Leganto 2021 Release Notes
Click Upcoming Behavior and Design Changes to see planned changes that will affect the experience of your users.
Click here to view the monthly release and maintenance schedules.
Click here to watch the Leganto What's New videos, another great resource for learning about the Leganto release.
The Leganto What's New videos highlight some of the main features of the Leganto releases.
These videos enable you to view more details about the features that are most relevant to you.
Download December Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download December Full Release Notes as a PDF
January 2022 Sneak Preview
- NERS: Set section view for reading list
- NERS: Alert of associated reading list when withdrawing an item
- New onboarding for instructors
December 2021 Sneak Preview
- NERS: Automatically create first section when creating a list
- NERS: Allow multiple rollovers
November 2021 Sneak Preview
- NERS: Select between Alphabetical or List order when exporting lists
- Export a single citation in a specific reference format
- Embedded PDFs will open in a new tab instead
October 2021 Sneak Peek
- Read and Respond Assignments on Leganto Resources
- Trigger Leganto Question when the library does not have the item in a specific format in the inventory
- Streamlined digitization workflow for course materials
Download August Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download August Full Release Notes as a PDF
October 2021 Sneak Peek
- Read and Respond Assignments on Leganto Resources
- Trigger Leganto Question when the library does not have the item in a specific format in the inventory
- Streamlined digitization workflow for course materials
Download July Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download July Full Release Notes as a PDF
August 2021 Sneak Peek
- Alert for duplicate purchase orders
- Resource locate citations for known items
- Display original date of list submission in Alma
July 2021 Sneak Peek
- Run the Course Loader in report mode
- Add reading lists owners in bulk
- Set different useful links for instructors and students
- Automatically set reading lists to Complete if library review is not required
Download June Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download June Full Release Notes as a PDF
Issues to Note
This release includes some UI changes. For more information, refer to the videos below:
Video for Librarians — This video details all the UI changes in the May and June releases, including configuration options where relevant.
Video for instructors — This video details the UI changes using language relevant for instructors. Share this video with your instructors if it will be beneficial.
June 2021 Sneak Peek
- New design for the reading list header (see Upcoming Behavior and Design Changes in Leganto)
- Description field for Leganto Questions
- Annotations usage added to Analytics
Download May Instructor Highlights as a PDF | Download May Full Release Notes as a PDF
May 2021 Sneak Peek
- Redesign of the Add Item Menu for highlighting important options in the menu.
- Add Esploro to CiteIt!
- Enable adding a course to a list with an approved copyright in Leganto.
Issues to Note
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Pricing Change
May 2021 Sneak Peek
- Redesign of the Add Item Menu for highlighting important options in the menu.
- Add Esploro to CiteIt!
- Enable adding a course to a list with an approved copyright in Leganto.
March 2021 Sneak Peek
- Adding annotations to the Leganto PDF viewer will enable students and instructors to add comments on top of the text.
- Allow adding a course to a reading list with calculated copyrights.
- A new admin role will enable the user to customize the Leganto interface and activate UI functionality without affecting the library configuration.
- This admin user will also be able to activate features in Leganto without accessing Alma.
- This role can also be given to a non-librarian either a consultant or someone from teaching and learning.
Issues to Note
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Pricing Change
For more information about the integration between Leganto and the CCC, see Clearing Copyrights Through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC).
February 2021 Sneak Peek
- Students and instructors will be able to add annotations on embedded PDFs.
- Replace the Leganto help page with a link of your choice.
- Use multiple digital file viewers in Leganto.
- Calculate copyrights on a set of citations using a job.
Main Features
Automatically Create First Section When Creating a List in LegantoURM-154449

Text | Default | Label |
Template name | Default | list.templates.title.custom |
Template description | Blank list with one default section | list.templates.desc.custom |
Section | Resources | defaultSection.title |

For more information, see Saving a Reading List Structure as Template.
Quick Cite: Export a Single Citation in a Specific Reference FormatURM-148214
December 2021 Leganto Idea Exchange
Quick Cite enables users to generate a citation for a single resource, and specify the bibliography style for the citation. The default style is set in Leganto > Features > Bibliographic Styles. If no default style is set, the first style in the Bibliographic Styles table appears. The Quick Cite feature is enabled by default but can be disabled in Leganto > UI > Citation Menu.
After selecting Copy to clipboard a disclaimer appears: Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.
For more information, see Exporting a Citation.
Reply to an Annotation-146055
December 2021 Leganto
Leganto now enables you to reply to public annotations.
The dotted line indicates which reply relates to which comment.
When a second reply is added, the dotted line extends to indicate multiple replies to the same comment.
When switching focus from an annotation, the comments are collapsed with an indication of the number of replies.
When deleting an annotation with replies, the replies are also deleted.
When there are replies to an annotation, the annotation cannot be changed to Private.
For more information, see Working with Assignments.
PDFs Open in a New TabURM-155052

Current Display:
Both the brief and full view of the citation display the option to open the resource in a new tab.
When a new tab is opened, the breadcrumbs are still viewable but they are not links.
Leganto still includes the option to render PDFs read-only (not downloadable).
The parameter embed_pdf_by_default was replaced by pdf_use_leganto_viewer (Leganto > Leganto Features) parameter. The default setting is true.
For more information, see Configuring Whether Instructors can Embed Citations Directly in Leganto.
Choose Sort Method When Exporting a List

When exporting to PDF, or when exporting to Word and selecting the Expanded Reading List Style, users have the option to Sort by: Title or List order.
The default sort method is defined in the citation_export_style_order (Leganto Configuration > General > Settings) parameter.

