Esploro 2020 Release Notes
Click here to view the monthly release and maintenance schedules.
Upcoming Issues to Note
Upgrade to OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) and DV (Data Visualization)
The OBI that is used with Esploro Analytics is being upgraded to OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) which includes DV (Data Visualization). As many in the Ex Libris community are aware, the original plan was to upgrade to OBI 12. However, on January 31, 2020, Oracle released OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) to replace the OBI 12.
To read the OAS Upgrade Q&A, click here.
The following table details the rollout plan for the OAS:
Environment | Freeze Start Date | OAS Go-Live Date |
EU03 |
June 17 |
June 21 |
NA02 |
July 13 |
July 19 |
NA03 |
July 13 |
July 26 (updated from 22.7) |
NA01 |
July 13 |
July 26 |
CA01, AP01 |
August 23 |
August 30 |
NA91 |
August 30 |
September 6 |
EU00, EU01, EU02 |
October 11 |
October 18 |
NA04, NA05, NA06, NA07, CN01 |
November 1 |
Novmber 8 |
You may need to take certain steps prior to migration. See Ensuring Reports are Migrated.
December 2020 Sneak Peek
The upcoming December release will include features such as:
- New citations count support for assets
- Assets' files full text search in the Research Portal
- Researcher profiles for previously affiliated researchers
- Bulk operations option for researchers
- API for adding ORCID tokens into Esploro
- New Data Visualization reports in Analytics
- New Dashboard in Analytics for Grants
Main Features
New Data Visualization Dashboard for Esploro Analytics
December 2020 Analytics
New Data Visualization dashboards were added to Esploro Analytics that display Esploro’s data and usage with new graphical representations. In this way, the data can be better understood with new display methods that provide greater insights and deeper knowledge regarding what the institution holds and the relations between the different entities. Examples of new visual displays and reports are word clouds of researchers with the most assets or word clouds of funders with the most awarded grants, tree maps of researchers and asset distribution by organization units, as well as relation diagrams between assets.
The following are example screenshots of the Data Visualization reports:
- Assets by Publication Title:
- Assets by Category and Type:
For more information, see Esploro Analytics Reports.
New Research Grants Dashboard for Esploro Analytics
December 2020 Analytics
The new Research Grants dashboard is now available with reports that display information concerning the Grants of your institution. For more information, see Esploro Analytics Reports.
Display Researcher Grants in Researcher Profiles
It is now possible to showcase the grants associated with a researcher on the researcher profiles. This is in addition to the researcher's research outputs and bibliographic information that is already presented. If configured to display, the grants are visible in the Awards tab of the Researcher Profiles.
To enable display of grants in Researcher Profiles, in the Researcher Profile Management - Display in Public Profile screen (in Research Configuration > Researcher Profiles > Researcher Details Display), the new Awards Tab field must be set to “yes” or “only for signed-in users”.
In addition, it is possible to configure whether the grant investigators appear on each grant. For more information see Configuring Researcher Details display.
In the Researcher Profiles, a researcher can also choose whether to show/hide a specific grant on their public profile. When they are logged in, they can use the new "Hide this Grant" and “Display this Grant” options for each grant in the Awards tab to hide/display each specific grant.
ORCID Registration Integration
Researchers can now register or connect with ORCID to receive an ORCID ID and profile. The new ORCID ID is added to the researcher in Esploro with permissions for the institution to handle the ORCID profile on behalf of the researcher. On future releases further functionality to push and pull information to and from the ORCID profile will be added.
In order for this feature to work, the researcher's institution needs to be registered as an ORCID member, and must also contact Ex Libris to activate the feature.
Once activated, to configure their ORCID integration, an institution must complete the details in the ORCID Integration page (via Research Configuration > External Systems > ORCID integration).
For more details, see Configuring Orcid Integration.
When the ORCID Integration details have been entered by the institution, in the Researcher Profiles the researchers can click on a new link below the ORCID ID under Settings to take them to the ORCID login page, where they can register/connect to ORCID.
Control the Fields Displayed in Researcher Profiles for Logged In Users
In the Research Repository you can now control which Researcher Profile fields are visible on the profile only to logged in users, extending the existing functionality that allows control of the visibility to all users (logged in and not logged in together). This is enabled in the Researcher Profile Management - Display in Public Profile screen, via the new only for signed in-users option (Research Configuration > Researcher Profiles > Researcher Details Display).
In the same screen you can also now control the visibility of tabs and awards.
For more information, see Configuring Researcher Profiles.
Hide/Display Assets in Researcher Profiles
In Researcher Profiles, a researcher can now control whether an asset is hidden or displayed on their public profile, using the Hide this work/Unhide this work options in the Outputs tab.
Emphasize Social Media Links on the Researcher Profiles
Social media links are displayed with their respective logos to emphasize their appearance on the profile and distinguish them from other links.
Regenerate Researcher URL Identifier
For each researcher in the Researcher Profiles, a unique string in the URL identifies the researcher by name.
When you change a researcher's name in the Research Repository (via the Researcher Name section of Researcher Details screen), you can now regenerate the unique URL identifier of the researcher to match the new name, using the new Regenerate option in the Public Profile section of the Researcher Details screen. Previous URL identifiers will remain valid and will still allow access to the researcher profile for backwards compatability.
For more information, see Adding Researchers.
Configure Publisher Version Links for PDF Cover Page
Repository managers can now configure the PDF cover page to display the publisher version link on the cover page from additional fields than the DOI field. This feature is useful when the DOI on the asset is not for the published version but for the posted content itself. These fields appear in the PDF Cover Page Configuration table in the Research Repository (Research Configuration > Advanced Tools > PDF Cover Page Configuration).
