Rapido is fully integrated with Primo VE which provides users with an embedded discovery experience. In addition to this, Rapido includes a set of APIs that can be used in order for other discovery services to integrate with Rapido and enable the different Rapido services such as the Rapido offers.
This page focuses on the back-office elements that have to do with the resource sharing and fulfillment aspects of the workflow.
Library processing of Rapido requests, on both the borrower side and lender side, is based on standard resource sharing workflows and requires the resource sharing and fulfillment configurations that make the library processes possible. Working with Rapido enables you to maintain the local resource sharing configurations such as partner records and locate profiles that support managing a resource sharing process with a non-Rapido partner. If you expect to manage resource sharing transactions with non-Rapido partners, then the resource sharing configurations that are detailed in the Configuring Resource Sharing document are relevant. The following are exceptions:
Sending Borrower Request rules (replaced by Rapido Mediation Rules)
Additional Requested Media (Rapido uses different request forms)
Configuring Primo Request Form Type by Genre (Rapido uses different request forms)
The following sections focus on specific configuration requirements for Rapido. More information may be found in the relevant sections of the Customer Knowledge Center.
Staff Accounts
Staff users that access resource sharing task lists must have the following roles:
- Fulfillment Administrator (institution scope). This role is required to access the Fulfillment and the Resource Sharing configuration menu.
- Fulfillment Services Manager/Operator (scope of the resource sharing library) This role is required to access the borrower and lender task lists.
- The role must be within the scope of the resource sharing library that the user requires access to. An institution-level scope does not affect this access.
- Only a Repository Manager role can delete a set of participating items.
Resource Sharing Configuration
Creating Requests for Unavailable Resources
For some institutions, in specific cases, if a resource exists, and you want to create a request for an unavailable resource, the request is still created under the pod that owns it and will be filled when the selected condition is fulfilled.
To create a hold request for unavailable resources, select:
- When Resource is Unavailable in the Current Pod — don't send the request to the next pod, keep the request with the current pod until the resource becomes available
- When Resource is Unavailable in Any of the Member Pods — check all pods to see if the resource is available at another pod
If one of the above options is selected, the request will not expire, and the library card Estimated pick up and Estimated due date are updated to: Cannot be determined.
The default setting is Never. These settings are defined at the pod level. Contact support for more information.
Rapido Members and Resource Sharing Libraries
Use the Resource Sharing > Configuration > Members to configure Rapido members.
Adding a Resource Sharing Library
Rapido requires a minimum of one member to support borrower or lender requests. Multiple members are supported.
When adding From New Resource Sharing Library, ensure Is resource sharing library is selected. For more information on creating libraries, see Adding Libraries and Configuring Resource Sharing Libraries.
Editing an Existing Resource Sharing Library
More than one member is used when there are multiple campuses that manage their resource sharing operations separately from one another or libraries that run their resource sharing operations independently.
Like any library, the resource sharing library must also have a valid calendar. Note that:
- The ISO Symbol is only required if the resource sharing library is also used for resource sharing transactions with non-Rapido partners. It is not required if the resource sharing library only communicates (as a borrower or lender) with Rapido partners.
The locate process related parameters are not required if the library only communicates (as a borrower or lender) with Rapido partners.
Borrowing Locate Parameters
Parameter | Functionality | Recommendation |
Cancel request on locate failure |
When a borrowing request failed to locate a partner, cancel the request. |
Unselected |
Automatically activate locate profile |
Select Automatically activate locate profile to indicate that when a Rota assignment rule is met, a locate profile is assigned to the activated Rota based on the Rota assignment rule. (The automatic locate may be activated only if the Automatic Rota Assignment Rules is also automatically activated to attach a Rota to the request. The locate process then runs on the automatically attached Rota.)
Selected |
Temporary inactive for borrowing — For advanced users.
Select Temporary inactive for borrowing when you need to block the resource sharing library from sending borrowing requests. When selected, the field Inactive dates range is displayed. This inactive status blocks borrowing requests for this library whether they are created through the UI, an API, or in Primo VE. For Primo VE users, the resource sharing request link is hidden. For Alma UI users and API processes, when requesting an item, a blocked message is displayed.
Optional setting
Default location |
This is the temporary location to which designated inventory is moved for fulfilling a borrowing request.
