Text collection 614920000000000144 / KNOVEL_ASM_INTERNATIONAL_MATERIALS_COLLECTION_CORPORATE |
Research Library |
ProQuest | 614960000000000048 / RESEARCH_LIBRARY | Linking: Link Resolver | Linking: Hybrid | See in CDI Content Updates for more info. |
Week 4 - January 23
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei/ASEAN Database (BERITA) | Informit | 6114037790000041 / MALAYSIASINGAPOREBRUNEIASEAN_DATABASE_BERITA |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I)
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
Australian Public Affairs Full Text (A&I content for Discovery) | Informit | 6113993990000041 / AUSTRALIAN_PUBLIC_AFFAIRS_FULL_TEXT_A_AND_I_CONTENT_FOR_DISCOVERY |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
AGIS Plus Text (A&I content for Discovery) | Informit | 6113992180000041 / AGIS_PLUS_TEXT_A_AND_I_CONTENT_FOR_DISCOVERY |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
Serials in Australian Libraries (SIAL) | Informit | 6114037080000041 / SERIALS_IN_AUSTRALIAN_LIBRARIES_SIAL |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
Threatened Species in Australia: A Select Bibliography (ENDANGER) | Informit | 6114039550000041 / THREATENED_SPECIES_IN_AUSTRALIA_A_SELECT_BIBLIOGRAPHY_ENDANGER |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link in record CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Linkresolver CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
The Australian Chronicles: An Index to Sources of Australian Biography (CHRONICLES) | Informit | 6114039580000041 / THE_AUSTRALIAN_CHRONICLES_AN_INDEX_TO_SOURCES_OF_AUSTRALIAN_BIOGRAPHY_CHRONICLES |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Information (ANSTI) | Informit | 6114039720000041 / AUSTRALIAN_NUCLEAR_SCIENCE_AND_TECHNOLOGY_INFORMATION_ANSTI |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Bibliography | Informit | 6114041690000041 / ABORIGINAL_AND_TORRES_STRAIT_ISLANDER_HEALTH_BIBLIOGRAPHY |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
Australian Education Index | Informit | 6114041780000041 / INFORMIT_AUSTRALIAN_EDUCATION_INDEX1 |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) CDI Type: Full Text Collection |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) CDI Type: Abstracting and Indexing database (A&I) |
Informit collections are A&I collections and do not hold Full text to most of their content. |
Week 1 - January 2
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID / SFX Target name | Changed from | Changed to | Explanation |
International Herald Tribune Historical Archive 1887-2013 | Gale | 614900000000001783 / INTERNATIONAL_HERALD_TRIBUNE_HISTORICAL_ARCHIVE_1887_2013 | In CDI | Not in CDI | Alma has a Database with no titles and no other coverage. |
Sacramentum Mundi Online | Brill | 614900000000001806 / SACRAMENTUM_MUNDI_ONLINE | In CDI | Not in CDI | Alma has a Database with no titles and no other coverage. The title exists as a portfolio under "Brill Online reference works" |
Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart | Brill | 614900000000001805 / RELIGION_IN_GESCHICHTE_UND_GEGENWART | In CDI | Not in CDI | Alma has a Database with no titles and no other coverage. The title exists as a portfolio under "Brill Online reference works" |
Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online | Brill | 614900000000001796 / BRILL_ENCYCLOPEDIA_OF_EARLY_CHRISTIANITY_ONLINE | In CDI | Not in CDI | Alma has a Database with no titles and no other coverage. The title exists as a portfolio under "Brill Online reference works" |
Mary Immaculate Research Repository Dspace | Mary Immaculate Research Repository Dspace | 614900000000002676 / MARY_IMMACULATE_RESEARCH_REPOSITORY_DSPACE |
Full Text Rights: Subscription Linkresolver Linking: Link Resolver |
Full Text Rights: OpenAccess Linking: Link Link in Record |
Database type with open access content. |
ScholarVox Université Informatique | Cyberlibris | 614900000000001697 / SCHOLARVOX_UNIVERSITE_INFORMATIQUE |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Linkresolver) Linking: Link Resolver |
Full Text Rights: Subscription (Collection Level) Linking: Link Link in Record |
Database type with CDI coverage |
New Electronic Collections
Week 52 - December 25
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Open Access Korea | National Library of Korea | 615310000000000835 | OPEN_ACCESS_KOREA | NLXVC |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 49 - December 04
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Los Angeles Daily News Negatives | University of California Los Angeles Library | 615310000000000832 | LOS_ANGELES_DAILY_NEWS_NEGATIVES | ASEMI |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Bennett Photographic Collection 1937-1983 | University of California Los Angeles Library | 615310000000000833 | BENNETT_PHOTOGRAPHIC_COLLECTION_1937-1983 | LAAXR |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: London Evening Standard | ProQuest | 615500000000000110 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_LONDON_EVENING_STAR | BOUQH |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 48 - November 27