View Student Usage by Academic Year
The current academic year of your institution is determined by your country, according to the following table:
Country | Code | Start Month | End Month |
Argentina | 54 | March | February |
Australia | 61 | January | December |
Austria | 43 | September | August |
Belgium | 32 | August | July |
Botswana | 267 | August | July |
Brazil | 55 | January | December |
Canada | 01 | August | July |
Chile | 56 | January | December |
China | 86 | September | July |
Colombia | 57 | January | December |
Czech Republic | 420 | September | August |
Denmark | 45 | August | July |
Ecuador | 593 | September | August |
Finland | 358 | August | July |
France | 33 | September | August |
Germany | 49 | September | August |
Hong Kong | 852 | August | July |
Ireland | 353 | September | July |
Israel | 972 | October | September |
Italy | 39 | September | August |
Japan | 81 | April | March |
Luxembourg | 352 | September | August |
Macau | 853 | August | July |
Malta | 356 | September | August |
Mexico | 52 | January | December |
Netherlands | 31 | August | July |
New Zealand | 64 | January | December |
Norway | 47 | July | June |
Peru | 51 | January | December |
Philippines | 63 | September | August |
Poland | 48 | October | September |
Portugal | 351 | September | August |
Qatar | 974 | September | August |
Singapore | 65 | August | July |
South Africa | 27 | January | December |
South Korea | 82 | March | February |
Spain | 34 | September | August |
Sweden | 46 | August | July |
Switzerland | 41 | September | August |
Taiwan | 886 | September | August |
United Arab Emirates | 971 | September | August |
UK | 44 | September | August |
USA | 01 | August | July |
Vietnam | 84 | January | December |
Create Read and Respond Assignments on Leganto Course Materials
Instructors can now create Read and Respond assignments on course materials, requiring students to read and annotate PDF files as directed by the instructor. Read and Respond assignments are seamlessly integrated into the course page in the learning management system (LMS), and the easy-to-use Leganto grading dashboard synchronizes the students’ grades with the LMS grade book.
To start using Read and Respond assignments, you must first configure an LTI 1.3 integration with your LMS and add the assignments selection option. See the Developer Network for details.
Once configured, instructors can start adding Read and Respond assignments to their course page.
Students can access the assignment through the LMS, add annotations to the file, and submit their assignments.
As students submit their assignments, the grading dashboard updates, showing an overview of the assignment status for each of the students in the course.
Instructors can select START GRADING to begin grading all assignments which have been submitted but not yet graded. Instructors can enter a score for the assignment, and optionally add a comment for the student, then select SAVE & NEXT to move to the next student in the list to be graded.
Select POST SCORES to update the LMS with the students' scores.
For more information, see Working with Assignments.
Alma Displays Same Citation Metadata as Leganto
Updated Tagging Workflow
October 2021 Leganto
Previously, when adding or removing tags from a citation, a user selected the Add tag option, then selected or removed the tags, then selected SAVE. Now, users can select Add Tag and select the relevant tags, which are saved automatically. To remove tags, one only needs to select the X next to the tag. This updated tagging workflow is in line with other systems which support tagging, resulting in less confusion and fewer errors.
Leganto Student Usage Includes Guest Usage
Social Reading: Public Annotations on Course Materials
Students and instructors can now share their annotations with each other. When allow_citation_public_annotation (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to true (default), a toggle appears on citations with embedded PDFs, giving instructors the option to enable or disable Public Annotations on a per PDF/Citation basis.
If allow_citation_public_annotation is set to false, the Public/Private toggle is hidden on the PDF header.
If Public Annotations is enabled on the PDF header, the user can select whether their annotation should be public or private. The default is Private, in which case the annotation is only visible to the user who added the annotation.
If an annotation is set to Public, the name of the person who wrote the comment, and the date and time of the comment are visible in the annotation menu. Public comments are searchable in the annotations menu. Each student's name appears in a different color above their comment, and instructor comments appear with an instructor icon next to their name. Instructors can delete public annotations or change them to Private.
Users can also change their own comments from Public to Private, or from Private to Public.
Additionally, Instructors can use the Edit Multiple Items tool in Leganto to enable or disable public annotations.
Annotations are stored as a separate layer on the file, visible only in Leganto and within the context of the reading list. They will not be added to printed or downloaded versions of the file, and private/public annotations are only copied when selecting Move item to the same list.
Below are the rules for when private/public annotations are not copied:
- Duplicating a list
- Selecting Copy to my collection
- Selecting rollover
- Copying a section/citation to another list
- Copying a section/citation to the current list
- Selecting Move item to a different list
For more information, see Creating Private Annotations.
Easily Link to a Section or Citation from the LMS

Set Visibility for Useful Links
July 2021 Leganto
Add/Remove Owner using Reading List Bulk Update
- Add owner — specify a specific owner, and choose if they are an owner or a collaborator
- Remove owner — remove all owners or specify an owner to remove
Auto-set Lists to Complete
Previously, if all citations on a reading list were automatically set to complete, the list was still sent to the library with a Ready for Processing status. Now, the library can configure reading lists to automatically be set to Complete when they are sent to the library if all of the citations on the reading list are complete.

Bolk Copyright Service: Automated Status Updates

New File Upload Form
Select File.

Browse or drag and drop a file to upload.

If your institution has configured File Upload Copyright Options, instructors are prompted to select from the configured options.
The uploaded file displays the copyright clearance details.
When editing an item with a file, you can toggle to view the copyright declaration.
Selecting View copyright declaration displays the copyright declaration.
To add a file to an existing citation, select the option to drag or upload a file at the top of the Edit item screen.
List Header Redesign

Left Navigation Pane Removed

List Status Automatically Updates when Citation Status Updates

- revert_citation_status_by_removing_tags
- revert_citation_status_by_adding_tags
- revert_completed_citation_status_by_metadata_change — the following metadata triggers a change in status:
- Additional Person Name
- Author
- Book Chapter
- Chapter Author
- Chapter Title
- Chapter Number
- Edition
- Editor
- End Page
- Issue
- Journal Title
- LCCN Number
- Note
- OCLC Number
- Pages
- Place of Publication
- Publication Date
- Publisher
- Start Page
- Title
- Volume
- Year
The List status changes if revert_list_status_to is set. For example, you can choose to have the list status change to Ready for Processing if the citation status changes when the instructor adds a tag.
Integration with LTI 1.3
June 2021 Leganto URM-148681LTI 1.3 Import Citations in Canvas

Add Item Menu
The new Add Items menu highlights the multiple options for adding citations, such as uploading a file and adding a citation from a reference manager, if configured. The Add Items menu will only display options that have been enabled for your institution. The available options are:
- Library Search - Search and add resources from your discovery system.
- Blank Form - Manually enter metadata to create a citation.
The sandbox release label is Manual Form, but the production release label is Blank Form. If you need to change it in your sandbox (for example, to create screenshots) you can change the label: addItem.tabs.manualForm (Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels).
- File - Select a file from your computer to upload. The drop-down list includes a section at the top of the list for the most commonly used file types. This option is hidden if the max_file_size_allowed_faculty_MB parameter is set to 0. For more information, see Configuring Whether Instructors Can Upload Files that Contain Reading Lists.
- Collection - Add a resource from your Leganto collection.
- RefWorks - Add a resource from your RefWorks account. This option is hidden if RefWorks is not enabled. To enable RefWorks, the refworks_group_code parameter (Configuration menu > General > External Integrations) must contain a value and the user must have a username and password in their settings.
- Mendeley - Add a resource from your Mendeley account. The option is hidden if Mendeley is not enabled. To enable Mendeley, the mendeley_client_id and mendeley_secret parameters (Leganto Configurations > General > External Integrations) must contain a value.
- Zotero - Add a resource from your Zotero account. This option is hidden if Zotero is disabled. To enable Zotero, the Zotero User ID and Zotero API key (in User Settings in the Leganto interface) must contain a value.
Unsupported Browser Message

New Bolk Copyright Request API
May 2021 LegantoURM-146580
- Using HE license - Bolk Status is Approved.
- Using mandate - Bolk Status is Approved, with the Price per page appended to the field.
- Rights Clearance Required - Copyright Status is Rejected with the Bolk rejection message immediately following. Bolk Status is Rejected and the message received from Bolk will be displayed to the user as is.
Leganto Course Copyrights
The instructor can now associate or remove course associations from a list in Leganto even if there are approved copyright requests. An overnight job will run to recalculate the copyright on any lists in which the course association was changed. To enable this feature, the associate_course_approved_copyright parameter must be set to true (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Leganto Copyright Settings). The parameter defaults to false. See Configuring Leganto Copyright-Related Procedures.
Hide Page Annotations
You can now hide annotations on PDF files. When annotations are on the page, click the eye icon to hide the annotations. Click the icon again to display the annotations.

Annotating PDFs
Users can now highlight important text and add annotations in the Leganto PDF viewer, enabling students and instructors to take notes and add comments directly within their course materials. All annotations are private and visible only to the individual, and annotations are not stored on the original file, but rather, as a separate layer. This new development is available for any embedded PDF file.

