- Electronic Collection List - Drill down to Portfolio list in each electronic collection
- Number of portfolio per classification (Dewey, LC)
- For information on how to use Analytics to find duplicate titles with both physical and electronic inventory, see Overlap Analysis and Physical Item Usage for Weeding (Deselection) in Alma Analytics.
Field Descriptions

Field | Description | Field Location in Alma | Additional Information | Data Type | Data Size |
No. of Available Portfolios | The number of available portfolios | ||||
No. of Portfolios (Deleted + In Repository) | The number of portfolios in the repository plus the number of deleted portfolios | Used together with the Lifecycle field | |||
No. of Portfolios (Deleted) | The number of deleted portfolios in the repository | Used together with the Lifecycle field | |||
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Contributed to CZ) | The number of portfolios in the repository contributed to the Community Zone | ||||
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Linked to CZ) | The number of portfolios that are linked to the Community Zone | ||||
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Not Linked to CZ) | The number of portfolios that are not linked to the Community Zone | ||||
No. of Portfolios (In Repository) | The number of portfolios in the repository | Used together with the Lifecycle field | |||
No. of Unavailable Portfolios | The number of unavailable portfolios | ||||
Active from date | First day of activation | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, below (Activation Date). | |||
Active to date | Last day of activation | ||||
Availability | Indicates whether the portfolio is Active or Inactive | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, below. | |||
Available For Group | The group codes available for the specific collection, service, or portfolio. | ||||
Available For Group Members | The members of the groups in the Available For Groups field. | ||||
Available For Resource Type | The resource type for which the "Available For" feature is configured. | Possible values are: Electronic Collection, Electronic Portfolio, and Service | |||
Available From Date | The date from which the portfolio is available | ||||
Available Until Date | The date until which the portfolio is available | ||||
Coverage Information Combined | The effective combined coverage information | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Coverage Information Tab, below. | |||
Coverage Statement | The coverage statement type. | Possible values are:
For more information concerning the coverage statement, see Managing Electronic Resource Activation.
Creator | The user who created the Portfolio | ||||
Embargo Months | Provides a moving wall of availability. Month in the format of MM | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Coverage Information Tab, below. | |||
Embargo Operator | Provides a moving wall of availability. The Operator can be >, <, or = | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Coverage Information Tab, below. | |||
Embargo Years | Provides a moving wall of availability. Year in the format of YYYY | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, below. | |||
Expected Activation Date | expected date of the portfolio activation | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, below. | |||
IEE | The intellectual entity number for electronic items. | You can use this identifier to reconcile Analytics data, which has only MMS IDs, with the number from record IDs supplied to Primo from Alma. You can then pass the results to a reading list system in order to make relegation and capacity decisions. This number is essential for reports on Fulfillment activity where this number is the only common ID between the two systems. | |||
Is Free | Indicates whether the portfolio is supplied for free | ||||
LC Classification Code | the letters of the LC class number of the item that is loaned such as BF or QA | ||||
LC Classification Number | the numbers that follow the classification letters until the first period that is followed by a letter | ||||
Lifecycle | The lifecycle of the portfolio | ||||
Managed by Provider | Indicates if the electronic resource is managed by the provider | ||||
Material Type | The material type of the portfolio. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, below. | |||
Modification Date | The date information was updated in the portfolio | ||||
Modified By | User name that modified the portfolio | ||||
PDA Code | The code of the PDA entry | ||||
PDA Name | The name of the PDA entry | ||||
Perpetual Coverage Information Combined | All perpetual embargo date, volume, and issue information | ||||
Perpetual Embargo Months | The months of the perpetual embargo | ||||
Perpetual Embargo Operator | The operator of the perpetual embargo | ||||
Perpetual Embargo Years | The years of the perpetual embargo | ||||
Portfolio Access Type | The access type of the portfolio | For more information, see Access type (Portfolio). | |||
Portfolio Additional PO Lines | The additional PO Lines of the portfolio | ||||
Portfolio Authentication Note | The authentication note of the portfolio. | For future use. | |||
Portfolio Auto Active | Indicates if the option to automatically activate new portfolios when they are added to a service is configured. | For more information, see Managing Electronic Resources. | |||
Portfolio Contributed to CZ | Indicates if portfolios were contributed to the Community Zone | ||||
Portfolio COUNTER Platform | The platform of the portfolio | ||||
New for March! Portfolio General Note |
The general notes of the portfolio | [Search for portfolio] > Edit Portfolio > Notes Tab > General Notes Section | If there are multiple notes, they are concatenated with the newest note first, separated by a semi-colon. Only the first 1330 characters of each note is displayed, with a maximum length of 4000 characters for the whole field.
The portfolio must be saved for the General Note to appear in Analytics. If the portfolio is not saved, the General Note appears in Alma, but not in Analytics. |
VARCHAR | 4000 |
Portfolio Id | Id of the portfolio | ||||
Portfolio Internal Description | The internal description of the portfolio. | For future use. | |||
Portfolio Link Id | For portfolios activated from the Community Zone - Id of the Portfolio in the Community Zone | ||||
Portfolio linked to CZ | Indicates if portfolios are linked to the Community Zone | ||||
Portfolio Public Note | The public note of the portfolio. | For future use. | |||
PPS Link Id | For portfolios activated from the Community Zone - Id of the PPS in the Community Zone | ||||
Provider Name | The name of the provider | ||||
Purchase Model | The purchase model of the collection | This field contains information on the collection for both single institutions and multi-institution implementations. Possible values:
Public Access Model | The patron facing access model, which is presented to the patron in the discovery system. | For more information on Access Models in Alma, see Managing Access Models. |

Portfolio Activation Date
- Calendar Fields – These are date fields as they display in the calendar.
- Fiscal Date Fields – These are date fields that match the institution's fiscal period.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Portfolio Activation Date | Stores the portfolio activation date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Portfolio Activation Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Portfolio Activation Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Portfolio Activation Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Portfolio Activation Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Portfolio Activation Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Portfolio Activation Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Portfolio Activation Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Portfolio Activation Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Portfolio Activation Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Portfolio Activation Date Filter (under construction) | Used to filter the portfolio activation date.
The functionality of this field may change in the future, so this field should not be used for saved reports.
Portfolio Activation Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 | |
Portfolio Activation Date | Stores the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific portfolio activation date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
Portfolio Creation Date
- Calendar Fields – These are date fields as they display in the calendar.
- Fiscal Date Fields – These are date fields that match the institution's fiscal period.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Portfolio Creation Date | Stores the portfolio creation date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Portfolio Creation Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Portfolio Creation Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Portfolio Creation Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Portfolio Creation Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Portfolio Creation Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Portfolio Creation Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Portfolio Creation Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Portfolio Creation Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Portfolio Creation Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Portfolio Creation Date Filter (under construction) | Used to filter the portfolio creation date.
The functionality of this field may change in the future, so this field should not be used for saved reports.
