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    Configuring the Research Portal

    To configure the research portal settings, you must have the Configuration Manager role.

    This page explains how to configure the various components of the research portal, such as the headers and footers of its pages, its search bar, and the contents of its home page.

    For information about configuring the general settings of the research portal, such as branding and colors, the text appearing on labels, and the date display, see General Settings for the Research Portal and Profiles. For information about configuring researcher profiles, see Configuring Researcher Profiles.

    Working with the Research Portal Configuration Page

    You can configure various aspects of the research portal in the Research Portal configuration page. This page includes a number of tabs, each of which contains settings for specific parts of the research portal. When you first open the page, you do so by selecting the tab you want to see when the page opens: Configuration Menu > Portal & Profiles > Research Portal > [desired tab]. Once you have the page open, you can open any of the other tabs without leaving the page. When you have finished configuring the settings in the page, select Save to implement them in the research portal.

    Updates to the settings in the Research Portal page are only implemented after you select Save at the top of the page.

    Research Portal Config Page.png
    Research Portal Configuration Page, with the Header/Footer Tab Selected

    Header/Footer Tab

    To configure the header and footer of the Esploro page, navigate to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal > Header and Footer Configuration, or, when the Research Portal page is already open, select the Header/Footer tab. 

    Header Settings

    You can do the following in this tab:

    Option: Description:
    Include sign-in in the header Displays the Sign In link in the header.
    Include Discover Funding link for signed in users Displays the Discover Funding link when signed in to Researcher Profiles. Clicking this link displays funding opportunities from Pivot. For more information, see Pivot-PR Integration.
    Include dropdown menu Displays the dropdown menu in the header.
    Include add assets When checking this, the Output option displays in the drop down list under the ADD CONTENT button (see Add Content to Profile).
    Include add projects When checking this, the Project option displays in the drop down list under the ADD CONTENT button (see Add Content to Profile).
    Include add activities When checking this, the Activity option displays in the drop down list under the ADD CONTENT button (see Add Content to Profile).


    In the Header section, you can define various parts of the header, as described below.

    Header Configuration for Portal.Header Configuration
    • ENTITIES: This section defines the entities that display in the header drop down menu, as well as on the homepage of the portal. Examples of entities are Works, Researcher Profiles, Research Collections, Projects, etc. To display an entity in the portal, enable the Active button. You can change the order of entities by dragging and dropping.
      Entities will only display if they contain data.
    • CUSTOM LINKS: Here you can configure up to five custom menu links to display in the Portal header, as well as on the dropdown menu on the right of the page. You can include links in the header by selecting Configure from the row actions menu and then selecting the Include in header checkbox.

    Custom links in header.
    Custom Links

    Footer Settings

    In this section you can control logos and copyright for the footer.

    Copyright and Logo checkboxes in the Footer Settings section.

    Footer Settings


    The Footer section includes two types of records: Titles and Entries. Titles are static text intended as a header for a column of links. Entries include a URL and are clickable links.

    Social Media

    The Social Media Links section enables you to add a link to your organization's various social media pages. The link is not intended for sharing the page being viewed.

    Header settings section in the researcher portal configuration page.

    Header/Footer Tab
    Special characters in asset titles are converted into plain text.

    Homepage Tab

    In the Homepage tab you can configure the sections that display on the portal homepage . You can can activate/deactivate and reorder all the sections except for home page essentials. To access this page, navigate to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal > Homepage Configuration, or, when the Research Portal page is already open, select the Homepage tab.

    Config Homepage Tab.png

    The sections are described below.

    Section Description Image
    Homepage Essentials

    Configure the main items that display on the homepage.

    Homepage Essentials by default is at the top of the page and is the only homepage section that cannot be reordered.

    Select Configure in the row actions menu for The options are listed below.


    Homepage Essentials - Search

    Enable the homepage search (1 in the image). If this is disabled, the search bar will not display on the homepage.

    There is an additional search bar in the header (2 in the image) that cannot be disabled.

    Search bar on home page.
    Homepage Essentials - About From the row actions menu for, select Configure. You can provide a title and a short description of what visitors can expect to find in this portal. The title and description display on the homepage. About on the home page.
    Homepage Essentials - Scopes and links

    From the row actions menu select Configure. Here you can enable/disable scopes and change the order for the Output search. The following scopes are available:

    • All - Search the entire repository. You cannot disable the All scope.
    • Open Access
    • ETDs - Electronic Thesis and Dissertation  
    • Faculty Output - Enables searching within works created by affiliated researchers only. This scope excludes ETDs from the results without the need to apply a "Resource type" facet.

    The selected scopes also display as links under the About section on the homepage. You can determine the order for both the drop down menu and the links by dragging and dropping.

    You can add more links that will display to the right of the existing scope links. Select Add new link and enter the information, including the URL that the user will go to when clicking the link. The added links display to the right of the selected scope links.

    You can add up to four new links. Links can be enabled/disabled, but you cannot change their scope, which is defined by the URL that was entered for the link.

    Search bar scopes.


    Added link for home page.

    Homepage Essentials - Entities

    At the bottom of the homepage essentials are direct links to general search pages for example Output, Researcher Profiles, etc.

    These links are inherited from the Header Footer tab (Entities section), and appear in both the Entities section in the Homepage as well as in the drop down menu in the header.

    ​​​​​Entity links on homepage essentials.

    Homepage Essentials

    Entities in drop down menu.