Icon |
Functionality |
Highlight the marked text in yellow. |
Add a comment. |
Add shape around a marked text with the selected color, and add a comment to the shape. |
Open the side panel. The panel can also be opened by selecting text that includes a comment. |
Open the PDF in full screen (or a new tab). |
A floating menu that includes highlighting and commenting. This option also allows selecting text in the PDF without using the selection icon in the menu. |

New Administrator Role for Activating Leganto Features
- Leganto Configuration Menu
- UI
- Settings
- Branding
- Customization
- Brief Citation Format
- Citation Field Mapping
- Embedded File Type Handling
- List Menu
- Section Menu
- Citation Menu
- Citation Default Thumbnails
- List Management
- Publishing
- Features
- Leganto Features
- Guided Tours
- Guided Videos
- Notifications - Instructors
- Notifications - Students
- Bibliographic Styles
- Links
- Find List Settings
- Help Pages
- List Advisor
- Settings
- List Advisor Types
- List Advisor Tips
- Reading List Advisor Agenda Items
- General
- Labels
- Customer Labels
- Recommended Feature Names - one of the new tables added as part of the Feature Recommendations and Activation story below
- Recommended Features Descriptions - one of the new tables added as part of the Feature Recommendations and Activation story below
- UI
- Fulfillment Configuration Menu
- Courses
- Tags
- Tag Mapping
- Courses
Feature Recommendations and Activation

To enable this feature, set the recommended_features parameter to true (Leganto Configuration menu> Features > Leganto Features). When set to false, the Recommended Features menu will be hidden.
Import Labels to Leganto
Labels can now be imported into Leganto. For more information, see Importing Code Table UI Leganto Labels in the Alma release notes.
Add Citation Number of Loans Field to Citations Dimension
The Citation Number of Loans field was added to the Citations dimension in the Leganto Student Usage and Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject areas. It indicates the number of times the citation was loaned during the course dates.
Help Page Customization
You can now define customized help pages for Leganto. To configure this, access the Help Pages mapping table at Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Help Pages. You can specify the customized URL by role and language. You can only assign one language per role.

- Not all websites can be embedded in a second website.
- The URL must begin with https:.
Citation Actions are Now Available from the Citation Full View

Citation actions are now available from the full view of a citation, allowing users to take action on citations without having to return to the list view. The action menu options are similar to those available from the reading list view.
- Copy to my collection
- Send to library
- Mark as done
- Link from the course to here
- Re-link from the course to here.
- Create a shareable Link
- Export to RefWorks
- Set complete

Update Text Labels for Links
The out-of-the-box terms LTI and Permalink were replaced in Leganto since instructors are often unfamiliar with these terms.
Prior Label | New Label |
LTI Direct Access |
Link from <LMS name> to here If there is not a known LMS, the text is Link from the course to here. |
Relink LTI link here |
Re-link from <LMS name> to here If there is not a known LMS, the text is Re-link from the course to here. |
Unlink LTI link |
Unlink from <LMS name> to here If there is not a known LMS, the text is Unlink from the course to here. |
Are you sure you want to relink LTI link to point directly to here? |
Re-link from <LMS name> to here If there is not a known LMS, the text is Re-link from the course to here. |
Are you sure you want to unlink LTI link? |
Unlink from <LMS name> to here If there is not a known LMS, the text is Unlink from the course to here. |
Create a permalink to the following | Create a shareable link to the following |
Relink your course to link to |
Re-link from <LMS name> to here If there is not a known LMS, the text is Re-link from the course to here. |
Using Multiple Digital Viewer Services in Leganto
You can now use multiple digital viewer services in Leganto.

New Filter Menu in Leganto
The Leganto filters have changed from tabbed filters to a drop-down list.

Find Lists by Course Year and Term

Course year and course term are now available by default in the advanced search of Find list. You can define defaults in the Course Term drop-down list and in the Year field. You can edit these options in the Find List Settings table.

Enter Public Notes and Dates from the Add/Edit Form
On the Edit Item and Create Item forms, you can now add or edit Public Notes, Due Dates, and the Citation Visibility Dates (Display Citation and Display Materials dates).

Send Create List Reminder Emails
You can now create an email to remind instructors to create lists for courses. The email can be launched from the Courses list via the new row action, Leganto create list - reminder email.

- Unconditionally - Send the reminder for all courses in the set.
- If course is not associated with a list - Send the reminder if the course does not have an associated list.
- If associated list has no request for review - Send the reminder if the associated reading list does not have a value in the Request for Review field.

Students Can Now Use RefWorks
Students can now sign in to RefWorks with their user name and password in order to export citations to RefWorks.
Leganto Detailed Notification Letter
The new Leganto Detailed Notifications Letter replaces the previous Leganto Notifications Letter. Both the old and new letters email instructors with an informative document that includes a link to Leganto when there are notifications waiting for them, and a list of the notifications. The new letter aggregates the notifications per list into a single letter and can be configured. Additionally, the new letter adds the course code and searchable ID to the XML of the letter. The new letter is disabled by default. The Leganto Notifications Letter is deprecated and will be removed for the May 2021 release. At that point, if you had the old letter enabled, the new letter will be automatically enabled. During this transition period, we recommend that you customize the new notifications letter.

