Configurar vistas de descubrimiento para Primo VE
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Si está configurando la página Servicios para un entorno Alma-Summon, véase Configurar la página Servicios.
Para configurar las opciones de descubrimiento (Menú de Configuración > Descubrimiento) para Primo VE, se debe tener la siguiente función: Descubrimiento - Admin.
Primo VE permite a los usuarios finales realizar búsquedas, ver material en línea, solicitar materiales y ver la información de su cuenta. La página Lista de vistas (Menú de configuración > Descubrimiento > Mostrar configuración > Configurar vistas) le permite configurar diversas vistas que se pueden basar en institución, biblioteca, campus y grupo de usuarios. Cada vista puede tener su propia apariencia y estilo y sus propias configuraciones (como servicios y perfiles de búsqueda).
Además de crear una nueva vista, la página Lista de vistas permite realizar las siguientes acciones sobre cada vista en la lista:
Editar – Esta acción abre la página Configuración de vista, que permite editar las diferentes pestañas de configuración para la vista seleccionada. Para obtener más detalles sobre cada pestaña, consulte las secciones que aparecen debajo.
Duplicar: esta acción crea una nueva vista basada en la vista seleccionada.
Ignorar - Esta acción sustituye otra vista de la lista (como la vista principal) por la vista actual, conservando solo el Código (no el Nombre) de la vista que está sustituyendo. Esto es útil si desea probar cambios significativos en una vista separada y aplicar rápidamente esos cambios a su vista principal.
Por ejemplo, si desea ignorar los ajustes de la vista PRINCIPAL por los ajustes de la vista PRUEBA:-
Edite la vista MYINST:TEST. El código de esta vista cambia a MYINST:MAIN.
Seleccione la acción Ignorar para abrir el cuadro de diálogo.
Seleccione la vista MYINST:MAIN. Esta vista se archiva, y su código se modifica como sigue: MYINST:MAIN _depracated_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
Seleccione el botón Ignorar para ignorar los ajustes de la vista MYINST:MAIN.
Borrar: esta acción borra la vista seleccionada.
Ir a vista : esta opción abre la UI para la vista seleccionada.
Las siguientes secciones describen cómo crear una nueva vista usando cada pestaña en la configuración de la vista.
Definir una vista
The View Configuration page consists of several tabs that enable you to configure the settings that are related to what end users see in the UI (such as search scopes, look-and-feel, and services). The initial definition of a view configures the General tab and populates the other tabs with the out-of-the-box settings. You can test your view by selecting Go to View for the view's action menu on the Views List page.
You can create multiple views based on institution, library, campus, and user group.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), select Add View to open the View Configuration page.
View Configuration Page - General TabFor member institutions of a consortium, the Discovery network settings section also appears on the View Configuration page:
The Discovery Network Settings Section (View Configuration Page - General Tab)Changes to the General tab require you to select the Save button to make the changes effective in the UI. Changes to other tabs are effective immediately.
Specify the following fields on the View Configuration Page:
View Configuration Page - General Tab Fields Field Description Define View:
A unique code for your view. After saving the view, the system automatically prefixes the code with your institution's code.
A name for your view.
Optional text to describe the view for internal use.
General Attributes:
Affiliate with
You can associate each view with a specific Central index so that you can provide full-text availability per campus/library. For instructions on creating Central indexes, see Configuring Central Index and Proxy Settings.
To affiliate a view with a campus/library:
Select either Campus or Library.
Depending on the type of affiliation selected, select either a campus or library from the drop-down list.
This option is only available to customers who have configured their environment to support inventory management groups, which are based on campuses and libraries. For more details, see Configuring Inventory Management Groups.
Default Language
The default language that the system will use for Primo VE.
Time-out URL
This field is no longer in use.
The redirection URL for Primo VE after a timeout.
If this field is left empty, the default system behavior is to refresh the page and clear all personal parameters.
Timeout (in minutes) for guest users
The time in minutes when a session is timed out due to inactivity for guest users. A setting of 0 indicates that there is no timeout period.
When a session times out, the system clears all personal parameters (such as saved searches) and refreshes the page, leaving the user within the context of the page.
Timeout (in minutes) for signed-in users
The time in minutes when a session is timed out due to inactivity for signed-in users. A setting of 0 indicates that there is no timeout period.
When a session times out, the system clears all personal parameters (such as saved searches) and refreshes the page, leaving the user within the context of the page.
Side bar (Tweak my results) position
The position of the Tweak your results section on the Brief Results page: On the right (default position) or On the left.
Tweak Your Results Section on the Brief Results PageAuto Complete Enabled
Indicates whether auto-complete suggestions are enabled in the Primo VE search box.