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
ProQuest Congressional Hearings Digital Collection: Part N (2021) | ProQuest | 614940000000000267 | PROQUEST_CONGRESSIONAL_HEARINGS_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_PART_N_2021 | AFKCO |
Subscription (Collection Level)
History Vault: Reverend J.H. Jackson and the National Baptist Convention, 1900-1990 | ProQuest | 614940000000000276 | HISTORY_VAULT_REVEREND_JH_JACKSON_AND_THE_NATIONAL_BAPTIST_CONVENTION_1900-1990 | JOZHI |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 47 - November 20
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Knesset |
Knesset: Research and Information Center |
615320000000000306 | KNESSET | BGIIZ |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
類語例解辞典 (Dictionary of Synonyms in Japanese) |
NetAdvance |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
英語類語辞典 (Shogakukan-Oxford English-Japanese Learner's Thesaurus) |
NetAdvance |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
判例六法Professional (Yuhikaku's Statutes and Precedents for Professionals) |
NetAdvance |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
天皇皇族実録 1 (Tenno Kozoku Jitsuroku 1) |
NetAdvance |
615310000000000827 | TENNO_KOZOKU_JITSUROKU_1 | TKJNA |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Modern History Resource in Kamakura City Library (鎌倉市図書館近代史資料室) |
National Diet Library |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Doshisha University Digital Collection (同志社大学デジタルコレクション)OECD Podcasts | OECD iLibrary | 614970000000000445 | OECD_PODCASTS | FCPLT |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Kyoto Memory Archive (京の記憶アーカイブ) |
National Diet Library |
615310000000000830 | KYOTO_MEMORY_ARCHIVE | KMAND |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Tokushima University Library High Definition Digital Archive of Rare Materials (徳島大学附属図書館貴重資料高精細デジタルアーカイブ) |
National Diet Library |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Supreme Court Insight 2020-2021 Term |
ProQuest |
614940000000000269 | SUPREME_COURT_INSIGHT_2020-2021_TERM | ACFEI |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Supreme Court Insight Certiorari Denied 2020-2021 Term |
ProQuest |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Supreme Court Insight 2021-2022 Term |
ProQuest |
614940000000000270 | SUPREME_COURT_INSIGHT_2021-2022_TERM | AAKPT |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Supreme Court Insight Certiorari Denied 2021-2022 Term |
ProQuest |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Supreme Court Insight and Certiorari Denied Combined, 2021-forward |
ProQuest |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 45 - November 6
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
OECD Podcasts | OECD iLibrary | 614970000000000445 | OECD_PODCASTS | FCPLT |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 44 - October 30
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
cIRcuit, the BCIT institutional repository | British Columbia Institute of Technology | 615310000000000823 | CIRCUIT_THE_BCIT_INSTITUTIONAL_REPOSITORY | BCSAC | Open Access |
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing Books | Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing | 613800000000000390 | PSYCHOANALYTIC_ELECTRONIC_PUBLISHING_BOOKS | KJN | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
LGBT Studies in Video, Volume 2 - Australia | Alexander Street | 615500000000000103 | ALEXANDER_STREET_LGBT_STUDIES_IN_VIDEO_VOLUME_2_AUSTRALIA | AALWH | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
LGBT Studies in Video, Volume 2 - Canada | Alexander Street | 615500000000000104 | ALEXANDER_STREET_LGBT_STUDIES_IN_VIDEO_VOLUME_2_CANADA | ADASD | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
LGBT Studies in Video, Volume 2 - China | Alexander Street | 615500000000000105 | ALEXANDER_STREET_LGBT_STUDIES_IN_VIDEO_VOLUME_2_CHINA | ABUDX | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
LGBT Studies in Video, Volume 2 - Outside North America | Alexander Street | 615500000000000106 | ALEXANDER_STREET_LGBT_STUDIES_IN_VIDEO_VOLUME_2_OUTSIDE_NORTH_AMERICA | AFMMY | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
LGBT Studies in Video, Volume 2 - United States | Alexander Street | 615500000000000107 | ALEXANDER_STREET_LGBT_STUDIES_IN_VIDEO_VOLUME_2_UNITED_STATES | AAKCZ | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Academic Video Online: Premium - Mexico | Alexander Street | 615500000000000100 | ALEXANDER_STREET_ACADEMIC_VIDEO_ONLINE_PREMIUM_MEXICO | AXRXP | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Paley Center Seminars | Alexander Street | 615500000000000098 | ALEXANDER_STREET_PALEY_CENTER_SEMINARS | ACVAR | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