Select the relevant location. |
Default pickup location |
This is the default pickup location library for resource sharing requests. If the default pickup location is left blank, the resource sharing form pickup location field is blank. |
If set, the default location is displayed on the form when a patron selects pick up location. |
Lending Locate Parameters
Parameter | Functionality | Recommendation |
Automatically locate resource When selected, the Reject settings can be configured. |
We always recommend selecting Automatically locate resource for Rapido to attempt to locate the requested resource locally. This enables flexibility for rejecting based on the locate results. |
Recommended |
Reject request when locate fails |
This rejects a lending request when the locate did not find any matching items.
Can be used, but not recommended. Rapido enables you to try to locate and associate your holdings when the locate failed. |
Reject request when no available |
Reject based on real time availability: Select the Reject request when no available items checkbox to reject a lending request when there are no items that are available. |
Recommended. This will reject items that are missing or out on a loan. |
Reject request when no requestable items |
Select the Reject request when no requestable items checkbox to reject a lending request when there are no items that are requestable for resource sharing according to the applicable policy.
Recommended. This rejects requests for items that do not have the terms of use that allow for physical resource sharing associated with them. |
Reject request when only electronic available |
Select the Reject request when only electronic available checkbox to automatically reject items that are only available electronically. When Reject request when only electronic available is selected, set the Electronic Rejection Rules to control automatic rejection rules based on the resource's license terms.
Recommend only if licenses and terms are loaded and connected to the electronic inventory. |
Ignore electronic resources |
Select Ignore electronic resources for the locate process to only consider physical items.
Not recommended |
Ignore electronic resource for physical-only requests
If the checkbox Ignore electronic resources for physical-only requests is unchecked, when selecting the Locate resource action, the New All titles search will still find electronic resources.
Select Ignore electronic resources for physical-only requests for the locate process to ignore all electronic items and only consider physical items.
Not recommended
Prefer Uresolver locate results |
Rapido can be configured to show preference for electronic format articles in the lender side locate process. If a requested article is found in electronic format, that resource is considered the only option for the lender. Other potential physical options are considered only if no electronic resources are found. This behavior is activated by the Prefer Uresolver locate results option that can be selected in the Lending Setup section of the resource sharing library. |
Recommended |
Automatic creation |
Select Automatic creation for the partner field to be visible on the shipping items page. For details on automatic creation of lending requests from shipping items, see Shipping Items. |
Recommended |
Temporary inactive for lending
Select Temporary inactive for lending when you need to block a library from fulfilling lending requests. When selected, the field, Inactive dates range is displayed. Select a date range to specify that the block is only applicable during the specified time period. If the date range is left empty, the library remains inactive until the Temporary inactive for lending checkbox is deselected. This inactive status blocks lending requests for this library.
Not recommended
Default location |
Select the default temporary location to which designated inventory will be moved for fulfillment of the lending request. |
Mandatory |
Locate by fields | You can modify the default locate and choose the specific fields you want the locate to run by. Select Locate by Fields and choose the fields from the options displayed. Select Locate by Fields to filter the search in the resource sharing library. This process narrows the results available for the locate process. The page refreshes and displays the new search fields. |
Not recommended |
Default printer | Verify the Default printer is set. This is used by the resource sharing library when a user performs an action that can be done while not at a desk (such as shipping). When the user is at a desk, the default printer is based on the desk. |
When Locate by fields is checked, the following fields can be searched for in the resource sharing library:
OCLC Number
Other Standard ID
If Locate only is set to Yes:
- If all fields match the field — if you want the locate to be successful only when all selected fields match.
If Locate only is set to No:
- If the request has identifiers (such as ISBN, OCLC number, or LCCN), locate is successful if any of the selected identifier fields find a match. Other fields such as Title and Author are not used for the match.
- If no identifier fields exist on the request, locate is only successful if all the other selected fields match.
Fulfillment Unit and Terms of Use
Borrowing resource sharing libraries must have a library Fulfillment Unit (Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units).

Resource Sharing Allowed must be enabled in the Fulfillment Unit Rules tab.
The rules determine:
- Resource sharing eligibility
- Request limits
- Allow pickup locations
- Fees
- Personal delivery
For more information, see Supporting Personal Delivery for Requests.
Automatic Jobs for Renewals and Expired Requests
When the Expired Resource Sharing Requests job (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Fulfillment Job Configuration) is set to Active, expired requests are automatically rejected. The default setting for this job is Inactive.
