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    Configuring Other Leganto UI Elements


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    Enabling or Disabling Individual Guided Videos (Classic UI Only)

    You can enable or disable individual guided videos in the Getting Started Videos section, using the Guided Videos table, found in Leganto Configuration > Features > Guided Videos. In this table you can enable/disable the display of a video link in the guided videos section, change the name of the link, change the URL of the link, and change the order of the link in the displayed list.

    The Getting Started Videos configuration table.

    Guided Help Videos configuration

    Configuring Translations of Guided Videos (Classic UI Only)

    You can configure translations of the label of any new video you add to the Guided Videos section, using the Customer Labels table (found in Leganto Configuration > General > Customer Labels). 

    When a value in the Code column of the Customer Labels table matches a value in the Guided Video column of the Guided Videos table, and you select a language in Leganto, the corresponding copyright option in the Guided Videos area of Leganto appears with the value in the matching Translation column of the Customer Labels table for that language.

    For instance, if you add a video called Creating_a_list_video in the Guided Videos table, and you want to translate the video name into French, then in the Customer Labels table, you can select French from the Filter dropdown, and add a row to the Customer Labels table whose Code value matches the Creating_a_list_video value from the Guided videos table. In the Translation field, you can then enter the translated name of the video.

    The guided video for creating a list.

    Guided Tours table: Creating_a_list_video

    The creating a list video translation label configuration.

    Customer Labels table: Translation

    When French is selected as the language in Leganto, the guided video appears with the translation you entered into the Translation field of the Customer Labels table.

    Enabling or Disabling Individual Guided Tours (Classic UI Only)

    You can enable or disable individual guided tours in the Guided Tours section, using the Guided Tours table, found in Leganto Configuration > Features > Guided Tours

    The guided tours mapping configuration table.

    Guided Tours configuration

    Enabling or Disabling the Welcome Screen (Classic UI Only)

    Leganto offers a series of welcome screens for students, displayed once a day upon student login until the student dismisses the screens. The welcome screens give the student a quick overview of how to use Leganto to view and access the learning materials.

    After the welcome screen is dismissed, the welcome screens can still be accessed from the Leganto Settings > Help.

    The student welcome screen.

    Student Welcome screen
    To enable or disable the Welcome (help) screen from appearing when a student first logs in to Leganto:

    Set welcome_screen_help to true or false in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features).

    The welcome screen settings.

    Welcome screen settings

    Hiding/Showing Onboarding Wizard Screens (Classic UI Only)

    Leganto offers a series of onboarding screens for instructors, displayed when Instructors log in for the first time. The onboarding screens include GIFs that portray the general concepts underlying Leganto and how it can be used, then point instructors to where they can go for more information when they need it. There is minimal text per screen, which can be customized. The screens explain the following:
    • Leganto is a tool that can be used to gather resources from different sources and organize them
    • Resources can be added from the entire library collection
    • Resources can be added from the web, using CiteIt!
    • Social Reading
    • Where to go when you need help
    • Installing CiteIt!
    A sample welcome screen.
    Sample Welcome GIF

    A sample add resources screen.

    Sample Add Resources GIF

    A sample add CiteIt screen.

    Sample Add CiteIt GIF

    A sample social reading screen.

    Sample Social Reading GIF

    A sample help screen.

    Sample Help GIF

    The onboarding screen is enabled by default (parameter: welcome_screen_instructors in Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features).

    The welcome screen is disabled for instructors who have already seen and used Leganto before.

    You can configure which Onboarding wizard screens to show/hide to instructors, by setting the Display option in the Configuration > Leganto > UI > Onboarding to Yes/No. The default Display setting for each screen is Yes.

    You also have the option to add a Custom GIF URL to present your own GIF for each screen. By default, the out-of-the-box gif appears.

    The Onboarding screens configuration table.

    Onboarding Screen configuration

    Configuring the General Message for Lists and Citations

    You can configure the general message that displays above all lists and citations. The message may include HTML markup to enable you to add formatting to the message. In addition, you may customize the message's title, which is set to Important message out of the box.

    An example of a general message.

    General Message in List
    • When both the general message and the tip of the day are enabled, the tip of the day will not appear until the user selects the Stop showing this message checkbox under the general message and opens a new session.

    • Selecting the Stop showing this message checkbox hides the general message until the message is changed.

    • Selecting the icon message hides the general message until the user's next session.

    To enable the general message:
    1. Open the Customer Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Customer Labels).

      The general message label configuration.

      Customer Labels Code Table
    2. Select Add Row and specify the following information in the dialog box:

      • Code – Specify a unique code for your general message. You will need this code later when you enable the general message in Leganto.

      • Description – Specify the message's text (which may include HTML markup).

    3. Save your changes to the table.

    4. Open the Leganto Features mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features).

    5. Edit the general_message parameter and set the Parameter Value field to the code that you assigned to your general message. 

      The features mapping configuration table for the general message.

      Leganto Features Mapping Table

      Leaving the Parameter Value field empty disables the general message. The general_message_role parameter enables you to specify that the value in the general_message parameter only appears for the user role indicated. Possible values are instructor, student, librarian, guest, or leave empty for the general message to appear for all users. Multiple roles can be entered, separated by commas. All of these parameters are found in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features).

      Use the general_message_dates parameter to specify a date range when the value in the general_message parameter displays.

    6. Save your changes to the table.

    7. If you want to customize your general message's title, open the UI Leganto Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Labels).

    8. Edit the row containing the lists.general.message code and set the Description field to the new title.

      The UI labels code table configuration for the general message.

      UI Leganto Labels Code Table
    9. Save your changes to the table.

    Displaying Leganto in a New Tab

    When Leganto is embedded in an iFrame, it may be helpful to open Leganto in a new tab so that users can enlarge it for better viewing. By default, the Open New Tab icon LGTO_OpenLegantoNewTabIcon.pngappears in Leganto when Leganto is embedded in an iFrame. Selecting the icon opens Leganto in a new tab so that users can work in Leganto independently.

    To disable the Open New Tab icon, set the display_open_new_tab parameter to false in the Leganto Features mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features).

    When accessing Leganto from an LMS, if browser settings are set to block third-party cookies, the OPEN NEW TAB button is now only displayed until it is selected. After selecting the button, the page must be refreshed for the button to be available again.

    The display_logout_in_embedded parameter key (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Leganto Features) determines whether to show (true) or hide (false) the Logout menu item. The default is true.

    Configuring Leganto Branding/Customization

    Classic UI

    You can configure various Leganto branding or customization options on the Branding Management page (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Branding) or the Leganto Customization mapping table. For more information about mapping tables, see Mapping Tables.
    The branding management page.
    Branding Management
    To configure Leganto branding:
    1. On the Branding Management page:
      • Classic UI — In the Load Leganto header logo field, browse for a logo to show in Leganto. The maximum height for the logo is 33px. There is no maximum width.
      • Classic UI — In the Leganto Header Color field, optionally enter a six-digit hexadecimal color for the Leganto header. This configures the separator bar between the Leganto header and the main Leganto panes.
        An example of the separator bar.
        Separator Bar
      • Classic UI — In the Leganto Left Panel Color field, optionally enter a six-digit hexadecimal color for the reading list left panel color.
      • Classic UI — In the Leganto Top Panel field, optionally enter a six-digit hexadecimal color for the reading list top panel color.
      • In the Page Title Prefix field, optionally enter a prefix title for the Leganto browser tab that you would like to appear, instead of the default prefix Resource List.
      • You may optionally use Load Leganto Favicon to upload a favicon for your site.
    2. When you are done, select Save to upload the logo and/or save your changes.
    To configure Leganto customization:

    Any settings you save in the Customization mapping table will override the settings saved in the Branding Management page. 

    1. Classic UI — On the Leganto Customization mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Customization):
      • Set enabled to true to enable the following two customization options.
      • Set leganto_color to a six digit hex value (preceded by "#") to set the primary color of Leganto's main panes. For example, #cccccc.
      • Set leganto_left_sidebar_color to a six digit hex value (preceded by "#") to set the primary color of Leganto's left pane.
      • Set leganto_link_color to a six digit hex value (preceded by "#") to set the color of links in Leganto.
      • Also see Configuring Headings and Text in Leganto.
    2. When you are done, select Customize.

    New UI

    You can configure the color scheme for Leganto's new UI (Configuration > Leganto > UI > Branding) from the Branding Management Color Theme section. When you choose the primary color,  the secondary color is auto-selected. The two colors are designed to match each other and to meet accessibility standards. You can view a preview of the color scheme before selecting Save.

    The option to configure your institution's branding in Leganto.

    Branding Management - Color Theme

    Configuring the Default CSS for Holdings from Primo

    The holdings_default_leganto_css field in the Leganto Customer Settings mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Settings) enables you to use the same CSS that you are using to display holdings for Primo's Get It. To use Primo's CSS, set this field to false. Otherwise, the system uses Leganto's CSS.

    This feature does not apply to Primo VE.