Portfolio Creation Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 | |
Portfolio Creation Date | Stores the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific portfolio creation date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
Portfolio Modification Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Portfolio Modification Date | The modification date of the portfolio (either in the Alma UI or by running a job) | |
Portfolio Modification Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Portfolio Modification Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Portfolio Modification Month Key | The modification month of the portfolio number format such as 2 for February | |
Portfolio Modification Month | The modification month of the portfolio such as February | |
Portfolio Modification Full Month | The modification month and the year of the portfolio a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Portfolio Modification Quarter | The modification quarter of the portfolio | |
Portfolio Modification Year | The modification year of the portfolio | |
Portfolio Modification Fiscal Month Key | The modification fiscal month of the portfolio number format such as 2 for February | |
Portfolio Modification Fiscal Year | The modification fiscal year of the portfolio | |
Portfolio Modification Date Filter | Modification date filters of the portfolio | |
Portfolio Modification Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 | |
Portfolio Modification Date | Stores the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific portfolio modification date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
Portfolio Library Unit
Portfolio License
Field | Description | Additional Information |
License Code | Code of the license | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Creation Date | The date the license was created | |
License Creator Namr | The user who created the license | |
License Begins | The date on which the license becomes active | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Ends | The date on which the license become inactive | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License ID | The ID of the license | |
License URI | The Uniform Resource Identifier of the license | |
License Parent ID | For Amendments - ID of the base license | |
License Signed On | The date on which the license was signed | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Storage Location | The physical location of the license | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Signed By | The user that approved the license | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Second Party Signed On | The date the second party signed on the license | |
License Second Party Signed By | The second party that approved the license | |
License Note | The note of the license | |
Licensor ID | ID of the vendor associated with the license. | See the field location in Alma in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License URI | The Uniform Resource Identifier of the license | |
License Modification Date | The date information in the license has been updated | |
License Modifier Name | The user name that updated license information | |
License Name | The name of the license | See the field location in Alma in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Originating Licensor Key | The originating licensor key | |
License Originating Parent Code | For amendments - the code of the base license | |
License Review Status | The status of the license review, such as Accepted, In review, Pending, and Rejected | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Status | The status of the license such as Active, Deleted, and Draft. | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Type | The type of record, such as License, Amendment, and Template. |

Portfolio PO Line
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Access Model | The internal access model of the portfolio | |
Acquisition Method | Stores the method by which the PO Line is acquired with the default value set as Purchase. This value may affect when the PO Line is sent. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Acquisition Method Description | The description of the acquisition method | |
Additional Order Reference | An additional identifier for the PO line | |
Application | Used for identifying migrated lines | |
Assigned To | Stores the user that is assigned to the order | |
Associated PO Line | The target PO line | |
Association Type | The type of association between PO lines, such as defined by user or by a process or job. | |
Cancellation Reason | Stores the reason that a PO line is canceled and displays only on canceled lines. Values are in the code table POLineCancellationReasons | |
Cancellation Restriction | Indicates if a cancellation restriction note, containing a warning upon the cancellation of a PO line, is configured to be displayed. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Cancellation Restriction Note | The warning to be displayed when canceling a PO line. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
CKB ID | Stores a reference to the electronic collection PID for electronic PO lines | |
Claiming Date | The number of days from the expected receipt/activation date to the date on which the PO line is sent to the claims task list | The default value is taken from the Claiming grace period field on the Vendor Account Details. |
Currency | The currency of the transaction. | |
Discount | The discount amount. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
ERP Number | The ERP number of the purchase order | Used by customers that want the purchase order to be approved by an ERP system before it is sent to the vendor |
Expected Activation Date | Stores the expected date for the resource activation by vendor for electronic PO lines | |
Expected Activation Interval | For electronic PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect electronic orders to be activated | |
Expected Receipt after Ordering Interval | For physical PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect physical orders to be received | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Expected Receiving Date | Stores the expected date for physical items to be received from the vendor for physical PO lines | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Interested Users | Displays the interested users for the PO line. in case more than one user is added to the PO line, values are concatenated | List of interested user in Alma is displayed in the interested users tab of the PO line. Note that in order to search for a specific user, you should use the contain filter in order to find also cases that more than 1 user was added to the PO. |
Invoice Status | The status of the invoice | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Is Claimed | Flags the PO Line if there is an open claim to the vendor. A PO line is claimed if the items were not received. | |
Item Description | Description of the item | The description entered for the PO line. Note that this field is not taken from the bibliographic details. It is useful when no item is related to the PO line. See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Latest Receiving Date | The last date the material was received | |
License ID | Stores the ID of the license of the PO line that is relevant for electronic PO lines | |
List Price | The list price for a single copy of the item | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Manual Renewal | Stores an indication that the PO line is renewed manually or automatically | |
Material Supplier | The vendor supplying the material being ordered | The material supplier field as displayed in Alma PO line page. This is a concatenation of: name (code)/account description (account code). |
Material Type | The material type of the PO line of the portfolio | |
Net Price | A calculation of the total price for the PO line based on the list price per copy, the discount, and the number of copies ordered | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
No Charge | Indicates if the No Charge checkbox on the PO Line Details page was selected, which is done for titles that were marked for purchase following a process of DDA/PDA, but are open access free-of-charge titles. | |
Note To Vendor | Notes to the vendor. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Order Line Type | The order line type as it appears in the order in Alma | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Order Line Type Code | A short code for the Order line type | |
PDA Code | The code of the PDA entry | |
PDA Name | The name of the PDA entry | |
PO Approval Date | The date the PO was approved | |
PO Approval Date and Time | The date and time that the PO was approved. | |
PO Creation Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO creation date | |
PO Creator | Stores the user name that created the PO | |
PO Line Binding During Receiving | Indicates that the PO line is marked for binding during receiving | |
PO Line Creation Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO line creation date. | |
PO Line Creator | Stores the user name that created the PO line | |
PO Line Identifier | The identifier of the PO line | |
PO Line Label | The labels assigned to the PO line | This is a repeatable field in Alma, which is concatenated in analytics. It is free-text field, configured by the user. For more information, see Managing Labels in the Details Pane. |
PO Line Manual Packaging | Indicates if the PO line was manually packaged into a PO | |
PO Line Modification Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO line modification date | |
PO Line Modified By | Stores the user name that modified the PO line | |
PO Line Notes | The notes on the PO line | Multiple notes are separated by a semicolon |
PO Line Owner Library Code | The code of the PO line owner library | |
PO Line Owner Library Name | The name of the PO line owner library | |
PO Line Reference | Stores the business identifier of the PO line | This is the POL number in Alma. See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
PO Line Routing During Receiving | Indicates that the PO line is marked for routing during receiving | |
PO Line Title | The title of the PO line | |
PO Line Vendor Title Number | The number of the PO line vendor title | |
PO Modification Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO modification date | |
PO Modified By | Stores the user name that modified the PO | |
PO Number | Stores the business identifier of the PO related to the PO line. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Quantity for Pricing | The number of items to be paid for. | The quantity for pricing and the number of items to create may be different in a case of discounted pricing through a deal such as "buy two items and get a third item at no additional charge." See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Receiving Date (Latest in POL) | This field allows you to retrieve the latest receiving date for an item in a PO line. | This is useful, since a PO line can have several items and each of the items may have a different receiving date |
Receiving/Activation Note | Text enabling the Purchasing Operator to indicate to the Receiving Operator the intended location of serial order items in which no inventory items are created. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Receiving Status | Stores an indication of whether or not all physical items were received | |
Reclaim Interval (Days) | The interval number of days that Alma will send reclaim letters after the initial claim letter is sent. | |
Renewal Cycle | Stores the cycle for the autorenewal job for continuous orders. For example, if it is set to one year, the PO line is renewed in one year. | Defined in the RenewalCycle code table. |
Renewal Date | Stores the date of the PO line’s next renewal for continuous orders | |
Renewal Note | Stores the note of the PO line renewal for continuous orders | |
Renewal Reminder Period | Determines how many days before renewal is mail regarding that renewal sent | |
Reporting Code - 1-5 | Five fields that store the reporting codes. | See the field location in Alma on the PO Line Summary Page below. |
Reporting Code Description -1-5 | Five fields that store the description of the 5 reporting code fields | |
Rush | Indicates whether the PO line is to be rushed. | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Sent Date | Stores the date that the PO/ PO line is sent to the vendor | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Ship to Address ID | Stores the library shipping address that should be used by the vendor | |
Shipped To Address City | The shipped to city. | |
Shipped To Address Country | The shipped to country. | |
Shipped To Address Line 1-5 | The shipped to address lines. | |
Shipping Method | Stores the method for the vendor to ship the order | Per the values in Shipping Method code table defined in the acquisition configuration menu |
Source ID | Stores the source file ID used for the EOD lines | |
Source Type | Stores the source from which the PO line originated. Values for example: EOD, Manual, Migration, and so forth | |
Status | Stores the business status of the PO line as Active, Canceled, or Closed
There are a number of sub-statuses included in the business status Active. For example: Waiting for Invoice, Waiting for Manual Renewal, Waiting for Renewal, Under Evaluation, Sent, In Review, Ready to Be Sent, Waiting for Packaging, and Manual Packaging
See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Status (Active) | Indicates the sub-status of the Status field. For example: Waiting for Invoice, Waiting for Manual Renewal, Recurring Renewal, Under Evaluation, Sent, In Review, Ready to Be Sent, Waiting for Packaging, and Manual Packaging | |
Subscription From Date | Stores the date for the beginning of a subscription for continuous orders | |
Subscription To Date | Stores the date for the end of a subscription for continuous orders | |
Vendor Access Provider | The vendor that provides access | |
Vendor Account Code | The vendor description as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions | |
Vendor Account Description | The vendor description as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions. | |
Vendor Code | The vendor code as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. | |
Vendor Contact Person ID | Stores the related vendor contact person ID | |
Vendor Name | The vendor name as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. | |
Vendor Reference Number | Store the reference number for the PO line in Alma, as provided by the vendor. Serves as a matching point for identifying a PO line in Alma | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
Vendor Reference Number Type | Stores the type of the reference number | See the field location in Alma in PO Line Summary Page below. |
- The PO line status is not currently mapped to analytics and will be added in a future release.

Portfolio PO Line Approver
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Birth Date | The birth date | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Campus Code | The campus code | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Cataloger Level | The cataloger level of the user | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Creation Date | The creation date | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Creator | The creator | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Expiry Date | The expiry date | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver External ID | The external ID | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver First Name | The first name | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Full Name | The full name | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Gender | The gender | |
Portfolio POL Approver Has Role Other Than Patron | indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Has Role Other Than Patron and Instructor | Indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron and Instructor | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Identifier 1-2 | Identifiers 1-2 | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Is Blocked | Indicates if the patron is blocked | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Job Category | The job category | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Job Description | The job description | |
User – Portfolio POL Approver Linked From Other Institution | Indicates if the user is linked from another institution | Possible values:
Portfolio PO Line Approver Last Name | The last name | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Last Activity Date | The last date that a patron made a request or borrowed or returned an item | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Patron Letters Opt In | The letters for which the patron has opted in | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Patron Letters Opt Out | The letters for which the patron has opted out | |
User – Portfolio PO Line Approver Linked from Institution Code | The linked from institution code | |
User – Portfolio PO Line Approver Linked from Institution Name | The linked from institution name | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Linked to Other Institution | Indicates if the user accessed Primo/Alma for services in another institution. Note that this does not necessarily indicate that the services were actually supplied or that a linked account was created. | Possible values:
Portfolio PO Line Approver Middle Name | The middle name | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Modification Date | The modification date | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Modified By | The user that modified | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Preferred Language | The preferred language | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Primary Identifier | The primary identifier | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Purge Date | The purge date | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Resource Sharing Library | The resource sharing library | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Resource Sharing Library Code | The resource sharing library code | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Statistical Category 01-10 | Statistical categories 01-10 | These fields allow you to map ten statistical categories. This allows you to filter reports based on advanced user information typically stored in the statistical category fields. For more information, see Configuring Statistical Categories for Analytics. |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Status | The status | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver Status Date | The status date | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver User Group | The user group | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver User Group Code | The user group code | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver User ID | The user ID | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver User Record Type | The user record type | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver User Title | The user title | |
Portfolio PO Line Approver User Type | The user type |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Date | Stores the date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Start Of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Date Filter | Used to filter report results by date. | |
Portfolio PO Line Creation Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Portfolio URL Information
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Portfolio Parser Parameters | The linking/access information for this portfolio | |
Portfolio Parser Parameters (override) | The parser parameters to override the electronic collection parser parameters | |
Portfolio URL Type | The type of URL that is used for this portfolio | Possible Values:
Portfolio URL Type (override) | The URL type that overrides the Portfolio URL Type | Possible Values:
Portfolio URL | The URL for accessing the portfolio. | Only static URLs appears in this field, not those generated by a parser. |
Portfolio Static URL | A URL that overrides the linking URL | |
Portfolio Static URL (override) | A URL that overrides the Portfolio Static URL | |
Portfolio Dynamic URL | A list of IF conditions that determine the service’s linking URL | |
Portfolio Dynamic URL (override) | A URL that overrides the Portfolio Dynamic URL | |
Portfolio Proxy Enabled | Whether a proxy is enabled | |
Portfolio Proxy Selected | The proxy profile |
Portfolio Details for Consortia Members
- If you are working with a Network Zone and want to see information for your institution and your Network Zone, work only with the Portfolio Details for Consortia folder. If you want information for your institution only, you can work with the other measurements, but make sure to filter according to your institution. Otherwise, some measurements will be institution only-related and others will be related both to the Network Zone and to your individual institution.
