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    Mapping Table Reference

    This information is not applicable to Primo VE environments. For more details on Primo VE configuration, see Primo VE.

    Return to menu

    This section lists the Primo mapping tables, which are grouped by the following subsystems:

    Back Office Subsystem

    Back Office Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    E-mail Addresses

    At both the installation and institution levels, this table allows you to configure who receives the following:

    • Email notifications for pipe processes

    • Email inquiries from end users if a Front End failure occurs

    You can configure a list of email addresses per notification type (Pipe or Front End process) by separating addresses with a semicolon. For example:;

    When defined, these email addresses override the email address defined in the Contact Personal E-Mail parameter (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > General Configuration Wizard > E-Mail and SMS Configuration).

    Fiction Profile Fields and Subfields1

    Fiction Profile fields and subfields.

    III Millennium RTA Locations

    Maps the III Millennium locations to the Primo institution, library, and sub-location. For for more information, see the Primo Interoperability Guide.

    III Millennium RTA Statuses

    Maps the III Millennium statuses to the statuses used in Primo. For for more information, see the Primo Interoperability Guide.

    LibraryThing Review Files1

    Defines the review content for LibraryThing. This table contains the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the review content.

    • FileType – enter the type of file. The following types of files are supported for review content:

      • works_to_isbns – maps work IDs to ISBNs.

      • work_to_reviews – maps work IDs to reviews.

    • FileNamesFormat – enter the format of the file name to convert.

    • Description – enter a description for the type of content.

    LibraryThing Tag Files1

    Defines the tag content for LibraryThing. This table contains the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the tag content.

    • FileType – enter the type of file. The following types of files are supported for tag content:

      • works_to_isbns – maps work IDs to ISBNs.

      • work_to_tags – maps work IDs to tags.

      • taginfo – tags dictionary.

    • FileNamesFormat – enter the format of the file name to convert.

    • Description – enter a description for the type of content.

    Mapping Keys1

    Mapping keys. For every key, the following columns should be defined:

    • Mapping key – the code of the key, such as ISBN.

    • Description – the code of the PNX field, such as addata/isbn.

    PNX Extension Sources1

    Configures the enrichment content sources for all content import. To configure a source or add content, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the source content.

    • Source System – enter the source system, such as Syndetics or LibraryThing.

    • Type – enter the type of content.

    • FileNamesFormat – enter the format of the file name to import.

    • Uniqueness Strategy – enter the update mode. The following values are valid:

      • new – this mode indicates that the import file contains only new records, and that the records will be added to the ENRICHMENT and P_PNX_EXTENSION tables. This mode should be used if a single identifier (such as ISBN) or the PNX may have multiple occurrence of a type of record (such as multiple tags or reviews for the same record).

      • update – this mode indicates that the import file contains new and updated records, and that updated records will be overridden in the ENRICHMENT and P_PNX_EXTENSION tables. This mode can be used only if there is a single type of record per source (for example, there is only one Table of Contents per ISBN from Syndetics).

        The system assumes that there is only one record per source, per key type-value, or per PNX.

    • Conversion Class – enter the class name and path of the import program.

    • Description – enter a description for the type of content.

    Real-Time Availability1

    This table defines the configuration information for real-time availability (RTA). This table is used with the mapping_tables mapping method.

    Real-Time Availability (using normalization rules)

    This table defines the configuration information for real-time availability (RTA). This table is used with the normalization_rules mapping method.

    User Groups for Primo Analytics

    This table is used for the classic UI only.

    Defines the user groups that display in Primo Analytics reports. You can define up to eight user groups. To create a user group for display in Primo Analytics, specify the following fields for each mapping row:

    • Enabled – Indicates whether the row is active.

    • User Group Values – Specify the user group values returned by your authentication system. If you have less than nine user group values to report, you can create a separate mapping row for each user group value. Otherwise, you may need to group some of the values by separating them with a comma. For example: staff,admin.

    • User Group Name – The user group name that displays in Primo Analytics reports. If you are mapping a single user group value, you can specify the user group value. Otherwise, you may want to specify a name that identifies the user group values that you are grouping together.

    • USER_GROUP – A name that is used internally to uniquely identify each of the eight groups. Each mapping row must use a different value: USER_GROUP1 through USER_GROUP8.

    • Description – An optional description for the group of user group values.

    • You must define at least one mapping row to send this data to Primo Analytics for reporting.

    • A user group value should not be defined in more than one mapping row to prevent mapping issues.

    The user group value that is sent to Primo Analytics is determined as follows:

    • If a user has signed in and belongs to a user group, the system will try to map the user's group to a user group defined in the User Group Values field. If a match is found, the user group specified in the User Group Name field is used. If no match is found, the system-defined Not Guest user group is used.

    • If a user has signed in and does not belong to a user group, the system-defined Not Guest user group is used.

    • If the user has not signed in, the system-defined Guest user group is used.

    Common Tables Subsystem

    Back Office Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    General Configuration

    This table defines the following general configuration parameters at the installation and institution levels:

    • Short Date Format – Defines the format of short dates when they appear in the Primo Front End And Back Office. The out-of-the-box format is MM/dd/yy. These types of dates appear on various pages and may indicate when something was last updated by a user.

    • Long Date Format – Defines the format of long dates when they appear in the Primo Front End And Back Office. The out-of-the-box format is MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss. These types of dates appear mainly in the Back Office and are generally related to information that has been added to a log file by the system.

    Delivery Subsystem

    For more information on delivery, see Delivery Functionality and Configuration.

    Delivery Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    GetIt! Link 1 Configuration

    This table configures the GetIt! 1 links, based on the calculated availability status, delivery category, and data source.