    Configuring the Holdings from Primo

    Leganto supports the Primo new mashup UI. The following parameters are included in the Primo Settings table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings):

    • holdings_new_ui enables the new Primo out-of-the-box mashup UI. 
    • holdings_skin enables your own skins for the mashup that you have customized yourself.

    Configuring Language Settings

    To set the default language, in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings), set the parameter default_language to one of the following country codes:
    • en - English
    • de - German
    • ko - Korean
    • it - Italian
    • fr - French
    • zh - Chinese
    • nl - Dutch; Flemish
    • es - Spanish
    To configure whether small flag icons appear next to the language options in Leganto, in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings), set the parameter language_flags to true (display flag icons) or false.

    Configuring Leganto Institution Language Capitalization

    The disable_capitalization_languages flag can be set to correct incorrect capitalization as it appears on Leganto UI labels (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features). You can set which language to affect by inserting its language code (such as en for English) and can insert multiple language codes by using the comma-separated format (en, he, fr). Leaving this flag blank (default setting) retains capitalization unchanged.
    The option to disable capitalization for languages setting.
    Setting the disable_capitalization_language Value(s)

    Configuring Headings and Text in Leganto (Classic UI Only)

    To configure the fonts for reading list names and general text:
    Set enabled to true and configure leganto_font in the Leganto Customization mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Customization).
    • When left empty, the fonts are Volkorn (header) and Source Sans Pro (content).
      Deafault header font.
    • When set to a, the fonts are Rokkitt (header) and Barlow (content).
      Header font a.
    • When set to b, the fonts are Zilla Slab (header) and Nunito (content).
      Header font b.
    • When set to c, the fonts are Josefin Slab (header) and Open Sans (content).
      Header font c.
    To configure the default header and message that appears on the Find List page:
    Configure the parameters guest_search_page_header and guest_search_page_message in the Declaration Texts code table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Declaration Texts). Enter the texts you would like as the default.
    guest_search_page_header can contain HTML.
    To configure the default headers when an instructor fills out a copyright clearance and/or digitization request:
    Configure the parameters copyright_clearance_header and digitization_request_header in the Declaration Texts code table. Enter the texts you would like as the default.
    To configure all other labels:
    You can configure any text in Leganto in the UI Leganto Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Labels). For more information about code tables, see Code Tables.
    The label welcome.title.description (which refers to the header on the Quick Start Welcome screen that appears when an instructor enters Leganto from the CMS using a course link to a course that exists but does not contain any reading lists) can contain HTML. All other labels can contain only text.
    If you cannot locate the label that you want to change, contact Ex Libris customer support for assistance.
    The UI labels code configuration table.
    UI Leganto Labels Code Table

    Enabling SSO When Accessing Find Lists Shareable Link

    You can configure whether a logged-in user remains logged in when accessing Leganto using any shareable link or is redirected to the login page. For this feature to work, your IDP (SAML) must support passive mode.

    To enable logged in users to remain logged in when accessing Leganto using any shareable link:
    • In the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings), set the parameter find_list_sso to true. Your IDP (SAML) must support passive mode. The default is false.

    Configuring Course Behavior

    You can configure how courses appear in Leganto. You can also configure whether instructors can create or modify courses, and whether lists can be associated to multiple courses.

    Configuring How Courses Appear in Leganto

    When course names are displayed instead of course codes, the course code continues to appear in a tooltip.

    To configure whether course appear as their course name or course code in Leganto:
    Set the parameter course_display to name or code (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings).

    If you set display_cms_id to true, and you are using searchable IDs (CMS course IDs), you can additionally configure whether Leganto displays the Alma course code or the searchable ID. This configuration applies only when a user arrives at Leganto from the CMS using the searchable ID.

    To configure whether to display course code or searchable ID (when relevant):
    Set the parameter display_cms_id to true (display searchable ID when arriving from the CMS; display the course code when logging in to Leganto directly or from Alma) or false (display course code in all cases) (Configuration Menu > Leganto > LTI > Settings).

    Configuring Whether Instructors Can Create or Modify Courses

    When coming from an LMS, instructors are presented with a special course-directed login page. When enabled, instructors are offered the option to create the course if it does not already exist in Alma.
    The create a new course pane.
    To configure whether instructors can create undefined courses on the course-directed welcome page:
    1. Set the parameter cms_entry_actions to all or include the value course (Configuration Menu > Leganto > LTI > Settings). This parameter accepts multiple values, separated by commas. The option to create an undefined course appears on the course-directed welcome page. If set to any other value or left empty, the option to create a course does not appear on this page.
      When the parameter value for the parameter cms_entry_actions is enabled (disabled by default) and is set to all, list, or link and rollover, the Link course to this list button is included as an option for reusing lists. When a combination of one or more parameter values (course, file, rollover, list) excludes the value link, the Link course to this list button is not presented as an option for reusing lists.
    2. Configure the default processing department: Enter the department code in the parameter default_processing_department (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings) in the Customer Settings table. For information on processing departments, see Configuring Processing Departments. Instructors enter the start and end dates for the course and the number of participants and select the academic department.
    To configure whether instructors can modify course information:
    Set the parameter modify_course_details to true or false (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features). When true, instructors are presented with fields to modify course information (dates and number of participants) when they are associating a list with a course. The default is false.

    Creating Courses Automatically from an LTI Link 

    After selecting an LTI link for a course that has not been created yet in Leganto, you must first create the course before you can create a reading list. You must enable this functionality if you want the course created automatically when an LTI link is selected.

    To create courses automatically from an LTI link:
    1. Set the create_course_automatically field to true in the Leganto Customer Settings mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > LTI > Settings). When set to true, the code and name fields automatically populate using the default processing department and default start and end date parameters.

    2. Configure the default_processing_department field in the Leganto Customer Settings mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings).

      The steps below are only relevant for LTI 1.1. For LTI 1.3, see Canvas and Moodle.

    3. Edit your LTI tool's integration profile for your CMS (Configuration Menu > Leganto > LTI > Integration Profiles). The new Course Name Field Name field appears in the Actions tab under the LTI Definitions section.

    4. Specify the parameter that holds the course name in the LTI tool.

    5. Save your changes to the integration profile.

    Creating Courses Manually from an LTI Link (New UI Only)

    The new UI  supports manually creating courses from LTI. When the cms_entry_actions (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Settings) parameter value is set to all or course, and the parameter create_course_automatically  (Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Settings) is set to false, and the parameter default_processing_department (Configuration > Leganto > General > Settings) is set, instructors accessing an LTI link for a course that does not yet exist in Alma can create the course manually in the new UI. When logging in to your LMS, instructors are prompted to create a list from scratch or from an existing list, according to configuration. After making a selection, instructors are then prompted to fill in or confirm the course details. After the course information is entered, the course is created in Alma and the instructor moves to the next screen.

    The option to create a new list from an LMS.
    Create new list
    The quickstart screen.
    Confirm course details screen

    Managing Multiple Courses for Reading Lists

    You can enable reading lists to be associated with multiple courses. When enabled, instructors can associate reading lists to multiple courses in Leganto. In Alma, librarians can do the same.
    When enabled, all associated courses appear in a reading list's Course Code and Course Name fields, in any other place in Alma that lists the course(s) associated with the list. If the list is too long to display, the full list appears in a tooltip. The total number of participants for a reading list is the total for all courses associated with the list.
    Selecting Associate this list with a course on the Course's Reading List or Reading Lists Task List pages opens the Courses tab on the Edit Reading List page (see below).
    Selecting Remove associated course on these pages opens the Courses tab on the Edit Reading List page ONLY if there are multiple courses associated with the list (so that you can select which one to remove). If there is only one course associated with the list when you select this option, that course is simply disassociated with the reading list, as usual.

    Enabling Multiple Courses for Reading Lists

    When configured, you can associate multiple courses with a reading list.

    To enable multiple courses for reading lists:
    Set the parameter multicourse_lists in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings) to enabled.

    Adding and Removing Courses from a Reading List

    To add and remove courses from a reading list:
    You manage the courses associated with reading lists in the Courses tab on the Edit Reading List page (see Managing Reading Lists).
    The edit reading list courses tab.
    Edit Reading List page
    In this tab:
    • To associate a course to the reading list, select Associate Course, select the course and select Associate Course.
    • To remove a course association, select Remove Association in the row actions list for the course.

    Configuring Working with Reading Lists

    Other options on this page also affect how an instructor works with reading lists, but these options are specific to the reading list configuration workflow.

    Enabling Reading List Syllabuses

    You can enable instructors to add a link and/or file to the top of the reading list. This link or file is intended to be a syllabus and appears to the student with the prefix Syllabus and the option to select the link or download the file.
    To enable syllabuses for reading lists:
    Set the parameter syllabus in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true. When true, instructors see the option to add a syllabus. Note that, regardless of this setting, librarians always see this option.

    Configuring Reading List Publication Options

    When a reading list is published, the course's students can a) view the reading list and its citations and also b) view the list's course materials (electronic resources and uploaded files). The library can configure additional publishing options for instructors. Access to a published reading list, section, or citation is available by browsing the Leganto user interface or by navigating to the relevant shareable link. When trying to access a reading list, section, or citation that is not publicly available, and the user is not already logged in, Leganto tries to log the user in.