LGBT Magazine Archive Collection 1 | ProQuest | 615500000000000063 | LGBT_MAGAZINE_ARCHIVE_COLLECTION_1 | ADAXW,AEYYY | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 41 - October 9
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive: Video Gaming | ProQuest | 615500000000000102 | ENTERTAINMENT_INDUSTRY_MAGAZINE_ARCHIVE_VIDEO_GAMING | EQAYO |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 40 - October 2
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Frontiers in China – DRAA | 高等教育出版社 (Higher Education Press) | 614920000000003038 | FRONTIERS_IN_CHINA_DRAA | P4S | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 39 - September 25
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
McMaster University Library Digital Archive | McMaster University | 615310000000000364 | MCMASTER_UNIVERSITY_LIBRARY_DIGITAL_ARCHIVE | MULDA |
Open Access
ProQuest Congressional Research Digital Collection: Part N (2022) | ProQuest | 614940000000000266 | PROQUEST_CONGRESSIONAL_RESEARCH_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_PART_N_2022 | ALGTZ |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
ProQuest Congressional Hearings Digital Collection: Part O (2022) | ProQuest | 614940000000000268 | PROQUEST_CONGRESSIONAL_HEARINGS_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_PART_O_2022 | ANBPO |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 38 - September 18
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
日本近代文学大事典 (Great Dictionary of Modern Japanese Literature) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000304 | GREAT_DICTIONARY_OF_MODERN_JAPANESE_LITERATURE | GDMJL | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
有斐閣 現代心理学辞典 (Yuhikaku Dictionary of Psychology) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000305 | YUHIKAKU_DICTIONARY_OF_PSYCHOLOGY | ZHDQZ | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第1組 (Kokushitaikei 1st Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000295 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_1ST_SET | KJKOJ | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第2組 (Kokushitaikei 2nd Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000296 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_2ND_SET | KJZMD | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第3組 (Kokushitaikei 3rd Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000297 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_3RD_SET | KSKXE | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第4組 (Kokushitaikei 4th Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000298 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_4TH_SET | KXMFF | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第5組 (Kokushitaikei 5th Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000299 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_5TH_SET | KZIOC | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第6組 (Kokushitaikei 6th Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000300 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_6TH_SET | KOVQR | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第7組 (Kokushitaikei 7th Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000301 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_7TH_SET | KPDBO | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第8組 (Kokushitaikei 8th Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000302 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_8TH_SET | KAMYE | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
国史大系 第9組 (Kokushitaikei 9th Set) | NetAdvance | 615320000000000303 | KOKUSHITAIKEI_9TH_SET | KYHGC | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Acta Sanctorum | ProQuest | 615500000000000089 | PROQUEST_ACTA_SANCTORUM | ARSMA | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Patrologia Latina | ProQuest | 615500000000000090 | PROQUEST_PATROLOGIA_LATINA | ADIXT | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 36 - September 4
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Victorian Primary Industries and Environment (Library) Catalogue [formerly ELIXIR] | Informit | 6113966980000041 | VICTORIAN_PRIMARY_INDUSTRIES_AND_ENVIRONMENT_LIBRARY_CATALOGUE_FORMERLY_ELIXIR | .-I |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Agriculture and Natural Resources Index | Informit | 6113967610000041 | AGRICULTURE_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCES_INDEX | .0P | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Australasian Education Directory | Informit | 6113975240000041 | AUSTRALASIAN_EDUCATION_DIRECTORY | 2.W | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
WORKLIT | Informit | 6114021130000041 | WORKLIT | FOM | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