    Header Drop Down Menu
    Homepage Essentials - Pictures Add up to five images in the image carousel that displays to the right of the About text. If no images were uploaded, the carousel will not appear in the portal. Images must be stored locally (cannot be linked to another site). An image size can be up to 1MB. The image format must be .jpg or .gif. Homepage pictures.

    Displays organizational metrics: assets produced by researchers in the organization, and how many times they were viewed and downloaded. This data is updated live – e.g., when a user views an asset.

    Homepage Statistics.
    Top Ten

    Enables to showcase sets of up to 10 assets. There are three pre-configured sets and you can add up to three itemized sets.

    To enable display of a set on the homepage, select Configure from the row actions menu and then select the checkbox next to the relevant set/s. You can update the label if needed, for each set.

    The three predefined sets are:

    • Most recently added assets - the ten most recently deposited assets (including manual deposits only).
    • Most viewed/downloaded files - the ten assets with the highest count of file views/download. 
    • Most viewed assets (metadata view) - the ten assets with the highest count of views

    The above predefined sets do not include assets suppressed from the portal.

    If you encounter issues with the display of these predefined sets, please contact Esploro Support.

    In addition, you can display assets from itemized sets that you created (up to three asset sets displayed on the Homepage in total). Provide a title for the set and select the assets to display. If a set is empty, it is not displayed on the Homepage. 

    The label size is limited to 20 characters (to avoid issues with text wrapping).

    Top ten for homepage of portal.
    Works Added

    Displays the number of works published by year. 

    In order for this Works Added section to display correctly, the Regular update of asset counts for use by the system job (see Viewing Scheduled Jobs) must be activated. When activated, this job runs automatically on a daily basis and updates the chart.

    Works Added on Homepage of Portal
    Download Map

    Displays the locations from where assets where downloaded.

    Download map on homepage of portal.
    Custom Link Sections

    You can add up to 5 custom link sections. Each section is displayed separately on the homepage. Each link must contain a title and URL. In addition, you can add an image to the link. 

    Add customized menu link for the home page.

    Custom Link
    • Each section contain up to 2 links. When adding the first link, you have an option to select the
      Add second custom link checkbox. 

    For a video on this topic see How to Add Custom Links to your Homepage.

    Custom links.

    Featured Researchers

    If is activated, the Featured Researchers section appears in the homepage.

    To add researchers to the section, from the row actions menu for, select Configure. You can add researchers and provide short descriptions of their work in the text fields. The text fields of the descriptions can contain up to 500 characters, including HTML code. (For information about adding HTML to text fields, see The Research Hub Interface.)

    Add Featured Researcher.png

    In multi-lingual implementations of Esploro, you can add versions of the text in each of the languages that is activated in your system. Once you add a featured researcher, the text you add for them is stored as a label. To add a translation into another language, navigate to Configuration menu > Portal & Profiles > General settings > Labels, and edit the Research Portal Featured Researchers Text Labels table. (For information about adding translations to code tables, see The Research Hub Interface.)

    You can only feature researchers with an active public profile (Researchers > Manage Researchers > Researcher > Edit > Researcher Settings). For more information, see Working with Researchers.

    Featured Researchers.png
    Featured Collections

    Add featured collections to the homepage. See Working with Collections for more information.

    Featured collections on homepage of portal.

    Search Tab

    This section describes the various options in the Search tab. Note that in order to enable the homepage search you need to activate it from the Homepage Essentials - see Homepage Tab.

    You can configure the search entities that appear in the portal search bar. To do this, navigate to the page at Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal Configuration  > Search and enable the relevant option.

    Search Tab for Portal.

    Search for Portal and Profiles

    Search drop down on the portal.

    Configure Entities in Search Bar

    The Outputs option is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. The Researchers option will appear if profiles were enabled, and there are active researcher profiles. For more information see Profile Search Results. The Projects option can be enabled/disabled. For information on configuring searching for projects, see here. The labels that appear can be changed in the Research Portal Search table (Configuration > Portal & Profiles > Labels > Research Portal Search).

    You can reorder the search fields by dragging them up or down.

    Reorder the search fields in the portal and profiles.
    Reorder Search Fields

    Reordered search fields on the portal.

    Reordered Fields on the Portal

    The changes will only be implemented after selecting Save.

    You can control the labels (placeholder text) that display in the search bar - see Labels for more information.

    When searching from the drop down menu, you can control the scope of the search (see Homepage Tab).

    Organizational Unit Tree Tab

    You can configure the display of the organizational unit tree in the Research units tab of the portal. 

     Org Unit Tree 1.png

    Organizational Unit Tree in the Research Units Tab of the Portal 

    To configure the display of the organizational unit tree, navigate to Configuration menu > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal > Organizational Unit Tree Configuration, or, when the Research Portal page is already open, select the Organizational Unit Tree tab.

    Research Portal - Organizational Unit Tree Tab 1.png

    Organizational Unit Tree Tab

    General Section

    Under General, select the desired options, as follows:

    • Include "Find Unit" bar in the organization list – Select this option to insert the Find unit by name box at the top of the organizational unit tree. This allows portal users to quickly locate units in the list, even if they are under a collapsed level.  This functionality finds units by their displayed names only. 

      Org Unit Tree - Find Unit.png
    • Include search bar within unit – Select this option to insert a search option at the top of the list of items belonging to a selected research unit. This allows portal users to search exclusively within the unit's outputs or profiles. 

      Search Bar in Units -sm 2.png

    Tabs Section

    Under Tabs, select Active for the tabs that should appear for all organizational units, and clear Active for those that should not appear. Under Default Tab, choose the tab that should open when the user selects a research unit from the organizational unit tree.