    You can use the customer parameters in Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Publishing to set the publishing options that appear in Leganto. An explanation of the parameters appears after the list.

    • No publishing options — Set the parameter auto_publish_default_mode to Yes and configure the parameter publish_default_mode.

    • Basic publishing options — Set the parameter auto_publish_default_mode to No, set advanced_publish_options to No, and configure the parameters student_visibility_default_materials_option and public_visibility_default_materials_option.

    • Full publishing options (Classic UI Only) — Set the parameter auto_publish_default_mode to No, set advanced_publish_options to Yes, and configure the parameter publish_default_mode.


    When auto_publish_default_mode is No and advanced_publish_options is No, the instructor's options for publishing are:

    • Course students — Course students (only) can view the reading list and view the course materials.

    • All students at the institution — All students at the institution can view the reading list. Set student_visibility_default_materials_option to configure whether all students or only course students, can view the course materials.

    • Anyone — Anyone with the course shareable link can view the reading list. Set public_visibility_default_materials_option to configure whether anyone, all students, or only course students can view the course materials. You can also configure how shareable links are created so that they conform to the login method you are using: CAS, SAML, LDAP, or local login (see below).

    The basic publishing options pane.

    Basic Publishing Options

    (Classic UI Only) When auto_publish_default_mode is No and advanced_publishing_options is Yes, the same options are available to the instructors. However, when selecting either of the two less restrictive options (all students or everyone), the instructor can also select to whom to make the course materials available:

    • If the instructor selects list access for all students, the instructor can select whether to make the course materials available to all students or leave them available only to course students.

    • If the instructor selects list access for everyone, the instructor can select whether to make the course materials available to everyone, to all students, or just course students.

    You can configure the default selected options using publish_default_mode. If you set auto_publish_default_mode to Yes, the instructor is not given any publishing options; the list is immediately published according to its default selection as configured in publish_default_mode.

    The complete list of parameters and values is as follows:

    Publishing Parameters
    Parameter Value Note
    Lists are created as drafts.
    All new reading lists created in Leganto are immediately published according to the publish_default_mode on the Leganto Publishing Configuration page.
    (Classic UI Only) Only lists created in Leganto are published by default, including lists created using the NEW LIST button on the My Lists page or using the Create button on the Quick Start screen. Lists that are created by other means, including the Reading List Loader integration profile, the API, or using the Alma interface are not published automatically.



    No options are presented to the instructor. Reading lists are automatically published in the mode set in publish_default_mode. All other parameters are ignored.


    Options are presented to the instructor. When advanced_publish_options is Yes, options are pre-selected according to publish_default_mode.


    • Anyone Restricted - Anyone with a shareable link can view the list as a syllabus, but only course students can access the course materials.

    • All Students Full - All students can view the list and access the uploaded or electronic citations.

    • All Students Restricted - All students can view the list as a syllabus, but only course students can access the course materials.

    • Anyone Restricted, All Students Full - Anyone with a shareable link can view the list as a syllabus; all students can access the course materials.

    • Course Students - Course students (only) can view the list and access the course materials (electronic citations and uploaded files).

    • Anyone Full - Anyone with a shareable link can view the list and access the course materials.

    Relevant only when advanced_publish_options is Yes.

    When auto_publishing_default_mode is No, the publishing options displayed to the instructor are pre-selected by this parameter.

    Otherwise, reading lists are automatically published in this mode.

    "Student" here means anyone who can log in to Leganto and who has the Patron role. "Course student" means a student who accessed Leganto from the course on the CMS.



    Relevant only when auto_publish_default_mode is No. Basic publishing options are presented to the instructor:

    • Course students - As described in Editing a Reading List.

    • All students at the institution - All students at the institution can view the reading list. Set student_visibility_default_materials_option to configure whether all students or only course students, can view the course materials.

    • Anyone - Anyone with the course shareable link can view the reading list. Set public_visibility_default_materials_option to configure whether anyone, all students, or only course students can view the course materials.

    Yes (Classic UI Only)

    Relevant only when auto_publish_default_mode is No. Advanced options are presented to the instructor, as described in publish_default_mode.


    • All Students Restricted

    • All Students Full

    Relevant only when advanced_publish_option and auto_publish_default_mode are No and instructor selects All students at the institution. Options are described in publish_default_mode.


    • Anyone Restricted

    • Anyone Restricted, All Students Full

    • Anyone Full

    Relevant only when advanced_publish_option and auto_publish_default_mode are No and instructor selects Anyone. Options are described in publish_default_mode.

    New for September! show_publishing_options
    • All, Anyone — All students at the institution and Anyone

    • All, Registered — All students at the institution and Course students

    • Registered, All, Anyone — Course students, All students at the institution, and Anyone

    • Registered, Anyone — Course students and Anyone

    Institutions can control which list publishing options to display to instructors when sending a list to the library for review.
    This parameter is only relevant when auto_publish_default_mode is set to No.
    The default setting when auto_publish_default_mode is set to No is Registered, All, Anyone. The default selected setting for this parameter is based on the setting in the publish_default_mode parameter.
    (Classic UI Only) To configure whether the Library Review and Publish actions appear as buttons, in addition to menu items:

    Set the parameters publish_as_button and/or send_list_as_button (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Settings) to true.

    To configure the structure of the shareable link created for a publicly accessible reading list:

    Configure the parameter authentication_method (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings) to one of the following values:

    To configure a task notification in Alma when a list is published:

    Set the parameter create_task_for_published_list (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Settings) to true (default).

    By default, Leganto updates a reading list and its citations' statuses from Being Prepared to Ready for Processing when a list is published.

    (Classic UI Only) To not change a list and its citations statuses from Being Prepared to Ready for Processing when a list is published:

    Set the parameter send_list_on_publish (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Settings) to false. This also prevents Leganto from updating the reading list's date for review.

    (Classic UI Only) To update the Current Request for Review date:
    When a reading list is published, and the parameter send_list_on_published (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Settings) is set to true, the Current Request for Review date in Alma updates to the current date regardless of the reading list citation status.

    (Classic UI) The citation status only updates to Ready for Processing when the current status is set to Being Prepared. Reading lists that are already marked as Complete remain with a Complete status.

    Enabling Multiple Authentication Profiles

    You can configure multiple authentication profiles for logging in to Leganto.
    To enable multiple authentication profiles:
    1. Verify that you have multiple authentication profiles set up by entering the Integration Profiles table under Leganto Configuration > LTI > Integration Profiles and searching for the authentication profiles. These may be some variation of Local, SAML and/or CAS (e.g. "saml"and "saml2").
      The Integration Profiles saml configuration pane.
      Authentication Profiles
    2. In the authentication_method parameter in the Settings table under Leganto Configuration > General > Settings, enter a value of multiple and select Save.
      Setting the general settings authentication profile to multiple.
      Multiple authentication methods
    3. Once you have saved a value of multiple in the authentication_method parameter, the Multiple Login mapping table appears under Leganto Configuration > General. Enter the table and add a new row for each authentication profile that you wish to use. Ensure that the profile type and profile code matches that of the authentication profiles you wish to use, and that each profile code is unique.
      The option to configure multiple logins.
      Multiple Login table
    4. Select Customize to save the authentication profiles into the Multiple Login table.
    Now, when you log into Leganto, the multiple authentication profiles appear, and you can select one of them to proceed with the login.
    The configuring muliple login window.
    Multiple logins
    You can also customize the display name of each authentication profile. To do this:
    1. Navigate to the Leganto Configuration > General > Customer Labels table and add a row for each authentication profile. Ensure that the Code field contains multiple.login.[profile code], and that the Description field contains the name of the profile you want to appear in the login.
      The option to add a row for customer labels.
      Add row to customer labels

      The customer labels table with the authentication profile labels.

      Customer labels table with authentication profile labels
    2. Select Customize to register the new labels. When you log in again, these labels appear:
      The option to log in using new labels.
      Multiple logins using new labels

    Configuring the Default Creative Commons Value for a Reading List

    To configure the default creative commons value for a reading list:
    Set the parameter reading_list_creative_commons_default_value (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Settings) to the creative commons code. If not set, no option is initially selected in the dropdown list. The following codes are available:
    Creative Commons Codes
    Country Code Description
    International WW_CC_BY CC BY (Attribution)
    WW_CC_BY_SA CC BY-SA (Attribution-Share Alike)
    WW_CC_BY_ND CC BY-ND (Attribution-No Derivatives)
    WW_CC_BY_NC CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial)
    WW_CC_BY_NC_SA CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike)
    WW_CC_BY_NC_ND CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives)
    AU AU_CC_BY CC BY (Attribution) AU
    AU_CC_BY_SA CC BY-SA (Attribution-Share Alike) AU
    AU_CC_BY_ND CC BY-ND (Attribution-No Derivatives) AU
    AU_CC_BY_NC CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) AU
    AU_CC_BY_NC_SA CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike) AU
    AU_CC_BY_NC_ND CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives) AU
    To configure whether instructors can edit the creative commons value in Leganto:
    Set the parameter instructor_CC_editing (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true or false.