    For more information, see GetIt! Links.

    GetIt! Link 2 Configuration

    Configuration of the GetIt! 2 link, based on the calculated availability status, delivery category, and data source.

    GetIt! Tab 1 Text Configuration

    Configuration of the GetIt! Tab1 Label, based on the calculated availability status, delivery category, and data source.

    GetIt! Tab 2 Text Configuration

    Configuration of the GetIt! Tab2 Label, based on the calculated availability status, delivery category, and data source.

    Get It! Text Configuration

    Configuration of the GetIt! Text, based on the calculated availability status, delivery category, and data source.


    This table defines the link templates.

    Because Primo encodes the values for placeholders in the templates that include ampersands, placeholders for templates should be added only to the links fields and the addata/url field in the PNX.

    When defining a template, the following parameters may be used:

    • userID – allows you to include the user ID in the template URLs. For example, if you want to include the user ID in the my_library_card code and you are using the following link-to syntax:

      http://<server_url>?func=user-info&user=<user id>

      you can use the following template code:

    • language – allows you to include the language code for the active interface and translate it into a three-letter ISO 639-2/T terminological code, which is derived from the native name for the language. For example, the three-letter code for French is fra, which is based on the native name Francais. For example, if you want to include the ISO 639-2/T language code with the SFX A to Z list, you can use the following template code:


      You must first implement the SFX 3.0 A to Z List.

    • language_bibliographic – allows you to include the language code for the active interface and translate it into a three-letter ISO 639-2/B bibliographic code, which is derived from the English name for the language. For example, the three-letter code for French is fre, which is based on the English name French. For example, if you want to include the ISO 639-2/B language code with the SFX A to Z list, you can use the following template code:


      You must first implement the SFX 3.0 A to Z List.

    • env_type=test – for Alma-Primo environments only, indicates that a request to Alma is coming from the Primo sandbox instead of production. Add this parameter to the following templates:

      • almasingle_services

      • Almaviewit_remote

      • Almagetit_remote

      • Almagetit

      • Almasingle_service_remote

      • almaviewit_services

      • almagetit_services

      • Almasingle_service

      • Almaviewit

      For example:


      You must also configure the parameter primo_test_pds_url in Alma (see Configuring Other Settings).

    Primo provides the following templates for links to Aleph and Voyager library cards:

    • my_library_card_aleph

    • my_library_card_voyager

      If each institution uses a different ILS system, Primo allows you to add templates for each institution, using the following formats:

      • my_library_card_<institution>

      • my_library_card_<ils>_<institution>

        If Primo does not find a template that has an institution suffix that matches the user's institution, it will use the first enabled my_library_card template.

    When the svc.fulltext=yes parameter is added to the following codes, the system forces the SFX menu to display only full-text targets and suppress all other targets:

    • openurlfulltext

    • openurlfull_journal

    • openurlfull_article

    This allows you to focus specifically on the full-text target links and hide other options, such as ILL requests.

    Because bX is not a full-text target, bX recommendations are also suppressed when the svc.fulltext=yes parameter is used.

    URLs Attributes

    This table defines special functions for specific URLs. This table is checked when the GetIt! links are created. To configure a special function, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the special function.

    • URL prefix – enter the value of the URL.

    • Attribute Name – enter the name of the attribute (for example, OpenInNewWindow).

    • Attribute Value – enter the value of the attribute.

    • Description – enter a description for the mapping row.

    For example, if you want to display the holdings information in a new window when the user clicks the Request tab, create the following mapping row:

    • Enabled – select this field.

    • URL prefix – enter your site’s URL.

    • Attribute Name – enter OpenInNewWindow.

    • Attribute Value – enter Y.

    Using 856 links in Remote Search Records

    This feature allows Primo to combine the use of the Alma and SFX link resolvers and 856 links to deliver full text. It can be configured for all or specific databases. Out-of-the-box, availability is first determined by the link resolver (Alma/SFX). If the link resolver returns no full-text, the system checks to see if there is a link in the record itself.

    To configure each database, enter the following fields:

    • Database Code – The database code that MetaLib sends in the SID field subfield b and Primo then adds to the PNX control/sourceid field. It is the MetaLib Z58 code. Enter ALL to indicate all databases that are not explicitly listed.

    • MARC Tags – Indicates which MARC tags to use in order to create PNX links/linktorsrc type links. You can enter a tag with specific indicators or leave the indicator blank to use all value. For example, 856 includes 8564, 85641, and 85642. The system will always take subfield u as the URL.

    • How to Check – This field contains the following options:

      • linktorsrc_only – This option indicates to the system to check only the linktorsrc fields in the PNX for the specified data source.

      • LR_linktorsrc – This option indicates to the system to check for full text in SFX first and then check for 856 links if SFX does not return full text.

      • linktorsrc_LR – This option indicates to the system to check for 856 links and then check for full text in SFX if no 856 links are found.

      • LR_only – This option indicates to the system to check only for full text in SFX. This option provides backward compatibility with previous releases of Primo.

    Availability for EBSCO records returned from the EBSCO API is also based on this table. For more information, see Configuring EBSCO Availability and Delivery.

    Front End Subsystem

    Front End Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    Actions List

    This table allows you to control the order in which actions appear in the Actions drop-down lists in the Front End. For more information, see Configuring the Send To Actions.

    This table contains the following fields:

    • Enabled – Indicates whether the action is enabled in the Front End.

    • Action name – The action name. For Send To actions (such as RefWorks), the action name must match an adaptor identifier in the Pushto Adaptors mapping table.

    • Order – Enter a number for each action indicating its position in the Actions drop-down list. The actions are listed in ascending order in the Front End.

