360 Resource Manager: Release Notes and Service Status
- Product: 360 Resource Manager
Where can I find release notes and service status for 360 Resource Manager?
June 17, 2022
February 23, 2022
November 3, 2021
August 4, 2021
May 12, 2021
February 3, 2021
December 2, 2020
June 10, 2020
May 13, 2020
February 19, 2020
December 11-12, 2019
August 1, 2019
September 27, 2013
We released the following enhancement to 360 Resource Manager:
- Enhanced Upload Status Page will streamline your user experience and make bulk importing easier when uploading costs.
In addition, there are enhancements to other Serials Solutions services.
June 22, 2013
We released the following enhancements to 360 Resource Manager:
- Enhanced Cost Data Upload tool providing easier bulk additions and deletions to your cost information, and easier cost reporting and assessment by building workflows for bulk editing and cost data application
- New License Data API enabling retrieval and use of information, beyond the standard display and tools currently available within Serials Solutions services
- And several fixes to issues you have told us about!
In addition, there are enhancements to other Serials Solutions services.
May 3, 2013
We have made fixes to small issues that you, our clients, have told us about. However, we have added a small feature to the alerts emails sent by 360 Resource Manager: A direct URL link to the resource in the Client Center that is affected by the alert.
March 30, 2013
We released the following enhancements to 360 Resource Manager:
- Collections updates
- Cost for consortia members
- Improved functionality to Overlap Analysis for collection assessment and comprehensive views of your library's entire collection
- New management report with details about all databases in your library's Client Center profile
- More fixes and performance enhancements in response to client reports to improve your experience and ROI of 360 Resource Manager.
We also released new features and fixes to the Client Center, 360 Counter, 360 Link, and Ulrichsweb.
Feb. 1, 2013
The following enhancements were released:
- The Contact note field is now Unicode-compliant.
- Other minor fixes to the service.
Dec. 1, 2012
The following 360 Resource Manager enhancements are now available:
- A new tool to help you manage the time-consuming and critical task of renewing your many subscribed resources. Includes a customizable checklist to allow your library to create a workflow and check off activities during the renewal process.
- Additional alerts related to the new renewal feature
- Additional fields added to Licenses details page and reports
- And many fixes to issues that you, our clients, have told us about!
Sep. 21, 2012
We released the following new enhancements to 360 Resource Manager:
- New options for displaying dates in 360 Resource Manager and the rest of the Client Center, based on your preferred date format (for example, YYYY/MM/DD or DD/MM/YYYY)
- Ongoing updates to the License feature in 360 Resource Manager, including a new License Data Uploader report, license upload functionality, additional license URL fields, an update to accommodate new text options for tracking terms about "Unlimited Users," and additional timeframes for advance notice requirements.
- The left side of Database Details pages will show itemized costs again. (We had to remove that functionality for a short time.)
June 20, 2012
Known Issue: When viewing the Vendor Statistics Metadata page in Internet Explorer 8 (IE8), the table appears pushed to the right side of the screen. If you use IE8 and are seeing this anomaly, we recommend that you upgrade to Internet Explorer 9 or use a different browser, such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome. Serials Solutions will notify our clients when the issue has been resolved.
June 11, 2012
We have added two new features to 360 Resource Manager that deliver improved workflows and optimize decision-making:
- A library of license templates, to help speed up your efforts to create licenses and attach them to resources; and
- A data population service to help new subscribers get their e-resource management data into 360 Resource Manager.
May 18, 2012
The following enhancements are available:
- Continued improvements to navigation and the user interface, providing greater efficiency and better management of e-resource data, including changes to the left-side navigation tree to indicate payment types and number of attached objects; and
- Updates to Management reports, making it easier for you to use the data you track in Client Center, 360 Resource Manager, and 360 Counter for more efficient workflow, including the addition of Custom Dates in the Tracked Resources report.
- Coming Soon: Some time after the May 18 update, Serials Solutions will release additional features to make it easier for libraries to populate license and other management data. (Subscribe to this Answer by clicking Follow Me above and we'll send you an email when the new features are available.)