    The tabs appear in the portal in the order in which they appear in this section. To change the order of the tabs, drag their Move icons (Drag icon.png) up or down.

    The Description column shows the label that will appear on each tab. These labels can be modified in the Esploro Portal Org Unit Tree Section Labels table at Configuration Menu > Portal & Profiles > General settings > Labels

    You can choose to hide a tab even if data exists for that category. For example, you can choose to hide the Projects tab, even if there are active projects in the portal.

    Tabs that are selected appear in the portal even for units that do not have related researchers or output, but they are disabled in this case, and cannot be selected.  

    An Organizational Unit page with all four tabs - Researchers, Output, Projects, and Homepage - activated.

    Researchers, Output, Projects, and Homepage Tabs Active in the Portal
    Unit Homepage-Tab Visibility

    If you want to include a Homepage tab, in addition to selecting the option here, under Tabs, you must also set up the homepage of each organizational unit for which you want to have a homepage. This is done in the organizational unit's settings (Research Management > Manage Organizational Units); if you specify there that it should have a visible homepage (in the Visibility section, select Display unit homepage), the Homepage tab in the portal becomes active. The contents of the homepage should also be configured in the organizational unit's settings. For additional information, see Working with Organizational Units.

    In the portal's Organizational Unit Tree, units that are configured to have homepages are marked with a Homepage icon (Homepage Icon.png). 

    Homepage Exists Indication in Portal Org Tree.png

    Homepage Indicator in the Organizational Unit Tree in the Portal 
    Optional Homepage Sections

    Two optional sections can be added to the organizational units' Homepage tab:

    • Unit Collections – Links to collections that are associated with the unit (in the Academic unit field of the collection settings – see Working with Collections).
      Below the links to the unit's collections is a Browse more collections link that takes the user to the institution's Collections browsing page. This is the same link that appears in the Featured collections section of the organization's homepage (see Working with Collections). The text of the link can be modified in the Research Portal table (Configuration menu > Portal & Profiles > General Settings > Labels > Research Portal).
    • Unit in Numbers – Unit metrics: outputs produced by researchers in the unit, and how many times they were viewed and downloaded. Note that these metrics are derived from Esploro Analytics data, and are updated once a day.

    Unit Homepage with Unit Collections and Unit in Numbers sections marked.

    Unit Collections and Unit in Numbers Sections in the Unit's Homepage Tab

    To activate or deactivate these sections, under Tabs, in the row actions of the Homepage tab, select Configure. The Homepage Configuration section is added to the page.

    Organizational Units' Homepage Configuration settings.

    Homepage Configuration Section

    Select Active for the sections you want to include in the unit's homepage. If you choose to display both sections, you can change the order in which the sections appear in the tab. To do so, in the Homepage Configuration section of the Organizational Unit Tree settings, drag the Move icon (Drag icon.png) of one of the sections up or down.

    The Descriptions of these sections can be modified in the Esploro Portal Org Unit Tree Section Labels table (Configuration Menu > Portal & Profiles > General settings > Labels).

    Asset Advanced Search Tab

    To configure the advanced search, navigate to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal Configuration and select the Asset Advanced Search tab. The following sections appear:

    Asset advanced search section of the researcher portal configuration page.

    Asset Advanced Search Tab
    Updates to the settings in this tab are only implemented after selecting Save at the top of the page. 
    You can configure the following sections:

    General Settings

    To activate the advanced search, in General Settings select the Activate advanced search? checkbox.
    Activate advanced search box is checked.
    Activate advanced search? checkbox

    Search Fields

    You configure which fields to search on from the Search Fields section.
    The Search Fields section of the Researcher Portal Configuration window.
    Search Fields
    To delete any of the search fields, select Delete from the row actions menu.
    To add a new field, select Add Index.
    Add new index section of the Researcher Portal Configuration window.
    Add Index
    To enable local fields searching, you need to set them at Configuration > Repository > Local Field Names.
    Edit local variable name window with name entered as "Scale" and "Enable field for search in portal"checked.
    Enable Local Field
    The local field name that appears in the portal is the one configured from Portal and Profiles > Labels > Research Portal Search Index Names.

    Search Filters

    You can customize the Resource type and Start/End date filters for the portal.
    Resource type drop down list and Start and End date selectors.
    Resource type and Start/End date
    To have the Resource Type and Start and End Date search filters appear on the portal, you must enable them at Portal & Profiles > Research Portal Configuration > Asset Advanced Search > Search Filters. 
    Search Filters section of the Researcher Portal Configuration window.
    Search Filters
    To configure the options that are available for the Resource type search filter in the portal, select Configure from the row actions menu.

    Asset Types

    To add a new Resource type select Add Asset Type.
    Add asset type button.
    Add Asset Type

    Asset Search Page Tab

    You can configure the Sort by options (#1 in the illustration below), the facet display (#2), and display settings for the asset (#3) of the asset search-results page.

    Refine Results.png

    Asset Search-Results Page

    To configure these features, navigate to Configuration Menu > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal > Asset Search Page Configuration, or, if you already have the Research Portal page open, select the Asset Search Page tab. 

    Brief Results tab in the Researcher Portal window.

    Asset Search Page Tab

    Configuring the Sort Options

    The Sort by field of the asset search-results page can be configured: Sort types can be activated or deactivated, and the order in which they appear in the dropdown list can be changed. The first item in the Sort list is used as the default sort type for the asset search-results. The portal user can manually change the sort type using the Sort by drop down list in the search-results page.