Change Completed Citations' Status Upon Metadata Change

You can now configure Leganto to change the status of a completed citation when the citation metadata is edited by an instructor in Leganto. To enable this feature set the customer parameter, revert_completed_citation_status_by_metadata_change, (Leganto > List Management > Course Reserves Automatic Statuses), to the desired status. Optional statuses can be BeingPrepared, Complete, Declined, Inactive, InProcess, ReadyForProcessing, or a code from the Additional Reading List Citation Status table. The parameter is blank and disabled by default.
Additional Enhancements
December 2021 Leganto SF: 05307530URM-148294
To improve the usability of the Questions and Answers feature, when adding an answer to a free text option, the free text radio button is now automatically selected so that the user no longer has to remember to manually select that answer option.
Selected answer -
December 2021 Leganto
Idea Exchange
Leganto can be configured to create course records in situations where the instructor selects the LTI link to Leganto and the course does not already exist in Alma. See Configuring Whether Instructors Can Create or Modify Courses for more information. Now, you also have the option to include the course start and end dates in the course record that is created, based on data from the learning management system (LMS). To configure, you must update the custom parameters on the external tool in your LMS. For more information, see the instructions for setting up the LTI integration for your LMS on the Developer Network. Both LTI 1.1 and 1.3 support this new feature.
December 2021 Leganto SF: 00895759 00959927URM-140439
For all roles, when a user selects LIBRARY REVIEW to send a reading list to the library, the text of the button changes to LIST SENT. The LIST SENT button is now disabled until there is a change to the list. When there is a change to the list, the button changes to LIBRARY REVIEW and becomes active. Previously, librarians experienced different behavior from instructors.
Disabled LIST SENTFor more information, see Sending a Reading List to the Library for Fulfillment.
December 2021 Leganto URM-139629
Idea Exchange
When rolling over a course, Leganto now enables you to Copy or Reset (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Instructor Rollover Operations) an:
internal library note
instructor note
The default for the options is Reset and they are both disabled.
For more information, see Configuring Course Loading.
December 2021 Analytics URM-158226The LTI Version field was added to Leganto Student Usage > Student Usage.
November 2021 Leganto
The Alma Customer Parameters > system_date_format is now used to format all dates that appear in Leganto, such as Due Date and Display Citation Date. For example, if the parameter value of system_date_format is set to dd/MM/yyyy, all Leganto dates appear according to this formatting (29/09/2021).
This parameter is configured during implementation. If you need to change it, please open a support ticket. -
November 2021 Leganto
When An annotation was added to an item (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Notifications - instructors/students) is enabled, if an annotation is added to a citation, all users associated with a list receive notification that an annotation was added to an item.
Annotation Notification in Leganto -
November 2021 Leganto
Following the addition of the Library-External tag type in the October release, Instructors can now receive notifications when Library-External tags are added or removed if
- The library added a tag to an item
- The library removed a tag from an item
- The library added a tag to a section
- The library removed a tag from a section
are enabled in Configuration > Leganto > Features > Notifications - instructors. These notification types are disabled by default. Notifications are also be sent via email when the Leganto Detailed Notifications Email Letter General > Letter > Letters Configuration (default disabled) is configured.
Notification in LegantoFor more information, see Configuring Notifications.
November 2021 Leganto
Following the addition of Additional Title and Additional Author to the Citation Field Mapping table (Configuration > Leganto > Citation Field Mapping) in the October release, additional_title and additional_author are now supported in the API and Drools.
For more information, see Mapping Bibliographic Record Fields to Citation Fields.
November 2021 Leganto
Leganto now enables you to customize the label for the Rialto search scope, which is relevant for institutions that have enabled the Rialto scope in Leganto. Customize the label in Leganto > General > Labels > rialto.search.name.
For more information, see Enabling the Rialto Search Scope.
November 2021 Leganto
Leganto no longer includes the option to upload a file from the CiteIt! window. Users can still upload a file when editing a citation.
CiteIt! Upload file option, removed in the November release -
November 2021 Leganto
For Norwegian customers, instructors can now make Bolk requests in Leganto when the parameter instructor_bolk_request (Bolk Settings) is set to true (default is false). When set to true, a Create Bolk request link appears in the Requests section.
Bolk requestBolk requests are not available in the following scenarios, and a message appears in the Requests section explaining why Create Bolk request is not available:-
When there is no course — A Bolk request cannot be created because the list has not been associated with a course.
When there are multiple courses — A Bolk request cannot be created because the list is associated with more than one course.
When there is no ISBN — A Bolk request cannot be created because the citation doesn’t have an ISBN. Please edit the citation and add an ISBN in the ISBN field.
When there is no feide_id for the user — A Bolk request cannot be created because there is no Feide ID registered in Bolk for your user. Please contact your administrator.
When the course is locked — A Bolk request cannot be created because the course is locked in Bolk.
Bolk request not availableUpon selecting Create Bolk request form displays. If specified in the citation, the fields auto-populate with the page range from the citation.
Pages From/To are mandatory fields.
Bolk request formAfter submitting the request, one of the following statuses appear:
In Progress
You always have the option to Edit a request. Once edited, a new request is created.
If a request is rejected, an Extend Rights Clearance button appears with the price per page information. When selected, the request is submitted to Bolk for processing.
Extend Rights ClearanceWhen approved by Bolk, instructors can:
Accept Rights Clearance
Reject Rights Clearance
Bolk request approvedIf the instructor approves the extend rights clearance conditions, the file will be available to students. If the instructor rejects the extend rights clearance conditions, the file will not be available for students.
If a request already exists for an ISBN, the following message appears:
An approved Bolk copyright already exists for this publication in this course. On confirm, all existing requests will be submitted to Bolk for recalculation.
Instructors receive notifications when Bolk Right Clearance Approved/Bolk Right Clearance Rejected are enabled in Leganto > Features > Notifications – Instructor (default disabled).
Example notificationTo receive letter notifications, configure the Leganto Detailed Notifications Email Letter in General > Letter > Letters Configuration (default is disabled).For more information, see Integrating with Bolk. -
November 2021 Leganto
The LTI relink toast text for a citation was changed to Item re-linking was completed successfully.
The LTI relink toast text for a section was changed to Section re-linking was completed successfully
The LTI relink toast text for a list was changed to List re-linking was completed successfully
November 2021 Leganto
Ex Libris Primo and Ex Libris Esploro were added to the supported sites in the CiteIt! configuration screen. While other websites are linkable from the list of supported sites, Ex Libris Primo and Ex Libris Esploro are not linkable.
November 2021 Analytics URM-156650
Irregularities across several subject areas, including typographical errors, inconsistencies between common fields, and missing fields were corrected. -
October 2021 Leganto
Leganto now enables you to configure that a question appears when there is an exact match on the inventory type criteria. Previously, the questions appeared if any of the inventory criteria were met.To configure that an exact match on the inventory type is required, place the criteria in quotation marks (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Item Request Question).
If you enter P,D,E in the Availability field, the question appears if the inventory type is any of the three types.
If you enter "P,E", in the Availability field, the question only appears if the inventory is both print and electronic.
If you enter P in the Availability field, the question appears if the citation has print inventory, regardless of any other inventory types (could also include electronic or digital).
If you enter "P", in the Availability field, the question appears if the inventory is only print (no electronic or digital).
Questions Mapping TableFor more information, see Configuring Leganto Questions.
October 2021 Leganto
Leganto now includes a new tag called Library-External (Fulfillment > Citations > Edit > Tags). When configured, instructors can view these tags, but they cannot add or remove them.The option to send notifications when these tags are added or removed will be added in a future release.
October 2021 Leganto SF: 00980463
Leganto now includes a flag to enable digitization requests for electronic resources. The flag is in Fulfillment Configuration > Copyright Management > Leganto Copyright Settings. Change the parameter instructor_digitization_electronic to true to enable the option for instructors to request digitization when there is electronic inventory available. The default is false. -
October 2021 Leganto
Previously, the main Title field was not included in the Configuration > Leganto > Citation Field Mapping list since it is a mandatory field and cannot be deleted. This field is now available in the field mapping table so that you can change the order in which the field appears. If you try to delete the Title, an error message appears. Additional Title and Additional Author were also added as options in the Citation Field Mapping. By default, these options are not selected for any type. This addition also applies to Primo Mapping and Brief Citation Format.
For more information about Primo Mapping, see Field Mapping from Primo PNX to Leganto Citations.
For more information about Brief Citation Format, see Configuring Citation Information Appearing in Citation Lists.
Additionally, the labels are translatable.The ability to add Alma citations via an API and to define fields using Drools will be included in the November release.For more information, see Editing Citation Field Mapping.
October 2021 Leganto