NUS Theses Collection (THESES) | Informit | 6114021140000041 | NUS_THESES_COLLECTION_THESES | FOL | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Periodicals Index (PERIND) | Informit | 6114029820000041 | PERIODICALS_INDEX_PERIND | DIS | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ANZBiP-Publishers | Informit | 6114037090000041 | ANZBIP-PUBLISHERS | GMJ | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ANZBiP-Books in Print | Informit | 6114037100000041 | ANZBIP-BOOKS_IN_PRINT | GMI | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Indonesian Research Report Database (PDIR) | Informit | 6114037740000041 | INDONESIAN_RESEARCH_REPORT_DATABASE_PDIR | GFA | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Indonesian Research Report Database (PDIR) | Informit | 6114037740000041 | INDONESIAN_RESEARCH_REPORT_DATABASE_PDIR | GFA | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Indian Biography Database (INDBIO) | Informit | 6114037770000041 | INDIAN_BIOGRAPHY_DATABASE_INDBIO | GEX | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Bibliography of Indonesian Politics and the Economy (BIPE) | Informit | 6114037780000041 | BIBLIOGRAPHY_OF_INDONESIAN_POLITICS_AND_THE_ECONOMY_BIPE | GEW | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Computer Index Australasia (CIA) | Informit | 6114039570000041 | COMPUTER_INDEX_AUSTRALASIA_CIA | FZE | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
CHemical Engineering Reference User Bibliography (CHERUB) | Informit | 6114039590000041 | CHEMICAL_ENGINEERING_REFERENCE_USER_BIBLIOGRAPHY_CHERUB | FZC | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Singapore/Malaysia Collection | Informit | 6114041660000041 | SINGAPOREMALAYSIA_COLLECTION | KEQ | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Consumer Sciences Index | Informit | 6114041720000041 | CONSUMER_SCIENCES_INDEX | KEJ | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 35 - August 28
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Digital Academic Archives and Repositories | National and University Library in Zagreb | 615310000000000362 | DABAR | ZVNEY |
Open Access |
Archive-It (UBC) | University of British Columbia | 615310000000000363 | ARCHIVE_LT_UBC | EIBWI |
Open Access |
Koc University Institutional Repository | Koc University | 615310000000000065 | KOC_UNIVERSITY_INSTITUTIONAL_REPOSITORY | ATMPO |
Open Access |
Week 34 - August 21
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Debrecen Electronic Archive IR | University of Debrecen | 615310000000000064 | DEBRECENֹ_ֹELECTRONIC_ARCHIVE_IR | BHWVX |
Open access |
ProQuest | Early European Books - Collection 20 | 615500000000000088 | EARLY_EUROPEAN_BOOKS_COLLECTION_20 | PYWQI |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | History Vault: Labor Priests: Progressive Politics and the Catholic Church, Papers of John A. Ryan | 614940000000000274 | HISTORY_VAULT_LABOR_PRIESTS_PROGRESSIVE_POLITICS_AND_THE_CATHOLIC_CHURCH_PAPERS_OF_JOHN_A_RYAN | AAXZG |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
ProQuest | Periodicals Archive Online Collection 5 (2022) | 615500000000000078 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_COLLECTION_5_2022 | AIATT |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | Periodicals Archive Online Collection 6 (2022) | 615500000000000079 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_COLLECTION_6_2022 | ACNBF |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | Periodicals Archive Online Collection 8 (2022) | 615500000000000080 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_COLLECTION_8_2022 | AIPAR |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | Periodicals Archive Online Foundation Collection 1 (2022) | 615500000000000081 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_FOUNDATION_COLLECTION_1_2022 | ACFII |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | Periodicals Archive Online Foundation Collection 3 (2022) | 615500000000000083 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_FOUNDATION_COLLECTION_3_2022 | ADABO |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | Periodicals Archive Online Foundation Collection 2 (2022) | 615500000000000082 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_FOUNDATION_COLLECTION_2_2022 | APEJR |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | Periodicals Archive Online Liberal Arts Collection 1 (2022) | 615500000000000084 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_LIBERAL_ARTS_COLLECTION_1_2022 | ANHVI |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Hindustan Times | 615500000000000087 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_HINDUSTAN_TIMES | AAHEG |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Courier Post | 615500000000000085 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_COURIER_POST | ABFCC |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Burlington Free Press | 615500000000000086 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_BURLINGTON_FREE_PRESS | AEUUL |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest | History Vault: Southern Life & African American History, 1775-1915: Plantation Records, Part 4 | 614940000000000251 | HISTORY_VAULT_SOUTHERN_LIFE_AND_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_HISTORY_1775-1915_PLANTATION_RECORDS_PART_4 | VAFLU |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