    Changing Sort Order.png

    Manually Changing the Sort Type in the Asset Search-Results Page of the Portal

    Configuring the Facet Options

    Facets enable users to filter and refine search results by selecting properties that the assets in the search results must have, such as specific authors or resource types.

    Facet w Selections.png

    Selecting Options in the Resource Type Facet

    Available Facets

    Below is a list of the available facets.

    Code in Configuration Label in Portal Description
    facet_tlevel Availability
    • Peer reviewed
    • Open Access 
    creator Author/Creator The authors of all of the assets found in the current search results, regardless of their affiliation
    affiliated_researcher Our Researchers The affiliated authors of all of the assets found in the current search results
    non_affiliated_researcher Other Researchers The non-affiliated authors of all of the assets found in the current search results
    rtype Resource Type The types of assets found in the current search results – for example journal article, book, or thesis
    esploro_asset_org Research Unit The organizational units within the institution that are connected to the assets found in the current search results
    facet_creationdate Date The range of publication years to include in the search results 
    topic Subject Keywords and topics that are required in order for assets to be included in the current search results
    lang Language The content languages to include in the search results

    All the asset local fields (1-15) are also available as facets. These fields are configured at Configuration Menu > Repository > Asset Details > Asset Additional Fields.

    Facet Options

    You can configure the following features of the display of each type of facet:

    • Order – You can drag and drop the facet lines to change the order where the facet displays on the page.
    • Active – Activate or deactivate by using the Active toggle switch. You cannot add new facets.
      You can configure local fields as facets. A local field will not display as a facet in the portal, unless the "Enable field for search in portal" checkbox is selected for it in the Configuring Local Asset Fields page.
    • Default State – This is the default state of the facet:
      • Expand – This will show up to the number of values selected in the Values to display column. Additional values will be available by selecting more.
      • Collapsed – show the facet name but no values
    • Values to display – When the Default State is set to Expand, this shows how many values appear before the more link. Selecting more will show all values.
    • Sort type – How the values under the facet should be sorted:
      • By size – The values with the most assets appear first 
      • Alphanumeric – in alphabetical order

    Configuring the Asset Display Settings

    The following settings affect the display of the asset descriptions in the asset search-results page:

    • Display group authors – Enable to include group authors in the list of authors.
    • Filter out Creators with the following roles – Select one or more roles to that will not be listed.
    • Display creator's role – Enable to display the role next to the author's name.
    • Display Altmetrics – Clear the checkbox to remove the Altmetrics badge (#1 in the illustration below) from the search results display and the output list on profiles. It remains active for the Full view, if configured. (For information on configuring Altmetrics to display in the Full view, see Metrics Settings, in the description of the Asset Page tab, below. To enable display of the Altmetric badge in the output list on the profile, separately from the portal, change the customer parameter Always_Display_Altmetrics_in_Profiles to True.)
    • Display Identifiers – Clear the checkboxes to remove the following identifiers from the search results:
      • Display DOI (#2 below)
      • Display PMID
      • Display PMCID
      • Display ISBN

    Asset in Search Results 1.png 

     Asset in the Search Results List, with Altimetrics Badge (#1) and DOI (#2) Displayed

    Asset Page Tab

    The Asset page of the portal displays detailed information about a selected asset. The information displayed is divided into sections; see Configuring Asset Display on the Portal for a diagram of the sections. Some of these sections are optional, and can be hidden from the display.
    In addition to choosing whether to display or hide these optional sections, you can also configure the display of information in most of them. You can do this in the Asset Page tab of the Research Portal configuration page.
    To access the Asset Page tab:
    • Navigate to Configuration Menu > Portal & Profiles > Research Portal > Assets Display Configuration, or, if the Research Portal page is already open, select the Asset Page tab.
    Asset Page tab on the Research Portal Configuration page.
    Asset Page Tab
    In this tab, you can control the display of the Asset page as follows: 
    To show/hide a section in the Asset page:
    • In the Active column, toggle its button.
    To reorder the sections of the page: 
    • Drag the Move icons (Drag icon.png) of the sections up or down in the table.
    To configure the display of information in a configurable section:
    • Select the Action button of the section (only available for configurable sections), and then select Configure. A region containing the configurable settings for the section opens below the Asset Page table. These regions are described below. Note that if you select Configure for multiple regions, all of the regions remain open below the Asset Page table until you exit the Research Portal page.

      Action row button for the details field, with the Configure available for selection.

      Selecting Configure for the Files and Links Section of the Asset Page

    Abstract and Keywords Settings

    In the Abstract and Keywords region of the Asset Page tab, you can use the Active toggles to choose which components to include in the Abstract section of the Asset page, and drag the Move icons (Drag icon.png) to change the order in which they appear.

    Abstract and Keywords Table.png

    Abstract and Keywords Region
    Abstract in Asset Page.png
    Abstract Section of the Asset Page, Displayed in Accordance with the Configuration Settings in the Illustration Above: Subjects (#1), Description (#2), and Keywords (#3)

    When the Subjects and Keywords sections appear one after the other in the configuration settings, they are combined in the Asset page. For example:


    Abstract in Asset Page - Subjects and Keywords Combined.png

    Files and Links Settings

    The File and Links section of the Asset page in the portal gives users of the portal access to the asset itself, either in files that are uploaded to Esploro or via links to the relevant material. 