    • View – Select a specific view name or default if you want the setting to apply as the default setting for all views.

    • Description – An optional description for the mapping row.

      In the e-Shelf only the push-to options enabled in the PushTo Adaptors mapping table appear in the Actions list.

    bX Token

    This table maps the bX authentication token to an institution. For information on bX, refer to the Primo Interoperability Guide.

    This table is automatically populated after a bX token is assigned to an institution in the Institutions wizard.

    Browse Lists

    This table configures the following aspects of Browse:

    • Activate/deactivate browse lists. If one or more browse lists is enabled, the Browse option displays in the Front End. You can define browse lists per institution and view.‘

    • Define the default sort used for list of PNX records that are linked to a heading

    • Define which procedure to use to normalize the call numbers for a browse list.

    • Define the order of lists that display in the Browse drop-down list in the Front End UI.

    For more information on this table, refer to the Primo Technical Guide.

    Bulk Definition

    This table configures the parameters that are associated with bulk processing in the Front End. The following parameters are supported:

    • Reviews – Indicates the number of reviews per bulk to display in the Reviews & Tags tab on the full record display. The default value is 10 reviews.

      The Reviews & Tags tab in the Brief results displays only the two most recent reviews. If there are more than two reviews, the tab displays a See all <number/> reviews link. When the link is invoked, the system displays the full record with up to as many reviews as defined for a bulk. If there are more records than can fit in a single bulk, the page displays a View more reviews link, allowing users to view the records in the next bulk.

      The following codes in the Review Tile code table in the Front End subsystem define how the links display in the Front End:



    • OvP - Loans Paging – Indicates the number of loans per bulk to fetch in My Account.

      If the ILS’s API supports the paging of loans, Primo will fetch loans in bulks. If the user has more loans than the configured bulk size, Primo will display the Show More Loans link at the bottom of the page, which allows the user to fetch an additional bulk.

      If the user invokes the Renew or Renew All option before all loans have been fetched from the ILS, Primo will replace the Show More Loans link with the Refresh List link, which allows the user to display the updated loans list from the ILS.

    • OvP - Items Paging – Indicates the number of items per bulk to fetch for the Brief Results.

    Citation Linker Definitions

    This table defines which OpenURL fields can be entered per citation type. You can enable/disable the display of fields on the Fetch Item (Citation Linker) page, but you cannot change their order by updating the value in the Order column, which defines their fixed order per citation type.

    The display and mapping of additional fields is not supported.

    Citation Source Types

    This table maps Primo resource types to EasyBib source types. If you have created additional resource types in Primo, you can map each of them to an EasyBib source type. The following source types are supported: book, chapter, newspaper, journal, and website.

    If no mapping is defined, the EasyBib source type defaults to book.

    Citation Style Language

    This table manages the citation styles that are supported in your Primo institution. For more information, see Managing Citation Styles.

    If you use an Excel file to import styles, make sure that the values in the Order field are prefixed with an apostrophe (for example, '7).


    The list of CSS files that are supported by the application.

    Export RIS encodings

    This table defines the character sets supported by the Export to RIS option. Out of the box, the following character sets are defined and enabled:

    • UTF-8 (default)

    • ISO-8859-1

    • windows-1251

    Additional character sets can also be defined.

    Featured Results

    This table allows you to configure the display of Featured Results bars in the Front End at the institution level only. For more information, see Featured Results Bar.

    To change the display labels for Featured Results bars, use the Featured Results Labels code table.

    Find Database Full Display

    This table configures the fields that display when users click the Show Info link in the Find Databases’ tabs (such as the All Databases tab). To configure the fields, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the element.

    • Element name – enter the name of the element.

    • Enable/display – enter Y to display this element.

    • view – enter a view name or enter default to apply this element to all views.

    • Description – enter a description for the element.

    Front End Redirect Definitions

    This table allows you to define Front End redirection URLs per DNS. The assumption is that multi-institution environments have a different DNS per institution.

    This table contains the following required fields:

    • DNS – Specify the DNS. For example:
    • Redirect URL – Specify the redirection URL for the DNS. For example:


      Alternatively, the redirections can be configured in the
      re-direct.jsp file, but the definitions will be overwritten during the installation of service packs.

    Hot Articles Token

    This field is relevant only to the classic Primo UI.

    This table contains the bX Hot Articles tokens that have been assigned to an institution. When an institution is added, the system automatically creates a generic Primo token that is called primo-generic.

    Hypertext Linking Definitions

    The old and new UIs support hypertext linking in the following PNX display fields: creator, contributor, subject, relation, unititle, ispartof, and lds30-lds39 fields. When a link is clicked, the system performs an advanced search using the exact contents of the entire field, which is created from multiple subfields. For more information, see Enhanced Hypertext Linking.

    This table allows you define whether an exact or contains search is performed when users click the link provided for each type of display field. The Context field indicates whether the search is relevant to ANY (all scopes) or L (local scopes only) scopes.

    You may need to enable the rows that contain the following new hypertext linking fields: relation, unititle, and ispartof.

    Institution Base URLs

    Institutions Base URLs.

    Institution properties

    Defines miscellaneous configuration properties at the institution level. To add an option if it has not already been added, create a new mapping row and specify the following fields:

    • Name – Specify the name of the institution property.

    • Value – Specify the institution property's setting (such as true or false).

    • Description – Specify as needed an optional description for the institution property.

    For a list of supported institution properties, see Configuring Institution Properties in Primo.


    This table defines the language drop-down lists in the Institution and Views wizards and the view in the FE.

    To modify the label of the language, refer to the Interface Language code table.