    Disabling Reading List Subjects

    You can disable reading list subjects, if they are not relevant for your institution. When disabled, the Subjects tab does not appear on the Edit Reading List page; see Editing a Reading List.
    To disable reading list subjects:
    Configure the parameter subject_tags in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to false. The Subjects tab is removed from the Edit Reading List page and the ability to add or view subjects is removed from Leganto.

    Configuring Reading List Templates (Classic UI Only)

    An instructor can select a reading list template when creating a new reading list to pre-populate the list with sections.

    Leganto comes with a single out-of-the-box template, Blank Template, which contains no sections. A librarian (not an instructor) can save any existing reading list to create a new reading list template.

    Reading list templates are configured in Leganto:

    • To create a template: while working with a list, in the reading list main menu select Save list structure as a template and confirm.
    • To delete a template: while viewing a list of templates to attach to a new list, select the X in the template tile and confirm.

    Configuring What Happens to Deleted Lists

    You can configure whether deleted lists are purged from Alma or remain in Alma so that they can be restored. Deleted lists are similar to archived lists, but they cannot be unarchived by simply changing the status. See Managing Reading Lists.
    To configure whether deleted reading lists are saved or purged:
    Configure the parameter delete_reading_list in the customer parameters table (Configuration > Leganto > General > Settings). When set to true (default), deleted reading lists are purged from Alma. When set to logical, deleted reading lists can be restored.
    When set to logical, deleted reading lists enter the Recently Deleted lists group. Reading lists in the Recently Deleted lists group are automatically purged from the system once they have spent more than 30 consecutive days in the group. This removal is permanent and is performed by a job that runs in the background. In addition, for each reading list in the Recently Deleted lists group, an indicator tells you how many days are left before the system purges the reading list.

    Days left until deletion.

    Days left until purging

    Deleting Reading Lists and Citations

    Citations that you delete from Alma or Leganto are automatically purged and cannot be restored. Courses that you delete from Alma are deleted along with any citations and associated reading lists, and are also automatically purged and cannot be restored.

    When a citation is deleted, its usage analytics are retained even though the details belonging to that citation are deleted. For example, a reading list's total usage retains all analytics related to the deleted citation even though the citation has been deleted and cannot be viewed.

    For more information, see Reading Lists (Reading List Deleted).

    Archiving Reading Lists

    Archiving a reading list makes it inaccessible to students, and also hides it from the My Lists view for instructors. Archived lists remain indefinitely in the system, pending further action, and can be later unarchived to make them fully visible. You can archive reading lists in the following ways:
    • From an individual reading list's Edit page
    • From the Task List
    • Using the Reading List Bulk Update job

    Archiving Individual Reading Lists

    You can archive an individual reading list from its Edit Reading List page and setting its Publication Status to Archived
    Setting the publication status to archived.
    Archiving an Individual Reading List

    Archiving Reading Lists from the Task List

    You can archive multiple reading lists from the Reading Lists Task List by selecting them and setting their Publication Status to Archived.
    Archiving Multiple Reading Lists from the Task List

    Archiving Reading Lists Using the Reading List Bulk Update Job

    You can archive reading lists in bulk using the Reading List Bulk Update job and setting the Reading list publication status to Archived.
    The Archiving a Reading List.
    Archiving Reading Lists in Bulk

    Viewing Archived Reading Lists

    Instructors can view and access archived reading lists by selecting the Filter and selecting Archived.
    Instructors can view and access archived reading lists by selecting the filter icon and selecting Archived.
    Accessing Archived Lists

    Instructors can only see archived reading lists of which they are list owners.

    To view the archived reading lists in Leganto, you must set the archived_lists flag to true (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features).

    By default, the archived_lists parameter is set to false.

    Configuring the archived lists value.
    Setting the archived_lists Value

    Unarchiving Reading Lists

    You can unarchive a reading list in Leganto or from within Alma. Unarchiving a reading list puts it in Draft mode.
    To unarchive a reading list in Leganto:
    Filter the list by Archived lists, and then select Unarchive on the list you want to unarchive.
    The option to unarchive a list.
    Unarchiving a Reading List
    To unarchive a reading list from Alma:
    In the list menu for an archived list, select Unarchive.
    The option to unarchive from the list menu for an archived list.
    You must set the archived_lists flag to true to enable the unarchiving feature (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features).

    By default, the archived_lists flag is set to false.

    The option to set the archived lists value.
    Setting the archived_lists Value

    Configuring List, Section, and Citation Menus

    The following mapping tables enable you to configure which options appear in each of the associated menus. By default, all options are enabled in each table.
    If either the Enabled toggle or the Enable field are set to false/No, the action is not displayed in the list. Both options must be set to true/Yes for the action to be displayed in the list.
    The options that are enabled in the list's main menu.
    Options Enabled in List's Main Menu
    • List Menu (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > List Menu) – Configures the options that appear in the reading list's main menu.

      The list menu mapping table.

      Leganto List Menu Mapping Table
    • Section Menu (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Section Menu) – Configures the options that appear in the reading list's section menus.

      The section menu mapping table.

      Leganto Section Menu Mapping Table
    • Citation Menu (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Citation Menu) – Configures the options that appear in the reading list's citation item menus.

      The citation menu mapping table.

      Leganto Citation Menu Mapping Table

    Configuring the Student View Error Message for Canvas

    When using a learning management system (LMS) such as Canvas, some functionality provided within reading lists may not be accessible if instructors have enabled the LMS's student view. To make sure that instructors are aware of this, you can configure the following message when they access a reading list while the LMS's Student View is enabled:
    While using your learning management system’s student view, some functionality may not be supported in the reading list. Please exit the student view and then open the reading list’s student view (Reading List’s main menu > View list as a student).
    If instructors want access to a reading list's full functionality, they need to disable the LMS's student view and enable the reading list's student view.
    The option to enable the student view in Leganto.
    Enabling Student View in Leganto
    To enable the error message for Student View in Canvas:

    Edit the external app and add the following custom field: canvas_masq=$ For more details, see Add Custom Field to the External App.

    To customize the error message:

    Edit the Description and Translation fields for the new lti.user.error.studentView code that has been added to the UI Leganto Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Labels).

    Configuring the Right Panel (Classic UI Only)

    From the right panel, users can do the following:

    • Show and hide the collaborator's panel.
    • View the list advisor.
    • View a course's instructor.
    • Read student and library discussions.
    • See suggestions.
    • Watch video recommendations.

    In Alma, you can configure the collaborator's pane by setting the display_collaborators flag (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true.

    Configuring the Collaborators panel.

    Configuring the Collaborator's Panel

    The collaborator's panel is displayed in Leganto.

    The Collaborators panel.

    Collaborator's panel

    Configuring Links for Electronic Citations

    See also Managing a Citation's Attachment to an Inventory Item.

    By default, a link Check Availability appears on the reading list page for each citation. When the user selects this link, the citation details page appears in the Links & Availability section. You can configure the View Online link to appear instead of Check Availability. Selecting this link opens the first electronic version in the list of available links. This also applies to digital citations. The reason that some sites may wish to avoid this is that this link may trigger the popup blocker on some browsers. View online and Check availability links are available in the brief display only when links exist on a citation. If, for instance, you hide all digital presentations, the link is not presented.
    You can also configure what happens to the source URL with a citation added using Cite It!. By default, the source URL from Cite It! is saved and any source URL in the resource is ignored. You can instead copy the source URL from Cite It! to the Notes field, remove the source URL and replace it with the source URL from the resource (if any). This only happens if the resource is located in the repository. See Configuring Repository Locate Workflow.
    You can also configure how the location appears for an availability link.
    To enable the View Online link:
    Configure the parameter force_direct_uresolver in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true. The View Online link appears for each electronic and digital citation when viewing the reading list in Leganto. New for June! When the parameter set to false, rather than presenting the user with several links, when selecting View online, the More options button is hidden and the Full display is presented for the item.
    When you select View Online, the first available non-hidden link opens in a new tab. If all links are hidden, the citation page appears instead.
    To copy the Cite It! source URL to the Notes field and remove it:
    Configure the parameter move_source_url in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings). If you would like to have the source URL copied to the Notes field and removed as a source, set the parameter to one of the following:
    • on_locate – to move the source URL when the citation is matched to a repository item
    • resolving – to move the source URL when the citation matches to library inventory via the link resolver
    • all – both on_locate and resolving
    If you do not want to move the source URL, leave the parameter blank.
    To configure how the location appears for an availability link:
    Configure the parameter citation_availability_format in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings) to one of the following:
    • Display first available location and library.
    • Display institution name, only.
    • Display library and institution if there is only one availability option, otherwise display institution name, only.