For pods that allow automatic renewals, when the Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals Job (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Fulfillment Job Configuration) is set to Active and Allow Renew for Rapido Pods Requests is checked, expiring resource sharing requests are automatically renewed. The default setting for this job is Inactive.
AutoRenewal (Fulfillment > Auto Loan Renewal Rules) must be set to True. in the Automatic Loan Renewal Rule Editor.
Associating Pickup Locations with Resource Sharing Members
This feature enables the borrowing experience for libraries with multiple resource sharing libraries to be more efficient. By selecting Add Definition (Configuration > Resource Sharing > Configuration > Associate Pickup Location with RS Member) and adding a Pickup Location and RS Member, borrowing requests are handled by the closest or most convenient library.
- If the pickup location does not belong to a library that serves as the resource sharing library, and the pickup location is not defined, the library is selected randomly.
- If the pickup location is attached to a member, but the member is not part of the pod or Rota from where the request received the offer, the owning library is not the member defined in the configuration. The owning library is the member that was assigned when getting the Rapido offer.
- When converting a borrowing request type, if the owner library is changed, and a value is set for the rapido_default_digital_request_owner (Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings) parameter (empty by default), that value is added to the Requested Pickup Location.
Configuring Locate Profiles
When configured (Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Locate Profiles), a locate profile defines how you search the resource sharing partner's catalog. After configuring a locate profile, you associate the profile with a partner. For more information, see Locating Items.
Item Policy
Since requests do not receive terms from the pods, you can enable libraries to apply loan TOUs that match the loan and renewal period arrangements made with each partner. For example, when borrowing, the library may want to have item policies created for abiding by the partner terms. A library may create and use separate item policies for a 10-week loan partner, and a 20-week loan partner.
Item policies are required for Rapido and Alma peer-to-peer but are not required for Rapido libraries in hybrid pods.
Creating Temporary Item Rules
These rules add the appropriate item policy to the borrowing items based on the partner that filled the request. This is required for Rapido and Alma for straight p2p.
Loan TOU and Loan Fulfillment Rules
The loan fulfillment unit rules apply the appropriate loan TOUs to borrowed items based on the item policy added to the borrowing item by our temporary item creation rules.
This is required for Rapido and Alma for straight p2p. It may not be configured if a library was not previously configured for Alma resource sharing.
Configuring Lending Terms (Without a Pod)
Lending Resource Sharing TOU and Lending Fulfillment Unit Rules
The lending resource sharing fulfillment unit rules apply the appropriate lending resource sharing TOU based on the resource sharing partner the lending request was received from. This is required for Rapido and Alma libraries for peer-to-peer connection.
Configuring Rota Templates
Using partners without using a pod can be managed in multiple ways.
When you create a borrowing request, you can manually assign one or more partners to the request, either directly and/or using one or more rotas.
A rota is a list of partners queried to see if they can fill a particular resource sharing borrowing request. A rota can be ordered, where the partners are queried in a specific order, or at random. You can have multiple rotas, each defined by a rota template.
- From Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Templates, select Add Template.
- From the General Information tab, enter a Code and a Name for the rota.
- Select if the rota Type should be Ordered or Non Ordered.
- Select if the rota Status should be Active or Inactive.
- If relevant, select the Locally Managed Rapido Pod checkbox. The pod can then be managed in the pod priority list.
- Select Save and add members. The rota template is added.
Rota template form
Configuring Rota Assignment Rules
Rota assignment rules determine the conditions under which rota templates are invoked.
Configure rota assignment rules on the Rota Assignment Rules List page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Assignment Rules).
If a rota is not added as a Rapido local pod, Rapido uses the Rota assignment rules to determine which rota to assign the request based on the Rota assignment rules.
Rota is also assigned automatically if it matches a rota assignment rule. The rota is used as a list of targets to request from, one at a time. Different rotas can be used for different purposes. For example, an institution may set up a quick to respond rota, an expensive but likely to fill rota, or an e-material experts rota.
A rota of partners can be combined within your Rapido pods and can also be used as a last resort; for the latter, you need to configure the rota assignment rules which define when to apply this rota. See Configuring Rota Templates.
You can then manage the rota under the Pod Priority table (Configuration > Resource Sharing > Configuration > Member > Borrowing Policies).
Defining a Default Level of Service
The Level of Service is included in the lending request data slip and in the email request sent by the borrower to an email partner. You need to select a default, as there is no default level of service that is defined out-of-the-box. (Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Levels of Service)
The Level Of Service information can also be sent from the request forms.