    Main Menu URLs for the New UI

    This table configures language-specific links for the Main Menu. To configure a language-specific link, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – Enables the link.

    • Code – specify the code of the link for which you want to provide a language-specific link. This is the code defined with the Full Results Tile in the Views Wizard. For more information, see Edit Main Menu Attributes Page.

    • View – specify the view.

    • URL – specify the language-specific URL.

    • Language – select the language.

    • Description – enter a description for the link.

    Mendeley API Configuration

    This table configures the connection between your Primo server and the Mendeley application. After you have registered your Primo server with the Mendeley application (see Registering Your Primo Institution), specify the following fields and then save and deploy your changes:

    • Mendeley application ID – Enter your Mendeley application ID.

    • Mendeley secret – Enter the secret value for your Mendeley application.

    • Mendeley redirect URI – Enter the redirect URL for your Mendeley application. Use the following format for your Primo server: 

      <Primo host name>/primo_library/libweb/mendeleyPost

      For example:

    MetaLib Institution Configuration

    This table allows you to indicate whether MetaLib is sending compressed data in responses to Primo.

    To indicate to Primo that MetaLib is sending compressed data for an institution, create a mapping row for each Primo institution code and set the Data is Compressed field to Yes.

    In order to use this feature, MetaLib must be configured to send compressed data. For more information, see the MetaLib System Configuration and Administration Guide.

    My Account Links

    This table allows you to define up to three links per My Account section. This table can be defined at the installation or institution level. For example, if you want to add a link to My Accounts > Personal Settings, create a new mapping row using the following fields:

    • View ID – Select the view.

    • Link Code – Select one of the following values for personal settings: personalsettings.link1, personalsettings.link2, or personalsettings.link3.

    • Order – Specify the position (1, 2, or 3) of the link in the title.

    • Link URL – Specify the URL of the page that you want this link to open.

    To modify the associated labels, see the My Account Links Labels code table in Code Table Reference.

    Personalize Your Results Degrees Fields

    Manages the Personalize Your Results drop-down field for degrees. For on-premises installations you can define this table at the installation and institution levels.

    At the institution level, you can define the Degrees drop-down field per view. Once the view has one or more rows, the Front End uses only the rows that are defined for the view.

    This allows you to remove values from the list more easily, and it also prevents duplicate views if the the lower level inherits a row from a higher level in the code tables.

    If you disabled rows via the Personalize Your Results Degrees code table, you will also need to disable them in the mapping table. Otherwise, the code of the degree displays in the Front End.

    Personalize Your Results Disciplines Fields

    Manages the Personalize Your Results drop-down field for disciplines. For on-premises installations you can define this table at the installation and institution levels.

    At the institution level, you can define the Disciplines drop-down field per view. Once the view has one or more rows, the Front End uses only the rows that are defined for the view.

    This allows you to remove values from the list more easily, and it also prevents duplicate views if the the lower level inherits a row from a higher level in the code tables.

    If you disabled rows via the Personalize Your Results Disciplines code table, you will also need to disable them in the mapping table. Otherwise, the code of the discipline displays in the Front End.


    Defines the PNX Extensions to PNX tags mapping.

    To enable tagging in the Front End, enable the row that contains the TAG extension name.

    Primo view to Alma libraries

    Maps views in Primo to libraries in Alma to control the display of collections for institutions in a consortium or for libraries by view in a single institution. When this table is configured, collections are filtered by library as follows:

    • On the Collection pages, only the collections/sub-collections that are associated with the relevant library are displayed.

    • When searching for items from the Collections Lobby page, only the items that are associated with the relevant library are displayed.

    • The collection path that displays for an item on the Full Display page, includes only the paths to collections that are associated with the relevant library.

    • The More from the same collection area shows only items that are associated with the relevant library.

    To map a view to Alma libraries, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable this mapping row.

    • Primo view – Select the view to which you are mapping Alma libraries.

    • Alma library code – enter the library codes to which you want to map this view. To specify multiple libraries, use a semicolon to delimit the libraries. For example: MAIN;LAW

    • Description – enter an optional description for the mapping row.

    Recommendation Systems

    This table configures and enables the recommendation systems per institution. To configure a recommendation system, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the recommendation system.

    • Recommendation System ID – enter the name of the recommendation system, such as bX or BIBTIP.

    • Javascript File Name – enter the URL of the Javascript program that is providing recommendations for BibTip only.

    • Description – enter a description for the recommendation system.

    Refworks Fields

    Allows you to create the mapping from PNX fields to RIS fields when users export records to ExportRIS, Refworks, and EndNote. You can map multiple PNX fields to a single RIS format field by separating the entries in the PNX field with a semicolon. The system will attempt to use the first defined field if it exists. If it does not exist in the active record, the system will try the second field, and so forth.

    To add mapping for a RIS field, populate the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the RIS field.

    • RIS field – enter the name of the RIS field.

    • PNX field – enter the name of the PNX field to use. You can map any PNX field to RefWorks (such as doi and lds01).

      In addition, you can map multiple PNX fields to a RIS format by separating PNX fields entries with a semicolon. For example: date; creationdate. The system will attempt to use the first defined field. If the field exists, it will be used. Otherwise, the system will try the next field in the list, and so forth.

    • Description – enter a description for the RIS field.

    Out of the box, the following mappings are provided for you:

    PNX Field (section)

    RefWorks (RIS) Field

    recordid (control)


    title (display)


    seconderytitle (addata)


    seriestitle (addata)


    author (addata); creator (display)


    seconderyauthor (addata)


    date (addata); creationdate (display)


    notes (addata)


    abstract (addata)


    subject (display)


    periodicalfull (addata)


    periodicalabbrev (addata)


    volume (addata)


    issue (addata)


    startpage (addata)


    otherpages (addata)


    publisher (display)


    cop (addata)


    issn (addata)


    doi (addata)


    edition (display)


    Related Items

    This mapping table allows you to disable the Related Reading functionality for your view. To disable this functionality, create a new mapping row using the following fields:

    • View – Select the view for which you want to disable this functionality.