Leganto now includes an Initial Request for Review field which tracks the first time a list was sent to a library for review. Additionally, the Request for Review Date field was renamed Current Request for Review, and it displays the most recent date a list was sent for review. Both dates are reset when the list is copied, duplicated, or rolled over. -
October 2021 Leganto
When a user scrolls down in Leganto, the top panel is now hidden, providing more space on the screen for the reading list. The top panel reappears when scrolling back to the top.HeaderNo Header -
October 2021 Leganto SF: 00949489
Leganto now offers a configuration option to hide the collaborator's user group in the Invite new collaborators dropdown list. By default, the parameter suppress_user_group in Configuration > Leganto> General > Settings is set to false. When set to true, the user group does not display.Collaborator User Group -
October 2021 Leganto
When an Alma Digital item is not available because the number of concurrent users has reached the limit, the brief view of the citation now displays Join the waitlist instead of View online. When selecting Join the waitlist for the resource, users can join the queue for the resource and will receive a notification when the item becomes viewable.No WaitlistWaitlistWaitlist Full DisplayThis feature is only relevant for libraries using Alma Digital. To configure this feature select Configuration > Fulfillment > Access Rights. For more information, see Configuring a Patron Waitlist.
October 2021 Leganto SF: 00905804
Users with the Course Reserves Viewer role can now view restricted lists in Leganto, specifically, lists with the publication status Course Students. Additionally, Course Reserves Viewers can now use the action View in Leganto in the citation menu in Alma. -
October 2021 Leganto
Previously, when using Cite It! if the type was not recognized, the type Other was assigned. Now instead of Other, the type Website is assigned. -
October 2021 Leganto SF: 00931322
Cite It! now supports the following sites:- Filmdiy
- Westlaw UK
- Amazon.jp
October 2021 Leganto SF: 00867046 00873213 00954226
The Course enrollment job now includes more information. For each event, the report now specifies which line a request is added to and specifies which line contains an error using the following details for additions:- File Name
- Row Number
- Course Code
- Course Name
- Student (username is included in Student)
And the following details for errors:
- File Name
- Row Number
October 2021 Leganto
LTI normalization now supports replace all. From Configuration > Leganto > LTI > Field Normalization, in the Normalization Method field, select Replace all.For example, you can replace any digit with the string NUM:
Input Value = CC_1_AA_2
Normalized = CC_NUM_AA_NUM
Field NormalizationFor more information, see Configuring LTI Profile Normalization Rules.
October 2021 Leganto SF: 00856419
Previously, instructors only received the Owner Subscription Letter when they were manually added to a course. Now, when adding an instructor to a course via the API, if auto_set_instructors_as_owners (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > Settings) is set to true and Owner Subscription Letter is enabled, instructors automatically receive the Owner Subscription Letter. -
October 2021 Leganto SF: 00908594
Previously, Leganto recorded when a list status changed from draft to published. In this release, a new event was added to the Recent Changes tab (Fulfillment > Reading List) that also records when a list status changes from published back to draft.When enabled (Configuration > Leganto > Notifications - instructors > List status changed to draft), all those set to receive notifications will also receive a notification that a list was changed from published to draft. The default for this notification is disabled.
For more information, see Configuring Notifications.
August 2021 Leganto SF: 00808972
Idea Exchange
When copying a citation with a public note, the note is now copied in the following scenarios:- Duplicating a list in Alma/Leganto
- Copying a section to a different/same list
- Copying a citation in Alma/Leganto to a different/same list
- Moving a citation to a different/same list
- Using clipboard to copy/move
For rollover, a public note is only copied when the rollover settings are set to do so.For more information, see Copying a Citation. -
August 2021 Leganto SF: 00727946
Leganto now offers out-of-the-box messages to let users know why a list is not accessible. You can configure these messages from Configuration > Leganto > General > Labels.Scenario Message If the Reading list visibility dates are set, when accessing a list before the From date This list will be available on < VISIBLE_FROM date>. If the Reading list visibility dates are set, when accessing a list after the To date This list is now closed for access. Accessing a list that is Archived / Deleted This list is now closed for access. Accessing a list that a user is not subscribed to (list is published to course students only) This list is only available to course participants. Accessing a list when not logged in Please login to view this list. Accessing a list that is a draft This list is not available for students. -
August 2021 Leganto
Cite It! now supports the following sites:- ODESI
- Sabinet
- Jove
- Open Library
August 2021 Leganto
The Reading List task list now includes an Initial Request for Review column. This column indicates the first time an instructor selects Library Review. You can set the order by for this column. The column is hidden by default.
The Alma field Requested for Review On was changed to Current Request for Review – this date is updated any time an instructor sends a list for review.
August 2021 Leganto SF: 00907468
Previously, the marc_incomplete_field_indicator (Configuration > Leganto > General > Settings) parameter value was only added to bibliographic records when using automated purchase requests. The marc_incomplete_field_indicator parameter value is now also added to bibliographic records created from manual purchase requests. -
August 2021 Leganto (URM-149979)
For clarity, the Select Subject filter label was changed to Other.
Other option - August 2021 Analytics URM-149888
(URM-149888) The Citation Number of Loans field (Leganto Student Usage > Citations) was added to the following reports:- Leganto Instructors Usage - Citation Usage
- Leganto Instructors Usage - List KPIs
- Leganto Instructors Usage - Weekly Citations Active Students
- Leganto Instructors Usage - Weekly List Active Students
July 2021 Leganto
Leganto now includes the parameter concat_mapping_fields (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Discovery > Primo Settings). When set to true, all values mapped to the same field are concatenated. For more information, see Field Mapping from Primo PNX to Leganto Citations. -
July 2021 Leganto
Cite It! now extracts Book Title, Start page and End page, and Volume fields from Esploro. -
July 2021 Leganto
When selecting the Usage per Student report, a message now informs users when they do not have permission to view the usage per student for a course. For more information, see Viewing Student Usage Per Citation (List Analysis Student Usage).Usage per Student message -
July 2021 Leganto
The parameter display_digital_in_collection was added to the Leganto Customer Settings mapping table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings). When set to true (default), copying a citation with a digital representation to your collection also copies the digital representations. When set to false, Leganto only the metadata is copied. -
July 2021 Leganto SF: 00907161
The Leganto Questions Citation Material Type dropdown list (Leganto > List Management > Item Request Questions) was changed to a text field where you can enter multiple codes separated by a comma. For the list of codes, see Fulfillment > Courses > Citation Material Type.Questions and Answers fields - July 2021 Analytics URM-148827 URM-148409
The following note fields were added to Course Reserves > Reading List Citation:- Leganto Citation Workflow Note
- Leganto Citation Library Notes
- Leganto Citation Library Note Last Update
- June 2021 Leganto
The Reports tab was removed from Leganto due to technical issues. In the interim, you can use the List Analysis report. For more information, see Reading List Analytics. - June 2021 Leganto
A new parameter was added to Leganto Features: display_file_option (true/false, default true). When set to false, Add file (in the add item menu) does not display. - June 2021 Leganto
For instructor rollover, we updated the Rollover Look up course text to Select the course to which to roll over this list.
Roll Over text - June 2021 Leganto
The Library can now decide how to display the login screen to a user who selects CiteIt! before logging in to Leganto. You can now configure Leganto to display a small login window and then redirect the user back to CiteIt. To enable this feature, set the parameter citeit_login_new_tab (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Leganto Features) to false. This feature was initially released in February 2021 but was rolled back because it did not work for some institutions. It is now available for institutions that want to opt-in, but the login process might not work properly for all institutions.CiteIt login window parameter - June 2021 Leganto
When the request status of an item changes to In Process, an automatic resource locate is no longer performed since Leganto performs the resource locate automatically when the resource is added to the list. This previously resulted in an error message. - June 2021 Leganto
The left panel is now hidden in the LTI integration profile. If your previous settings were set to enable the Top panel or Both panels, the Top panel will still be enabled. - June 2021 Leganto
Upon selecting some actions, the citation menu in Leganto did not automatically close until the user manually selected elsewhere on the screen. Now, the citation menu automatically closes after selecting any option. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00924567
We added the option to exclude permalinks from list exports. Set the parameter export_permalinks (Configuration > Leganto> Leganto Features) to false to hide the permalinks option for exports.Export Permalinks configuration - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00880062, 00933405
Representation links are now hidden when the copyright status is set to Declined or Waiting for Approval. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00865377
Section notes no longer have a full display. Only relevant note information such as the title and description displays.
Add Section Note - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00907161
We added the option for librarians to include a Description for item request questions (Configuration > Leganto > Item Request Questions). The Description is defined in the customer labels table and supports HTML tags.Item Request QuestionsDescription example - June 2021 Leganto
If a citation includes an online link, the link displays for students even if the item's copyright status is Waiting for Approval. - June 2021 Analytics URM-148403