This feature is only relevant for lender-only institutions.

When LEVEL_OF_SERVICE_PHYSICAL or LEVEL_OF_SERVICE_DIGITAL (Configuration > Resource Sharing > Request Forms > Rapido Request Forms Customization) codes are enabled (disabled by default), the values set in the Level of Service table (Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Levels of Service) are displayed on the request form. Additionally, library staff can select a Default Value for the Level of Service.

The Level of Service information appears on the right pane in the Request information.

Integrating with Z39.50
Z39.50 integration must be configured and active for exposing the library’s holdings availability to the other members of the resource sharing network.
From the Integration Profile List page (Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles), select Add Integration Profile. The first page of the integration profile wizard appears.
From the Integration type drop-down list, select Z39.50 Server.
For more information, see Z39.50 integration.
Configuring Workflow Profiles
Resource sharing workflows may include many steps, not all of which are required by your library. For example, some libraries do not allow recalls, or some libraries do not allow renewal requests.
Workflow Profiles enable you to configure the resource sharing steps that are allowed for library-managed workflows.
- Select Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Workflow Profiles.
- Select Add Workflow Profile.
- Create a workflow profile for borrowing and a workflow profile for lending.
Add Workflow Profile
Workflow Profiles are then linked to Partner records and define how the workflows are managed when that partner is a peer partner.
For more information, see Workflow Profiles.
Configuring Borrowing Policies Based on Lenders Terms (Without a Pod)
Configuring RapidILL as a Resource Sharing Partner
Configure RapidILL as a resource sharing partner from the Resource Sharing Partner page (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > Add a Partner).
For the Profile Type and System Type, select RapidILL. Enter the form details as described at Resource Sharing Partners.
On the Parameters tab, for the Default Library Owner, select the library to be used when creating lending requests. Lending requests received from RapidILL are created in the Resource Sharing Library that you select. Enter the form details on the Parameters tab as described at RapidILL Parameters.
If you are using the RapidR integration, select Enable Rapid Returnables Integration For Rapido. This enables you to manage borrowing and lending requests from your RapidoR network via Rapido. By selecting this checkbox, a Rapid Returnables pod is added to your list of participating Pods, and you need to define its priority on the Borrowing Policies tab of the resource sharing member.
OAI page in our developer network. After the initial set up, RapidILL holdings are updated automatically with the latest Alma data without any human intervention.
Uploading holdings from Alma to RapidILL is an automated process using OAI - Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). To find out more about the OAI protocol, you can read theSetting Up Rapid
RapidILL Defining Sets
An automated job publishes an automatically updated set of titles through the OAI protocol weekly. This set is enriched with item information so that RapidILL has all the details it needs.
RapidILL automatically pulls this data once a week and processes it into RapidILL holdings. RapidILL uses these holdings to determine which requests you receive, and what you own locally.
Each title contains holdings with five key details:
- Title
- Location/Collection
- Call Number/URL
- Years/Volumes (journals only)
Rapid OAI Holdings
Setting up the OAI integration requires a General Administrator role.
If your institution already has an OAI Repository Definition profile, ensure that you have enabled the necessary IPs (detailed below). The OAI Repository Definition profile settings are viewable from the Actions tab.
- Navigate to Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles.
- Select Add Integration Profile.
- Under Integration Type, select OAI Repository Definition and select Next.
- Select Active.
- Add a Name, the Admin Email, and a Datestamp of 01/01/2000.
- Allowed IPs: As part of the OAI configuration, you can select whether to expose holdings data to anyone with the link or restrict it only to certain IP addresses. This is done by selecting the Allowed IPs link.
Actions tabWe recommend enabling all IPs. To achieve this, enter If you decide to restrict your OAI to specific IP addresses, you must include the following Ex Libris IPs in separate rows:
- Select Customize to save the Allowed IPs, and then save the Integration Profile to finish.
After creating an OAI Repository Definition profile, contact us and the Support team will configure the RapidILL accordingly.