    Files and Links Section.png

    File and Links Section of the Asset Page in the Portal

    In the Files and Links region of the Asset Page tab, you can use the Active toggle of the Open URL setting to choose what Esploro should do if an asset has no files or links attached to it. When this option is active, Esploro attempts to locate the asset in the organization's library holdings by sending an OpenURL request to Alma (see OpenURL Resolving in the Alma Developer Network). When it is not active, Esploro does nothing.

    Files and Links Region.png

    File and Links Region

    Details Settings

    In the Details region of the Asset Page tab, you can use the Active toggles to choose which properties of the asset to include in the Details section of the Asset page, and drag the Move icons (Drag icon.png) to change the order in which they appear. In addition, you can change the fields that are displayed for each property, and even choose to display multiple fields for a single property. 

    Details page for asset configuration that appears after selecting Configure.

    Asset Page Configuration - Details Region

    Details Section.png

    Details Section of the Asset Page

    Changing the Fields that Are Displayed for a Property

    You can change the field that is displayed in the Details section for each asset property (Label), and add additional fields to the property. If you choose to display more than one field for a single property, you can also choose the characters to use to separate the fields in the display. For example, you could include the copyright date and copyright text together, under the label Copyright, and separated by a semicolon (;). 
    To modify the fields that are displayed for an asset property:
    1. In the row of the property you want to modify, in the Actions menu, select Configure. The Edit Fields dialog box opens.

      Details Region - Edit Fields.png
    2. To add an additional field to the property, do the following:
      1. Select Add Field.
      2. In the Sub-elements search box, select the field to add.
      3. Select Add. The field is added to the list of fields that are to be included in the property. 

        Details Region - Field Added.png
    3. To remove a field from the list, in the Actions menu of the field, select Delete, and then confirm the deletion.
    4. When the list of fields is as you want it, select Save. The Edit Fields dialog box closes, and the Details region in the Asset Page tab is updated. 
    To change the separator between multiple fields that are displayed for one property (label):
    1. At the top of the Details region, under Delimiter, enter the character(s) to use as separators between multiple fields.
    2. Select Apply.
    Details Section copyright w date -marked 1.png
    Details Section of the Asset Page with Two Fields for the Copyright Property (#1 and #3), Separated by a Semicolon as the Delimiter (#2)

    Displaying the Title and Subtitle on One Line, Separated by a Colon 

    It is possible to display the Title and Subtitle fields on one line, separated by a colon (regardless of the separator that is selected in the Delimiter field).

    Title-Sub Separate.png

    Title and Subtitle on Separate Lines (Default)
    Title-Sub Merged.png
    Title and Subtitle on One Line, Separated by a colon (:)
    To display the Title and Subtitle fields on one line, separated by a colon:
    • Use the Title:Subtitle field in one of the following ways:
      • Deactivate the Title and Subtitle properties, and activate the Title:Subtitle property. In this case, the label of the property in the Details section will be Title:Subtitle.

      • Replace the Title field of the Title property with the Title:Subtitle field, and deactivate the Subtitle property. In this case, the label of the property in the Details section will be Title.

        Edit Title to Title+Sub.png

    Options for Displaying a List of Creators

    A number of properties are available for displaying a list of the asset's creators in its Details section:

    • Creators – The role of each creator, and the first affiliation specified for them, are displayed. Any additional affiliations are not displayed in the portal.
    • Creators - without role – The roles of creators are not displayed, but all of their affiliations are displayed.
    • Creators - without affiliation – The roles of creators are displayed, but their affiliations are not displayed.
    • Creators - only name – The names of the creators are displayed, but their roles and affiliations are not displayed.
    • Creators - institution only – The roles of creators and their affiliations within the institution are displayed, but affiliations outside the institution are not displayed.
    • Creators - all affiliations – The roles of creators and all their affiliations are displayed.
    • Creators - all affiliations, without role – All the affiliations of creators are displayed, but their roles are not displayed.

    You can choose to include any of these versions of the list of creators in the Details section by adding them to the list of active properties for the section, as explained under Details Settings, above. As their names indicate, the differences between these options relate to whether each creator's name appears in the list with or without certain information:

    • Roles – When a role is defined for a creator, if it is displayed, it appears in parentheses after the creator's name.
    • Affiliations – When one or more affiliations are defined for a creator, if they are displayed, they appear after the creator's name and role. Depending on the option selected, all affiliations may be displayed, only those that are related to your institution, or only the first affiliation specified for the creator.

    Asset Details of creators displayed in the portal with their roles and Affiliations.

    Asset Details in the Portal Showing a List of Creators with Their Roles and All Their Affiliations Displayed
    You can also include the list of Contributors in the Details section. When this list is included, it displays the roles and all the affiliations of the contributors.  

    Deleting Properties

    Properties can be removed from the list by deleting them. Deleted properties can be returned to the list by adding them.

    To delete a property:
    • In the row of the property you want to delete, in the Actions menu, select Delete.
    To return a deleted property to the list:
    1. At the top of the list, select Add Field. The Add Field dialog box opens.
    2. Under Add Field, select the property you want to return to the list.
    3. Select Save, and then confirm the selection. The property is added at the bottom of the list.

    Metrics Settings

    In the Metrics region of the Asset Page tab, you can use the Active toggle to choose which metrics should appear in the Metrics sections of Asset pages:
    • Usage – Data about views and downloads of the asset from the portal
    • Altmetric – Data about online attention and activity related to the asset, with links to the Altmetric page, where addition details can be seen
    • Web of Science – Citation counts for the asset from the Web of Science, with a link to the relevant Web of Science page (only available if Web of Science is integrated with Esploro; see Web of Science Integration)

    Metrics section of Asset Page configuration.