ProQuest | History Vault: Southern Life & African American History, 1775-1915: Plantation Records, Part 3 | 614940000000000250 | HISTORY_VAULT_SOUTHERN_LIFE_AND_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_HISTORY_1775-1915_PLANTATION_RECORDS_PART_3 | ANUYQ |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
ProQuest | History Vault: American Federation of Labor: Samuel Gompers Era Records, 1877-1937 | 614940000000000252 | HISTORY_VAULT_AMERICAN_FEDERATION_OF_LABOR_SAMUEL_GOMPERS_ERA_RECORDS_1877-1937 | HOXXG |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 33 - August 14
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
University Of Warwick Open Access Repository | University of Warwick | 615310000000000062 | UNIVERSITY_OF_WARWICK_OPENACCESS_REPOSITORY | FPLWR |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Scholarly Publishing Collective (SPC) | Duke University Press | 615410000000002739 | SCHOLARLY_PUBLISHING_COLLECTIVE_SPC | ZWISI |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 32 - August 7
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
ProQuest Congressional Research Digital Collection: Part L (2020) | ProQuest | 614940000000000264 | PROQUEST_CONGRESSIONAL_RESEARCH_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_PART_L_2020 | ADZRA |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
ProQuest Congressional Research Digital Collection: Part M (2021) | ProQuest | 614940000000000265 | PROQUEST_CONGRESSIONAL_RESEARCH_DIGITAL_COLLECTION_PART_M_2021 | AJXIA |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Digital National Security Archive (DNSA): U.S. Climate Change Diplomacy: From the Montreal Protocol to the Paris Agreement, 1981-2015 | ProQuest | 614940000000000254 | DIGITAL_NATIONAL_SECURITY_ARCHIVE_DNSA_US_CLIMATE_CHANGE_DIPLOMACY_MONTREAL_PROTOCOL_TO_PARIS_AGREEMENT_1981-2015 | DEKDJ |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Digital National Security Archive (DNSA): CIA Covert Operations IV: The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1961 | ProQuest | 614940000000000253 | DIGITAL_NATIONAL_SECURITY_ARCHIVE_DNSA_CIA_COVERT_OPERATIONS_IV_THE_EISENHOWER_YEARS_1953-1961 | CJOFA |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Biblioteca IPLACEX DSpace Repository | Biblioteca IPLACEX | 615310000000000063 | BIBLIOTECA_IPLACEX_DSPACE_REPOSITORY | ACNUJ |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
McGraw Hill Access Dermatology DxRx | McGraw Hill Access | 615410000000002648 | MCGRAW_HILL_ACCESS_DERMATOLOGY_DXRX | AERAC |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Brookdale Institute | Brookdale Institute | 615320000000000294 | BROOKDALE_INSTITUTE | PRVKF |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 31 - July 31
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Periodicals Archive Online Collection 4 (2022) | ProQuest | 615500000000000077 | PERIODICALS_ARCHIVE_ONLINE_COLLECTION_4_2022 | AKNXY |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: San Francisco Examiner | ProQuest | 614940000000000262 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_SAN_FRANCISCO_EXAMINER | ACMDP |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Asheville Citizen Times | ProQuest | 614940000000000255 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_ASHEVILLE_CITIZEN_TIMES | AGTIF |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Democrat & Chronicle | ProQuest | 614940000000000256 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_DEMOCRAT_AND_CHRONICLE | AURAC |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Philadelphia Daily News | ProQuest | 614940000000000260 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_PHILADELPHIA_DAILY_NEWS | AGAHW |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Press & Sun-Bulletin | ProQuest | 614940000000000261 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_PRESS_AND_SUN-BULLETIN | AAGZH |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Palm Beach Post | ProQuest | 614940000000000263 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_THE_PALM_BEACH_POST | AEENA |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Orlando Sentinel | ProQuest | 614940000000000259 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_ORLANDO_SENTINEL | ABFCD |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Des Moines Register | ProQuest | 614940000000000257 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_DES_MOINES_REGISTER | ACOVK |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Daily News | ProQuest | 614940000000000258 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_NEW_YORK_DAILY_NEWS | ATMNB |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 30 - July 24