    • Related Items – Select No to disable the view. You can either remove the mapping row or select Yes to enable this functionality.

    • Description – You can specify an optional description for this mapping row.

    Report a Problem

    This mapping table allows you to activate and configure Report a Problem tool, which is configured at the view level only. For more details, see Configuring the Feedback Tool for the New Primo UI.

    Saved Search Email Alert Customization

    This mapping table allows you to configure the color and other settings for the following components in Saved Search Email Alert messages:

    Component Color (Hexadecimal Code) Description
    Logo Background  #4d6b82 Defines the color used for the logo's background.
    Logo Height 35px Defines the height attribute for the logo.
    Logo Style width: 100px; padding: .85em; Defines the style attribute for the logo.
    Header Background #53738c Defines the color used for the header's background.
    Footer Background  #4d6b82 Defines the color used for the footer's background.
    Body Background #f3f3f3 Defines the color used for the body of the email's background.
    Main Title  #fff Defines the color used for the main title.
    Logo Show Allows you to Show/Hide your logo in the alert email.
    Sub-titles  #fff Defines the color used for the subtitles.
    Unsubscribe  #fff Defines the color used for the Unsubscribe link.

    SE 221 Char Conversion1

    This table allows you to define how decomposed Unicode characters are normalized for indexing and searching. To configure normalization for a set of decomposed characters, populate the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the normalization of the decomposed characters.

    • From – List the Unicode values of the decomposed characters separated by a hyphen.

    • To – Enter the precomposed Unicode value of the characters entered in the From parameter.

    • Description – enter a description for this mapping row.

    For example, if you want normalize the decomposed Unicode characters A and a diaeresis (¨) to a single character Ä, define a mapping row containing the following entries:

    • From: 0041-0308

    • To: 00C4

    Changes to this table require you to deploy the Search Engine configuration, clear the search indexes, and then re-index.

    SE Char Conversion1

    This table is used to convert a range of Unicode characters to another character during indexing. For more information about using the SE Char Conversion mapping table, see the Primo Technical Guide.

    Share Action Configuration

    This table enables/disables the supported social media applications for the Share export action.

    SMS Provider Configuration

    SMS Provider Configuration. Add institutions to the SmsProxyConfig.xml file, which is located in the following directory:


    When this table is deployed, the definitions in the SmsProxyConf.xml file located on the server are updated. For more information about configuring the SMS provider, see the Configuring the SMS Proxy section in the Primo Technical Guide.

    Snippet Display Preferences

    Defines the settings for snippets if the Show snippet if query terms are not found in fields parameter is selected in the Brief Results tile in the Views wizard. For more information, see Snippet Display Options.

    If this option is enabled and the search term is not found in the abstract, toc, or fulltext fields, the system displays the first 160 characters of the highest priority field, as defined by this table.

    To configure snippets per view and type, specify the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable the configuration.

    • View – select the name of the view. If you select default, the settings apply to all views.

    • Type – select the type of resource for which to display snippets.

    • Priority – select the priority given to a field. The valid values are 1 through 3. Note that you cannot assign the same priority to the same type and view. If the field is not available or does not contain 145 to 160 characters, priority is given to the field with the next highest priority.

    • PNX field – select the field from which to display the snippet. The valid values are abstract, fulltext, and toc. Note that you can assign a field only once per view and type.

    • Description – enter a description for the snippet configuration.

    In order to display snippets in the results, PNX records that have snippets must contain the search/rsrctype field, which is populated by the out-of-the-box templates.

    Snippets Extensions Mapper1

    Defines the fields for which you can display snippets. Currently, only the TOC, Abstract, and FULLTEXT fields can be defined. For more information on snippets, see Snippet Display Preferences.

    Sort Fields Config1

    This table configures the fields that can appear in Sorted By drop-down list on the Brief Results page. To configure a sort field, update the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable this sort field in the Back Office user interface.

    • direction – enter the direction of the sort. The valid values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).

    • code – this is a view-only field that defines the code for the sort field.

    • Index Field – this is a view-only field, which is used for indexing.

    • Description – enter a description for the sort field.

    After you have configured the sort field:

    1. Modify the display value for the sort field in the Sort Values code table. For example, if you added lso01, update the Description field for the following code:

    2. Deploy the mapping and code tables.

    3. Add the sort field to Brief Results tile in the Views wizard.

    4. Deploy the view.

    Out of the box, the following sort configurations are defined:

    • popularity - a descending order sort based on popularity.

    • title - an ascending sort based on the title.

    • date - a descending sort based on the date.

    • date2 - a virtual field that sorts by date in ascending order.

    • author - an ascending sort based on the author.

    User Login Links

    For the new UI, this table allows you to define up to four links that display on the Primo Sign-In page. If only a single link is defined, the link will appear without clicking Need help on the Primo Sign-In page.

    View Properties

    Defines miscellaneous configuration properties associated with a specific view. To add an option if it has not already been added, create a new mapping row and specify the following fields:

    • View – Select a view from the drop-down list.

    • Name – Specify the name of the view property.

    • Value – Specify the view property's setting (such as true or false).

    • Description – Specify as needed an optional description for the view property.

    For a list of supported view properties, see Configuring View Properties.

    WS and XS IP1

    IP restriction for Web Services and X-Services.