Jan. 27, 2012
Several improvements to 360 Resource Manager -- as well as other Serials Solutions services -- were released on Jan. 27, 2012:
- Improvements to your ability to open, download and work with files and reports in .csv and Excel formats, which make your use of Serials Solutions tools and information more efficient.
- Easy links directly to valuable documentation from within the Client Center make it easier for you to find information you need as you are implementing and maintaining 360 Resource Manager.
Dec. 3, 2011
Several improvements to 360 Resource Manager -- as well as other Serials Solutions services -- were released on Dec. 2, 2011:
- Consortium member libraries are now able to make local copies of licenses, notes, and contacts you inherit from your consortium.
- All libraries are now able to make copies of your own notes and contacts. (You've always been able to duplicate your own licenses, alerts, and vendor statistics metadata.)
- You are able to filter contacts on the Contacts page so that you can, for instance, only see those contacts that are vendors, or are connected to a particular resource.
- The License Name has been added to the License Action report.
- Other fixes to some minor problems our clients have pointed out to us!
Sept. 16, 2011
The following new features and enhancements were released to 360 Resource Manager on Sep. 16, 2011:
- We have created a report to support workflow and administration for those libraries that also subscribe to 360 Consortia Edition Services. The Resource Sharing and Inheritance Report will allow consortium managers to view sharing and inheritance activities across the consortium profiles to ensure items and resources have been shared, populated and inherited as desired. This enhancement applies to all consortium edition services, including 360 Search and 360 Resource Manager.
- Continued enhancement and fixes to 360 Resource Manager reports, including fixes to the display of diacritics and dates.
- Menu manager enhancements make it easier for you to customize 360 Resource Manager to support your local workflows. These enhancements include:
- The ability to delete custom menu items, along with built-in functionality to ensure that your local information is not lost and can be migrated appropriately as you make changes to your local interface.
- Easy alphabetical re-ordering of menu items.
Training webinars have been scheduled to give you the opportunity to learn more about these new features and enhancements. (Look for the "Management Solutions" webinars.)
Serials Solutions is also hosting a series of web-based information sessions designed to help librarians learn from their peers about the applied use of Serials Solutions' Management and Assessment solutions.
July 15, 2011
The following new features and functionality were released to 360 Resource Manager during our upgrade on July 15, 2011:
New payment and cost tracking capability: Libraries are now able to record multiple payments in a single fiscal year to more accurately reflect how the costs for resources are paid. Features include:
- Payment Type, a completely customizable way for libraries to indicate the type of payment being recorded. For example, you can indicate if the payment reflects a Credit Memo or perhaps a Supplemental Invoice.
- Transactional Currency: Libraries can now record the currency and amount in which payment was made. This is especially valuable if you pay for resources in a variety of currencies.
- Include in Total for Year: Libraries can determine, per payment, if the cost should be included in the total per year. You may choose not to include one time set-up fees in the Total for Year.
- Fund Codes: Libraries can now track up to 500 funds and amounts per payment.
The enhanced ability to track payment data will also affect 360 Counter, giving you more options for cost-per-use assessment.
Changes to Cost Data Uploader and Cost Reports: Changes have been made to the Cost Data Uploader to support the new Payment Details page. You can now record multiple payments for a single fiscal year from the Cost Data Uploader. You are also able to run a Cost Details Report from the Resource Manager Reports and use it as a template for the Cost Data Uploader - delete and add back in later as needed.
Adding the unique Serials Solutions Identifiers to 360 Resource Manager Reports: The Serials Solutions Resource Identifiers (Provider Code, Collection ID, Database Code, Title ID and SSID) are now included in 360 Resource Manager Reports to provide you with more flexibility for using and integrating this data through the e-resource lifecycle.
Bug fixes in this release allow the following:
- Costs and payment information can be entered with a comma. (For example, 5,000.00 will now be accepted.)
- Cost and payment information is now displayed in reverse chronological order in the left-side navigation system
- E-Book titles assigned to a License will now display correctly as Title to provide consistency with the Journal Title label.
More information on the new features in 360 Resource Manager:
- Register for a live training webinar about the new features to record Cost and Payment information
- View a brief (8 min) video tutorial (MP4 or WMV) on the new Cost and Payment tracking features
- Updated: 360 Resource Manager Reporting FAQ and 360 Resource Manager User Guide.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 7384