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
The Far Eastern Economic Review Archive | ProQuest | 615500000000000064 | THE_FAR_EASTERN_ECONOMIC_REVIEW_ARCHIVE | UJZAR |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
LGBT Magazine Archive Collection 1 | ProQuest | 615500000000000063 | LGBT_MAGAZINE_ARCHIVE_COLLECTION_1 | ADAXW |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
SeLaDoc: La Base de datos de Teologia Latinoamericana | ProQuest | 615500000000000065 | SELADOC_LA_BASE_DE_DATOS_DE_TEOLOGIA_LATINOAMERICANA | SLQTP |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Gerritsen Women's History Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs | ProQuest | 615500000000000062 | GERRITSEN_WOMENS_HISTORY_COLLECTION_OF_ALETTA_H_JACOBS | GZQRU |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
BBC Literary Adaptations in Video, Volume 2 | Alexander Street | 615500000000000066 | ALEXANDER_STREET_BBC_LITERARY_ADAPTATIONS_IN_VIDEO_VOLUME_2 | BLRRV |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 27 - July 3
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Australian Collection | ProQuest | 614940000000000232 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_AUSTRALIAN_COLLECTION | HNPAU |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 26 - June 26
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
ePrints IIT Delhi | Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi | 615310000000000059 | EPRINTSֹֹ_IIT_DELHI | IDLOO | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 24 - June 12
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Korean Film Council - OMDIA | Korean Film Council | 615310000000000058 | KOREAN_FILM_COUNCIL_OMDIA | ABTEI |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Kotar Limud | Kotar (Israel) | 615470000000001000 | KOTAR_LIMUD | KEALM |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000, edited by Judy Tzu-Chun Wu and Rebecca Plant, 2022 Edition | Alexander Street | 615500000000000058 | ALEXANDER_STREET_WOMEN_AND_SOCIAL_MOVEMENTS_US_1600-2000_2022_EDITION | WTCAX |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South, 1919-2019 (Video) | Alexander Street | 615500000000000056 | ALEXANDER_STREET_WOMEN_AND_SOCIAL_MOVEMENTS_DEVELOPMENT_AND_THE_GLOBAL_SOUTH_1919-2019_VIDEO | WASDV |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume 5 | Alexander Street | 615500000000000059 | ALEXANDER_STREET_MUSIC_ONLINE_CLASSICAL_SCORES_LIBRARY_VOLUME_5 | AZRLB |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 23 - June 6
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
DSpace CRIS | DSpace CRIS | 615310000000000053 | DSPACE_CRIS | AEWNW |
OpenAccess |
Abant Izzet Baysal University Institutional Repository | Abant Izzet Baysal University | 615320000000000293 | ABANT_IZZET_BAYSAL_UNIVERSITY_INSTITUTIONAL_REPOSITORY | AAHPV | Subscription (Collection Level) |
LibreTexts Books | LibreTexts Books | 615310000000000057 | LIBRETEXT_BOOKS | BOBKO |
OpenAccess |
Week 22 - May 29
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South, 1919-2019 (Text) | Alexander Street | 615500000000000057 | ALEXANDER_STREET_WOMEN_AND_SOCIAL_MOVEMENTS_DEVELOPMENT_AND_THE_GLOBAL_SOUTH_1919-2019_TEXT | WASDT | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Research Archive of Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad | Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad | 615310000000000055 | RESEARCH_ARCHIVE_OF_INDIAN_INSTITUTE_OF_TECHNOLOGY_HYDERABAD | HLDWL | OpenAccess |
Week 21 - May 22
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
RIS Unicz | Universita degli Studi Magna Graecia di Catanzaro | 615310000000000054 | IRIS_UNICZ | BFPCC | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
SAGE Knowledge Skills Business 2022 Annual Collection | Sage Publication | 614920000000002040 | SAGE_KNOWLEDGE_SKILLS_BUSINESS_2022_ANNUAL_COLLECTION | AKBRX | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 20 - May 15
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Ege University Institutional Repository | Ege University Institutional Repository | 615310000000000056 | EGE_UNIVERSITY_INSTITUTIONAL_REPOSITORY | AHCHM | Subscription (Collection Level) |
SwePub Other Articles | Swedish Publication Index (SWEPUB) | 615320000000000291 | SWEPUB_OTHER_ ARTICLES | DSRKO | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 19 - May 8
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
UiS Scholarly Publishing Service | BIBSYS | 615310000000000052 | UIS_SCHOLARLY_PUBLISHING_SERVICE | BPLMN | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Trends & Policy: U.S. Healthcare News | ProQuest | 614940000000000242 | TRENDS_AND_POLICY_US_HEALTHCARE_NEWS | ZZUXH | Subscription (Collection level) |
TAMU-CC Repository | TAMU-CC Repository | 6122459470000041 | TAMU-CC_REPOSITORY | IQPDL | Subscription (Collection level) |