The Number of Annotations field was added to Leganto Student Usage > Student Usage. It can be used to display, for example, the number of annotations per student per reading list and the number of unique students that annotated a citation per reading list. - May 2021 Leganto URM-147321
You can now create an annotation shape without adding a comment. See Creating Private Annotations. - May 2021 Leganto URM-126181
You can now use CiteIt! from Esploro to create a citation in Leganto. See Configuring Recommendation Services. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00924102 URM-146912
If a Leganto permalink is used in an iFrame and 3rd party cookies are blocked by the browser, a message will be displayed requesting to open the link in a new tab. This is the same message that is displayed for embedded LTI links when 3rd party cookies are blocked. Append &iframe=true to the end of the permalink to enable it to work. - May 2021 Leganto URM-146088
The display_sticker_price parameter (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features), which determines who can see the sticker price, now supports the following values: all, librarians, instructors, and students, in addition to true and false. The true value is equivalent to librarians. Multiple values can be entered, separated by commas. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00843808 URM-134560
Section notes now automatically receive a status of Complete. See Adding a Note to a Reading List. - March 2021 Leganto URM-115574
You can now configure URLs for the default thumbnails which are used when there is not a cover image. This is configured in Citation Default Thumbnails (Configuration Menu > Leganto > UI > Citation Default Thumbnails). The supported size is 100 width * 160 height.Citation Default Thumbnails ConfigurationConfigured Thumbnail in a Citation for a CD Format - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00887467 00919734 URM-139110
The Guest user label that displays when the user is not logged into Leganto, can now be translated. To do this, you must add a label in Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Labels. The value can be changed in the leganto.guest code. See Pre-Administration Tasks. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00894596 URM-140079
The following changes have been made to the process of editing citations in bulk in Leganto:- When selecting all sections, the sections automatically open to show all of the citations.
- When you delete citations, a warning displays the number of citations you are going to delete.
- The Add Items button is now disabled when the Edit Bulk Citations pane is open. A tooltip indicates that the Edit Items pane must be closed to add citations.
- March 2021 Leganto URM-144773
You can now specify a default copyright status for Central Discovery Index (CDI) citations. See Configuring the Citation Default Copyright Status. - February 2021 Leganto
Idea Exchange
Two new parameters allow you to define when and to whom the value in the general_message parameter will display. he new general_message_dates parameter allows you to specify a date range when the value in the general_message parameter will display. The new general_message_role parameter allows you to specify that the value in the general_message parameter will display only for the user role indicated. Possible values are instructor, student, librarian, guest, or leave empty for the general message to display to all users. Multiple roles can be entered, separated by commas. All of these parameters are found in the Leganto Features table (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features). - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00872589 URM-138335
If a user has instructor privileges for one course but is a student in a second course in the LMS (CMS), Leganto now recognizes this scenario and displays the CMS entry only if the user is the instructor of the course. This is controlled by a new parameter, display_cms_entry_by_cms_role. When set to true, the CMS entry page is displayed according to the role in the CMS. When set to false, the CMS entry page is displayed according to the Alma user role.CMS Entry Page - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00873506 00903697 URM-141966
A new parameter allows you to block guest access to Leganto. The parameter, Force_login, is found on the Configuration Menu > Leganto > General > Settings page and is true/false. When set to true, guest users' access to Leganto is blocked. Any link that previously allowed guest access will now present a login page. See Leganto Customer Settings Parameters. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00904753 URM-142578
The new display_in_process parameter (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) allows you to hide the process status in Leganto. When set to false, the status is suppressed. When set to true, which is the default, the status is displayed.Citation List - February 2021 Leganto URM-142749
The default_list_sort_instructors parameter (Configuration Menu > Leganto > List Management > Settings) now defaults to the list_updated value for the Citations list, meaning it is sorted by most recently updated.Citations List - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00897256 URM-141119
Public notes in the Citation view now appear without the quotation marks.Citation View - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00910873 URM-143507
Previously, in the student view of Leganto, when access to an article or chapter was restricted by copyright to one week before the semester starts, it was formatted as DD-MM-YYYY. It is now formatted as defined in the system_date_format parameter. - February 2021 Analytics URM-140482
The Time and Date and Time fields were added to Leganto Student Usage > Event Date to display the date and time of the event. - February 2021 Analytics URM-141260
The Searchable ID fields 4-10 were added to supplement the existing Searchable ID fields 1-3 in the Courses dimension of the Leganto Student Usage and Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject areas. - February 2021 Analytics URM-141842
Analytics now displays information about courses created from a learning management system using Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). This information is available in the Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject area, under Instructor Usage Events. Create a Course from LTI is now one of the event types. - January 2021 Analytics URM-139819
The following fields were added to the Reading List folder in the Course Reserves, Leganto Student Usage, and Leganto Instructors Usage Events subject areas:- Review Requester Name – in "last name, first name" format
- Review Requester Name and ID – in "ID, last name, first name" format
Resolved Issues
- December 2021 Release Update Leganto SF: 06045287
Previously, the Mark as Broken link appeared in the new PDF viewer when mark_as_broken in Configuration > Leganto > Leganto Features was blank. This was fixed. - December 2021 Leganto SF: 05327004
Previously, list names with commas could not be exported to Word. This was fixed.URM-163381 - December 2021 Leganto SF: 01008377
When adding an item from Mendeley, journal articles were added as Journals. These items are now added as Articles.URM-161187 - December 2021 Leganto SF: 00990122
The Links icon and Guest text in the Leganto header now change color on dark/light background colors.
URM-160065 - December 2021 Leganto SF: 00633039
When creating duplicate mappings in Primo for chapter title and author, duplicate values were created in the citation (chapter title + regular title). This was fixed.URM-159155 - December 2021 Leganto SF: 00972746 00984385 00985753
Purchase requests failed when the academic department included the & character. This was fixed.URM-159075 - December 2021 Leganto SF: 00965724
On the branding page in Alma, the Your institution has customized branding field was renamed Leganto logo exists.
URMURM-157133 - URM-156337December 2021 Leganto SF: 00920640
Item requests created from Leganto now include Leganto in the Creator field.URM-150358URM-146978 - November 2021 Release Update Leganto
There are no issues for the November Release Update. - November 2021 Leganto
For some institutions, Cite It! from Filmdiy did not work. This was fixed.
URM-161718 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 01000833 01006093
When using Moodle and Leganto assignments, some screens endlessly displayed the wait diamonds. This was fixed. - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00738401 00961731 00983601 01008372
The Leganto in list analytics displayed incorrect date values. This was fixed. - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00989130
Whenever the Enrollment DELETE API was called, it deleted the enrollment for all courses rather than for a specific course. This was fixed.
URM-156999 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00975292
The sections label for PDF exports was fixed.
URM-156883 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00987113
You can now customize the Publish button tooltip without changing the label.
URM-156865 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00975911
Some text presented in Leganto did not support HTML. This was fixed
URM-156800 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00973915
Previously, only list owners could move or copy citations in a list. This was fixed.
URM-156521 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00983592
To prevent confusion, when selecting Duplicate List, the Duplicate List option will be disabled until the duplication completes.
URM-156336 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00980701
When creating a borrowing request from a reading list citation, if the citation has start/end page values, the borrowing request Pages field populates with that page range (based on the start/end pages).
URM-156096 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00973030
We have improved the user experience when dragging a new item to a new section.URM-155788 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00968770
A message now appears for empty sections.
URM-155082 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00936533
Previously, adding instructors using the multi_inst column in the course loader using + was not supported. This was fixed.URM-154890 - November 2021 Leganto SF: 00922730
CiteIt! for Taylor & Francis did not work when proxied. This was fixed. - October 2021 Release Update Leganto
Reordering of sections using the drag handle did not save the new order. This was fixed. - October 2021 Release Update Leganto SF: 00999650
For some links the public note was missing. This was fixed. - October 2021 Release Update Leganto
Previously, instructors were unable to view the entire assignment screen when viewing an assignment. This was fixed. - October 2021 Release Update Leganto SF: 00993100
Japanese citations were not searchable in the Reading list. This was fixed. - October 2021 Release Update Leganto SF: 00994476
Previously, the Leganto left panel was not customizable. This was fixed. - October 2021 Release Update Leganto
Previously, when adding tags, the new tags were not translated. This was fixed. - October 2021 Release Update Leganto