Select as Default View
Which view is used when staff users select the Display in Discovery option from the Alma repository search results.
Repository Search Results - Display in Discovery OptionIndicates whether the Personalized Results service is enabled in the UI.
Enable Personalization in the UIIf you disable this option, it will remain active only for users who previously configured at least one discipline and selected the Personalized toggle in the UI. To disable personalization, those users will have to edit and clear all selected disciplines instead of just clearing the Personalized toggle, which is no longer visible to all users.
The Personalize Your Results Disciplines code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) allows you to customize and translate the display names for the supported CDI disciplines, which are not configurable.
For information regarding the mapping of disciplines in CDI, see Personalized Ranking in CDI.
Enable Syndetics
Indicates whether Syndetics Unbound displays in the Explore section of a record's full display.
This checkbox appears only after registering for Syndetics Unbound and entering the license ID in the Syndetics_Unbound_Customer_ID parameter on the Discovery Customer Settings mapping table page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings).
For more information regarding Syndetics Unbound, see Setting Up Syndetics Unbound in Primo VE.
Enable Collection Discovery Features
Indicates whether Collection Discovery is enabled in the UI.
Newspapers Search Filter By Availability
Indicates whether Newspaper Search returns only articles that are available to the institution. This field is selected by default.
When cleared, all records are returned in Newspaper Search regardless of whether they are available to the institution.
Display link to Newspapers Search
When selected, this option enables the Newspapers search link in the following areas in Newspaper Search results:
At the bottom of the search results page.
At the top of the Resource Type facet in the Tweak My Results section of the results.
To enable these links, you must first enable the Newspaper search feature on the Central Index and Proxy Set-Up page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Central Index and proxy set-up). For more information, see Configuring Central Index and Proxy Settings.
Highlight reference entry on top
When selected, this option displays a short topic overview, which is derived from a reference entry for a CDI collection that has been activated in Alma, on top of the results list. For more information, see Displaying Reference Entries for Topic Overviews.
Related records display
Enables the related reading links in the Full Display. Currently, the following relationships are supported:
Supported Related Reading Relationships Relation from Relation to Usage Books (local and CDI)
Chapters of the book (CDI)
Enables users to view specific chapters from the book.
Books (local and CDI)
Reviews of the book (CDI)
Enables users to view any related book reviews.
Chapters (CDI)
Other chapters in the book (CDI)
Enables users to view other chapters from the book.
The Related Items Labels code table enables you to configure the display labels for this functionality.
Use Voice Search
Select this option to enable the Voice Search Assistant in the view. After selecting this option, select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
Use UI supported languages – When selected, Primo VE supports the languages configured in Alma.
When selected, the default language is given priority.
Use customized languages – When selected, the Supported languages field appears and enables you to select one or more enabled languages from the Voice Search Supported Languages code table.
The list of customized languages cannot be arranged in a customized order.
The default language is set to the first language under the Supported languages list, and it cannot be customized.
For more information, see Configuring the Voice Search Assistant.
When selected, this option displays the Edit button on the Personal Details tab in My Library Card, which enables users to modify personal details. This option is enabled by default. For related configuration options, see Configuring Personal Details Settings for Primo VE.
Display online services from other campuses/libraries
Select to display online services from other campuses/libraries.
This option is only available to customers who have configured their environment to support inventory management groups, which are based on campuses and libraries. For more details, see Configuring Inventory Management Groups.
Set focus on search box
When selected, focus is placed in the search box by default when various pages (such as Library Search and Journal Search) are opened in Primo VE. This enables users to type their queries directly into the search box without having to select the search box first. This is already the case for the classic UI. Out of the box, this functionality is disabled.
Focus Set in Search BoxEnable recent scopes search
When selected, the Scope drop-down list includes the following search capabilities:
Scope look-up prompt – As users begin typing characters at the prompt, matching scopes appears in the lower portion of the box for selection, enabling users to select these scopes without having to scroll through a large list.
Scope Lookup Prompt -
Recent scopes list – The last three scopes that were recently used in a search appear just below the Look-up or select prompt and are indicated by the Recent icon . For signed-in users only, the scopes for each search tab are retained between sessions.
Recently Used Scopes List
Enable QR on Top
Select to display the QR code link in the Main Menu and each record's full details. This option is enabled by default.
Display Unpaywall Links
When selected, links to PDF full text in Unpaywall are embedded directly into the brief display.
If a record contains Quicklinks and Unpaywall links, Primo VE displays only the Quicklinks.
