Resource Management - May 2017 Enhancements
Set Creation with New File Upload Options
Idea Exchange: When creating itemized sets using .xlsx, .xls, .txt, or .csv input files, the following (bibliographic record) identifier types are now supported for the uploaded file:
- OCLC number
- 035 field
See Creating Itemized Sets for more information.
Publishing Bound-With Records to OCLC
NERS Enhancement (Request ID 4683): Publishing to OCLC was improved for handling related records. Holdings information for bibliographic records that are part of a bound-with relationship is now properly published to provide an accurate representation of the inventory at the holdings library.
For more information, see the Publishing Related Records to OCLC section on the Publishing to OCLC page.
Publishing Bound-With Records to Libraries Australia
NERS Enhancement (Request ID 4683): Publishing to Libraries Australia was improved for handling related records. Holdings information for bibliographic records that are part of a bound-with relationship is now properly published to provide an accurate representation of the inventory at the holdings library.
For more information, see the Publishing Related Records to Libraries Australia section on the Publishing to Libraries Australia page.
Automatic Authority Record ID Update in Bibliographic Records
For institutions configured for ID-based authority control and that have implemented a direct ID prefix in their metadata configuration, Alma now updates the bibliographic records with the new authority record ID (replacing the old ID) when a new authority record replaces an existing authority record. This is true for both local and Community Zone authority records.
This change incorporates automatic relinking of the bibliographic record to the new proper authority record and performs preferred term correction based on the new authority record. In addition, the Authority Control Task List was enhanced to report these ID changes.
For more information, see the Updating the Authority Record ID Automatically in Bibliographic Records section on the Working with Authority Records page.
This change affects bibliographic records beginning with the May release and subsequent new authority record replacements.
Improvements for Externally Managed Authority Records
For institutions managing authority records that are contributed to externally managed systems such as GND and BARE, cataloging levels can be selected and assigned in the MD Editor. In addition, upon opening the record for editing, Alma automatically checks the external system for the most current version and alerts the Alma cataloger if a more current version is available and provides the option to download the current version from the external system into the MD Editor.
See Cataloging Externally Managed Authority Records for more information.
TSVCC (Traditional, Simplified, and Variant Chinese Characters)
The Hong Kong Innovative Users Group (HKIUG) TSVCC (Traditional, Simplified, and Variant Chinese Characters) standard Version 1.0. released on 18 July 2006 was implemented in Alma. As a result, in addition to handling the traditional and simplified Chinese characters as Alma has done in the past, Alma now also handles the variant Chinese characters when searching in Alma's repository and searching for users in Alma. The TSVCC Chinese character handling is available for institutions that have the Alma searching language parameter set for Hong Kong. Contact Ex Libris Support if you need to have this institution parameter enabled.
For the complete HKIUG TSVCC table (UNICODE version), see Also, see Searching for Special Characters for more information.
RVK Indexes/Restructure
The most current RVK classification records (RVK March 2016 release) are being loaded into the Alma authority repository in the Community Zone beginning with the May 2017 production release. This may take a few days to complete.
See the Classification Search Indexes section on the Search Indexes page for details regarding the classification tags that have been indexed. This indexing includes the updated RVK record structure that utilizes the 153 $c and $h (in addition to $a and $j that have already been implemented), and the 7XX fields (with all its subfields except $0, $2, $3, $6, and $8). With this new structure, the 453 and 553 fields were eliminated from the March 2016 RVK file and the 7XX fields were added.
MMS IDs Added to Lists and Excel Files
NERS Enhancement (Request ID 4615): MMS IDs were added to the List of Items page, the Community Zone Updates Task List, and to Excel files that are generated from repository search results. See the following for more information:
Multiple Access Points for CNMARC 6XX Fields
Alma now supports a single CNMARC 6XX field to be split into several segments where each segment is an access point for F3 and authority control. Alma provides a configuration option where you can define which 6XX fields have multiple access points. See Using Multiple Access Points for CNMARC 6XX Fields for more information.
240 Field and Uniform Title Bibliographic Headings
Uniform title bibliographic headings support is being enhanced to include support for the MARC 21 240 field. Contact Ex Libris Support to configure this capability for your institution.
See Working with the 240 Field and Uniform Title Bibliographic Headings for more information.
GND Uniform Title Authority Headings Include 5XX
Suggested uniform title headings may now utilize data provided by the 5XX fields. See Working with Uniform Title Headings for GND Records for more information.
Additional Resource Management Enhancements
The events information provided in Monitor and View Import Jobs (Resource Management > Import > Monitor and View Imports) was improved to focus only on error messages that occur and eliminate superfluous messages like start and end messages.Superfluous Event Messages Eliminated
For institutions that have the searching language parameter set to German, improvements were made to correctly sort results using the DIN 5007-1/2, section standard. For repository search results, user search results, and fulfillment request search results, the following special German language characters are now sorting per the standard:
- Ä,ä is sorted as AE,ae
- Ö,ö is sorted as OE,oe
- Ü,ü is sorted as UE,ue
- ß is sorted as ss
In addition, hyphens are ignored when search results are sorted.For existing records, this change to enable sorting will be implemented gradually starting with the May release and will be completed as part of the semi-annual Alma re-indexing process scheduled for July.See Searching for German Language Characters for more information. - A new hourly schedule was added to the General publishing profile. See the Publishing Profile Details Page - Wizard Step 1 table for more information.
- New merge rule syntax is available for replacing a position in a control field. See Working with Merge Rules for more information.
- Browse Shelf Listing support now includes results for browsing where the source is specified by $2 for the Alternative call number and Temporary call number levels. See Browsing the Shelf Listing, Location Information, and Temporary Location Information in the Updating Item-Level Information section for more information.
- The cataloging_level_user_preferences and generate_unique_barcode_max_retries parameters were added to the Resource Management Other Settings. For information on these parameters, see Configuring Other Settings (Resource Management).