    Asset Page Configuration - Metrics Region
    Metrics Section 2.png
    Metrics Section of the Asset Page (With Links to the Altmetrics Page)

    InCites Highlights Settings

    InCites is a citation-based evaluation tool by Clarivate for analyzing institutional productivity and benchmark output. For more information, see InCites Benchmarking & Analytics.

    Watch the How to Configure InCites Integration video (3:34 minutes).

    In the InCites Highlights region of the Asset Page tab, turn the Active toggle on to display the InCites highlights section in Asset pages. In the row actions menu, select Configure to choose which InCites data should be included in the InCites highlights. Note that the order in which the selected data is displayed in the section of the Asset pages is fixed and cannot be modified.

    In order for an InCites highlights section to appear in an Asset page, the following is required:

    1. You must be an InCites customer.
    2. The output must have a Web of Science ID.
    3. Ex Libris support must have activated the schemas you select in this section (Citation Topics, ESI research areas, Web of Science research areas).
    4. The Incites metrics job must have run (see InCites Integration).

    For additional help, contact Ex Libris Support.

    InCites Highlights Config.png

    InCites Highlights Region

    Asset Page - InCites 1.png

    InCites Highlights Section in an Asset Page in the Portal

    UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    You can choose whether to include the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) section in Asset pages in the portal. SDG is a UN initiative that encourages the setting of global research goals that promote prosperity while protecting the planet. For additional information about it, see Sustainable Development Goals.

    In order for a UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) section to appear in an Asset page, one of the following must be true:

    If both of these are true, the section appears, and the manually added information is given precedence; the InCites data is not displayed in the portal. When only the second condition is true – there is only data from InCites – the InCites data displays in the portal, and InCites is shown as the source (see SDG Information from InCites, below.)

    SDG Information from the Asset Record

    SDG information about an asset can be manually added under Sustainability Goals in the Description and Research Topics section of the record.

    Sustainability Goals - Asset Deposit Wizard 1.png

    Sustainability Goals Field with Some SDGs Selected
    For additional information, refer to the instructions for adding the relevant type of asset (for information, in the Working with the Esploro Research Hub Knowledge Center page, under Adding and Working with Research Deposits, select the appropriate option).

    SDG Information from InCites

    In order for SDG information from InCites to appear in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) section of an Asset page, the following is required:

    1. No SDGs have been manually added to the asset record (see above).
    2. The asset must have a Web of Science ID.
    3. Ex Libris support must have activated the SDG option.
    4. The InCites metrics job must have run (see InCites Integration).

    For additional help, contact Ex Libris Support.

    Asset Page - SDG 1.png

    UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Section in an Asset Page in the Portal

    Asset Essentials Tab

    In addition to the sections configured from the Asset Page Tab, you can configure the metadata from the Asset Essentials tab. The fields can be enabled, disabled, or reordered. To access this page,  navigate to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal Configuration and select the Asset Essentials tab.

    Asset Essentials Configuration section of the Researcher Portal Configuration page.

    Asset Essentials Tab

    Within this list, you can also select the Configure row action for more information about Authors (esploroCreators) and Identifiers.

    The Creators row has additional information regarding the Show author details section of the Asset page. 

    Creators Configuration section of the Asset Essentials page.

    Asset Essentials - Creators

    For Identifiers, you can add, delete, or reorder the Identifiers shown on the Asset page.

    Identifiers section of the Asset Essentials tab.

    Asset Essentials - Identifiers

    Those items with the Linkable indicator will be displayed as a clickable link.

    Asset Actions Tab

    You can configure which options appear in the Asset page of the portal when the the user selects Export or Share. To do this, navigate to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal > Assets Display Configuration and select the Asset Actions tab.

    Asset in Portal - Share and Export Buttons.png

    Share and Export Buttons in the Asset Page of the Portal

    Actions tab of the Research Portal Configuration  page.

    Asset Actions Tab

    Export Options

    You can configure which export actions appear in the Export Asset dialog box when the user selects Export in the Asset page of the portal. Each option that is set to Active is included in the dialog box. Drag the Drag icon.png icons up or down to change the order in which the options appear in the portal.

    Some of the options can be configured, as explained below.

    Asset Export Options - Portal.png 

    Export Asset Dialog Box in the Portal

    Email Option

    The Email option enables the user to send an asset to an email address. When it is active, the Send option appears in the Export Asset dialog box. You can configure the email address from which the email is sent, and the text that should appear in the subject line of the email.

    If you enable the Email option, make sure that the Researcher Asset Page Send Email Letter is enabled in Configuration > General > Letters Configuration. Otherwise, the Send option will appear in the Export Asset dialog box, but if the user selects it, no email will be sent. 

    To configure the From address and the Subject of the email:
    1. In the Export table of the Asset Actions tab, in the eMail row, select Configure from the row actions menu. An Email dialog box opens.
    2. Update the From address and Subject as needed.

      Config Email for Sending Asset.png 
    3. Select Save. The dialog box closes.
    4. When you have finished configuring the settings in the Asset Actions tab, select Save.

    Citation Option

    The Citation option enables the user to create a citation for an asset in the style of their choice, and copy it to their clipboard. When it is active, the Citation option appears in the Export Asset dialog box. After selecting this option, the user can select the style they want from the Citation style dropdown list. You can configure which citation styles are available for the user to choose. By default, Esploro includes a number of common styles. You can add additional styles. Any citation style that has been defined with the Citation Style Language (CSL) and is stored in GitHub's CSL Style Repository can be added. For more information on citation styles, see Managing Citation Styles for Primo VE. See also Configuring Citation Sources.