Customizing the Circulation Desk Pickup Location
In order to present to the patron the circulation desk pickup location for a physical non-returnable request, you can customize the xsl of the letter. To do so, you need to add the name of the resource sharing circulation desk as follows:
<xsl:if test="notification_data/request/assigned_unit_name != ''">
<tr> <td>@@following_item_requested_on@@ <xsl:value-of select="notification_data/request/create_date"/>, @@can_picked_at@@ <xsl:value-of select="notification_data/request/assigned_unit_name"/> @@circulation_desk@@.</td>
<xsl:if test="notification_data/request/assigned_unit_name = ''">
<tr> <td>@@following_item_requested_on@@ <xsl:value-of select="notification_data/request/create_date"/>, @@can_picked_at@@ {ENTER THE NAME OF THE RESOURCE SHARING CIRCULATION DESK HERE} @@circulation_desk@@.</td>
Resource Sharing Between Libraries in the Same Alma Institution
Rapido supports performing resource sharing between libraries in the same institution. This is not a common scenario, and you need to open a support ticket to enable it.
Below are the requirements for this to be enabled:
- The libraries in the institution (IZ) do not do a pick from shelf from other libraries. Each library serves its own patrons.
- Contact support to create the relevant POD to include the libraries in the institution and to enable this specific configuration (ngrs_allow_iz_rs parameter must be set to True).
- Each member in the library must associate participating items with the POD and the pod must be set in the correct pod priority order for borrowing priorities.
Data Sharing Profile
To enable resource sharing shareholding information, you must have a General System Administrator role.
The Data Sharing Profile (Configuration > General > General Configuration> Data Sharing Profile) option enables institutions to share holding information for resource sharing purposes. When set to Yes, this indicates that the institution has agreed to share its information. The default setting for this option is No. We strongly recommend setting this option to Yes.
For more information, see Data Sharing FAQs.
Configuring Rapido Jobs
Rapido jobs are configured from Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Rapido Jobs Configuration. The following Rapido jobs are available for configuration:
Job Name | Description | Default |
Automatic delivery of batch digital lending requests from a configured folder. |
Enables lending institutions to send invoices directly to borrowers for requests that include fees. |
Sets resources with a title_status of enabled to EILL Eligible on the electronic portfolio. Resources with a title_status removes the ILL policy from the electronic portfolio.
Runs daily to check which eBook requests are expired. Expired requests are then set as returned to the lender, the lender is notified that the resource was returned, and the request status updates to Request completed..
General Other Settings
Resource Sharing - Other Settings
Set the Configuration > Resource Sharing> General > Other Settings menu as follows:
Parameter | Default | Description |
Whether or not to allow partners to be created automatically.
rapido_default_digital_request_owner |
blank |
Defines the resource sharing library for digital requests. |
When set to true, requests are prevented from being sent to a lender when a locate failed due to a technical problem. See Locate Failed.
When set to true, this parameter hides to How to get it section in Primo VE. See Hiding How to Get It.
This parameter determines how Rapido calculates the hold shelf expiration for borrowing requests.
See Shelf Expiration. |
This functionality is only for institutions with shared users.
When set to true, this functionality enables the lender to share barcodes with the borrower for Rapido requests. This parameter must be enabled by both the borrower and the lender institution. |
When set to true, Rapido physical journal requests are available.
When set to true, Rapid partners are displayed in the task list.
The Rapido summary holding delimiter(s). See Multi-Volume Settings.
When set to true, the library loan terms of use (ToU) are applied to lost items. See Lost Fees.
When set to true, notes can be sent to the lender from the request. For more information, see Sending Notes.
This parameter is not relevant for RapidILL requests.
Fulfillment - Other Settings
Set the Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings menu as follows:
The ill_item_creation_lib_code parameter can be used to assign a default library. If this is configured, then the user record does not have to be updated with a resource sharing library.
Parameter | Default | Description |
Determines whether to perform additional check for patrons with similar existing and active borrowing requests.
When set to true, this prevents patrons from requesting a resource that they already have an active request for.
Whether to check self ownership for serial titles. For more information, see Self Ownership Check.
This is the digitization department that is assigned automatically created digitization requests if the rs_auto_request_lending parameter is on.
When set to false, this setting assigns borrowing requests to a specified staff member for updating.
This auto-assigns lending requests to the staff member that updates them.
rs_keep_expired_request_active | false | When set to true, Expired requests are editable, request actions are available, and partners can be added manually. |
This determines your policy regarding requests that have been rejected by the lender. Use this parameter to determine whether the borrowing or lending requests should remain active when rejected and should continue being processed as an active request, for example in order to process with a broker system.