- For more information on analytics when using a Network Zone, see Analytics When Using a Network Zone.
Field | Description | Field Location in Alma | Additional Information | Data Type | Data Size |
No. of Available Portfolios | The number of available portfolios | ||||
No. of Portfolios (Deleted + In Repository) | The number of portfolios in the repository plus the number of deleted portfolios | Used together with the Lifecycle field | |||
No. of Portfolios (Deleted) | The number of deleted portfolios in the repository | Used together with the Lifecycle field | |||
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Contributed to CZ) | The number of portfolios in the repository contributed to the Community Zone | ||||
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Linked to CZ) | The number of portfolios that are linked to the Community Zone | ||||
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Not Linked to CZ) | The number of portfolios that are not linked to the Community Zone | ||||
No. of Portfolios (In Repository) | The number of portfolios in the repository | Used together with the Lifecycle field | |||
No. of Unavailable Portfolios | The number of unavailable portfolios | ||||
Activation Date | The activation date | ||||
Active from date | First day of activation | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, above (Activation Date). | |||
Active to date | Last day of activation | ||||
Availability | Indicates whether the portfolio is Active or Inactive | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, above. | |||
Available For Group | The group codes available for the specific collection, service, or portfolio. | ||||
Available For Group Members | The members of the groups in the Available For Groups field. | ||||
Available For Resource Type | The resource type that is available to the member institution. | ||||
Available for My Institution | Indicates (yes/no) if a portfolio is available for your institution. | ||||
Available From Date | The date from which the portfolio is available | ||||
Available Until Date | The date until which the portfolio is available | ||||
Coverage Information Combined | The effective combined coverage information | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Coverage Information Tab, below. | |||
Coverage Statement | The coverage statement type. | Possible values are:
For more information concerning the coverage statement, see Managing Electronic Resource Activation.
Creation Date | The creation date | ||||
Creator | The user who created the Portfolio | ||||
Dewey Number | The Dewey number | ||||
Embargo Months | Provides a moving wall of availability. Month in the format of MM | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Coverage Information Tab, above. | |||
Embargo Operator | Provides a moving wall of availability. The Operator can be >, <, or = | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Coverage Information Tab, above. | |||
Embargo Years | Provides a moving wall of availability. Year in the format of YYYY | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, above. | |||
Expected Activation Date | expected date of the portfolio activation | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Portfolio Editor – Portfolio Information Tab, above. | |||
IEE | The IE number for electronic items. | You can use this identifier to reconcile Analytics data, which has only MMS IDs, with the number from record IDs supplied to Primo from Alma. You can then pass the results to a reading list system in order to make relegation and capacity decisions. This number is essential for reports on Fulfillment activity where this number is the only common ID between the two systems. | |||
Interface Name | The name of the interface | ||||
Is Free | Indicates whether the portfolio is supplied for free | ||||
LC Classification Code | the letters of the LC class number of the item that is loaned such as BF or QA | ||||
LC Classification Number | the numbers that follow the classification letters until the first period that is followed by a letter | ||||
Lifecycle | The lifecycle of the portfolio | This field allows you to filter reports by Active/Deleted items. | |||
Managed by Provider | Indicates if the electronic resource is managed by the provider | ||||
Modification Date | The date information was updated in the portfolio | ||||
Modified By | User name that modified the portfolio | ||||
PDA Code | The code of the PDA entry | ||||
PDA Name | The name of the PDA entry | ||||
Perpetual Coverage Information Combined | All perpetual embargo date, volume, and issue information | ||||
Perpetual Embargo Months | The months of the perpetual embargo | ||||
Perpetual Embargo Operator | The operator of the perpetual embargo | ||||
Perpetual Embargo Years | The years of the perpetual embargo | ||||
Portfolio Access Type | The access type of the portfolio | For more information, see Access type (Portfolio). | |||
Portfolio Additional PO Lines | The additional PO Lines of the portfolio | ||||
Portfolio Authentication Note | The authentication note of the portfolio. | For future use. | |||
Portfolio Auto Active | Indicates if the option to automatically activate new portfolios when they are added to a service is configured. | For more information, see Managing Electronic Resources. | |||
Portfolio Contributed to CZ | Indicates if portfolios were contributed to the Community Zone | ||||
Portfolio COUNTER Platform | The platform of the portfolio | ||||
New for March! Portfolio General Note |
The general notes of the portfolio | [Search for portfolio] > Edit Portfolio > Notes Tab > General Notes Section | If there are multiple notes, they are concatenated with the newest note first, separated by a semi-colon. Only the first 1330 characters of each note is displayed, with a maximum length of 4000 characters for the whole field.
The portfolio must be saved for the General Note to appear in Analytics. If the portfolio is not saved, the General Note appears in Alma, but not in Analytics. |
VARCHAR | 4000 |
Portfolio Id | Id of the portfolio | ||||
Portfolio Internal Description | The internal description of the portfolio. | For future use. | |||
Portfolio License ID | The ID of the portfolio license | ||||
Portfolio Link Id | For portfolios activated from the Community Zone - Id of the Portfolio in the Community Zone | ||||
Portfolio linked to CZ | Indicates if portfolios are linked to the Community Zone | ||||
Portfolio Material Type Code | The code of the portfolio’s bibliographic material type. | Possible values:
Portfolio Material Type Description | The material type of the portfolio. | ||||
Portfolio PO Line Reference | The reference number of the PO line of the portfolio | ||||
Portfolio Public Note | The public note of the portfolio. | ||||
PPS Link Id | For portfolios activated from the Community Zone, the ID of the PPS in the Community Zone | ||||
Provider Name | The name of the provider | ||||
Purchase Model | The purchase model | This field contains information for both single institutions and multi-institution implementations. Possible values:
Public Access Model | The patron facing access model, which is presented to the patron in the discovery system. | For more information on Access Models in Alma, see Managing Access Models. | |||
Service Type | The service type |
Field | Note |
Mapping from MARC21 |
Mapping from UNIMARC |
Mapping from Dublin Core |
Data Type | Data Size |
Author | The term Author refers to the individual or group of individuals responsible for creating or producing the work being documented. The author is the primary contributor to the work, and their name is typically listed prominently in the bibliographic record to identify the originator of the content. Depending on the type of work and the citation style, the author's name may be followed by additional information such as their credentials, institutional affiliation, and the date of publication. | 100,110,111 | 700,701,710,711 | Currently empty, planned to come from dc:creator, dcterms:creators | VARCHAR | 4000 |
ISBN Valid | A unique identifier for books and related materials. To be considered valid, an ISBN must adhere to the established ISBN standards and conventions.
Here are some key points to ensure the validity of an ISBN:
MARC 020 a | Not relevant for Dublin Core | VARCHAR | 255 | |
ISBN Valid (Normalized) | An ISBN that has been formatted or standardized according to established rules or conventions. ISBNs are unique identifiers assigned to books and other monographic publications to facilitate their identification and cataloging. A normalized ISBN is one that has been adjusted or formatted to adhere to a specific standard. | VARCHAR | 255 | |||
ISSN Valid | A unique identifier for serial publications. To be considered valid for bibliographic records, an ISSN must adhere to the established standards and conventions for ISSN formatting and structure.
Here are the key criteria for a valid ISSN:
MARC 022 a | Not relevant for Dublin Core | VARCHAR | 255 | |
ISSN Valid (Normalized) | An ISSN that has been formatted or standardized according to established rules or conventions. ISSNs are unique identifiers assigned to serial publications, such as journals, magazines, and periodicals, to facilitate their identification and cataloging. A normalized ISSN is one that has been adjusted or formatted to adhere to a specific standard. | VARCHAR | 255 | |||
MMS ID | The MMS ID of the item. This is the MMS ID of the portfolios associated with the electronic collection. It is not the MMS ID of the electronic collection or of the MMS ID of the descriptive bibliographic record added in the Additional tab of the electronic collection editor. If there are no portfolios, the value of this field is empty. | VARCHAR | 255 | |||
Title | The Title refers to the name or title of a printed or published resource. The title is one of the most critical elements of bibliographic cataloging because it helps users identify and distinguish one resource from another. | 245 a,b
249 a,b,c,v |
200 a,c,d,e,h,i | dc:title | VARCHAR | 4000 |
Title (Normalized) | The normalized Title. This field is useful when you want to compare titles that may have been cataloged differently. This field is built in the following manner:
Alma does the following to the 245 field (except subfields c,h,6 and 8) in the following order:
245 a,b,n,p 249 a,b,c,v |
200 a,c,d,e,h,i | dc:title | VARCHAR | 4000 |
Title Author Combined and Normalized | The first 100 characters of the Title field, a hyphen, and the first four characters of the Author field, in lowercase.