Audio Drama: The L.A. Theatre Works Collection, Volume 2 | Alexander Street | 615500000000000043 | ALEXANDER_STREET_AUDIO_DRAMA_THE_LA_THEATRE_WORKS_COLLECTION_VOLUME_2 | AKIZS | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 18 - May 1
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
University of Newcastle Galleries | University of Newcastle | 615310000000000045 | UNIVERSITY_OF_NEWCASTLE_GALLERIES | NCSLH | OpenAccess |
University of Newcastle Living Histories | University of Newcastle | 615310000000000046 | UNIVERSITY_OF_NEWCASTLE_LIVING_HISTORIES | HHALW | OpenAccess |
Anadolu Üniversitesi Akademik Arşiv Koleksiyonu | Anadolu Üniversitesi | 615310000000000042 | DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_ANADOLU_UNIVERSITY | AJMHI | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 17 - April 24
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Artforum Archive | ProQuest | 614940000000000233 | ARTFORUM_ARCHIVE | QIXMX | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 16 - April 17
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Newsday (Suffolk Edition) | ProQuest | 615500000000000026 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_NEWSDAY_SUFFOLK_EDITION | YLVEV |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 15 - April 10
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism | Galegroup | 614340000000000620 | NINETEENTH_CENTURY_LITERATURE_CRITICISM | ANLCF |
Subscription (Linkresolver)
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism | Galegroup | 614340000000000624 | TWENTIETH_CENTURY_LITERARY_CRITICISM | AZZHB |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Children's Literature Review | Galegroup | 614340000000000616 | CHILDRENS_LITERATURE_REVIEW | 7VC |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism | Galegroup | 614340000000000617 | CLASSICAL_AND_MEDIEVAL_LITERATURE_CRITICISM | ABDQE |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Drama Criticism | Galegroup | 614340000000000618 | DRAMA_CRITICISM | ALZGQ |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Literature criticism from 1400 to 1800 | Galegroup | 614340000000000619 | LITERATURE_CRITICISM_FROM_1400_TO_1800 | AMOBV |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Poetry Criticism | Galegroup | 614340000000000621 | POETRY_CRITICISM | ARENZ |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Shakespearean Criticism | Galegroup | 614340000000000622 | SHAKESPEAREAN_CRITICISM | AROZZ |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Short Story Criticism | Galegroup | 614340000000000623 | SHORT_STORY_CRITICISM | AZFFX |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 14 - April 3
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Canadiana Online - Monographs | Canadian Research Knowledge Network | 614920000000000193 | CRKN_CANADIANA_ONLINE_MONOGRAPHS | CGIAM |
Open Access
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive: Rock, Folk and Hip-hop | ProQuest | 614940000000000243 | ENTERTAINMENT_INDUSTRY_MAGAZINE_ARCHIVE_ROCK_FOLK_AND_HIP-HOP | EZLZT | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Music Magazine Archive: Folk | ProQuest | 614940000000000245 | MUSIC_MAGAZINE_ARCHIVE_FOLK | XLVWR |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Music Magazine Archive: Rock | ProQuest | 614940000000000244 | MUSIC_MAGAZINE_ARCHIVE_ROCK | XWMFX |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Digital collections of Walter Sisulu University | Digital collections of Walter Sisulu University | 615310000000000033 | DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_WALTER_SISULU_UNIVERSITY | ABVOD |
Open Access |
Digital collections of the University of Fort Hare | Digital collections of the University of Fort Hare | 615310000000000034 | DIGITAL_COLLECTION_UNIVERSITY_OF_FORTHARE | ABJQA |
Open Access |
Digital collections of Rhodes University | Digital collections of Rhodes University | 615310000000000035 | DIGITAL_COLLECTION_UNIVERSITY_OF_RHODES | AFONX |
Open Access |
Digital collections of SAIAB Library | Digital collections of SAIAB Library | 615310000000000037 | DIGITAL_COLLECTION_OF_SAIAB LIBRARY | ACTVK |
Open Access |
Digital collections of Nelson Mandela University | Digital collections of Nelson Mandela University | 615310000000000038 | DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_NELSON_MANDELA_UNIVERSITY | ACIFL |
Open Access |
Digital collections of ILAM Library | Digital collections of ILAM Library | 615310000000000039 | DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_OF_ILAM_LIBRARY | ABZPU |
Open Access |
Digital collections of Cory Library | Digital collections of Cory Library | 615310000000000040 | DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_OF_CORY_LIBRARY | ACECR |
Open Access |
Digital collections of Nelson Mandela University Archives and Exhibition Centre | Digital collections of Nelson Mandela University Archives and Exhibition Centre | 615310000000000041 | DIGITAL_COLLECTIONS_NELSON_MANDELA_UNIVERSITY_ARCHIVE | AAJPU |