Previously, the Alma citation form was missing the Source field. This was fixed. - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00949567
In some cases, lists with over 150 citations did not display all citations in a list. This was fixed. - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00974629
The Reading List Citation field Citation Digital File Date Added (Calendar) was renamed Citation Digital File Date Added (Calendar) (to be deprecated). This field will be removed in the November release. URM-156999 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00957089
The Reset button label (Configuration > Leganto > UI > Branding) was renamed Restore. URM-156883 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00950508
Previously, when an operator with the role Course Reserves Manager with a library Scope opened the Reading Lists Task list, the Assigned to others tab was missing. This was fixed.
URM-156865 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00968730
Previously, a self-registered Course Reserves Viewer was unable to update their name and email address. This was fixed. URM-156800 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00973688
Improvements were made to the Accessibility menu in the user settings.URM-156521 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00962069
In some cases, duplicate rows existed in the guided videos mapping table. This was fixed.
URM-156336 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00971476
When searching Summon, diacritics did not appear properly. This was fixed.URM-156096 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00963889
Previously, duplicated rows were allowed in the Item Request Questions table. This was fixed.URM-155788 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00956535
When rejecting a digitization request, the DCS tag is now removed.URM-155082 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00947206
In some cases, the citation More details view did not appear. This was fixed. URM-154890 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00931403
Previously, the Analytics Reading List Citation displayed digital file names from a previous reading list. This was fixed. URM-154540 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00940545
Previously, when customizing BIB mapping rules, the rows were duplicated. This was fixed.URM-154040 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00948092
Previously, the Publication date was not included on purchase requests that were automatically created by a non-repository citation. This was fixed.URM-153734 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00903997
Previously, on the welcome screen, a form was displayed and then disappeared. This was fixed.URM-153477 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00937547
In some cases, the Find list displayed an incorrect number of results. This was fixed.URM-152522 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00909521
In some cases, Availability was not displayed in the citation full view. This was fixed.URM-148037 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00880153
In some cases, the general electronic services did not appear. This was fixed.URM-143372 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00874364
For the Analytics Link Resolver subject area, Leganto sources were excluded from the Link Resolver Usage report. This was fixed. URM-139784 - October 2021 Leganto SF: 00886061
Previously, Reading Lists did not load properly in some circumstances. This was fixed.URM-139107 - September 2021 Leganto SF: 00924223
Updating a citation using the citation API caused the citation to move to a different section. This was fixed. - September 2021 Leganto SF: 00978576
In some cases summon results did not display the correct availability. This was fixed.
URM-157166/span> - August 2021 Release Update Leganto
There are no issues for the August Release Update. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00977205
The Processing status mistakenly displayed in the Alma reading list. This was fixed.
URM-157166/span> - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00970569
LTI 1.3 links did not open correctly when opening multiple tabs. This was fixed.
URM-156687/span> - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00962789
Previously, Alma citation sets with more than 1000 members did not display correctly. This was fixed.
URM-156586/span> - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00966898
The concatenation of multiple fields from Primo mapping now uses ";" instead of a space as a delimiter.
URM-156682 - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00963541
Previously, it was not possible to use keyboard navigation to select options within the Accessibility menu. This was fixed.
URM-146081 - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00955418 00965570
When removing a tag from a citation, some of the metadata was also removed. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 009907054
In some cases, the Process and Enrich Citations Job had incorrect counters. This was fixed.
URM-145158 - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00945460 00968483
When importing a .lgn file, the Modified By field was incorrect. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00960224
Previously, the List status changed when a section note was added. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00904805 00965732
The date picker now uses the date format configured in Alma.URM-144554 - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00935076
Previously, the citation API did not work properly for specific fields. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00941341
Cite It! was fixed for Ovid. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00941695
Previously, analytics truncated values for library discussion after commas. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00938278 00963092
Previously, the weekly active students graph did not display properly. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00941949
Previously, the Leganto Create List reminder email was not categorized as patron-facing. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00934191
Previously, when configuring default thumbnails, the Book thumbnail did not display as the default thumbnail. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00920669
Previously, some RIS file fields did not import correctly and the list needed to be refreshed in order to view a citation in full view. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00950838
Previously, Cite It! on PDF files from EBSCO did not work. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00940922
Previously, Mendeley searching returned an error. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00938071
Previously, when exporting a Leganto list, spaces were replaced with a +. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00946712
Previously, when editing a citation in Alma, some fields were removed for no reason. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00929834
You can now edit citations in Leganto and enable the Personal copy parameter. The parameter only appears if the citation is not attached to an Alma title. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00884689 00958139
Questions & Answers did not always display when using Cite It!. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00924487
Previously, citations were reordered when scrolling through a list on Microsoft Surface devices. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 00924612 00971454 00972270 00972655 00972784 00973228 00973788URM-155678
The job 'Email Leganto notifications to users' was failing. This was fixed. - August 2021 Leganto SF: 008727232 00945684
Previously, General Electronic Service names were not translated. This was fixed. - July 2021 Release Update Leganto
Previously, LTI 1.3 did not support user roles. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00936497
The Section title disappeared when uploading RIS file. This was fixed.
URM-146081 - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00935956
The error message:
"Based on your browser settings, it is required that you open the list(s) in a new tab.<br> Please click below to open your list(s) in a new tab"
was not translatable. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00945944
The user API returned unneeded data. This was fixed.
URM-145158 - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00920719
When copying a citation to a collection, the Modified By and modification date changed. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00933180
The option "Remove from clipboard" displayed in situations when it was not relevant. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00860491
In some cases, the Summon results in Leganto did not match the results in Summon. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00939679
A citation could not be added to the list in some cases. This was fixed.
URM-144554 - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00929336
In the course loader report, some counters were fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00932433
The Updated By field was not being changed when using Recommended Features. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00924612
Some counters were fixed in the Leganto notification email. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00929541
Previously, Leganto displayed a digitization link for electronic items. Now, the following message is displayed for electronic items:
A digitization request cannot be created because the resource is available electronically. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00908698
Previously, the course Submit By date did not display for a list unless it had a citation with a due date. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00896523
The date picker did not translate the days/months to the interface language. This was fixed. - July 2021 Leganto SF: 00821295
Previously, when adding an item from CiteIt! to a collection and then to a list, the source URL was not moved even if the move_source_url flag was set to true. This was fixed. - June 2021 Release Update Leganto
There are no issues for the June Release Update. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00924223
Updating a citation using the citation API caused the citation to move to a different section. This was fixed.
URM-146081 - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00925603
The following labels were added:
More details > citation.view.btn.more.details
Fewer details > citation.view.btn.fewer.details
More item details > citation.btn.more.details
Fewer item details > citation.btn.fewer.details
The old labels were deleted. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00936064
The label citation.edit.drag.file.here. could not be customized because of the dot at the end. It was replaced with the label citation.edit.drag.file.here.all
URM-145158 - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00929983
List description was lost when working with two tabs. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00939666