This is useful for finding overlapping physical and electronic records or for finding overlapping records in different institutions within a network zone. |
VARCHAR | 8003 |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted + In Repository) | The number of electronic collections, both deleted and in the repository | |
No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted) | The number of deleted electronic collections | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + In CDI) | The number of collections in both the repository and CDI | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + Not In CDI) | The number of collections in the repository, but not in CDI | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Contributed to CZ) | The number of electronic collections in the repository that contributed to the Community Zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Linked to CZ) | The number of electronic collections in the repository that are linked to the community zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Not Linked to CZ) | The number of electronic collections in the repository that are not linked to the community zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository) | The number of electronic collections in the repository | Includes also electronic collections without portfolios. |
No. of Electronic Collections Without Portfolios (In Repository) | The number of electronic collections without portfolios in the repository | This field was created for electronic databases. |
Electronic Collection Access Type | Indicates if the electronic collection access level license right is current or perpetual. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Activation Date | The date the electronic collection was activated | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Additional PO Lines | The additional PO Lines of the Electronic Collection | |
Electronic Collection Aggregator | The aggregator of the electronic collection based on the electronic collection's type | Possible values:
Electronic Collection Aggregator (override) | Indicates if the customer overrode the CZ definitions | |
Electronic Collection Authentication Note | The note added when authenticating the electronic collection | |
Electronic Collection Contributed To CZ | Indicates if electronic collections were contributed to the Community Zone | |
Electronic Collection COUNTER Platform | The platform of the collection | |
Electronic Collection Creation Date | The date the electronic collection was created | |
Electronic Collection Creator | The staff user who created the electronic collection | |
Electronic Collection Expected Activation Date | The expected date of the electronic collection activation | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection ID | ID of the Electronic Collection | |
Electronic Collection Interface Name | The interface name of the electronic collection | |
Electronic Collection Interface Name (override) | The override to the Electronic Collection Interface Name | |
Electronic Collection Internal Description | The internal description of the electronic collection. | For future use. |
Electronic Collection License ID | The ID of the electronic collection license. | |
Electronic Collection Lifecycle | The lifecycle of the electronic collection | This field allows you to filter collections by Active/Deleted items. |
Electronic Collection Link ID | The ID of the electronic collection in the Community Zone for electronic collections activated from the Community Zone. | |
Electronic Collection Linked to CZ | Indicates if electronic collections are linked to the Community Zone | |
Electronic Collection Management Level in CZ | Who maintains the community managed collection. | Possible values:
For more information, see Managing Electronic Collections. |
Electronic Collection MMS ID | The MMS ID of the electronic collection | |
Electronic Collection Modification Date | The date information in the electronic collection has been updated | |
Electronic Collection Modified By | The user name that updated electronic collection information | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Reference | The PO line reference number for the electronic collection | |
Electronic Collection Pending Deletion Date | The date on which the electronic collection will be deleted | |
Electronic Collection Public Name | The name to display in the discovery search results. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Public Name Override | The name that you want to display (in the discovery search results) as an override to the name identified in Public name. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Public Note | The public note of the electronic collection. | For future use. |
Electronic Collection Type Description | The electronic collection type. | Possible Values: Database, Aggregator Package, or Selective Package. |
Electronic Collection Type (To Be Deprecated) | This field will be removed in a future release as it is not functional. | |
Has Corresponding SUSHI Account in CZ but not in Institution | Indicates if the electronic collection has a corresponding SUSHI account in the Community Zone, but is not configured in the institution. | Use to filter electronic collections by those with a corresponding SUSHI account |
Has Electronic Portfolio | Indicates if the resource has an electronic portfolio | |
Managed by Provider | Indicates if the electronic resource is managed by the provider | |
Public Access Model | The patron facing access model, which is presented to the patron in the discovery system. | For more information on Access Models in Alma, see Managing Access Models. |
CDI - Active for Search In CDI | Indicates that the collection is active for search in CDI | |
CDI - Available for CDI search activation | Indicates that the collection is in CDI | |
CDI - Do not show as full text available even if active in Alma | Indicates that for CDI, do not show that full text is available even if the collection is active in Alma | |
CDI - Only full text activation | Indicates that the collection is active for fulltext in CDI | |
CDI - Subscribe to only some titles in this collection | Indicates that for CDI, only some titles are configured in this collection | |
CDI Activation Required | Indicates if CDI activation is required | |
CDI Available for Groups | The CDI group codes available for the specific collection, service, or portfolio | |
CDI Available for Group Members | The CDI members of the groups in the Available For Groups field | |
CDI Coverage Calculation Date | The date the CDI coverage was calculated | |
CDI Coverage Percentage | The percentage of titles from a collection that has coverage in CDI |
CDI Full Text Linking | Indicates if CDI is configured for fulltext linking | |
CDI Full Text Rights | Indicates if CDI is configured for full text rights | |
CDI Local Note | The CDI local note | |
CDI Newspapers | Indicates if there are CDI newspapers | |
CDI Number of Records | The number of CDI records | |
CDI Provider Coverage | Indicates if there is CDI coverage | |
CDI Provider Package Code | The CDI provider package code | |
CDI Resource Types | The CDI resource types | |
CDI Search Rights | The CDI search rights | |
CDI Type | The type of database in CDI | Possible values:
CDI Update Frequency | The CDI update frequency |
Field | Description | Additional information | Data Type | Data Size |
Institution Code | The code of the institution. | Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.
The label in Alma is Code located on the right pane. |
VARCHAR | 50 |
Institution Name | The name of the institution. | Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.
The label in Alma is Organization unit name. |
VARCHAR | 255 |
Institution Address Line 1 | The first line of the address of the institution. It usually includes the building number and the street name. | Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Address Line 1. |
VARCHAR | 1000 |
Institution City | The city of the institution. | Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is City. |
VARCHAR | 255 |
Institution State Province | The state or province of the institution. | Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is State/Province. |
VARCHAR | 320 |
Institution Country | The country of the institution. | Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Country. |
VARCHAR | 320 |
Institution Postal Code | The postal code of the institution. | Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Postal code. |
VARCHAR | 200 |
Institution Timezone | The timezone of the institution. | The timezone is set during implementation. | VARCHAR | 255 |
Data Available As Of | When the institution data became available in analytics. | Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. | VARCHAR | 255 |
Data Updated As Of | When the institution data was taken from the Alma database. | Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. | VARCHAR | 255 |
Electronic Collection
Field | Description | Additional Information |
No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted + In Repository) | The number of electronic collections, both deleted and in the repository | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository) | The number of electronic collections in the repository | Includes also electronic collections without portfolios. |
No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted) | The number of deleted electronic collections | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Contributed to CZ) | The number of electronic collections in the repository that contributed to the Community Zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Linked to CZ) | The number of electronic collections in the repository that are linked to the community zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Not Linked to CZ) | The number of electronic collections in the repository that are not linked to the community zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections Without Portfolios (In Repository) | The number of electronic collections without portfolios in the repository | This field was created for electronic databases. |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + In CDI) | The number of collections in both the repository and CDI | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + Not In CDI) | The number of collections in the repository, but not in CDI | |
Electronic Collection Access Type | Indicates if the electronic collection access level license right is current or perpetual. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Activation Date | The date the electronic collection was activated | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Aggregator | The aggregator of the electronic collection based on the electronic collection's type | Possible values:
Electronic Collection Aggregator (override) | Indicates if the customer overrode the CZ definitions | |
Managed by Provider | Indicates if the electronic resource is managed by the provider | |
Provider Collection ID | The ID of the electronic collection as supplied by the provider | This may be different than the ID and name of the collection in Alma
Provider Collection Name | The name of the electronic collection as supplied by the provider | |
Provider Name | The name of the provider | |
Public Access Model | The patron facing access model, which is presented to the patron in the discovery system. | For more information on Access Models in Alma, see Managing Access Models. |
Electronic Collection Additional PO Lines | The additional PO Lines of the Electronic Collection | |
Electronic Collection Contributed To CZ | Indicates if electronic collections were contributed to the Community Zone | |
Electronic Collection COUNTER Platform | The platform of the collection | |
Electronic Collection Creation Date | The date the electronic collection was created | |
Electronic Collection Creator | The staff user who created the electronic collection | |
Electronic Collection Expected Activation Date | The expected date of the electronic collection activation | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection ID | ID of the Electronic Collection | |
Electronic Collection Interface Name | The interface name of the electronic collection | |
Electronic Collection Interface Name (override) | The override to the Electronic Collection Interface Name | |
Electronic Collection Internal Description | The internal description of the electronic collection. | For future use. |
Electronic Collection Link ID | The ID of the electronic collection in the Community Zone for electronic collections activated from the Community Zone. | |
Electronic Collection Linked to CZ | Indicates if electronic collections are linked to the Community Zone | |
Electronic Collection Management Level in CZ | Who maintains the community managed collection. | Possible values:
For more information, see Managing Electronic Collections. |
Electronic Collection Modification Date | The date information in the electronic collection has been updated | |
Electronic Collection Modified By | The user name that updated electronic collection information | |
Electronic Collection Pending Deletion Date | The date on which the electronic collection will be deleted | |
Electronic Collection Public Name | The name to display in the discovery search results. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Public Name Override | The name that you want to display (in the discovery search results) as an override to the name identified in Public name. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information, below. |
Electronic Collection Note | The authentication note of the electronic collection. | For future use. |
Electronic Collection Public Note | The public note of the electronic collection. | For future use. |
Has Corresponding SUSHI Account in CZ but not in Institution | Indicates if the electronic collection has a corresponding SUSHI account in the Community Zone, but is not configured in the institution. | Use to filter electronic collections by those with a corresponding SUSHI account |
CDI - Available for CDI search activation | Indicates that the collection is in CDI | |
CDI-only full text activation | Indicates that the collection is active for fulltext in CDI | |
Active for Search In CDI | Indicates that the collection is active for search in CDI | |
CDI Activation Required | Indicates if CDI activation is required | |
CDI Available for Groups | The CDI group codes available for the specific collection, service, or portfolio | |
CDI Available for Group Members | The CDI members of the groups in the Available For Groups field | |
CDI Coverage Calculation Date | The date the CDI coverage was calculated | |
CDI Coverage Percentage | The percentage of titles from a collection that has coverage in CDI |
CDI Full Text Linking | Indicates if CDI is configured for fulltext linking | |
CDI Full Text Rights | Indicates if CDI is configured for full text rights | |
CDI Newspapers | Indicates if there are CDI newspapers | |
CDI Number of Records | The number of CDI records | |
CDI Provider Coverage | Indicates if there is CDI coverage | |
CDI Resource Types | The CDI resource types | |
CDI Search Rights | The CDI search rights | |
CDI Update Frequency | The CDI update frequency | |
CDI Provider Package Code | The CDI provider package code | |
CDI - Subscribe to only some titles in this collection | Indicates that for CDI, only some titles are configured in this collection | |
CDI - Do not show as full text available even if active in Alma | Indicates that for CDI, do not show that full text is available even if the collection is active in Alma | |
CDI Local Note | The CDI local note | |
CDI Type | The type of database in CDI |

Electronic Collection Bibliographic Details
Electronic Collection Creation Date
- Calendar Fields – These are date fields as they display in the calendar.