For more information on configuring PDF cover pages, see Configuring PDF Cover Pages.
Generate Temporary Access Link to a File
Repository managers can now generate a temporary access link to an access-restricted file, which will grant access to the file for a certain period of time to the requester.
To create a temporary link, in the Asset Details > Files section, select a file(s) and click Generate Temporary Link, or click on the ellipsis menu of an individual file and select Generate Temporary Link. Then choose an expiry date and click Generate.
When the link is generated, it appears in a pop-up. If more than one file was selected, the link will be to a zip file containing the links to the individual files.
For more information, see Files Section.
Desktop Tool for Uploading Large Files
You can now upload large files, using a new desktop tool that bypasses the browser limitation and uploads the files straight to Esploro. In order to upload a file using the new desktop tool, the repository manager for the asset needs to go to the asset and create a token that identifies the asset, environment and customer instance on the environment. This is done via the ellipsis menu on the asset.
In the desktop tool, you can then enter the token to upload the file.
For more information on using the desktop tool, see the Developer's Network. For more information on managing assets, see Managing Research Assets.
Notification of Potential Duplicate Asset/Deposit
If a researcher makes a deposit that is a duplicate of an existing deposit/asset (i.e. it has the same DOI and title), then in the research repository, a new indicator on the deposit screen informs you of a potential duplicate. It also tells you how many potential duplicates there may be. This helps you avoid working on duplicate deposits/assets. Once a deposit is approved or the relevant metadata changes, the indication is removed.
You can click on the number of potential duplicates to view the duplicate deposits/assets.
Delete Redundant Unaffiliated Researchers Job
Unaffiliated researchers may become redundant when they are dissociated from any Esploro entities (such as assets). By default, Esploro now deletes redundant unaffiliated researchers on a scheduled basis, using the new Delete Non-Affiliated Researchers job. To deactivate the job, please contact ExLibris.
For more details on deleting researchers, see Managing Researchers.
New Grant URL Field for Grants
In the Research Repository, you can now add a grant URL to a grant on the Grant Details page.
After you have entered the URL and saved the grant details, the grant name becomes clickable on the Researcher Profiles.
For more details, see Managing Grant Information.
Cross Research Assets and Alma Titles Reports
November 2020 Analytics
The new Research Assets and Alma Titles Overlap dashboard is now available to create reports that display what assets have possible coverage in Alma and what assets do not. This can help repository mangers and library staff understand how much of their research content is covered by the library catalog. It contains the following reports:
- Assets matched in the Alma catalog by ISBN
- Assets matched in the Alma catalog by ISSN
- Assets without a match in the Alma catalog by ISBN
- Assets without a match in the Alma catalog by ISSN
Additional Enhancements
- November 2020 Discovery
The separate publishing jobs for Google and Google Scholar have been merged into a single job, Publish research assets to Google and Google Scholar. The job can be found in Research > Publishing > Publishing Profiles > Research General Profiles and is based on the original publishing to Google job. All approved assets (all the assets that are indexed in the portal) are published to a sitemap. If you enabled/scheduled the Google publishing job, the new job is enabled and scheduled as well.
If you have not previously enabled/scheduled the job for Google Scholar, please inform Ex Libris implementation/support so that we can inform Google Scholar. Google Scholar triggers a crawl ensuring a more timely indexing. For more information, see Esploro Publishing to External Systems. - November 2020 Discovery
In the Research Portal, you can now search for research outputs by entering the handle identifier in the search box. In the Research Portal, the handle for an asset is displayed in the Identifiers field of the Asset Full Details page. For more information on handles, see Adding Handle Identifiers. - November 2020 Discovery
In the Research Portal, in the asset file viewer, you can view the contents of the asset's comment field in the Descriptive Information pane on the right. - November 2020 Management
In the Advanced Search in the Research Repository, you can now search by an asset or file's embargo expiry date, as well as by an asset's Open Access status.Advanced Search - November 2020 Management
Asset file URLs and metadata are now included in the Esploro format publishing. When publishing via API, the URL always appears in the metadata. When publishing via OAI, the URL appears only if the file access rights is not "closed". - November 2020 Analytics
The Open Access Indicator (published version) field was added to Esploro Research Assets > Asset Details. It indicates if the asset is open access based on the publisher. - November 2020 Analytics
The Overview of Researcher Data For Author Matching report was added to the Researchers dashboard. It displays the quality of researcher data available to be used for author matching. - November 2020 Analytics
The Researcher Non-Affiliated Primary Identifier field was added to Esploro Research Assets > Asset Creator and Contributors and to Esploro Researchers > Researcher Details. It contains the primary identifier of non-affiliated researchers.
Resolved Issues
- November 2020 Analytics
Several issues were found in the Research Assets Dashboard. These were fixed. - November 2020 Analytics
Research Asset Usage > Asset Usage Details > Requester Type always displayed Primo VE. This was fixed and now Research Portal is displayed for requests made from the Esploro Research Portal, Esploro Viewer is displayed for requests from the Alma viewer. - November 2020 Researcher Profiles
When Esploro auto-populated the author name of an asset from CDI, the researcher name was added instead of the author name. This was fixed. - November 2020 Management
When assets were imported into Esploro, the enrichment of the open access article information would overwrite the existing value that was imported. This was fixed. - November 2020 Researcher Profiles
Previously in the Researcher Profiles, when selecting an external institution in the Affiliations menu, a grayed-out field appeared to enter a department name. This was fixed and the field does not appear. - November 2020 Management
When publishing in the Esploro format, the "isPartOf" field was sometimes published as empty. This was fixed. - November 2020 Management
When publishing an ETD to Primo, the researcher's middle name was sometimes added to the Author Name field on the asset. This was fixed.