    Configuring Repository Locate Workflow

    To configure whether a citation's information is overridden by any conflicting repository information after Alma finds a match in the repository, configure the customer parameter on_locate (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings). After a match is found: when set to overlay, Alma overrides citation information with information in the repository (if the information is missing in the repository, the information in the citation remains as is); when set to merge, Alma merges the information in the citation with the information in the repository (in other words, only missing citation information is filled in using information from the repository); when set to ignore, Alma ignores the information in the repository; when set to overlay_no_type, Alma overrides the citation information with information in the repository but the type remains as is.
    We recommend using the overlay_no_type value rather than the overlay value.
    Also see the parameters resource_locate_multiple_matches and resource_locate_multiple_matches_priority in Configuring Other Settings, citation_resource_located in Configuring Default Statuses for Citations/Reading Lists, and move_source_url above.

    Enabling Broken Link Reporting

    To remove alerts about broken links, see Removing Alerts from Citations.  For information about debugging an item's uResolver (OpenURL) link, see Debugging Citation uResolver Links.
    To enable Leganto users to report broken links:
    Set the parameter mark_as_broken in the Leganto Features table (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to links to enable Leganto users to report broken links when there is at least one available link to a resource (electronic, digital, URL, or uploaded file, but not physical). Set to all to enable Leganto users to report broken links also when there is no availability. In both cases, the ability to mark as broken does not appear when there is physical availability and no other links. Leave blank to disable the ability to mark links as broken. The Mark as Broken action appears beside resource links in Leganto.

    When the mark_as_broken (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to all, the Mark as broken link also appears when a citation only contains hidden links, so that students can report when links are missing.

    The mark as broken link even when no links appear.

    Mark as broken
    Leganto also includes the parameter mark_as_broken_comment_mandatory (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to require users to include a comment when reporting a broken link. When set to true, users must enter a comment when reporting a broken link. When set to false, comments are optional. The default for the parameter is false.
    When marking a link as broken, when the parameter mark_as_broken_file_upload (Configuration > Leganto > General > Settings) is set to true, users also have the option to include a file when reporting a broken link. The default for the parameter is true.
    Supported file types:
    • pdf
    • png
    • jpg
    • jpeg
    • img
    • gif
    • txt
    • mp3
    The maximum file size when uploading files is 50 MB. 
    The option to upload a file when reporting a broken link.
    Option to upload a file
    When a link is marked as broken, an alert is added to Alma. 
    Selecting the reporter's name opens the Leganto Broken Links Report.
    The broken link reporter user.
    The library can then view the file by downloading it from the Leganto Broken Links Report.
    The option to download the broken link attachment.
    Download broken link attachment
    To configure that email notifications are sent to Alma users :

    Configure the mark_as_broken_email_notification (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) parameter, using a comma to enter multiple entries.  If the mark_as_broken_user_notification parameter is populated, a copy of the letter is also available in the user's Attachments list.

    List of letters sent to a user in the Attachments tab.

    Attachments sent to the user

    To configure that email notifications are sent to specific email addresses (such as a generic helpdesk), configure the mark_as_broken_email_notification parameter, using a comma to enter multiple entries.

    It is possible to have email notifications sent to both specific users and specific email addresses. When either the mark_as_broken_email_notification parameter or the mark_as_broken_user_notification parameter is configured, an email is sent to that address each time a link or file is marked as broken. When multiple users report the same link as broken, a counter is added in the Alerts tab indicating how many users have marked the link as broken.

    The Leganto Link Marked As Broken Letter (enabled by default) can be customized under General > Letters > Letter Configuration.

    Notifying Users When Broken Links are Resolved

    You can send notifications to users who have reported broken links when the library staff has resolved the issue. Upon selecting Remove to remove a broken link alert in Alma, the staff member is prompted to Confirm that they do want to remove the broken link alert. Additionally, the confirmation message now includes the option to send a notification to the user about the resolved link. To send the broken link notification, keep the Notify user checkbox checked and select the relevant notification template (configured from (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Broken Link Notification Template Name)) for the fixed link. The text from the template displays in the Note to user box, and can be customized if needed. There is one out-of-the-box template which reads "We have resolved the issue. You can now access the item using the link below."

    If no template is enabled in Configuration > Leganto > Features > Broken Link Notification Template Name, the Leganto Marked As Broken Resolved Letter is sent without the Note to user text.

    Alert notification

    When the library staff member chooses Confirm, each user who reported the broken link receives the Leganto Marked As Broken Resolved Letter (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration). This letter is enabled by default.

    The default text for the Note to user per template is customized in the Note to User (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Broken Link Notification) field. Library staff can override this text when sending the user notification. 

    Changes to the Note to user text in the alert are sent in the language in which they are inputted, not the user's configured language.

    Configuring Whether Instructors Can Disable Availability Links

    You can configure whether instructors can disable links from appearing to students in the Links and Availability section for a citation. An instructor can independently disable or enable (when available):
    • Each electronic link
    • The uploaded file
    • The source URL, which is the citation's website
    • Each digital representation
    • All physical availability as a group; you cannot disable or enable specific holdings.
    To configure whether instructors can disable links from appearing to students in the Links and Availability section:
    Set the parameter instructor_manage_citation_available_link in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true or false.

    Configuring Availability for Citations Grouped in Leganto and Primo 

    Alma considers availability based on related records. Primo typically runs a DEDUP process, and so the availability of the records is often different than it is in Alma. You can configure whether Leganto uses Alma or Primo availability when displaying citations added using a Primo search scope. Citations added using the Alma search scope or using Cite It! always use Alma availability.

    If you are a Primo VE customer, you can force the physical availability request pane on the Citation page to look more closely at how it does in Primo VE.

    You can also configure whether Primo availability restrictions appear in Leganto search results when searching for items to add as citations.

    Two parameters control the availability in Leganto: 

    • related_records: If this parameter is on, and a citation has two related records grouped together in Alma (i.e. one electronic and one physical), and you added availability for one of these to a citation in Leganto, the availability for both items displays in Leganto. The availability can also come from two or more different items if they are related in Alma.

    • primo_availability_for_citations: In Alma, you may have two items, one electronic and one physical, which are not grouped together but are grouped together in Primo (as DEDUP). If the primo_availability_for_citations_added_from_primo parameter is set to true, Leganto displays the merged availability of the two items. If you have a group in Primo and the second parameter is set to false, and you add one item (i.e. electronic) from the group from Primo, it is not grouped in Leganto.

    An example of physical and electronic availabilities.

    Physical and electronic availabilities
    To configure whether record inventory related in Alma appears for a citation in Leganto:
    Set the related_records parameter to true or false (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings). When set to true, record inventory-related in Alma appears for citations in Leganto. For more information on the inventory of related records, see Configuring Related Records for Physical Inventory and Configuring Related Records for Electronic Services).
    To configure whether record inventory related in Primo appears for a citation in Leganto:
    Configure the parameter primo_availability_for_citations_added_from_primo in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings). When set to true (default), availability is considered as it is in Primo (after the DEDUP process, if configured). When set to false, availability for citations added using a Primo search scope is considered as it is in Alma (using related records, if configured).
    When both parameters are on, if an item is added from Primo, the related_records parameter is not used. Thus, if two items are related in Alma but not in Primo, and both parameters are on, if you add an item from Primo, it is not related to the other item.
    To enable Primo VE availability format:
    1. Select Enable silent login on the Primo VE User Authentication page; see Configuring the Login Links.
    2. Set the parameter primove_getit to true (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) to force the physical availability request pane on the Citation page to look more closely at how it does in Primo VE.

    To hide the Primo sign in banner and only display the Leganto sign in link:

    Configure the parameter display_primo_ve_login (Configuration > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) to false (default true) to hide the Primo VE login banner so that only the Leganto sign in option is displayed. 

    To display Primo availability restrictions in Leganto:
    Configure the parameter display_primo_restriction_label in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) to true or false. The labels (access restricted, not restricted, and so forth.) appear in Leganto.
    To hide digitization requests from Primo in Leganto:
    Configure the parameter hide_primo_digitization on the Primo Settings page (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings) to true to exclude the ability to submit a digitization request. The default setting for the parameter is false. Note that Primo VE is not supported. See Leganto Customer Settings Mapping Table Parameters.

    Configuring Display Options

    Configuring the Default Reading List Sort Order for Instructors and Students

    You can configure the default sort order of reading lists on the My Lists page for instructors and/or students.
    To configure the default reading list sort order for instructors and/or students:
    Configure the parameters default_list_sort_instructors and/or default_list_sort_students in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Settings). Possible values are:
    • list_created_ascending – Earliest created on top.
    • list_created_descending – Most recently created on top.
    • list_updated – Most recently updated on top.
    • list_name – A to Z (numbers first).
    • list_status – In order by publication status (see Reading List and Citation Statuses): Draft > All Students Restricted > Course Students > Anyone Restricted > All Students Full > Anyone Full > Anyone Restricted, All Students Full.
    • course_name – A to Z. This is the default for default_list_sort_students.
    • course_code – A to Z.
    • user (default_list_sort_instructors only) – Same as list_created_descending, but the user’s lists come first. This is the default for default_list_sort_instructors.
    To configure the sort order of citations in reading lists exported to Microsoft Word:

    Set the parameter citation_export_style_order in the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings) to list to export the citations in the same order as they appear in the list. Set the parameter to natural to export the citations in the order determined by the style definition (either citation title, citation author, or as otherwise defined for the style).