- Fiscal Date Fields – These are date fields that match the institution's fiscal period.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Electronic Collection Creation Date | Stores the electronic collection creation date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Electronic Collection Start of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Electronic Collection Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Electronic Collection Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Electronic Collection Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Electronic Collection Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Electronic Collection Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Electronic Collection Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Electronic Collection Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Electronic Collection Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Electronic Collection Date Filter | Used to filter the portfolio creation date.
The functionality of this field may change in the future, so this field should not be used for saved reports.
Electronic Collection Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 | |
Electronic Collection Date | Stores the Hierarchy column that allows the user to drill down from the year to the month to the specific electronic collection date. Using this column provides the user with the option to view the accumulative measures in each level of the hierarchy. |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Date | Stores the date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Start Of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Date Filter | Used to filter report results by date. | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Creation Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Electronic Collection Library Unit
Electronic Collection License
Field | Description | Additional Information |
License Code | Code of the License | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Creation Date | The date the License was created | |
License Creator | The user who created the License | |
License Begins | The date on which the License becomes Active | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Ends | The date on which the License become Inactive. | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License ID | ID of the License | |
License Parent ID | For Amendments - id of the base License | |
License Signed On | The date on which the license was signed | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Storage Location | The physical location of the license | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Signed By | User that approved the License | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Second Party Signed On | The date the second party signed on the license | |
License Second Party Signed By | The second party that approved the license | |
License Note | The note of the license | |
Licensor ID | ID of the vendor associated with the License. | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License URI | The Uniform Resource Identifier of the license | |
License Modification Date | The date information in the License has been updated | |
License Modified By | The user name that updated License information | |
License Name | The name of the license | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
Originating Licensor Key | The originating licensor key | |
Originating Parent Code | For Amendments - the Code of the base License | |
License Review Status | Status of the license review, such as Accepted, In review, Pending, Rejected | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Status | Status of the License such as Active, Deleted, Draft. | See the field location in Alma in the figure License Details, below. |
License Type | Type of record, such as License, Amendment, Template. |

Electronic Collection Material Type
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Code | Code of the material type of the resource | |
Description | Description of the material type of the resource, such as BOOK, JOURNAL, MAP. |
Electronic Collection Type
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Code | Code of the Electronic Collection Type | |
Description | Description of the Electronic Collection Type, such as - Aggregator, Selective. |
Electronic Collection URL Information
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Electronic Collection Level URL | The URL of the local electronic collection. | |
Electronic Collection Level URL (override) | The URL to override the electronic collection level URL | |
Electronic Collection Proxy Enabled | Whether a proxy is enabled
Electronic Collection Proxy Selected | The proxy profile. |
Electronic Collection PO Line
Field | Description | Additional Information |
PO Number | Stores the business identifier of the PO related to the PO line. | See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Summary Page, below. |
PO ERP Number | The ERP number of the purchase order | Used by customers that want the purchase order to be approved by an ERP system before it is sent to the vendor |
PO Line Reference | Stores the business identifier of the PO line | This is the POL number in Alma. See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Summary Page, below. |
Item Description | Description of the item | The description entered for the PO line. Note that this field is not taken from the bibliographic details. It is useful when no item is related to the PO line. See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Summary Page, below. |
Status | Stores the business status of the PO line as Active, Canceled, or Closed | |
Order Line Type | The order line type as it appears in the order in Alma | See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Summary Page, below. |
Order Line Type Code | A short code for the Order line type | See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Summary Page, below. |
Sent Date | Stores the date that the PO/ PO line is sent to the vendor | See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Summary Page, below. |
Currency | The currency of the transaction. | See the field location in Alma in the Alma PO Line Page – Pricing Information, below. |
List Price | The list price for a single copy of the item | See the field location in Alma in the Alma PO Line Page – Pricing Information, below. |
Net Price | A calculation of the total price for the PO line based on the list price per copy, the discount, and the number of copies ordered | See the field location in Alma in the Alma PO Line Page – Pricing Information, below. |
Quantity For Pricing | The number of items to be paid for. | The quantity for pricing and the number of items to create may be different in a case of discounted pricing through a deal such as "buy two items and get a third item at no additional charge." See the field location in Alma in the Alma PO Line Page – Pricing Information, below. |
Discount | The discount amount. | See the field location in Alma in the Alma PO Line Page – Pricing Information, below. |
Vendor Name | The vendor name as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma Vendor Details Page – Vendor General Details, below |
Vendor Code | The vendor code as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma Vendor Details Page – Vendor General Details, below |
Vendor Account Description | The vendor description as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma Vendor Details Page – Accounts, below. |
Vendor Account Code | The vendor description as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma Vendor Details Page – Accounts, below. |
Vendor Contact Person ID | Stores the related vendor contact person ID | |
Vendor Reference Number Type | Stores the type of the reference number | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – Pricing Information, below. |
Vendor Reference Number | Store the reference number for the PO line in Alma, as provided by the vendor. Serves as a matching point for identifying a PO line in Alma | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – Pricing Information, below. |
Material Supplier | The vendor supplying the material being ordered | The material supplier field as displayed in Alma PO line page. This is a concatenation of: name (code)/account description (account code).
See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – Vendor Information, below.