    Asset Citation Options - Portal.png
    Selecting the Style of an Asset Citation in the Portal


    To select the citation formats to make available in the Citation style list:
    1. In the Export table of the Asset Actions tab, in the Citation row, select Configure from the row actions menu. The Citation Styles List page opens.

      Citation Styles List.png
    2. For each style, in the list, you can choose whether to make the style available on the portal or not. To do so, from its row actions menu, select Edit. The Citation Style page opens. 

      The Enabled field controls whether the style is included in the list of options in the portal: select True to include it, or False to remove it from the list. Select Save to save the setting.

      Citation Style.png 
    3. To add an additional citation style that is not in the list, in the Citation Styles List page, select Add. A box appears, in which you can configure the new style.

      You can use citation styles that have been defined with the Citation Style Language (CSL) and stored in GitHub's CSL Style Repository. The Code is the name from the github list, without the format extension. The Label is free text. Select Add to add the style.

      If the code you enter is not recognized, a message appears with a link to the site where you can view the list of valid codes.

      Citation Styles List - Add.png
    4. When you have finished configuring the settings in the Asset Actions tab, select Save.

    BibTex Configuration

    You can control the mapping of Esploro asset types to BibTex entry types. To access the configuration, navigate to Configuration > Repository > Esploro BibTex Mapping.

    Mapping Table for BibTex

    BibTex Mapping Table

    The value/s in the BibTeX entry type column are mandatory. The values in the BibTeX type column are not mandatory - they define a descriptive name for the type of work.

    Share Options

    You can configure which share actions appear in the Share dialog box when the user selects Share in the Asset page of the portal. Each option that is set to Active is included in the dialog box. Under State, you can choose whether the option the user selects opens in a pop-up window or as a new tab in the browser. Drag the Drag icon.png icons up or down to change the order in which the options appear in the portal.

    Asset Share Options - Portal.png 

    Share Dialog Box in the Portal

    Project Page Tab

    This section describes how to configure the Project page that appears in the Research Portal. For information about configuring the Project Search Page that appears in the Research Portal, see Project Search Page Tab, below. For general information about configuring project-management features, see Configuring Project Management on the Research Hub

    You can configure whether researchers can deposit and edit projects in the Header/Footer tab. To do so, select or clear the Include add projects option in the tab; see Header Settings, below.

    To configure which sections will appear on the full Project page, and in which order they will appear, navigate to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal > Projects Display Configuration, or, if you already have the Research Portal page open, select the Project Page tab.

    • To hide a section from the Project page, deselect the Active toggle. 
    • To change the order in which the sections are listed, drag and drop them as needed. 

    Note that the General Information section of the Project page, which contains the project essentials (Project ID and acronym, Project URL, academic department, project start and end dates, and project status) cannot be hidden and always appears on top of the page. Since this section cannot be customized, it does not appear in the Projects Page tab. 

    Project tab in the Researcher Portal Configuration window.

    Project Page Tab

    You can configure the Members section of the Project page in the portal to either display or hide non-affiliated project members. To do so, in the Project Page tab, in the row actions menu of the Members row, select Configure. A Project Members area opens at the bottom of the page. Select Display Non-affiliated Project Members to include non-affiliated members of projects in Project pages in the portal, or clear the option to hide them in the portal.

    The "Display Non-affiliated Project Members" checkbox is selected.

    Project Search Page Tab 

    The Projects feature is for Esploro Advanced Edition customers.

    Before configuring the search results for projects, you first need to enable searching for projects in the Research Portal (see here). Once the portal search is enabled, you can also enable the Research Projects link to display in the drop down menu and the homepage on the portal. (see here).

    Research Project enabled for home page.

    Research Projects

    These links take you to the project search results with all projects appearing in the results by default. To configure the project search results, navigate by navigating to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Project Search Page.

    Project Search Page Configuration.

    Project Search Page Configuration

    On this page you can configure the following:

    • Search Scopes — Which options display in the drop down list when searching for projects in the portal.
      Search scopes.
    • Facets — Which facets display when searching for projects in the portal.
      Search facets.

    Use the facets to filter and refine search results. Below is a list of the available facets.

    Code in Configuration Label in Portal Description
    attributes Attributes

    Taken from the configurable list at Configuration > Research Administration > Project Attributes.

    facet_member_researchers Project members Displays project members by number of projects in the search results.
    member_orgs_name Member organizations Displays organizations by number of projects in the search results. Includes both internal organization units and external institutions that are part of the project.
    status Project status Taken from the configurable list at Configuration > Research Administration > Project Statuses.
    type Project type Taken from the configurable list at Configuration > Research Administration > Research Project Types.
    keywords_and_subjects_facet Subject Topics and keywords that are available for the projects in the search results.
    • Display  — This controls the display for the brief results only, and does not impact the full project page.
      • Display non-affiliated project members: By default, non-affiliated members do display. To exclude them from the brief results, select this option.
      • Display project member roles: By default, the roles do not display. To add them to the brief results, select this option.
      • Display external organization members: By default, the external organizations do not display. To add them to the brief results, select this option.
    • Sort — Which sort options appear on the project search results page. You can drag the options up or down to change the sorting order.

    Activity Page Tab

    Information about researchers' activities in the institution, such as courses they are teaching, conferences at which they have spoken, and student projects for which they are serving as advisors, can be displayed in researcher profiles in one or more Activity tabs.