    Configuring Citation Information Appearing in Citation Lists

    You can configure how citations appear on a) the reading list page, b) My Collection/Favorites, and c) search results in Leganto in the Brief Citation Format mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Brief Citation Format). For more information about mapping tables, see Mapping Tables.

    The brief citation format mapping table.

    Brief Citation Format Mapping Table

    You can configure one or two rows for each material type. Two rows for Book, Article, and Book Chapter material types are defined by default, as well as two rows for Default material type, which is used if the citation's material type is not defined. Note you can edit the entries for Default but you cannot remove them.

    You can add, edit, and delete rows in the table, and you can disable or enable rows.

    When adding or editing a row:

    • In the Type column, select the material type.
    • In the Row column, select First or Second for the row that you are configuring. Citation information is typically split between two rows. When a user views a reading list in compact format, only the first row appears.
    • In the Fields Order column, enter the row format, using the following guidelines: 
      • Citation field. In addition to the fields in the Citation Field Code column of the Primo Mapping mapping table (see Field Mapping from Primo PNX to Leganto Citations), you can use the fields part, pmid, rlterms_callNumber, rlterms_chapter. rlterms_volumePartNumber, series_title_number, and source.
      • The format is in JSON. Each row contains an array in square brackets [].
      • Simple field format: {"n":"field_name"} is replaced by the contents of the field value, if it exists. Otherwise it is skipped. For example, {"n":"title"} might be replaced with History of the Middle Ages.
      • Prefix/suffix format: {"n": "field_name", "p": "prefix", "s": "suffix"} is replaced by the contents of the field value, prefixed by the text string in prefix and suffixed by the text string in suffix, if the value exists. If prefix or suffix is a valid label name, the label's value is used (see configuring labels in Configuring Headings and Text in Leganto). For example, {"n": "issue", "p": "(", "s": ")"} might be replaced with (22). You can define a prefix, a suffix, or both.
      • Field range format: {"fields": [{"n": "field_1"}, {"n": "field_2"}], "delimiter": "delimiter"} groups two fields together, separated by a delimiter. The delimiter is only used if both fields have value. For example, {"fields": [{"n": "start_page"}, {"n": "end_page"}], "delimiter": "-"} might be replaced with 1-10.
    • The out-of-the-box values are:
      • Book, first row: Just the book title.


      • Book, second row: Creator, Additional Person Name. Edition. Place of Publication. Publisher. Volume. Publication Date. Total Pages Total Pages.

        [{"n":"creator"},{"n":"rlterms_additionalPersonName"},{"n":"rlterms_edition"},{"n":"rlterms_placeOfPublication"},{"n":"publisher"},{"n":"volume"},{"n":"date"},{"n":"rlterms_pages", "p":"citation.brief.totalPages "}]

      • Article, first row: Just the article title.


      • Article, Second row: Creator. Additional Person Name. Journal Title. Edition. Volume(Issue). Date, Start Page-End Page.

        [{"n":"creator"},{"n":"rlterms_additionalPersonName"},{"n":"rlterms_journalTitle"},{"n":"rlterms_edition"},{"fields": [{"n": "rlterms_volumePartNumber"}, {"n": "rlterms_issue","p": "(", "s": ")" }], "delimiter": ""},{"n":"date"},{"fields": [{"n": "start_page"}, {"n": "end_page"}], "delimiter": " - "}]

      • Book Chapter, first row: Just the chapter title.


      • Book Chapter, second row: Chapter Author. In Book Title. By Creator. Additional Person Name. Edited by Editor. Edition. Place of Publication. Publisher. Date. Start Page End Page. Note that In, By, and Edited by are labels that you can configure.

        [{"n":"rlterms_chapter_author"},{"n":"title", "p":"citation.brief.bookChapter.inBook "},{"n":"creator", "p":"citation.brief.bookChapter.byCreator "},{"n":"rlterms_additionalPersonName"},{"n":"rlterms_editor", "p":"citation.brief.bookChapter.editedBy "},{"n":"rlterms_edition"},{"n":"rlterms_placeOfPublication"},{"n":"publisher"},{"n":"date"},{"fields": [{"n": "start_page"}, {"n": "end_page"}], "delimiter": " - "}]

      • Default, first row: Just the title.


      • Default, second row: Creator. Additional Person Name. Edition. Place of Publication. Publisher. Volume. Publication Date. Total Pages Total Pages. Note that Total Pages is a label.

        [{"n":"creator"},{"n":"rlterms_additionalPersonName"},{"n":"rlterms_edition"},{"n":"rlterms_placeOfPublication"},{"n":"publisher"},{"n":"volume"},{"n":"date"},{"n":"rlterms_pages", "p":"citation.brief.totalPages "}]

    • If a line containing an author field is too long, the author value is truncated and followed by ellipses (...). Note that any value (other than the title value) is truncated if the screen is too long to display the entire field.
    • The creator field is not truncated when it is part of a prefix/suffix or field range format.

    Preventing Users from Viewing Thumbnail Images

    New for August! To prevent users from viewing thumbnail images, when the parameter show_image_as_thumbnail (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to false (default), all thumbnails for manually added images are now hidden. When set to true, the default thumbnail image is displayed.

    Changes to the parameter are not applied retroactively.

    Configuring Quick Edit Options (New UI)

    Quick edit can be customized to show/hide the Hide from students checkbox, Due date or Note for Students. The parameter quick_edit_options (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) can be left blank to hide all options, set to all to display all options, or hide/date/note to display the Hide from students checkbox, Due date or Note for Students. Regardless of the parameter configuration, all options remain visible in the Full display.

    The quick edit options.

    Quick edit options

    Showing Complete Status on Brief View (New UI)

    Users can configure whether to show/hide the Complete status for items from the brief view. When the parameter complete_citation_status (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set (default blank), items with a status of Complete will have their status display in the brief view. The parameter can be configured for both librarians and instructors (all), just librarians (librarian), or just instructors (instructor). When left blank, the status is not displayed.

    The option to show the complete status for a citation on the brief view.

    Complete item

    Adding/Editing Citation Field Mappings

    You can configure which fields to include in the citation full display and the citation Add/Edit form. The fields are configured per citation type in the Citation Field Mapping Table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI). Types not configured in this table are mapped as Type Other.
    The citation field mapping table.
    Citation Field Mapping Table
    The order of the fields can be defined in the Order field, and fields can be marked as Mandatory or not.
    If you reuse a number, the order of those fields is added randomly to the form,
    Select Edit item to display the information in the Edit item form.
    The citation edit item option.
    Edit item

    The Edit item form.

    Edit citation form

    When removing a mapping from this table ensure you also remove this field from the Brief Citation Format mapping table.

    For more information, watch Leganto Add/Edit Citation Fields. (1:32 minutes).

    Citation Field Mapping

    Each field can be defined for all types.

    Citation Field Name Comment
    Additional Author  
    Additional Person Name  
    Additional Title  
    Author initials  
    Call Number  
    Chapter Author  
    Chapter Number  
    Chapter Title  
    Editor Tag  
    End Page  
    End Page2  
    Book/Journal Title When added to a Journal, it appears in the UI as a Journal Title
    LCCN Number  
    OCLC Number  
    Other Standard Id  
    Place of Publication  
    Publication Date  
    Remote record ID  
    Series Title Number  
    Start Page  
    Start Page2  
    Title* The Title is mandatory for each type. For Book Chapter, the field is called Book title.
    Volume Part Number  

    Exporting Filtered Lists from Leganto

    You can export a filtered list from Leganto showing only specific fields. Set your filters by selecting the filter icon clipboard_e55c5be17a50ce9e0d5fbc959e62ac043.png and selecting your filter(s).
    An example of a list filter.
    Filtering Lists
    Once you have made a filter selection, you can export the list using the Export list action in the List actions menu.
    The export options list.
    Exporting a Filtered Reading List
    Choose the Export to file type, how to sort the file, and which fields to export.
    The options for exporting all items or filtered items.
    Exporting All Items or Filtered Items
    For more information on exporting filtered reading lists, see Exporting a Filtered Reading List.

    Enabling Instructor Information in Leganto

    The instructors_in_leganto parameter in the Leganto Features mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) allows you to display instructor information: a list of instructors in course tooltips and a pane beside a course-related reading list (Classic UI) or in the list information (New UI) containing the course's instructors. The following options are valid:

    • authenticated – Instructor names appear only for authenticated Leganto users.

    • true – Instructor names appear for all Leganto users.

    • false – Instructor names do not appear for Leganto users.

    Instructor names can be turned on and off for each instructor; see Adding a Course.

    Enabling Reading List / Citation Analytics Information (List Analysis)

    You can configure whether to display Analytics information about reading lists and citations in Leganto. This feature is known as List Analysis. For more information on List Analysis, see Working With Reading Lists (Classic UI) and Viewing Student Usage (New UI).

    To enable Analytics information for instructors and/or students:

    Configure the parameter list_analysis in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features). When set to all, Analytics is enabled for all users. When set to instructors, Analytics is enabled for instructors (and librarians) only. When left blank, Analytics is disabled for all users.