    Primo's Web services and X-Services are IP authenticated. Only requests coming from IPs listed in the WS and XS IP mapping table are processed. Previously, every request performed a query against the WS and XS IP mapping table.

    In order to improve performance, the IP list is loaded into memory and no query is done in real time. Because of this, any change to the WS and XS IP mapping table requires the table to be deployed. Note that you can also use the All Client IP Ranges (WS and XS IP mapping table) option on the Deploy All page. For more information, see Deploy All Configuration Settings.

    Normalization Subsystem

    Normalization Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    Alma Institution Codes1

    Maps the Alma institution codes to their associated Primo institution codes.

    This is a read-only table.


    Used to map MARC21 leader positions 6 and 7 to the format.


    Used to define the resource type filter in the Facets section.


    Used to define the Genre in the Additional data section.

    ILS Institution Codes1

    Used by the Normalization process to map the institution codes from the ILS to the codes used in Primo.

    This is a read-only table.

    ILS Library Codes1

    Used by the Normalization process to map the library codes from the ILS to the codes used in Primo.

    This is a read-only table.

    MetaLib Institution Codes1

    Used by the Normalization process to map the institution codes from MetaLib to the codes used in Primo.

    This is a read-only table.


    Used to define the prefilter facet in the Facets section.


    Used to define the RIStype in the Additional data section.

    Plugins Subsystem

    Plugins Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    Deep-Search Plugins

    Registers each deep search plugin with the system. To register a plugin, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable this plugin.

    • Plugin ID – enter the name of the plugin to which to assign parameters using the Plugins Parameters mapping table.

    • Plugin Class – enter the full class name of the plugin.

    • Plugin Display Name – specify the name that displays in the Views Wizard.

    • Description – enter a description for the plugin.

    To use an RTA plugin, you must configure the base URL of the RTA system on the Institutions page.

    For more information, see the following page in the Ex Libris Developer Network:

    For additional information on EBSCO adaptors, see Configuring the EBSCO Plug-In.

    Deep Search Plugin Parameters

    Defines the parameters used by the deep search plugins.

    For more information, see the following page in the Ex Libris Developer Network:

    • Param Name – enter the name of the parameter to be passed to the plugin. For PrimoThirdNode plugins, you must specify the host and port of the Primo Front End server.

    • Param Value – enter the value of the parameter if encryption is not needed.

    • Param Value - Encrypted – enter the value of the parameter if encryption is needed. Use this field to encrypt sensitive information (such as keys and passwords).

    • Plugin – enter the name of the plugin (defined with the Deep-Search Plugins mapping table) to be passed this parameter.

    • Description – enter a description for the parameter.


    Registers each plugin with the system. To register a plugin, enter the following fields:

    • Enabled – select this field to enable this plugin.

    • Name – enter the name of the plugin to which to assign parameters using the Plugins Parameters mapping table.

    • Class – enter the full class name of the plugin.

    • Type – select the type of plugin to register. The valid values are Enrichment and RTA.

    • Description – enter a description for the plugin.

    To use an RTA plugin, you must configure the base URL of the RTA system on the Institutions page.

    Plugins Parameters

    Defines the parameters used by the plugins.

    • Param Name – enter the name of the parameter to be passed to the plugin.

    • Param Value – enter the value of the parameter.

    • Plugin – enter the name of the plugin (defined with the Plugins mapping table) to be passed this parameter.

    • Description – enter a description for the parameter.

    With the exception of customer-defined plugins and the PicaRTAPlugin and RTAPluginSymphony plugins, the parameters should not be modified. For more information on the new RTA plugin mechanism, refer to the following page on EL Commons:

    Publishing Subsystem

    Publishing Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    Datasource Index Extensions

    This table notifies the system which data source extensions require indexing. This table contains the following fields:

    • Data Source Name – Select the data source that is using the file splitter that adds the extensions.

    • Type – The following values are valid:

    • Index All – Use this option if all records parsed by this file splitter will be added with the extensions.

    • Index If Exists – Use this option if only a partial set of the parsed records will be added with the extensions.

    If you do not configure the data source in this mapping table, the system will load the extensions into the database, but it will not index them, making them unsearchable.

    File Splitters

    This mapping table defines the file splitter plug-ins that are supported and enabled in Primo. This mapping table contains the following fields:

    • Name – Defines the name of the file splitter that opens the in the File Splitter drop-down list on the Data Sources page on the Back Office user interface.

    • Splitter class – This field specifies the fully-qualified name of the class that implements the file splitter plug-in. If you want to create your own XML or HTML file splitter, use the following classes, respectively:

      • com.exlibris.primo.publish.platform.harvest.splitters.generic.DomXmlSplitter

      • com.exlibris.primo.publish.platform.harvest.splitters.html.HTMLFileSplitter

      For more information on using generic file splitters, refer to the following page in the Developers Network:

    • Description – This field contains the description for the plug-in.

    • Enabled – If selected, this field enables the file splitter in the File Splitter drop-down list on the Data Sources page in the Back Office.

    File Splitters Params

    This mapping table defines the parameters that are passed to each file splitter plug-in. It allows you to create generic file splitters that support different structures. This mapping table contains the following fields:

    • Param Name/ParamValue – Contains a key/value that is passed to the file splitter, where the key is used to retrieve the value.

    • File Splitter Name – Select the file splitter to which to pass the parameters.

    • Enabled – If selected, this field enables the file splitter parameter to be passed to the plug-in.

    By default, the OAI file splitter parses the record ID defined in the IdentifierXpath parameter and uses only the characters after the colon. For example, if the IdentifierXpath parameter contains, the splitter uses 233566 only. If you want to prevent this split, add the SplitRecordId parameter to this mapping table and set its value to false.