Material Type | The material type of the PO line of the electronic collection | |
Note To Vendor | Notes to the vendor. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – PO Line Details, below. |
Acquisition Method | Stores the method by which the PO Line is acquired with the default value set as Purchase. This value may affect when the PO Line is sent. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – PO Line Details, below. |
Rush | Indicates whether the PO line is to be rushed. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – PO Line Details, below. |
Cancellation Restriction | Indicates if a cancellation restriction note, containing a warning upon the cancellation of a PO line, is configured to be displayed. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – PO Line Details, below. |
Cancellation Restriction Note | The warning to be displayed when canceling a PO line. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – PO Line Details, below. |
Cancellation Reason | Stores the reason that a PO line is canceled and displays only on canceled lines. Values are in the code table POLineCancellationReasons | |
Is Claimed | Flags the PO Line if there is an open claim to the vendor. A PO line is claimed if the items were not received. | |
Shipping Method | Stores the method for the vendor to ship the order | Per the values in Shipping Method code table defined in the Acquisitions configuration menu |
Ship to Address ID | Stores the library shipping address that should be used by the vendor | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Address Details Page, below. |
Shipped To Address Line 1-5 | The shipped to address lines. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Address Details Page, below. |
Shipped To Address City | The shipped to city. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Address Details Page, below. |
Shipped To Address Country | The shipped to country. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Address Details Page, below. |
PO Line Creation Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO line creation date. | |
PO Line Label | The labels that are assigned to the PO line | This is a repeatable field in Alma, which is concatenated in analytics. It is free-text field, configured by the user. For more information, see Managing Labels in the Details Pane. |
PO Line Modification Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO line modification date | |
PO Line Notes | The notes on the PO line | Multiple notes are separated by a semicolon |
PO Approval Date | The date the PO was approved (the sent date). | |
PO Approval Date and Time | The date and time that the PO was approved. | |
PO Creation Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO creation date | |
PO Modification Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO modification date | |
Expected Activation Date | Stores the expected date for the resource activation by vendor for electronic PO lines | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – Vendor Information, below. |
Expected Activation Interval | For electronic PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect electronic orders to be activated | The default value is taken from the Vendor Account Details page. See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – Vendor Information, below. |
Claiming Date | The number of days from the expected receipt/activation date to the date on which the PO line is sent to the claims task list | The default value is taken from the Claiming grace period field on the Vendor Account Details |
Subscription From Date | Stores the date for the beginning of a subscription for continuous orders | |
Subscription To Date | Stores the date for the end of a subscription for continuous orders | |
Expected Receiving Date | Stores the expected date for physical items to be received from the vendor for physical PO lines | The default value is taken from the Vendor Account Details page. See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – Vendor Information, below. |
Expected Receipt after Ordering Interval | For physical PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect physical orders to be received | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page – Vendor Information, below. |
Receiving/Activation Note | Text enabling the Purchasing Operator to indicate to the Receiving Operator the intended location of serial order items in which no inventory items are created. | |
Receiving Status | Stores an indication of whether or not all physical items were received | |
Renewal Date | Stores the date of the PO line’s next renewal for continuous orders | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page - Renewal Information, below. |
Renewal Reminder Period | Determines how many days before renewal is mail regarding that renewal sent | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page - Renewal Information, below. |
Renewal Cycle | Stores the cycle for the autorenewal job for continuous orders. For example, if it is set to one year, the PO line is renewed in one year. | Defined in RenewalCycle code table. See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page - Renewal Information, below. |
Manual Renewal | Stores an indication that the PO line is renewed manually or automatically | See the field location in Alma in the figure Alma PO Line Page - Renewal Information, below. |
PO Creator | Stores the user name that created the PO | |
PO Line Creator | Stores the user name that created the PO line | |
PO Modified By | Stores the user name that modified the PO | |
PO Line Modified By | Stores the user name that modified the PO line | |
Interested Users | Displays the interested users for the PO line. in case more than one user is added to the PO line, values are concatenated | List of interested user in Alma is displayed in the interested users tab of the PO line. Note that in order to search for a specific user, you should use the contain filter in order to find also cases that more than 1 user was added to the PO. |
Assigned To | Stores the user that is assigned to the order | |
Application | Used for identifying migrated lines | |
CKB ID | Stores a reference to the electronic collection PID for electronic PO lines | |
License ID | Stores the ID of the license of the PO line that is relevant for electronic PO lines | |
Source Type | Stores the source from which the PO line originated. Values for example: EOD, Manual, Migration, and so forth | |
Source ID | Stores the source file ID used for the EOD lines | |
Associated PO Line | The target PO line | |
Association Type | The type of association between PO lines, such as defined by user or by a process or job. | |
Reporting Code | Stores the reporting code that is used. | |
Reporting Code Description | Stores the description of the reporting code | |
Invoice Status | The status of the invoice | |
Additional Order Reference | An additional identifier for the PO line |
- The PO line status is not currently mapped to analytics and will be added in a future release.

Electronic Collection PO Line Approver
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Birth Date | The birth date | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Campus Code | The campus code | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Cataloger Level | The cataloger level of the user | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Creation Date | The creation date | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Creator | The creator | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Expiry Date | The expiry date | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver External ID | The external ID | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver First Name | The first name | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Full Name | The full name | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Gender | The gender | |
Electronic Collection POL Approver Has Role Other Than Patron | indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Has Role Other Than Patron and Instructor | Indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron and Instructor | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Identifier 1-2 | Identifiers 1-2 | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Is Blocked | Indicates if the patron is blocked | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Job Category | The job category | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Job Description | The job description | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Last Name | The last name | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Last Activity Date | The last date that a patron made a request or borrowed or returned an item | |
User – Electronic Collection POL Approver Linked From Other Institution | Indicates if the user is linked from another institution | Possible values:
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Patron Letters Opt In | The letters for which the patron has opted in | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Patron Letters Opt Out | The letters for which the patron has opted out | |
User – Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Linked from Institution Code | The linked from institution code | |
User – Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Linked from Institution Name | The linked from institution name | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Linked to Other Institution | Indicates if the user accessed Primo/Alma for services in another institution. Note that this does not necessarily indicate that the services were actually supplied or that a linked account was created. | Possible values:
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Middle Name | The middle name | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Modification Date | The modification date | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Modified By | The user that modified | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Preferred Language | The preferred language | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Primary Identifier | The primary identifier | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Purge Date | The purge date | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Resource Sharing Library | The resource sharing library | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Resource Sharing Library Code | The resource sharing library code | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Statistical Category 01-10 | Statistical categories 01-10 | These fields allow you to map ten statistical categories. This allows you to filter reports based on advanced user information typically stored in the statistical category fields. For more information, see Configuring Statistical Categories for Analytics. |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Status | The status | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver Status Date | The status date | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver User Group | The user group | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver User Group Code | The user group code | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver User ID | The user ID | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver User Record Type | The user record type | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver User Title | The user title | |
Electronic Collection PO Line Approver User Type | The user type |
Service Details
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Service Activation Status | Indicates if the service is available or not | Possible values : Available/Not Available |
Service ID | The ID of the service | A value of -1 means that the electronic collection is of Database type |
Service Portfolio Auto Activate | Indicates if the feature to activate new portfolios associated with service automatically is configured | Possible values: Yes/No |
Service Authentication Note | The text of the service authentication note from the Notes tab of the service | |
Service Public Note | The text of the service public note from the Notes tab of the service | |
Service Site Down Message | Indicates if a message to display when the service is unavailable is configured | Possible values: Yes/No |
Service Type
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Code | Code of the service type of the resource | |
Description | Description of the service type of the resource, such as Full Text, Selected Full Text | See the field location in Alma in the figure Electronic Collection Editor – General Information in E-Inventory. |
Service URL Information
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Service is Free | Indicates whether the service is supplied for free | Possible Values: Yes/No |
Service is Free (Override) | The override of the Service is free indicator | Possible Values: Yes/No |
Service Parser | The destination service specified for the electronic collection. | |
Service Parser (override) | A parser to override the value in the Service Parser field. | |
Service Parser Parameters | The linking/access information for the service. | |
Service Parser Parameters (override) | An override to the Service Parser Parameters if an alternative one is specified by the service. | |
Service Linking Level | Indicates the linking level of the service | |
Service Linking Level (override) | Overrides the indicator of the linking level of the service | |
Service Dynamic URL | A list of IF conditions to determine the service’s linking URL when the URL type is Dynamic URL. | |
Service Dynamic URL (override) | The URL to override the Service Dynamic URL | |
Service Proxy Enabled | Whether the proxy is enabled. | |
Service Proxy Selected | The service proxy profile. | |
Service URL Type | The type of URL that is used for this service. | Possible values:
Service URL Type (override) | The URL that overrides the Service URL Type | Possible values:
Bibliographic Details
Dewey Classifications
LC Classifications
Other Classifications
Vendor Interface
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Available | The availability of usage statistics for the resource. | Possible values are: Yes, No. |
Creation date | The date the interface was created | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |
Creator | The user who created the interface | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |
Delivery address | Usage statistics delivery addressee - The contact name within the library. | |
Delivery method | The manner in which statistics are made available | |
Description | Holds information about the interface | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |
Format | The formats in which statistics are made available, such as HTML, Excel, ASCII, Other | |
Frequency | The frequency with which statistics are made available. | Possible values are: Annual, Bi-annual, Monthly, Quarterly, User-selectable |
Incident log | A log of downtime and problem reports, as well as their resolution. | |
Interface name | Name of the Interface | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |
Interface note | Additional information related to the Interface. | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |
Interface status | Defines the status of the Interface. | Possible values - Active, Inactive
See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below.
Linking note | Information about external linking, such as implementation details or other notes (Administrative) | |
Locally stored | Usage statistics locally stored - Information about and/or links to locally stored data | |
Modification date | The date information in the Interface has been updated | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |
Modified by | The user name that updated Interface information | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |
Online location | The online location where statistics can be accessed, such as a URL or file path. | |
OpenURL compliant | Indicates whether the electronic product and its content are compliant with OpenURL. | Possible values are: Yes, No. |
Statistics note | Information about external linking, such as implementation details or other notes (Statistics) | |
Vendor code | Vendor code | All the vendors that have been on the order, not just the active vendor.
See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below.
Vendor name | Vendor Name | See the field location in Alma in the figure Vendor Interface Details, below. |

Cost Usage
- Attributes (gray fields) from all folders can be used with measures (yellow fields) and attributes from the Cost Usage folder. Measures from the Portfolio folder and the Electronic Collection folder should not be use together with measures or attributes from the Cost Usage folder or you may receive incorrect results.
- There is no cost usage information for deleted electronic collections.
- For information on how to use these fields in your reports, see the Developer Network.
- Cost Usage information is updated in Analytics once a month.
- This dimension is only for expenditure type transactions.
- Regular usage fields display usage to date as uploaded from the COUNTER reports. The estimated usage fields project the usage for the full year based on the usage to date so that institutions can estimate the cost usage for the entire year.