Open Access |
Week 13 - March 27
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Libros Online ENI | Editions ENI | 614950000000000454 | LIBROS_ONLINE_ENI | EEDZD |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Geofacets Americas | ELSEVIER | 615400000000000276 | GEOFACETS_AMERICAS | AASDJ | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Geofacets APAC | ELSEVIER | 615400000000000275 | GEOFACETS_APAC | AFCOI | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Geofacets Base | ELSEVIER | 615320000000000289 | GEOFACETS_BASE | AEMDE | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Geofacets EMEA | ELSEVIER | 615400000000000274 | GEOFACETS_EMEA | AHNSU | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 11 - March 13
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Canadiana Online - Periodicals | Canadian Research Knowledge Network | 614920000000000192 | CRKN_CANADIANA_ONLINE_PERIODICALS | AIKKD |
Open Access |
New Kadokawa Thesaurus | NetAdvance | 615310000000000036 | NEW_KADOKAWA_THESAURUS | ITWLI |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Norart - Norske tidsskriftartikler 1980- | Nasjonalbiblioteket | 6113973350000041 | NORART_-_NORSKE_TIDSSKRIFTARTIKLER_1980 | 3HL | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 10 - March 6
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Harmatheque Books | Harmatheque Books | 613360000000000009 | HARMATHEQUE_BOOKS | H~Z |
Subscription (Linkresolver)
BGSU Archives and Special Collections | Bowling Green University | 615300000000000236 | BGSU_ARCHIVES_AND_SPECIAL_COLLECTIONS | BDUTT |
Subscription (Collection level) |
Bibliothèque des Archives de la critique d'art | INHA_ARCHIVES_IR | 5310000000000032 | INHA_ARCHIVES_IR | ABKDO | Open Access |
Week 7 - February 13
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
WHOAS (Woods Hole Open Access Server) | Woods Hole Scientific Comunity | 615320000000000290 | WOODS_HOLE_OPEN_ACCESS_SERVER | AEZHZ | Open Access |
WIReDSpace | WIReDSpace | 615320000000000286 | WIREDSPACE | ADSCW | Open Access |
WireDspace Extra | WireDspace Extra | 615320000000000287 | WIREDSPACE_EXTRA | WAUDT | Open Access |
Digital Archives | Digital Archives | 615320000000000288 | DIGITAL_ARCHIVES | WISII | Open Access |
SAGE Research Methods Data Visualization | SAGE | 615410000000002729 | SAGE_RESEARCH_METHODS_DATA_VISUALIZATION | AAQUB | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Week 6 - February 6
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
History Study Center | ProQuest | 614940000000000231 | HISTORY_STUDY_CENTER | PQHSC |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Pittsburgh Courier (Extended Years) | ProQuest | 614940000000000230 | PROQUEST_HISTORICAL_NEWSPAPERS_PITTSBURGH_COURIER_EXTENDED_YEARS | CROUF |
Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 5 - January 30
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Royal Shakespeare Company Collection (Text) | Alexander Street | 614940000000000176 | ALEXANDER_STREET_ROYAL_SHAKESPEARE_COMPANY_COLLECTION_TEXT | AAYKB | Subscription (Linkresolver) |
PsycTHERAPY | American Psychological Association | 6113913280000041 | PSYCTHERAPY | ME8 | Subscription (Collection Level) |
Week 1 - January 2
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
American Society for Microbiology Open Access | American Society for Microbiology | 615410000000002725 | AMERICAN_SOCIETY_FOR_MICROBIOLOGY_OPEN_ACCESS | AAUOK |
OpenAccess |
Week 2 - January 9
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
Torrossa | Casalini Torrossa | 613840000000000286 | CASALINI_TORROSSA | I4C |
Subscription LinkResolver |
Casalini torrossa Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Casalini Torrossa | 615490000000000590 | CASALINI_TORROSSA_BIBLIOTECA_APOSTOLICA_VATICANA | CDNZJ | Subscription LinkResolver |
Casalini Torrossa Monographs & Proceedings | Casalini Torrossa | 611000000000001478 | CASALINI_TORROSSA_MONOGRAPHS | I4C | Subscription LinkResolver |
TorrossaOpen | Casalini Torrossa | 614340000000000962 | CASALINI_TORROSSA_OPEN | AGDVP |
Open Access |
Week 3 - January 16
Collection Name | Provider Name | Alma Collection ID | SFX Target Name | 360 DBID | Alma/SFX Full Text Rights |
National Theatre Collection, Volume 2 | Alexander Street | 615500000000000007 | ALEXANDER_STREET_NATIONAL_THEATRE_COLLECTION_VOLUME_2 | HEJYA |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition - Canada | Alexander Street | 615500000000000005 | ALEXANDER_STREET_DOCUSEEK2_COMPLETE_COLLECTION_THIRD_EDITION_CANADA | DNVLB |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition - United States | Alexander Street | 615500000000000006 | ALEXANDER_STREET_DOCUSEEK2_COMPLETE_COLLECTION_THIRD_EDITION_UNITED_STATES | DVMQB |
Subscription (Linkresolver) |
Meidaat | Bar-Ilan University | 615310000000000030 | MEIDAAT | BTOST | Open Access |