    Configuring Digital Representation Display Options

    The following parameters in the Leganto Customer Settings mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings) enables you to control how digital representations appear in Leganto: 

    • display_digital_representations — When set to true, digital representations always appear in Leganto. When set to false (default), the action Manage Digital Representations appears for each digital citation on the Edit Reading List page. See Managing a Citation's Digital Representations.

    • display_inactive_digital_representations — When set to true (default), Leganto displays digital representations that are inactive in Alma. When set to false, Leganto only displays digital representations that are active in Alma

    • display_digital_in_collection  — When set to true (default), Leganto allows students to copy digital representations to their collection. When set to false, Leganto only allows students to view the metadata.

    Configuring PDFs to Open in a New Tab

    You can configure PDFs to open in a new tab by default by setting the pdf_use_leganto_viewer (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) parameter to true. When set to true, the PDF opens in a new tab and is downloadable. If the parameter is left blank or set to false, the PDF does not open in a new tab by default. If the parameter is set to readonly, then the PDF opens in a new tab by default but is not downloadable in the brief or full citation views.

    Creating Private Annotations

    Users can add annotations and highlights to PDFs that are embedded in citations.

    When allow_citation_public_annotation (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to true (default), a toggle appears on the Course Materials and you have the option to enable or disable Public Annotations on a per case basis. If Publication Annotations are enabled on the Course Materials, and a comment is added, the comment remains Private (default) and is only visible to the user who added the comment. If a comment is set to Public, the name of the person who wrote the comment, and the date and time of the comment are visible in the annotation menu. Public comments are searchable in the annotations menu. Each student's name appears in a different color above their comment, and instructor comments appear with an instructor icon next to their name. Instructors can delete public comments.

    If allow_citation_public_annotation is set to false, the toggle is hidden on the Course Materials.

    Private/public annotations are only copied when selecting Move item to the same list.

    Below are the rules for when private/public annotations are not copied:

    • Duplicating a list
    • Selecting Copy to my collection
    • (Classic UI only) Selecting rollover
    • Copying a section/citation to another list
    • Copying a section/citation to a current list
    • Selecting Move item to a different list
    You can create a shape without adding a comment.
    The ability to add annotation to a PDF.
    PDF Annotations
    Select an icon to apply an action to the PDF. Select the icon a second time to cancel the operation.



    Highlight text icon.

    Highlight the marked text in yellow.

    Highlighting is supported in the Private notes tab. The highlight option is disabled when working in the Class discussion tab.

    Add a comment icon.

    Add a comment.

    Add shape around marked text icon.

    Add shape around a marked text with the selected color.

    Open full screen icon.

    Open the side panel. The panel can also be opened by selecting text in the file that has a comment.

    Open full screen icon.

    Open the PDF in full screen (or a new tab).

    Open floating menu icon.

    Open a floating menu that includes highlighting and commenting. This option also allows selecting text in the PDF without using the selection icon in the menu.

    Show Hide Annotation icon. Hide/show page annotations. When annotations are on the page, click the eye icon to hide the annotations. Click the icon again to display the annotations.
    The side panel includes an option to search existing comments for public annotations. Comments can be Set as Private, edited, or deleted.
    The side panel after adding a comment and highlighting a section.
    Text with Comment and Highlighting

    Social Reading: Public Annotations on Course Materials

    Students and instructors can share their annotations with each other. When allow_citation_public_annotation (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to true (default), a toggle appears on citations with embedded PDFs, giving instructors the option to enable or disable Public Annotations on a per PDF/Citation basis.

    If allow_citation_public_annotation is set to false, the Public/Private toggle is hidden on the PDF header.

    The option to enable public annotations.

    Public Annotations Enabled

    If Public Annotations are enabled on the PDF header, the user can select whether their annotation should be public or private. The default is Private, in which case the annotation is only visible to the user who added the annotation.

    The option to add private annotations.

    Annotations - Private

    If an annotation is Set to Public, the name of the person who wrote the comment, and the date and time of the comment are visible in the annotation menu. Public comments are searchable in the annotations menu. Each student's name appears in a different color above their comment, and instructor comments appear with an instructor icon next to their name. Instructors can Set as Private, Edit, or Delete public annotations.

    The option to search or edit public annotations.

    Public Annotations

    Users can also change their own comments from Public to Private, or from Private to Public.Settings for annotations.

    Annotation Settings - Set as Private

    Additionally, Instructors can use the Edit Multiple Items tool in Leganto to enable or disable public annotations.

    Annotations are stored as a separate layer on the file, visible only in Leganto and within the context of the reading list. They will not be added to printed or downloaded versions of the file, and private/public annotations are only copied when selecting Move item to the same list. 

    Below are the rules for when private/public annotations are not copied:

    • Duplicating a list
    • Selecting Copy to my collection
    • (Classic UI only) Selecting rollover
    • Copying a section/citation to another list
    • Copying a section/citation to the current list
    • Selecting Move item to a different list

    For more information, watch Creating Private Annotations.

    Configuring Discussions in Leganto

    (Classic UI Only) To configure whether student discussions are enabled or disabled:
    • In the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features), set the parameter student_discussions to true, false, or instructor_enabled. When set to instructor_enabled, the instructor can enable or disable the student discussion for each list and its citations.
    (Classic UI Only) To configure the default header that appears in the student discussion panels:
    • To enable/disable student discussion headers in all reading lists, in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features), configure the parameter discussion_header_enabled (true/false).
    • To set the default value of the student discussion header for all reading lists, configure the parameter discussion_header_default_text (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features). Enter the text you would like as the default.
    To configure whether library discussions are enabled or disabled:
    • In the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features), set the parameter library_discussions to all or citation to enable the Library discussions tab.

    Configuring Whether Students Can "Like" Citations (Classic UI Only)

    To configure whether students can like citations:

    In the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features), configure the parameter like (true/false).

    Configuring Reading List Suggestions

    To configure who can suggest citations for reading lists:

    In the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features), configure the parameter suggestions to all or library (only librarians can suggest citations), or leave blank to disable all suggestions from users.

    Configuring the Display of Other Formats and Editions of Citations

    • This feature requires the field search:addsrcrecordid in Primo PNX. If you modify the normalization rules and have removed this field, the feature does not work.
    • This feature requires you to set primo_default_search_scope to a Primo/Primo VE search scope. For more information on this parameter, see Configuring Search Repository. If primo_default_search_scope is not set, this feature does not work.
    You can enable the display of alternate (physical) editions and alternate (electronic) formats of a citation linked to a repository resource. When enabled, the suggested alternatives appear in Leganto, and the ability to view them appears in Alma on the Edit Citations and Edit Reading List pages (see Managing Citations). Suggestions for electronic resources come from the uResolver. Suggestions for alternate physical editions come from the Primo API if FRBR is configured.
    The display of alternate physical editions is not supported for Summon customers. Alternate electronic formats are supported.
    Configure the parameter other_formats_and_editions in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features). The available options are:
    • no value - Do not display other formats or editions
    • formats - Display electronic formats
    • editions - Display other physical editions
    • all - Display formats and editions
    When this parameter is not empty, Other Formats and Editions appear as a row action on the Edit Citations and Edit Reading List pages. Select this action to view the suggested alternatives on the Other Resources page.
    To add one of the suggested resources as a new citation in the list, select Add to List in the row actions list.
    To add one of the suggested resources to the citation, select Add to Citation in the row actions list. 

    Add to Citation only merges the availability of different types such as P + E or P + D. Trying to merge two physical items, for example, results in a single physical availability.

    Configuring Whether the Total Pages of All Citations in a Section or Reading List Appears

    You can configure that the total number of pages for all citations in a reading list or section appears at the top of the reading list or section. When enabled, the total also appears on the Edit Reading List page in Alma (see Managing Citations).
    To enable page counts in Leganto (and Alma):
    Set the parameter page_count in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true.

    Configuring Copyright Expiration Warnings

    You can configure whether students see warnings in Leganto about citations whose copyrights will soon expire.
    To enable copyright expiration warnings for students:
    In the customer parameters table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Settings), set the parameter course_materials_expiration_warning to the number of days before the copyright expiration from which Leganto displays the message to students.

    Managing Bibliographic Styles

    On the Bibliographic Styles mapping table (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Bibliographic Styles) you can manage bibliographic styles that are available when Leganto users export to Microsoft Word (See Quick Cite: Export a Single Citation in a Specific Reference Format). For more information about mapping tables, see Mapping Tables.
    The bibliographic styles mapping table.
    Bibliographic Styles Mapping Table
    • You can enable and disable styles, and you can change the display name of a style. You can also delete styles.
    • You can add styles if they have a valid code. Valid codes are items ending with .csl (without the .csl) on the page For example, acm-siggraph.
      The list of citation styles.
      Citation Styles

    Hiding Incomplete Citations from Students

    By default, Leganto displays incomplete citations (which are citations that are not marked Complete), but hides the following from students:
    • The option to download a file if one exists.

    • The links of the citation if the citation requires a copyright.