- The COUNTER measures listed in the table below are the only measures that can be used for cost usage calculations. If none of these have data for a given title, no usage is included in the analytics report.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Cost | The price of the transaction of type expenditure for the invoice line of the PO line | |
Usage - Total | The total usage . This is the sum total of all other measures in “Cost Usage” area. It includes both COUNTER R4 and COUNTER R5. | |
Estimated Usage - Total | The estimated total usage of a journal or electronic collection | |
Cost Per Use | The cost per use of a journal or electronic collection | Calculated by cost divided by use |
Estimated Cost Per Use | The estimated cost per use of a journal or electronic collection | |
Use Per Cost | The use per cost of a journal or electronic collection | Calculated by use divided by cost |
Usage JR1 | The number of successful full text article requests by journal report | COUNTER Release 4 |
Estimated Usage JR1 | The estimated number of Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests from an Archive by Month and Journal | COUNTER Release 4 |
Usage JR1a | The number of successful Full-Text Article Requests from an Archive by Month and Journal | COUNTER Release 4 |
Estimated Usage JR1a | The estimated number of successful Full-Text Article Requests from an Archive by Month and Journal | COUNTER Release 4 |
Usage JR1 GOA | The number of successful Gold Open Access Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal | COUNTER Release 4 |
Estimated Usage JR1 GOA | The estimated number of successful Gold Open Access Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal | COUNTER Release 4 |
Usage BR1 | The number of successful Title Requests by Month and Title. | COUNTER Release 4 |
Estimated Usage BR1 | The estimated number of successful Title Requests by Month and Title. | COUNTER Release 4 |
Usage BR2 | The number of successful Section Requests by Month and Title. | COUNTER Release 4 |
Estimated Usage BR2 | The estimated number of successful Section Requests by Month and Title. | COUNTER Release 4 |
Usage DB | The number of Total Searches, Result Clicks and Record Views by Month and Database | COUNTER Release 4 |
Estimated Usage DB | The estimated number of Total Searches, Result Clicks and Record Views by Month and Database | COUNTER Release 4 |
Usage TR_J1 | The number of successful Journal Requests (Excluding OA_Gold) The cost per use uses measure 'TR_J1 - Unique Item Requests' | COUNTER Release 5 |
Estimated Usage TR_J1 | The estimated number of successful Journal Requests (Excluding OA_Gold) The cost per use uses measure 'TR_J1 - Unique Item Requests' | COUNTER Release 5 |
Usage TR_B1 | The number of successful Book Requests (Excluding OA_Gold) The cost per use uses measure 'TR_B1 - Unique Title Requests' | COUNTER Release 5 |
Estimated Usage TR_B1 | The estimated number of successful Book Requests (Excluding OA_Gold) The cost per use uses measure 'TR_B1 - Unique Title Requests' | COUNTER Release 5 |
Usage DR | The number of successful Database Master Report The cost per use uses measure 'DR – Unique Title Requests' | COUNTER Release 5 |
Estimated Usage DR | The estimated number of successful Database Master Report The cost per use uses measure 'DR – Unique Title Requests' | COUNTER Release 5 |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
No. of Portfolios (Deleted + In Repository) | The number of portfolios in the repository plus the number of deleted portfolios | |
No. of Portfolios (In Repository) | The number of portfolios in the repository | |
No. of Portfolios (Deleted) | The number of deleted portfolios | |
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Linked to CZ) | The number of portfolios that are in the repository and linked to the Community Zone | |
No. of Portfolio (In Repository Not Linked to CZ) | The number of portfolios that are in the repository and not linked to the Community Zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted + In Repository) | The number of electronic collections in the repository plus the number of deleted collections | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository) | The number of electronic collections in the repository | Includes also electronic collections without portfolios. |
No. of Electronic Collections (Deleted) | The number of deleted electronic collections | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Linked to CZ) | The number of electronic collections that are in the repository and linked to the Community Zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository Not Linked to CZ) | The number of electronic collections that are in the repository and not linked to the Community Zone | |
No. of Electronic Collections Without Portfolios (In Repository) | The number of electronic collections without portfolios in the repository | This field was created for electronic databases. |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + In CDI) | The number of collections in both the repository and CDI | |
No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + Not In CDI) | The number of collections in the repository, but not in CDI |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Data Updated as of | The date from as of which the data is updated | |
Has Cost | Indicates if there is a cost | |
Has Electronic Collection POL | Indicates if there is an electronic collection PO line | |
Has Portfolio POL | Indicates if there is a portfolio PO line | |
Has Usage | Indicates if there is usage | |
Match By | Match by | |
Platform (from COUNTER report) | The vendor interface or content provider. An interface from an aggregator, host, publisher, or service that delivers the content to the user and that counts and provides the COUNTER usage reports. | |
Normalized Platform (from COUNTER report) | The normalized name of the platform, taken from the COUNTER report | |
COUNTER Platform (defined in E-Resource of UI Alma) | The platform for calculating cost usage, defined in the Alma e-resource. | If no platform is defined, the value of this field is taken from the “COUNTER Platform derived from interface” field on the Electronic Collection Editor” page. |
Multiple PO Lines | Indicates if there are multiple PO lines | These fields are highly technical in nature and are used in rare circumstances when a deep investigation of analytics processes is necessary. They are only to be used by experienced users |
Num of MMS Match | The number of MMS matches | |
Num of MMS Cost | The number of MMS cost | |
Num of MMS Usage | The number of MMS usage | |
Percent Portfolio | The percent portfolio | |
Subscriber | The library or instance. An individual or organization that pays a vendor for access to a specified range of the vendors services and/or content and is subject to terms and conditions agreed to with the vendor. | |
Total Expenditure | The total expenditure | |
Usage Type | The usage type |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Fund Currency | Stores the fund's currency | |
Fund Area Code | Stores values defined in the Fund Types table and attributed to funds, for example: Endowed, Gift, General, Grant, Income, and Resource Sharing. For more information, see Configuring Fund Types. | This field is named Fund type in Alma and is created via a mapping table. |
Fund Area Description | Stores the fund area description | |
Fund Description | The contents of the Description field of the Summary tab of the fund | |
Fund External ID | The fund ID used by an external system. | |
Fund Code | Stores the fund code unique to each institution and fiscal period | This code is not unique, since each year another entry is made for the same code |
Fund ID | Stores the unique ID of the fund | |
Fund Name | Stores the fund name | |
Fund Owner Code | The owner code of the fund | |
Fund Owner Name | The owner name of the fund | |
Fund Status | Indicates if the fund is active or inactive | |
Fund Note | Stores the note of the fund | |
Fund Type | Stores one of the following fund types:
Parent Fund Code |
Stores the parent fund code | |
Parent Fund ID | Stores the unique ID of the fund's parent | |
Parent Fund Name | Stores the parent fund name |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Fiscal Period Description | Stores the description of the fiscal period as stored in the FundLedgerFiscalPeriodTable mapping table or stores the fiscal year if the description is empty | |
Fiscal Period Start Date | Stores the start date of the fiscal period of the institution | |
Fiscal Period End Date | Stores the end date of the fiscal period of the institution | |
Fiscal Period Start End | Stores the start and end dates of the fiscal period of the institution | |
Fiscal Period Status | Stores the status of the fiscal period such as Active, Inactive, Draft, or Close | |
Fiscal Period Filter | The filter on the fiscal period | Possible values:
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Material Type | The material type if the PO line | |
Publication Date | The publication date | |
Approved By | The user who approved the PO line | |
Creator | The creator of the PO line | |
Identifier | The identifier | |
Is Delayed | Indicates if the PO line is delayed | |
Is Valid | Indicates if the PO line is valid | |
POL Title | The title of the PO line | |
Publication Place | The place of publication of the PO line | |
Publisher | The publisher of the PO line | |
Review Status | The review status of the PO line | |
Vendor Title Number | The number of the vendor title | |
PO Number | Stores the business identifier of the PO related to the PO line. | |
PO Line Notes | The notes on the PO line | Multiple notes are separated by a semicolon |
PO ERP Number | The ERP number of the purchase order | Used by customers that want the purchase order to be approved by an ERP system before it is sent to the vendor |
PO Line Reference | Stores the business identifier of the PO line | This is the POL number in Alma. |
Item Description | Description of the item | The description entered for the PO line. Note that this field is not taken from the bibliographic details. It is useful when no item is related to the PO line |
Status | Stores the business status of the PO line as Active, Canceled, or Closed
There are a number of sub-statuses included in the business status Active. See the Status (Active) field.