Possible values:
When the parameter is set to true (default false), Expired requests are editable and partners can be added manually.
When set to true, the linked content can be accessed without authentication. In default letters, the link is included in the Document Delivery Notification Letter and does not require user authentication when opening the link.
Enable resource sharing letters to use the From address in the letter configuration. For more information, see Changing the From Email Address.
Additional Parameters
Configure the following parameters located at Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings as follows:
Parameter | Default | Description |
rs_keep_rejected_request_active | Borrowing | Keep rejected resource sharing requests active as a borrowing request to keep it open if it is rejected by RapidILL |
borrower_document_delivery_maximum_views | 2 | The maximum number of times patrons can access the link for RapidILL document delivery. |
document_delivery_cleanup_days | Default: 30
Maximum: 90 |
The number of days after which the digital file is deleted. |
Lost Fees
When the parameter rapido_use_tou_for_lost_item (Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings) is set to true (default false), a Lost Item Fine is automatically added to the patron's account in addition to the Lost Item Replacement Fee when an item is marked as lost or when the number of lost profile days have passed, based on the borrowing library's settings in the library loan Terms of Use (TOU) (Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies).
Locate Failed
When a locate process fails for technical reasons such as missing credentials or communication issues, set rapido_do_not_send_request_when_locate_fails (Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings) parameter to true (default) to send the request to the next lender in the rota. Set the parameter to false to send the request to the lender whose locate request failed.
Multi-Volume Settings
Rapido uses the summary holding delimiter set in Alma to read the summary holdings (currently only available for mediation rules).
For matches based on the summary holdings, Rapido uses a semicolon (;) as the default delimiter. To set the delimiter you want to use, you can use the new rapido_summary_holdings_delimiters (Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings) parameter. The parameter value can be any delimiter that you use for your summary holdings.
If the summary holdings is empty, Rapido searches the item information.
Matches are made based on mediation rules such as for Fill Locally and the Self Owned and/or Available options.
This function is currently only available for mediation rules.
For more information, see Multi-Volume Resource Sharing Workflow.
Hiding How to Get It
Rapido enables you to hide the HOW TO GET IT section so that if this feature is not used by your institution, you can remove it. To hide this section, from Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings set rapido_hide_how_to_get_it_section to true. By default, this setting is set to false.
![]() |
![]() |
Shelf Expiration
To prevent items from sitting on hold shelves for extended periods of time, Rapido enables you to configure if the Maximum time on hold shelf (Days) (Configuration > Fulfillment > Library Management > Circulation Desk > Hold Shelf Information) for an item to remain on a hold shelf before being returned to the lending library should be based on the request Due Date or the Circulation Desk Hold Shelf Expiration Time. Set the parameter rapido_hold_shelf_expiration (Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings) to either due_date (default) or circ_desk.
If Maximum time on hold shelf (Days) is not defined, Rapido uses the request Due date.
Self Ownership Check
The check_self_ownership_serial parameter (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings) determines whether requesting is allowed for articles without checking local ownership.
Set this to false so that article requesting is always allowed without checking the local physical inventory first.
Alma cannot determine whether the exact coverage of the requested article is in your physical holdings. Therefore, setting this parameter to false allows the patron to request the article. We recommend mediating these requests in order to first verify local availability using the Self Ownership parameter of the mediation rules.
Changing the From Email Address
You can set the default sent from email address to be different from the main library email address. When rs_use_addressfrom_letter_param (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings) is set to true (default false), instead of letters being sent from the Preferred Email Address set in Configuration > General > Libraries > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab > Add Address/Edit an existing address, the email is sent from the letter configuration addressFrom (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration) on the following letters:
- Borrower Claim Email Letter
- Borrower Overdue Email Letter
- Borrower Receive Email Letter
- Borrower Return Email Letter
- Externally Obtained Letter
- Ful Cancel Email Letter
- Ful Damaged Email Letter
- Ful Incoming Slip Letter
- Ful Lost Email Letter
- Ful Outgoing Email Letter
- Ful Renew Email Letter
- Lender Checked-in Email Letter
- Lending Recall Email Letter
- Lender Reject Email Letter
- Lender Response Email Letter
- Lender Ship Email Letter
- Lender Will Supply Email Letter
- Query To Patron Letter
- Rapido member letter
- Resource Sharing Request Confirmation Letter
- Resource Sharing Return Slip Letter
- Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter

In addition, for the following three letters, signature_email needs to be replaced in the XSL with address_from in order to prevent the preferred email address from appearing at the bottom of the email:
- Externally Obtained Letter
- Query To Patron Letter
- Rapido member letter

For more information, see Configuring Rapido Letters
Sending Notes
When request_note_to_lender (Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings) is set to true (default), notes are sent to both the borrowing and lending institutions. When set to false, notes are only sent to the borrowing institution.