Going forward, Leganto questions with the same conditions for citation type and availability will be sorted in alphabetical order (by question code). - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00849831
When uploading a PDF file, in some cases the citation type changed to Article for no reason. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00907468
Network zone bibliographic records were created without the incomplete indication. This was fixed.URM-144554 - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00792059
The site HeinOnline was removed from supported Cite It! Sites. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00935609
The labels "View more notes" and "View less notes" were not translated. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00933016
Discussions on a list would reset after selecting a filter. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00904805
The date format caption on the date picker was wrong. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00864733
List scrolled to the top In some cases for no reason. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00920971
In some cases, the list thumbnails were not displaying the correct thumbnails. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00917148
Export PDF job failed in some cases. This was fixed. - June 2021 Leganto SF: 00917180 00905492 00579213
The date value was wrong in some cases. This was fixed. - May 2021 Release Update Leganto
There are no issues for the May Release Update. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00944294 151194
Some items could not be added from the Primo search to a list. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00923506 URM-148335
The label on a citation, Less Details, was changed to Fewer Details. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00909013 URM-148222
Previously, when the license type was No Declaration, No Declaration (not listed) was displayed in the Creative Commons dropdown list on the Edit Citation page. This was fixed. Now, in this situation, a blank value is selected in the dropdown list. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00924957 00930534 00931536 00931910 URM-148207
The Instructor Search option in Leganto Find Lists Advanced Search was returning incorrect results. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00925259 URM-147733
Previously, when landing on a page from an LTI link, the librarian could not view lists in draft mode. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00922179 URM-147687
In some cases, changes made to the Copyright Status/Request Status of citations in duplicated reading lists were not saved. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00921663 URM-147445
The Leganto General Message was not translated. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00911361 URM-147079
In the preview mode for the Leganto Create List - Reminder Email letter, The Update Now link appeared in a different place in Preview mode than what was actually sent. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00924086 URM-147015
When the email_notifications_group parameter was disabled for a user group (left blank), the Receive Notifications by Email check box still appeared for instructors. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00922240 00923866 URM-146848
In some cases, when adding items from Primo, the wrong question was displayed. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00918631 URM-146611
When exporting to LGN, the review requester name and date was not included in the export. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00921728 URM-146590
If a URL in Help Pages cannot be opened in embedded mode, it will now be opened in a new tab. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00841343 URM-146476
Citation processing rules did not always calculate the availability correctly. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00916815 00920146 URM-145924
Previously, if the secondary citation type changed, the primary citation type was not updated. This was fixed.. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00870893 URM-145038
In some cases lists could not be created when course code included a "/". This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00888808 URM-144341
Leganto could not successfully delete reading lists with more than 1000 items. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00895008 URM-144080
When creating a purchase request from a citation, the requester field was not populated correctly according to the list assignee or logged in user. This was fixed. - May 2021 Leganto SF: 00909275 URM-143958
Citations added from external records in Primo VE did not have a link. This was fixed. - March 2021 Release Update Leganto
There are no issues for the March Release Update. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00923112 00926142 URM-146969
When in student view, the list filter menu was cut off by the left hand menu. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00920651 URM-146772
Network records appeared even when the related_records parameter was set to false. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto URM-146081
If Primo returns 0 as a facets count (when searching against EBSCO), the number no longer displays in Leganto. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00919074 URM-145772
URL validation was done only on the main source field in citation. This was fixed. Now, the URLs in source1-source10 are also checked. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00916904 00919640 URM-145422
Some filters disappeared after editing an item in a filtered list. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto URM-145158
RIS now supports importing and exporting for the Web type. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00475138 URM-145056
In the analytics reports, the Origin value that previously displayed "PC" will now display "CDI" (Ex Libris Central Discovery Index). - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00913690 00913691 00914172 URM-144692
Regarding the Leganto Questions feature: Library tags (intended for librarians) were also visible to instructors after choosing an answer. This was fixed.
The workflow note (intended for librarians) was visible to instructors. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00910202 URM-144586
When importing RIS files, in some cases the citation type generated was incorrect. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto URM-144554
The Not Marked as Read filter label was changed to Marked as Incomplete. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00896518 00899021 URM-144047
The Reading List actions menu cut off when zoomed in on Firefox. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00909275 URM-143958
Citations created from a Primo VE external records did not have a link value in the source URL field. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00909118 URM-143493
When moving from one citation to another using the next and previous buttons in the citation full view, links and availability did not refresh. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00896239 URM-141279
In some cases, the citation status was incorrect when items were pushed from Primo to Leganto. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00867524 URM-139581
Configuring the citation_primo_url_regexp parameter had no effect. This was fixed. - March 2021 Leganto SF: 00923117 URM-147160
In some cases, when adding citations from Primo, the URL in the citation was corrupted. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto URM-143543
If source URL does not start with HTTP, an error message is now displayed and the citation cannot be saved. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00904313 URM-143495
Users that were not marked as instructors in the LMS were still added as course instructors in Leganto. This was fixed.. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00888677 00889055 URM-142916
When searching for citations with the Citation Available status, citations were incorrectly displayed with a status of Full Text Available. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00903098 URM-142877
In some cases newspapers links did not display in Leganto. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00905516 URM-142751
The Creative Commons license image tool tip was not displaying correctly. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00903816 URM-142346
Moving a citation between sections with the arrow buttons made a citation disappear. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00903758 URM-142341
When importing an RIS file to create an RL, the published date field value was duplicated. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00904012 URM-142222
Previously, locked sections could only be unlocked by the user that locked them. This was fixed. Now, a librarian or administrator can unlock sections locked by instructors. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00887837 URM-141942
On the Find List page, after performing a search, the page did not scroll to the top, thus not displaying the first result on the page. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00887509 URM-140800
When filtering lists by tags, some tags were not displaying. This was fixed. - February 2021 Leganto SF: 00917940 URM-145808
CiteIt! did not load on the new Informit interface. This was fixed. - February 2021 Release Update Leganto SF: 00922807 URM-146684
In Leganto when publishing a list, some options were not clickable. This was fixed. - February 2021 Release Update Leganto SF: 00884767 URM-146710
In some cases, the wrong question was displayed in Leganto Q&A. This was fixed. - January 2021 Leganto SF: 00898839 URM-141831
In the Links & Availability section of Leganto, when the link contained a hyphen, it was truncated at the hyphen. This was fixed. - January 2021 Leganto SF: 00900689 URM-141830
When updating citations via the courses API, the Title field was incorrectly being checked as mandatory. When the field was empty, an error was generated and the citation was not saved. This was fixed. - January 2021 Leganto SF: 00886019 URM-141541
Translation support was added for the items in the drop down menu for the Reading List Publication Status. - January 2021 Leganto SF: 00878118 896571 URM-137576
The Leganto Source field now validates that a value begins with http. - January 2021 Leganto SF: 00843720 URM-133954
Previously, the citation attributes dropdown was not populated with the relevant option after choosing a citation attribute type. This was fixed. - January 2021 Leganto SF: 00822685 URM-131348
In the Physical Items Subject Area and Course Reserves area of Analytics, the Active Course Code and Active Course Name fields appeared empty for several courses that were in Active status. This was fixed. - January 2021 Release Update Leganto URM-144762
Viewing List Details in mobile through campusM was not formatted correctly. This was fixed. - January 2021 Release Update Leganto URM-144984
The public note was re-added for editing in the full view (changes made in the January release were rolled back).