    If you set the hide_uncompleted_citations parameter to true in the Leganto Features mapping table (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Leganto > Leganto Features), you can hide the entire citation if it has not been marked Complete. When set to false, the citation appears regardless of its status.
    If you set the hide_uncompleted_citations to a specific status or combined status (BeingPrepared, Complete, Declined, Inactive, InProcess, ReadyForProcessing, or a code from the Additional Reading List Citation Statuses code table), citations with those specified statuses are hidden from students.
    For example, Leganto does not display the highlighted citation to students since it has not been marked Complete:
    An example of an incomplete citation.
    Incomplete Citation in Leganto - (Instructor View)

    Configuring File Upload in Leganto

    You can configure the following:

    The following are supported file types for uploads:

    • application/pdf
    • image/png
    • image/jpeg
    • image/jpeg
    • image/png
    • image/gif
    • text/plain
    • audio/mpeg
    • audio/ogg
    • video/mp4
    • video/webm
    • audio/wav
    • application/x-navistyle

    Configuring Whether Instructors Can Upload Files that Contain Reading Lists

    When coming from a CMS, instructors are presented with a special course-directed login page. When enabled, instructors are offered the option of uploading a file containing all of their reading list information so that librarians can create the reading lists for them. This file is not processed in any way by Leganto; it is simply sent to the librarians. It is assumed that this file is a manually created text, PDF, or Word document of some kind.
    To configure whether instructors can upload a reading list file on the course-directed welcome page:
    Set the parameter cms_entry_actions to all or include the value file (Configuration Menu > Leganto > LTI > Settings). This parameter accepts multiple values, separated by commas. The option to upload a reading list file appears on the course-directed welcome page. If set to any other value or left empty, the option to upload a reading list file does not appear on this page.

    Configuring File Upload for My Collection/Favorites or as Citations

    You can configure the maximum size for any file uploads (including course reading material or My Collection/Favorites items) by instructors or students. You can also configure whether the instructor can delete the file after uploading it.
    To configure the maximum size for uploaded files (including thumbnails) for items/citations:
    Configure the parameters max_file_size_allowed_cms_entry_MB, max_file_size_allowed_faculty_MB, and max_file_size_allowed_students_MB (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings). If left empty, the default for instructors (faculty) is 50 MB. The default for students is 2 MB. Enter 0 to disable uploading for the relevant user type. When set to 0, file upload is disabled for the user type.
    You can configure the copyright options presented to an instructor when the instructor uploads a file while creating a citation.
    To configure copyright status options when uploading files as citations:
    Add or edit the rows in the File Upload Copyright Options mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > File Upload Copyright Options).
    You can also set the order of copyright options and enable the default setting for the File Upload Copyright Options (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > File Upload Copyright Options).

    The option to order the File Upload Copyright Options order.

    Set the File Upload Copyright Options order and default
    For more information about mapping tables, see Mapping Tables; however, note that this mapping table behaves differently than most mapping tables, as described in the note, below.
    The options are presented to the instructor after the instructor uploads a file while manually creating a citation. For each option, you can manually select the copyright status to which the option maps:
    • Approved
    • Declined
    • Fair Use
    • Not Determined
    • Not Required
    • Required
    • Self Declared
    • Waiting for Approval
    • Waiting for CC
    The copyright statuses cannot be configured. For more information on these statuses, see Managing a Citation's Copyright Status.
    The labels that appear in the UI can be translated using the Customer Labels code table, as explained here.
    • The toggle switch in the Enabled column on this page does not enable or disable the row. Instead, enable the row that you would like to be the default selected value in Leganto and disable all other rows. If you do not enable any rows, the first row is the default selected option (Classic UI) or no default is selected (New UI). If you enable more than one row, one of these rows (essentially a random one) is the default selected option.
    • The parameter citation_uploaded_file must have a value for this table to have any effect. See Configuring Default Statuses for Citations/Reading Lists. If no value is assigned to citation_uploaded_file, the options in this table do not appear in Leganto.
    • Alma only assigns the status defined in citation_uploaded_file to a citation if (in Leganto) the instructor selects an option from this table with a value of Self Declared or Fair Use. If the instructor selects an option with any other value, the value in citation_uploaded_file is not assigned to the citation.
    To configure whether instructors can delete files after they were uploaded:

    Configure the parameter instructor_remove_file (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to true (enable instructors to delete uploaded files) or false.

    Configuring Sections Behavior

    You can configure the following for sections:
    • Whether sections are expanded or collapsed by default when opening the reading list.

    • (Classic UI only) Whether opening Leganto using a section link, the other sections are collapsed or the relevant section is pre-selected using a filter. This applies whether you arrive using an LTI link or a shareable link.

    • (Classic UI only) Enable Leganto users to view reading lists in compact format. When enabled, users can toggle between standard and compact view.

    • (Classic UI only) Where newly created sections appear (top or bottom of reading list).

    To configure whether sections are collapsed or expanded by default:
    Set the parameter sections_collapsed in the customer parameters table (Configuration > Leganto > UI > Settings) to true or false. If there is only one section, it will appear expanded, regardless of the setting of this parameter.
    (Classic UI Only) To configure whether, when opening Leganto using a section link, the other sections are collapsed or the relevant section is pre-selected using a filter:
    Set the parameter on_section_shareable link_use_filter in the customer parameters table to true or false.
    (Classic UI Only) To configure whether compact view is enabled:
    Set the parameter list_compact_view in the customer parameters table to true. When enabled, compact view is the default view.
    (Classic UI Only) To configure where newly created sections appear in a reading list:
    Configure the parameter new_section_last in the customer parameters table. When set to false (default), new sections appear at the top of the reading list. When set to true, new sections appear at the bottom of the list. Note that new sections created by duplicating a section always appear directly below the duplicated section.

    Configuring Find Lists Settings (Classic UI Only)

    For the new UI, see Searching Lists and Items.

    The Find List Settings mapping table (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Find List Settings) enables you to configure the search fields in Find Lists.

    From this page, you can configure the following:

    • Enable/disable a search field.

    • Specify whether a search field will appear on the advanced Find Lists page or on both the simple and advanced Find Lists pages

    • Specify a default value for a search field.

    • Add another search field. Select Add Row.

    To configure a search field:

    For each mapping row (which defines each search field in Find Lists), specify the following fields:

    • Enabled – Select this option to enable a search field in Find Lists.

    • Name – Specify the name for one or more of the following search fields:

      • course_status

      • academic_department

      • subject

      • publication

      • list_title

      • course_code

      • course_title

      • course_instructors

      • description

      • course_year

      • course_term

      • parent_reading_list

    • Type – Specify a search type: Simple (fields appear in both simple and advanced searches) or Advanced (fields appear in advanced searches only).

    • Default – (optional) Specify the default status for the search field. For search fields other than the following fields, you can specify a free-text value:

      • course_status – Select active or inactive.

      • academic department – Select all or a code from the (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > Academic Departments).

      • subject – Select all or a code from the (Configuration > Fulfillment > Courses > List Subjects or Additional List Subjects).

      • publication – Select published or draft.

    Customizing the Leganto Login Page

    The UI Leganto Labels page (Configuration Menu > Leganto >  General > Labels) enables you to configure the labels on the Leganto login page, including a title. To customize the login page, modify the following codes:

    • login.description – If not left blank, this code displays text above the login fields.

    • login.error.message – Upon login failure, the following message appears: Invalid UserID and/or Password. Please re-enter

    • login.useridUser Name

    • login.passwordPassword

    A customized login page.

    Login Page - Label Customization

    Customizing the Leganto Login Error Page

    In some cases, Leganto displays an error page and message when users fail to sign in to Leganto.

    The default title and message on the Leganto login error page.

    Leganto Login Error Page - Default Title and Message

    The UI Leganto Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Labels) enables you to configure separate messages for the following error scenarios:

    1. For users who have signed in via SAML and do not exist in Alma, configure the following codes:

      • – Defines the title of the error page for this scenario.

      • – Defines the error message displayed on this error page.

    2. For Alma users who have not been assigned either a Patron or Instructor role, configure the following codes:

      • – Defines the title of the error page for this scenario.

      • – Defines the error message displayed on this error page.

    Adding Indentation to Sections in Reading Lists (Classic UI Only)

    Leganto allows you to add indentation to reading list sections (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) to show up to four hierarchical levels within reading lists. You can do this by setting the display_section_indentation parameter value to true.
    The section indentation parameter key.
    Section Indentation Parameter Key
    To add indentation to a section:
    1. Open the reading list.

    2. Select the Toggle Section View icon clipboard_ee379574b06cefc3474342fe8b17871e6.png to collapse the sections.

      A collapsed section view.
      Collapsed section view
    3. Select the right/left arrows to add/remove the section's indentation.

      A reading list with indentations example.
      Reading List with Indentation

    Configuring Citation Default Thumbnails

    You can use URLs for default thumbnails (those that do not come from Syndetics). This is configured in Citation Default Thumbnails (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Citation default thumbnails).   

    The citation default thumbnails configuration.

    Citation Default Thumbnails

    Select the citation type and enter the Thumbnail URL to be used as the new default thumbnail.  The supported size is 100 width * 160 height.

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