This parameter is not in use for RapidILL. The note will not be included with RapidILL requests.
Rapid Partner Visibility
When rapido_show_rapid_partner (Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings) parameter is set to true (default), the Rapid Partner field is displayed in the Request information on the right pane. Additionally, requests can be faceted using the Rapid Partner facet. See Facets.
This functionality is especially useful if more than one Rapid Partner is defined.

Configuring Rapido Letters
To configure letters, you must have one of the following roles:
General System Administrator
Letter Administrator
The following letters (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration) are used by Rapido throughout the different flows.
For information on adding non-default fields to Rapido letters, see Available Fields for Rapido Letters.
Letter Name | Letter Description |
Patron Letters
Change Rapido Request Terms Letter
An automatically generated letter that notifies the patron if the terms that were defined by the previous lender were changed when the request is moved to a new lender.
Document Delivery Notification Letter
When a patron has requested digital material and the send method on the request is Attach Documents - Link, this notification is emailed to patrons to provide links to the file. See Attaching Digitized Items To Be Sent To a Patron.
This letter can be sent automatically once the lending partner provides the item or when the institution uploads the file manually and sends it to the patron.
Indicates that a request was canceled and the cancellation reason.
This letter is not sent if the date by which the request is needed has passed.
Resource Sharing Request Confirmation Letter
Rapido automatically sends a confirmation email when a request is placed to confirm with the patron that their request has been placed.
Lending Workflow Letters
Ful Incoming Slip Letter
A slip that is printed by the library staff from the Resource Sharing Lending Requests task list when they need to retrieve an item from the shelf to be shipped to a borrower (see the print slip description in Receiving Physical Material). You can also include a printable barcode image in this letter.
The Ful Incoming Slip Letter and Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter both use the same Print Slip button in Alma and Rapido.
For information on extracting metadata from a lending request, see How to add information from the resource sharing request to the lender.
A shipping label can also be added as a template.
Ful Resource Request Slip Letter
A slip that is printed out by library staff from the Pick Up Requested Resources page when they need to retrieve an item from the shelf. For details on pickup up items from the shelf, see Pickup at Shelf. You may include a printable barcode image on this letter. The barcode is populated for item-level requests, not title-level requests. For title-level requests, there could be multiple possible items, so the barcodes appear as optional barcodes, and not a specific barcode linked to the request. This letter is also printed when an item that had a hold request is returned. This letter does not include the borrowing institution field on the letter by default. To add this field, enable the supplied_to code (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration) and add <xsl:value-of select="notification_data/partner_name"/> |
Lending Requests Report Slip Letter
A slip that is printed out by library staff for the selected requests in the lending task list that lists the availability of the items so that they can be taken off the shelf and shipped to the requester.
Emailed to relevant partners detailing the costs for the request.
Emailed to relevant partners when a lender uses the Send Invoice Lost/Damaged Invoice action. The letter contains the invoice number, request identifier, and the lost/damaged charge for the request.
Email a partner directly from the lending task list request. This option eases workflows, such as when a lender wants to convey limitations or for any type of messages such as a thank you note. These messages are saved in the request for future reference.
A user selects the Ship Item link for a lending request and then selects Automatically Print Slip = Yes on the Shipping Items page. You can include a printable barcode image in this letter.
Additionally, when configured (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners) , you can include the Alternate Symbol by adding the notification_data/alternate_symbol field.
This letter does not include the Pod ID and Pod Name by default. To add these fields, enable pod_id and pod_name labels (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration).
This letter is used to contact an identified partner within the directory from the Find Partner workflow, using the Send Rapido Request action, to begin the process of adding the potential partner as a new partner.
Borrowing Workflow Letters
Email a partner directly from the borrowing task list request. This option eases workflows, such as when a borrowing library wants to ask a question or for any type of messages such as a thank you note. These messages are saved in the request for future reference.
Correspondence can be initiated using the Send email to partner action or from the Start Communication button on the Communications tab.
