Resources and FAQs for ODBC drivers for Prepackaged Reports
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: All
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
What resources are available for downloading, installing and troubleshooting ODBC drivers for Prepackaged Reports?
Documentation to guide download & installation is available in the Knowledge Center. The driver packages can be obtained by contacting Voyager Support. Support recommends you archive the driver packages locally for your convenience, as they rarely change. The document includes a section on troubleshooting common errors. See articles below for additional resources, FAQs and troubleshooting guidelines.
Additional Information
Documentation, driver packages and installation
- Overview of version requirements for Voyager ODBC drivers
- Installation and Configuration of ODBC for Voyager
- FTP Passwords for voyager, odbc, preview, and patch users
- How to uninstall Oracle ODBC Client completely
- Use the Windows "ODBC Data Source Administrator" application to test your drivers and connection
Troubleshooting common issues
- ODBC Table Links not Persisting in Access Reports
- VGER missing as a DSN when linking tables
- Relink Prepackaged Reports after Upgrade
- Create & refresh Oracle read-only users for ODBC
- Set ODBC File Permissions
- When installing ODBC Drivers the "Build database links to Voyager" step fails with "Process stopped too many errors! (6)"
- When installing ODBC Drivers the "Build Database links to Voyager" step links some tables successfully but other tables do not link
- When trying to run a query in Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports get error "The Microsoft Access database engine cannot find the input table or query..."
- Access fails to add external data source: "ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor"
- Creating ODBC DSN fails:"ODBC System DSN Warning You are logged on with non-Administrative privileges."
- "invalid username/password; logon denied" in Prepackaged Reports when attempt to connect to database
- After upgrade, read-only user cannot find table in Oracle.
Prepackaged Reports (Reports.MDB)
When you're ready to start using Prepackaged Access Reports, see Chapter 7 of the Reporter User's Guide for help.
- Article last edited: 27-Sep-2019