    For MARC Exchange data sources, you can define which MARC tag to use as the source for the original record ID. This is necessary when the original record ID is not stored in 001, which is the default. The MARC Exchange file splitter, which is a program Primo uses to split MARC Exchange source files for normalization, checks the MarcExchangeIdField parameter to determine which tag to use. For more information on file splitters, refer to the Primo Version 3.0 Highlights document.

    To specify a different source for the original record ID:

    1. Edit the File Splitters Params mapping table on the Advanced Configuration > All Mapping Tables > Publishing subsystem page.

    2. In the Create a New Mapping Row section, enter the following fields:

      • Param Name – Enter MarcExchangeIdField.

      • Param Value – Enter the tag to use. You can use either a control field or a data field. For data fields, specify the indicators (or use a hash sign to indicate any indicator) and the subfield. Here are some examples:

        • 002 (uses tag 002)

        • 907 ## a (uses tag 907, any indicators, and subfield a)

        • 907 10 a (uses tag 907, indicators 10, and subfield a)

      • File Splitter name – Select MARC Exchange splitter from the drop-down list.

      • Description – Enter a free text description.

    3. Click Create to add the new mapping row to the table.

    Popularity Sort Boosts1

    Used to define the multiplier for the popularity rank of the following clicks in the Front End:

    • e-Shelf – default is 15.

    • Full display – default is 5.

    • GetIt! – default is 10.

    The number of clicks is counted across all scopes and applies to local records only.

    The count is stored in P_PNX_EXTENSIONS and indexed so that the SE can sort by the information.

    Preferred Record-Delivery Category Priority

    This table allows you to set the priority for each type of delivery category to determine the preferred record in a Dedup group.


    • Any changes to this table require you to run an update pipe (no harvesting) using the Force DEDUP option.

    • For customers who have sharing enabled between all their Primo institutions in the Back Office, this configuration is supported only at the installation level.

    Source Format

    The source format not only contains information about the format, but it also defines the physical format of the harvested records, which the publishing platform uses to process records differently. Currently, there are five possible physical formats that are identified by numeric codes. Four of these formats are XML, which differ to a certain extent.

    If you add a new source format, it is important to define the correct physical format. Note that physical formats cannot be added.

    The following physical formats are valid:

    • Digital Entity – this format is intended for the record format exported by DigiTool. In the existing list, the source format digital entity uses this format. The code for this format is 1. The digital entity is a separate format because DigiTool sends the metadata in a CDATA field. This data is parsed by the pipe.

    • MARC XML – this format is intended for the MARC XML format ( In the existing list, the source formats MARC21, MAB, DANMARC2 and UNIMARC use this format. The code for this format is 0. MARC XML has been defined as a separate format because the tags and subfields are attributes, which Primo parses differently in preparation for the normalization rules.

    • XML – this format is intended for standard XML. In the existing list, the source formats DC (Dublin Core) and XML (intended for any XML format) use this format. The code for this format is 2.

    • MetaLib – this format is intended for the record format exported by MetaLib (the IRD). In the existing list, the MetaLib source format uses this format. The code for this format is 3. MetaLib requires a separate format because most of the records are MARC XML, but there are also some non-MARC XML fields.

    • MARC exchange – this physical format is for records in MARC Exchange (ISO 2709). In the existing list the source format Marc exchange is defined to use this format. The code for this format is 5.

    For every source format, the following fields should be defined:

    • Code – this is the code of the source format.

    • Description – this is the physical format as described above. The valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5.

    • Description 2 – this is a free text description of the format for informational purposes.

    Static Facets Subsystem

    Static Facets Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    Static Facets1

    Defines the static facets.


    Defines the facet file size values.


    Defines the facet language values.


    Defines the facet pre-filter values. Populates the Basic Media Type code table and the media types on the Basic Search tile in the Views wizard.


    Defines the top-level facet values.

    By default, the Available and Online Resources top-level facets have been defined as static facets to ensure that they display when they are not in the top hits.


    Defines the facet resource type values.

    Adaptors Subsystem

    Adaptors Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    ILS Gateway Adaptors1

    This mapping table configures the OPAC via Primo adaptors that are used for each type of ILS gateway. For more information, see the Primo Interoperability Guide.

    PushTo Adaptors1

    Allows hosted and local Primo customers to configure PushTo plug-in adaptors at the installation level.

    To configure an adaptor, populate the following fields:

    • Enabled – Indicates whether the adaptor name should display in the Actions drop-down list in the Front End results and e-Shelf.

    • Adaptor Identifier – Enter the name of the adaptor <x>, which serves as the link to the code defined in the Keeping this item code table:

      • default.fulldisplay.command.pushto.option.eshelf.<x>

      • default.fulldisplay.command.pushto.option.<x>

    • Key – For each adaptor, enter the following keys as needed:

      • Class – Enter the name of the plug-in, including the package.

      • URL – Enter the link.

      • Value – For each key, enter its value.

    Currently, new PushTo adaptors can be added to the classic UI only.

    PushTo Adaptors Configuration

    This table allows you to override the default URL used for RefWorks. To use a different URL for RefWorks, update the following fields:

    • Adaptor Identifier – Enter the Adaptor Identifier defined for RefWorks in the Pushto Adaptors mapping table.

    • Key – Enter base url.

    • Value – Enter the URL used for RefWorks in your region. The default is

    • This mapping table can be defined at the installation and institution levels.

    • Changes to this table require you to deploy the changes either from the Pushto Adaptors Configuration mapping table or from the Deploy All page using the Adaptors Mapping Tables option.