    Activity tabs only appear in a researcher's profile if their profile includes activities that belong to the categories assigned to those tabs.

    Researcher - Activities tab.png

    Researcher Profile - Activities Tab

    To configure the display of researcher activities in these tabs, go to Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Portal > Activities Display Configuration, or, if you already have the Research Portal page open, select the Activity Page tab. The Activity Page tab opens.

    Activity Page tab on Research Portal Configuration.

    Activity Page Tab

    This tab contains three sections:

    • Activity Tabs for Display – Choose whether to display all of a researcher's activities in a single, Activities, tab, or divide their activities into two or three tabs. 
    • Activity Display Categories – Choose to hide certain categories of activities from public display in researcher profiles.
    • Activity Page – Choose which types of researcher activities to include in their profiles.

    These sections are described below.

    Activity Tabs for Display Section

    In this section, you can choose up to three Activity tabs to include in researcher profiles and what categories of activities should be included in each tab (see Choosing the Categories to Include in Each Tab, below.

    Multiple Activity Tabs in Profile -marked.jpg

    Three Activity Tabs in a Researcher Profile

    The Description of each tab is its label in the portal. It can be changed in the Research Profile code table; see Changing the Descriptions of Activity Tabs, below.

    To include an Activity tab in researcher profiles:
    • Turn on the Active toggle. 
    To change the order in which the Activity tabs appear in researcher profiles:
    • Drag their Drag icon.png icon up or down. 

    Choosing the Categories to Include in Each Tab

    When you activate a tab, certain categories are assigned to it by default. You can either leave the assignments of categories as they were set up by default, or select which categories appear in each tab, as explained below. Categories that do not appear in any of the tabs are not shown in any place in the portal, public or private. If you want a category to be available in researchers' profiles but not visible to the public, list it in the next section, Activity Display Categories.

    The same category can appear in more than one tab. If you do not want this to happen, make sure there is no overlap among the lists of categories selected for the tabs.

    To configure which activity categories to include in a tab:
    1. In the row actions menu of the tab, select Configure. The Activity Categories per Tab dialog box opens. The categories of activities that are currently selected to appear in the tab appear in the Categories to Display field.

      Activity Categories per Tab 1.png
    2. To add additional categories to the tab, select the arrow in the corner of the field (marked in the illustration above) to open a list of all of the categories that exist in your system. Those that are currently selected have checkmarks beside them. Select other categories to add them to the list of selected categories.
    3. To remove categories from the tab, in the Categories to Display field, select the x beside each category you want to remove.
    4. When the list of categories is configured, select Save. The dialog box closes.

    Changing the Descriptions of Activity Tabs

    The Descriptions that appear for each tab under Activity Tabs for Display are used as the labels of those tabs in the portal. These Descriptions can be modified in the label configuration at Configuration Menu > Portal & Profiles > General settings > Labels, in the Research Profile code table. Their codes in the table are research.profile.section.activitiesresearch.profile.section.activities_2, and research.profile.section.activities_3. For additional information, see General Settings for the Research Portal and Profiles.

    Researcher Profile Code Table - Activities Tab Names -marked.png

    Activity Display Categories Section

    In the Activity Display Categories section, you can filter out categories of activities so that they do not appear in public profiles. Researchers can still deposit and edit activities in these hidden categories when they are logged into their private profiles. Categories that are excluded from public profiles do not appear in the public profiles even if they appear under Categories to Display in the Activity Tabs for Display section.

    To hide certain categories of activities from public display:
    • Under Non-Visible Activity Categories, select the categories to exclude from public profiles. 

    Activities Display Categories.

    Selecting Activity Categories to Hide from Public Profiles

    Activity Page Section

    In the Activity Page section, you can choose which fields to include in the activity information displayed in researcher profiles. 

    In the Active column, enable or disable the fields to display in profiles. 

    You can configure the Course Information and Associated Researchers by selecting Configure from their row actions menus.

    Course Information

    For Course Information, in the row actions menu, select Configure to choose which course details will appear in profiles. The options open below the Activity Page section.

    Configuration of course details that will appear on the portal.

    Course Details

    Course information on the portal.

    Course Information on the Portal

    Non-Affiliated Associated Researchers

    For Associated Researchers, in the row actions menu, select Configure to choose whether or not to include non-affiliated researchers in activity information that appears in the portal.  The options open below the Activity Page section.

    Affiliated researcher in Associated Researchers on the portal.

    Associated Researchers

    By default the checkbox is cleared, meaning that non-affiliated researchers will not appear under Associated Researchers in the portal.

    Checkbox to include non affiliated researchers.

    Include Non-affiliated Researchers

    Resource Page Tab

    You can configure the look of the Resources page from Configuration > Portal and Profiles > Research Resources Configuration.

    Resources page tab.

    Resource Page Tab

    Sections that are enabled (Active) display in the full research resources page.

    Research resources full page.

    Research Resources Full Page

    The image in the resources browsing page on the portal is taken automatically from the first image of the Files and Links section for that resource.

    Research Resources on the Portal.

    Research Resources on the Portal

    In order to enable the resource menu links on the portal, you need to activate the Research Resources entity in the Header section (see Header).


    Research Resources Menu Links.

    Research Resources Menu Links

    See also Configuring Research Resources.


    You can configure various labels and placeholder text  such as such as repository metrics, search bar, etc. This is done from the Labels menu at Configuration Menu > Portal & Profiles > General Settings > Labels. See Labels for more info.

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