A slip that prints automatically when the Automatic Print Slip option is selected for Received Items. You can include a printable barcode image in this letter.
Printable when returning a borrowing item to the lender. You can include a printable barcode image on this letter. The letter prints if:
Additionally, when configured (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners) , you can include the Alternate Symbol by adding the notification_data/alternate_symbol field.
The letter is not relevant for NCIP transactions.
This letter does not include the Pod ID and Pod Name by default. To add these fields, enable pod_id and pod_name labels (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration).
Resource Sharing Email Workflow Letters
Ful Cancel Email Letter
Indicates that a resource sharing request was canceled. Automatically sent to partners when a resource sharing borrowing request is sent to a partner whose Type = Email.
Ful Outgoing Email Letter
For borrowing requests sent to a partner with a profile type Email.
General Message Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
An email sent to the resource sharing partner to alert them of a new general message that has been entered on the request.
Lender Reject Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
Sent to the borrowing partner when the lending partner has rejected a lending request.
Lender Will Supply Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
When a letter wants to notify a borrowing partner that they are working on a request, this letter is sent to the borrowing partner when the status of a resource sharing request changes to Will Supply.
Lender Ship Email Letter
Sent to the borrowing partner to indicate that the requested item has been shipped.
Borrower Receive Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
Sent to the lending institution when the loaned item has been received at the borrowing institution.
Borrower Return Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
Sent to the lending institution when the borrowing institution has returned the loaned item.
Ful Renew Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
Indicates that a resource sharing request has been renewed. Sent to partners automatically when a resource sharing borrowing request is sent to a partner whose Type = Email.
Ful Damaged Email Letter
Sent to the lending partner to notify them that a resource sharing item has been damaged.
Ful Lost Email Letter |
Sent to the lending partner to notify them that a resource sharing item has been lost.
Lending Recall Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
Sent to the borrowing partner when an item is recalled and must be returned. Not used in Rapido but is used in Peer to Peer. In Rapido a general message is being used for sending recall.
Lender Checked-In Email Letter (only if working with email partners)
Sent to the borrowing partner when an item was checked in at the lending institution.
Lender Renew Response Email Letter
Sent to the borrowing partner when the lending partner responds to a renewal request.
Borrower Overdue Email Letter
Sent by the lending institution to the borrowing partner when a resource is overdue. When sent using ISO protocol, the request on the borrowing side is automatically marked as overdue.
Other Letters
Externally Obtained Letter
Sent to patrons; contains a URL for a requested article obtained through the CCC GetItNow service.
ARTEmail message
For working with the British library.
Rapido Request Letter
Rapido sends a request to a potential lender for a new resource sharing partnership.
Borrower Claim Email Letter
For peer-to-peer partners, the letter is sent when the Automatic Claim field is enabled on the borrowing request and the value of the Time to Claim (days) is reached. See Resource Sharing Partners.
Interested In Letter
Informs someone who is registered as “interested in” about a change in a PO line status. For details on interested users, see the description in Find PO Lines for Receiving Fields in Receiving Physical Material.
Document Delivery Link for Multiple SAML Authentication Profiles
For cases where a user has more than one SAML IDP profile in their system should configure the Document Delivery Notification Letter so the SAML link includes the idpCode for the correct SAML profile.
<!-- Do not remove Ex Libris workaround created variable to alter current SAML delivery page -->
<xsl:variable name="SAML_URL">
<xsl:value-of select="notification_data/download_url_saml" />
<xsl:variable name="DOCID">
<xsl:value-of select='substring-after($SAML_URL,"digitalDoc")'/>
<xsl:variable name="GOOD_SAML_URL">
<xsl:value-of select='concat("https:/<Alma Host Name>/services/login?auth=SAML&idpCode=<SAML IDP Profile Code>&digitalDoc=",$DOCID)'/>
<xsl:attribute name="href">
<xsl:value-of select="$GOOD_SAML_URL"/>
<!-- GOOD_SAML_URL select ends -->
Libraries can include a link in the Document Delivery Notification Letter email that does not require authentication. To ease the patron experience and align with practices at your library, digital requests can be accessed without first authenticating.
When the parameter rs_no_authentication_document_delivery (Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings) is set to true (default false), the linked content can be accessed without authentication. In default letters, the link is included in the Document Delivery Notification Letter and does not require user authentication when opening the link.