Status (Active) | Indicates the sub-status of the Status field. For example: Waiting for Invoice, Waiting for Manual Renewal, Waiting for Renewal, Under Evaluation, Sent, In Review, Ready to Be Sent, Waiting for Packaging, and Manual Packaging | |
Order Line Type | The order line type as it appears in the order in Alma | |
Order Line Type Code | A short code for the Order line type | |
Sent Date | Stores the date that the PO/ PO line is sent to the vendor | |
Currency | The currency of the transaction. | |
List Price | The list price for a single copy of the item | |
Net Price | A calculation of the total price for the PO line based on the list price per copy, the discount, and the number of copies ordered | |
Quantity For Pricing | The number of items to be paid for. | The quantity for pricing and the number of items to create may be different in a case of discounted pricing through a deal such as "buy two items and get a third item at no additional charge." |
Discount | The discount amount. | |
Vendor Name | The vendor name as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. | |
Vendor Code | The vendor code as defined in the Alma vendor details definitions. | |
Vendor Account Description | The vendor description as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions. | |
Vendor Account Code | The vendor description as defined in the Alma vendor account definitions | |
Vendor Contact Person ID | Stores the related vendor contact person ID | |
Vendor Reference Number Type | Stores the type of the reference number | |
Vendor Reference Number | Store the reference number for the PO line in Alma, as provided by the vendor. Serves as a matching point for identifying a PO line in Alma | |
Material Supplier | The vendor supplying the material being ordered | |
Note To Vendor | Notes to the vendor. | |
Acquisition Method | Stores the method by which the PO Line is acquired with the default value set as Purchase. This value may affect when the PO Line is sent. | |
Rush | Indicates whether the PO line is to be rushed. | |
Cancellation Restriction | Indicates if a cancellation restriction note, containing a warning upon the cancellation of a PO line, is configured to be displayed. | |
Cancellation Restriction Note | The warning to be displayed when canceling a PO line. | |
Cancellation Reason | Stores the reason that a PO line is canceled and displays only on canceled lines. Values are in the code table POLineCancellationReasons | |
Is Claimed | Flags the PO Line if there is an open claim to the vendor. A PO line is claimed if the items were not received. | |
Shipping Method | Stores the method for the vendor to ship the order | Per the values in Shipping Method code table defined in the acquisition configuration menu |
Ship to Address ID | Stores the library shipping address that should be used by the vendor | |
Shipped To Address Line 1-5 | The shipped to address lines. | |
Shipped To Address City | The shipped to city. | |
Shipped To Address Country | The shipped to country. | |
PO Line Creation Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO line creation date. | |
PO Line Modification Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO line modification date | |
PO Approval Date | The date the PO was approved (the sent date). | |
PO Approval Date and Time | The date and time that the PO was approved. | |
PO Creation Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO creation date | |
PO Modification Date | Stores the timestamp of the PO modification date | |
Expected Activation Date | Stores the expected date for the resource activation by vendor for electronic PO lines | |
Expected Activation Interval | For electronic PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect electronic orders to be activated | |
Claiming Date | The number of days from the expected receipt/activation date to the date on which the PO line is sent to the claims task list | The default value is taken from the Claiming grace period field on the Vendor Account Details |
Subscription From Date | Stores the date for the beginning of a subscription for continuous orders | |
Subscription To Date | Stores the date for the end of a subscription for continuous orders | |
Expected Receiving Date | Stores the expected date for physical items to be received from the vendor for physical PO lines | |
Expected Receiving Interval | For physical PO Lines, the number of days after ordering that you expect physical orders to be received | |
Receiving/Activation Note | Text enabling the Purchasing Operator to indicate to the Receiving Operator the intended location of serial order items in which no inventory items are created. | |
Receiving Status | Stores an indication of whether or not all physical items were received | |
Renewal Date | Stores the date of the PO line's next renewal for continuous orders | |
Renewal Reminder Period | Determines how many days before renewal is mail regarding that renewal sent | |
Renewal Cycle | Stores the cycle for the autorenewal job for continuous orders. For example, if it is set to one year, the PO line is renewed in one year. | Defined in RenewalCycle code table. |
Manual Renewal | Stores an indication that the PO line is renewed manually or automatically | |
PO Creator | Stores the user name that created the PO | |
PO Line Creator | Stores the user name that created the PO line | |
PO Line Label | The labels assigned to the PO line | This is a repeatable field in Alma, which is concatenated in analytics. It is free-text field, configured by the user. For more information, see Managing Labels in the Details Pane. |
PO Modified By | Stores the user name that modified the PO | |
PO Line Modified By | Stores the user name that modified the PO line | |
Interested Users | Displays the interested users for the PO line. in case more than one user is added to the PO line, values are concatenated | List of interested user in Alma is displayed in the interested users tab of the PO line. Note that in order to search for a specific user, you should use the contain filter in order to find also cases that more than 1 user was added to the PO. |
Assigned To | Stores the user that is assigned to the order | |
Application | Used for identifying migrated lines | |
CKB ID | Stores a reference to the electronic collection PID for electronic PO lines | |
License ID | Stores the ID of the license of the PO line that is relevant for electronic PO lines | |
Source Type | Stores the source from which the PO line originated. Values for example: EOD, Manual, Migration, and so forth | |
Source ID | Stores the source file ID used for the EOD lines | |
Associated PO Line | The target PO line | |
Association Type | The type of association between PO lines, such as defined by user or by a process or job.ctronic Collection Management Le | |
Reporting Code - 1-5 | Five fields that store the reporting codes. | Taken from the PO line |
Reporting Code Description -1-5 | Five fields that store the description of the 5 reporting code fields | |
Invoice Status | The status of the invoice | |
Additional Order Reference | An additional identifier for the PO line |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Birth Date | The birth date | |
Cost Usage PO Liine Approver Campus Code | The campus code | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Cataloger Level | The cataloger level of the user | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Creation Date | The creation date | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Creator | The creator | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Expiry Date | The expiry date | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver External ID | The external ID | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver First Name | The first name | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Full Name | The full name | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Gender | The gender | |
Cost Usage POL Approver Has Role Other Than Patron | indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Has Role Other Than Patron and Instructor | Indicates if the patron has a role other than Patron and Instructor | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Identifier 1-2 | Identifiers 1-2 | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Is Blocked | Indicates if the patron is blocked | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Job Category | The job category | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Job Description | The job description | |
User – Cost Usage POL Approver Linked From Other Institution | Indicates if the user is linked from another institution | Possible values:
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Last Name | The last name | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Last Activity Date | The last date that a patron made a request or borrowed or returned an item | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Patron Letters Opt In | The letters for which the patron has opted in | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Patron Letters Opt Out | The letters for which the patron has opted out | |
User – Cost Usage PO Line Approver Linked from Institution Code | The linked from institution code | |
User – Cost Usage PO Line Approver Linked from Institution Name | The linked from institution name | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Linked to Other Institution | Indicates if the user accessed Primo/Alma for services in another institution. Note that this does not necessarily indicate that the services were actually supplied or that a linked account was created. | Possible values:
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Middle Name | The middle name | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Modification Date | The modification date | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Modified By | The user that modified | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Preferred Language | The preferred language | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Primary Identifier | The primary identifier | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Purge Date | The purge date | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Resource Sharing Library | The resource sharing library | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Resource Sharing Library Code | The resource sharing library code | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Statistical Category 01-10 | Statistical categories 01-10 | These fields allow you to map ten statistical categories. This allows you to filter reports based on advanced user information typically stored in the statistical category fields. For more information, see Configuring Statistical Categories for Analytics. |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Status | The status | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver Status Date | The status date | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver User Group | The user group | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver User Group Code | The user group code | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver User ID | The user ID | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver User Record Type | The user record type | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver User Title | The user title | |
Cost Usage PO Line Approver User Type | The user type |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Date | Stores the date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Start Of Week | The date of the first business day of the week | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Week Number | The number of the week of the year | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Fiscal Month Key | Stores the fiscal month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Fiscal Year | Stores the fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012. | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Date Filter | Used to filter report results by date. | |
Cost Usage PO Line Creation Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
PO Line Type Name | Stores the PO Line Type ID | For the list of PO line types, see Enabling/Disabling PO Line Types. See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Types, below. |
Acquisition Material Type | Stores the acquisition material type. | For the list of physical material types, see Configuring Physical Item Material Type Descriptions. See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Types, below. |
Acquisition Material Type Description | The description of the acquisition material type | |
Format | Stores the inventory format of Electronic, Physical, or Generic. | Possible values are P, E, and G. This value comes from the Inventory Format column of the PO Line Type mapping table (Acquisitions > Purchase Orders > PO Line Types).
See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Types, below.
Continuity | Stores if it is a one-time, continuous, or standing order PO line. | See the field location in Alma in the figure PO Line Types, below. |
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Cost Usage Institution Code | The institution code of the of the network member | |
Cost Usage Institution Name | The institution name of the network member | |
Institution Address Line 1 | The first line of the address of the institution. It usually includes the building number and the street name. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Address Line 1. |
Institution City | The city of the institution. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is City. |
Institution State Province | The state or province of the institution. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is State/Province. |
Institution Country | The country of the institution. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Country. |
Institution Postal Code | The postal code of the institution. | Configured from Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.
The label in Alma is Postal code. |
Field | Description | Field Location in Rialto | Additional Information | Data Type | Data Size |
Fulfilled by Rialto |
Orders that were placed with Rialto and were received/activated. |
Market > Order History > Order History | VARCHAR | 10 | |
Rialto Cart Origin |
The last touch point of an order before it was placed. This can indicate if it was found through search, selection plan, sent to a list, etc. |
Market > Persistent Search toolbar > Cart icon |
This can be helpful if end users wants to get a feel for how their staff are finding titles. However, since it is the last touch point, it is a limited scope. |
VARCHAR | 2000 |
Rialto EBA ID |
A unique identifier for an EBA plan managed in Rialto. |
Market > Automatic Selection > Evidence Based Acquisition |
This allows end users to focus on a specific EBA plan. |
Rialto Fail Code |
The code of a failed purchase. | Configuration menu > Market > Rialto Vendor Codes | VARCHAR | 255 | |
Rialto License |
The license selected by the user for an electronic purchase. | Market > Market > Market Search...On the Offers page, to the right of each upgradeable item | Possible values:
VARCHAR | 255 |
Rialto List ID |
A unique identifier for user created offer lists within Rialto. |
Market > My Lists > My Lists | DOUBLE | ||
Rialto Order Status |
The most recent order status sent from the Rialto order processing system. |
Market > Order History > Order History | Possible values:
For more information on order statuses, see Rialto Order Statuses. |
VARCHAR | 4000 |
Rialto Origin ID |
The ID of the order origin if it is a list, feed, or selection plan. | Market > Order History > Order History...search for an order by Origin ID | DOUBLE | ||
Rialto Request Cancellation By |
The user who requested to cancel an order. |
Market > Order History > Order History...selecting "Request cancellation" | DOUBLE | ||
Rialto SP ID |
A unique identifier for selection plans in Rialto. |
Market > Automatic Selection > Selection Plans | This allows end users to focus on a specific selection plan. | DOUBLE | |
Rialto Template ID |
A unique identifier for cart templates that were created in Rialto. |
Market > Orders > Cart Templates | DOUBLE | ||
Rialto Transaction Type |
The transaction type. | Market > Order History > Order History...Facets on the Order History Page | Possible values:
VARCHAR | 2000 |