Resource Management - November 2016 Enhancements
Add New Holdings from the Holdings List
In order to provide a more efficient workflow for adding holdings records, you can now add new holdings records from the Holdings List page without opening and actively editing bibliographic records. See The List of Holdings for more information.
Calendar Coverage
Coverage for electronic resources can now be expressed by a calendar format of year/month/day. The addition of coverage in a calendar format simplifies management of electronic resources for information providers who work with calendar date format to express the date range of electronic titles. The following areas were updated to reflect calendar date coverage:
- Electronic Portfolio Editor page
When coverage date information is added to an electronic resource (as in the Electronic Portfolio Editor, for example), and only the year and month content has been entered, the system defaults the From Day to the first of the month and the Until Day to the thirty-first of the month.See Modifying an Electronic Portfolio's Information for more information.
- New Portfolio page (see Adding a Standalone Portfolio)
- Available For Information Group Settings (See the Group Settings Tab for portfolios in the Modifying an Electronic Portfolio's Information section)
- Dynamic URLs (see Configuring Dynamic URLs for Electronic Collections and Portfolios)
- Alma's Link Resolver (used when portfolio coverage information is checked to determine which services to include)
- Exporting portfolios:
- Publishing to Google Scholar (see Publishing Electronic Holdings to Google Scholar)
- Publishing to PubMed (see Publishing to PubMed)
- Publishing to Primo Central (see Publishing to Primo Central)
- Publishing Profiles - General Profiles type (see Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing))
- Exporting in KBART format
This affects the content of the date_first_issue_online and date_last_issue_online columns. The content for these columns is YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD according to the portfolio date information provided on the Coverage Information tab (ONLY local, global AND local, global OR local, ONLY global).
- Upload Electronic Holdings - ELSEVIER integration profile/job (see Importing Elsevier Holdings)
- Portfolio Loader (Electronic Services Editor > Portfolios tab)
The following new columns are provided:
- From_MONTH
See The Bulk Portfolio Information File for more information. - Community Zone Contribution and Harvesting
The new From/To Month and From/To Day coverage data for CKB updates will be handled in a later phase.
- Overlap and Collection Analysis
The analysis handles both the Year, Volume, Issue coverage format and the Year, Month, Day coverage format.
- Alma Analytics
The E-Inventory subject area now includes the following in the Portfolio dimension's Date Info field:
- Date Info From Month
- Date Info From Day
- Date Info To Month
- Date Info To Day
Staff search results already include month/day information.
The format of the dates that are displayed is determined by the system_date_format in Other Settings (see Configuring Other Settings).
Overlap Analysis Expanded to Include Community Zone Analysis
The previously available Overlap Analysis (now Overlap and Collection Analysis) reporting capability has been expanded to include analysis of a titles list that is compared with resources available in the Community Zone. Similar to the previous functionality, the comparison uses an Excel spreadsheet that contains a list of identifiers such as ISSNs for titles that you want to analyze. See Working with Overlap and Collection Analysis and Viewing Overlap and Collection Analysis Job Reports for more information.
Reminders for Bibliographic Records
Catalogers can now add reminders to bibliographic records. Note that a new privilege, MANAGER_REMINDERS, was added to the Cataloger and Cataloger Extended roles for this purpose. With this capability, you can customize reminder types and statuses to match the workflow you prefer to implement for using reminders. For more information, see Working with Reminders.
Cross Walk UNIMARC to MARC 21 Authority Records
Alma import options were enhanced to provide a cross walk between UNIMARC authority records and MARC 21 authority records. See Creating a UNIMARC Profile for detailed information.
Publishing Using Filters
Publishing was enhanced to use filters on the set of records that you select for publishing in a publishing profile. See the procedure to create a general publishing profile and the description for Filter Records for more information.
Browse Bibliographic Headings Sorting Improvement
Sorting was improved in Browse Bibliographic Headings to display the subfields sorted in the order in which they are cataloged instead of alphabetical order. See Browsing Bibliographic Headings for the updated documentation on working with Browse Bibliographic Headings.
Re-indexing required for this feature will be done starting in November.
Chinese Bibliographic Headings Sort
Sorting of the Chinese bibliographic headings was improved as part of the Browse Bibliographic Headings change for November. See Browsing Bibliographic Headings for detailed information.
Re-indexing required for this feature will be done starting in November.
MARC 21 Leader Position 17 Enhanced for OCLC
MARC 21 leader position 17 for bibliographic records was enhanced to include the following OCLC options:
- I - Full-level input by OCLC participants
- J - Deleted record
- K - Less-than-full input by OCLC participants
- L - Full-level input added from a batch process
- M - Less-than-full added from a batch process
You will see these new options available when cataloging using the leader form in the MD Editor and when working with the Metadata Configuration options.
See Open Form Editor and To edit fields for detailed information.
Priorities for Multiple Authority Vocabularies
A priority order of names and subject headings (up to three) can now be configured when you have multiple vocabularies defined for your system. The purpose of this feature is to define priority between authority vocabularies for authority control. When you perform an F3 check of authorities in the MD Editor, for example, and a heading is not found in the vocabulary of your first, default priority, the system checks your second priority for matches. If a heading is not found in the vocabulary of your second priority, the system checks your third priority for matches. In addition to the F3 functionality, this capability applies to authority control in general. To configure this option, contact Ex Libris Support.
Additional Resource Management Enhancements
- The Browse Call Numbers label in the MD Editor's Tools menu was changed to Browse Shelf Listing. See MD Editor Menu and Toolbar Options for more information.
- A mechanism was designed to proactively identify and automatically eliminate a "ghost record" (a record that does not actually exist) that occurs in repository search results. See the Handling Ghost Records Automatically in the Repository Search Results section for more information.
- When publishing a record from Alma to Primo, the headings information (Y/N/R) is published in $$9 (as it was previously), but the language information is now published in $$L. See Publishing Headings Enrichment to Primo for more information.
- The Starts with search when searching external resources in the MD Editor was removed. See Searching External Resources for more information.
- The following values were added to the Physical Material Type code table (Resource Management > Resource Configuration > Configuration Menu > General > Physical Material Type Descriptions):
- Floppy Disk
- Item with Floppy Disk
- Item with CD
- Item with Audio Cassette
- The Physical Material Type column was added to the Exclude Process Types from Publishing mapping table (Resource Management > Resource Configuration > Configuration Menu > Record Export > Exclude Process Types from Publishing). The values in this column are taken from the Physical Material Type code table (Resource Management > Resource Configuration > Configuration Menu > General > Physical Material Type Descriptions). If this column is empty for a specified process type, all items of this process type are excluded. If this column contains a value, only items of the specified process type and physical material type are excluded. See Excluding Resources with Specific Process Types from Publishing and Configuring Physical Item Material Type Descriptions for more information.
- In the General publishing profile's Data Enrichment tab (second page of the wizard), when Add Item Information is selected in the Physical Inventory Enrichment section, the Repeatable field is now mandatory. For more information, see Publishing and Inventory Enrichment (General Publishing).