    RTA Adaptors1

    Configures RTA plug-in adaptors.

    ILS Gateway Subsystem

    ILS Gateway Subsystem: (For more information, see the Primo Interoperability Guide.)
    ILS Gateway Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    ILS Adaptors Templates1

    This mapping table configures the templates that are used in ILS requests and responses for OPAC via Primo.

    To ensure that Voyager sends all items for each location, you must disable ID 73001, enable IDs 73001a and 73001b, and then deploy this mapping table. This allows Primo to send separate requests for holdings and items to Voyager.

    ILS Templates Parameters1

    This mapping table configures the parameters that are used in ILS requests and responses for OPAC via Primo.

    ILSG Configuration1

    This mapping table defines the general configuration settings for the ILS gateway:

    OPAC Via Primo Subsystem

    OPAC Via Primo Subsystem: (For more information, see Configuring OPAC Via Primo.)

    OPAC Via Primo Subsystem
    Table Name Description

    Acquisition Request Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for acquisition requests.

     To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item.

    Call Slip Request Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for call slip requests.

    To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item. 

    CallSlip Optional Request Parameters

    This table configures the display settings for optional call slip request parameters.

    Fines Brief Display

    (New UI only) This table defines which fields display in the brief display of an item in the My Library Card > Fines tab.

    The first row of the brief display contains the most important information and is not configurable. The second row, which is configurable, allows you to define up to three parameters per field and the delimiter that separates them.

    The Library card Labels code table defines the labels for the brief display. Out of the box, only the fields that require text have been defined.

    Fines Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for the fines and fees list.

    To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item.

    Hold Optional Request Parameters

    This table configures the display settings for optional hold request parameters.

    Holdings Record Configuration

    This table configures the display mappings for holding records.

    Hold/Recall Request Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for hold and recall requests.

    To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item. 

    ILL Request Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for ILL requests.

    To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item. 

    ILL Optional Request Parameters

    This table configures the display settings for optional ILL request parameters.

    ILS API Configuration

    This table maps the ILS gateway adaptor to base URLs. For more information, see the Primo Interoperability Guide.

    For OPAC via Primo customers, the Match for holdings filter column defines which subfields from the Library Availability field in the PNX record should be used to match with holdings and items sent by the ILS. The following options are available:

    • MainLocation – Used for Aleph to match on the owning library and location.

    • MainLocation,SecondaryLocation – Used for Aleph V.20 (SP4) and later releases to match on the owning library, location, and collection.

    • MainLocation,CallNumber – Used for Voyager to match on the owning library, location, and call number.

    Items Brief Display

    (New UI only) This table defines which fields appear in the brief display of an item on the Full Display page. You can define up to three parameters per field and the delimiter that displays between them.

    Library card alerts

    (New UI only) This table allows you to configure the alerts next to the various tabs (such as Loans) in My Library Card. For loans, you can configure the number of days before a loan is due to display the alert. This alert indicates that a loan is due soon or is overdue.

    If you want display the loans with the alert at the top of the list, you will need to configure the ILS to retrieve the list by due-date ascending.

    Loans Brief Display

    (New UI only) This table defines which fields display in the brief display of an item in the My Library Card > Loans tab.

    The first row of the brief display contains the most important information and is not configurable. The second row, which is configurable, allows you to define up to three parameters per field and the delimiter that separates them.

    The Library card Labels code table defines the labels for the brief display. Out of the box, only the fields that require text have been defined.

    Loans Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for the loans list.

    To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item. 

    Loans List Configuration

    This table defines which fields display in the My Account > Loans tab. For the active list, use the through values in the Column column to configure the order of the fields. For the historical list, use the loans.brief.history.column2 through loans.brief.history.column7 values in the Column column to configure the order of the fields.

    Location Item content

    This table configures the columns that display in the list of items on the Locations tab. Column names that cannot be found will be ignored by the system.

    My Account Menu Configuration - OvP

    For the classic UI, this table defines which tabs appear in My Account and the order in which they appear. The order of the tabs is determined by the myaccount1 (top) through myaccount5 (bottom) values in the My Account function column.

    For the new UI, this table configures only the existence of the tabs in My Library Card and does not configure the order of the tabs. You must use CSS to configure the order. The Overview tab always appears and cannot be hidden.

    OvP Funtionality

    Enables miscellaneous functionality for OvP configurations. For more information, refer to the Primo Interoperability Guide.

    Personal Setting Fields

    This table configures the display mappings for personal settings.

    Photocopy Optional Request Parameters

    This table defines the optional mapping fields for photocopy requests.

    Photocopy Request Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for photocopy requests.

    To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item. 

    Recall Optional Request Parameters

    This table configures the display settings for optional recall request parameters.

    Requests Brief Display

    (New UI only) This table defines which fields display in the brief display of an item in the My Library Card > Requests tab.

    The first row of the brief display contains the most important information and is not configurable. The second row, which is configurable, allows you to define up to three parameters per field and the delimiter that separates them.

    The Library card Labels code table defines the labels for the brief display. Out of the box, only the fields that require text have been defined.

    Requests List Configuration

    This table defines which fields display in the My Account > Requests tab. The order of the fields is determined by the request.brief.column1 (first) through request.brief.column7 (last) values in the Column column.

    Short Loan Display

    This table configures the display mappings for short loan requests.

    Short Loan and Booking Request Detailed Display

    This table configures the display mappings for the short loan and booking requests.

    To prevent duplication of information in the new UI, do not include fields that already display in the brief display of the item. 

    Templates for Link to ILS Requests

    Defines the link templates for Aleph requests.

    UB Request Optional Request Parameters

    This table configures the display settings for optional UB request parameters.

    1Read only for cloud installations.