When this functionality is enabled and the record has no additional links (such as Quicklinks, Unpaywall links, and general electronic service links), an empty Links section is displayed with the following message, which is customizable by modifying the description for the fulldisplay.unpaywall.noLinks code in the Full Display Labels code table: No links are available for this record.
Display Quick Links
When selected, links to PDF/HTML full text for CDI records are embedded directly into the brief display to provide a convenient and quick way for users to access full text with a single click. Quicklinks provides links to both free to read content and paywalled content. For more details, see Quicklinks in Primo and Primo VE.
If a record contains Quicklinks and Unpaywall links, Primo VE displays only the Quicklinks.
Display all links in View Online section
When selected, this option instructs CDI to return all available full text links so that they are selectable in a record's full display. If disabled, CDI returns only the preferred link. For more details, see Display All Links in Full Display for CDI.
Display Favorites Warning Message for Guests
When selected, a warning message displays when guests save records to Favorites. This functionality is enabled by default for new views.
The following table lists the codes associated with this functionality:
Code Table Description aria Labels code table (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Code Tables)
For accessibility, the following code provides indication that the warning messages was closed:
nui.aria.favorites.CloseMessage – Close message
Favorites Labels code table (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Code Tables)
The following codes support the display of the warning and message:
nui.favorites.guestSaveMessage – To permanently save your items to favorites, <b>make sure to sign in</b>
nui.favorites.guestSaveMessageDismiss – Dismiss
Enable Barcode Search
When selected, users can search by barcode in Advanced Search to locate specific physical items on the shelves more easily.
Barcode Search Tab in Advanced SearchThe following table lists the codes associated with this functionality:
Code Table Description aria Labels code table (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Code Tables)
The following code provides accessibility for this functionality:
- – Search by Barcode
Search Tile Labels code table (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Code Tables)
The following codes support the customization and translation of labels for this functionality:
- – Barcode Search
- – Search
- – No records found for {{searchTerm}}
- – Try to refine your search term
- – Enter a barcode
For consortia only, you can enable users to sign into this institution's view as well as views of other institutions associated with your Network Zone (NZ).
To create a list of institutions with which users can authenticate:-
Select this option to display the Edit configuration link.
Select Edit configuration to open the Direct login to other institutions page.
Select Add configuration and then specify the following fields:
Consortia Institution – Select the institution from the drop-down list. When defining the list of permitted institutions, you must also include your institution to enable users to log on to it from the Direct Login Menu.
Institution name label – Specify a display label for the institution, which appears in alphabetical order on the Login Menu.
Other institution domain – Specify the Primo VE domain for the institution. For example:
View code – Specify the view code for the institution, making sure not to include the institution code. For example: myview
Select Save and repeat step 3 to add another institution.
Example Direct Login Configuration -
Select Save in the General tab.
In the following example, three institutions were configured to appear on the Direct Login Menu:
Example Direct Login MenuIf you want to retain search parameters in the URL after signing into a view, see the direct_login_transfer_all_parameters parameter in the Discovery Customer Settings mapping table (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings).
If you want to customize/translate labels on the Direct Login Menu, update the Direct Login Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels).
When selected, CDI searches will use CDI's normalized index instead of its default Subject index, which is not normalized. For more information, see Using Normalized Subject Headings from CDI.
Display CDI document attributes
When selected, CDI document attributes display for CDI records. This functionality is selected by default. For more information about the document attributes, see CDI Document Attributes.
The following CDI record shows an example of a Retracted Publication warning:
Retracted Publication Warning in CDI Search ResultsNew for December
Enable Person Entity Info CardSelect this option to enable the display of the Person Info Card on the Full Display page. This option is disabled by default.
To display this option and enable it at the view level, the enable_person_entity_info_card parameter must be set to false on the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings).
For more details, see Searching Linked Open Data - Person Entity.
New for December
Enable Person Entity AutocompleteSelect this option to enable autocomplete for person entities. This option is disabled by default.
To display this option and enable it at the view level, the enable_person_entity_autocomplete parameter must be set to false on the Discovery Customer Settings page (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Customer Settings).
For more details, see Searching Linked Open Data - Person Entity.
Discovery Network Settings (Consortia environments only):
Display locations from member institutions
Select to display physical holdings for other member institutions in your consortium.
Display online services from member institutions
Select to display online services from other member institutions.
Include member institution physical inventory in facets
Configure the behavior of the Institution and Availability facets:
Never – Select this option if you do not want to display physical inventory from other member institutions in your consortium.
Only in cross institution search – Select this option if you want to display physical inventory from other member institutions in your consortium only when the selected search profile (such as DiscoveryNetwork) includes records from other member institutions.
Always – Select this option if you always want to display physical inventory from other member institutions in your consortium.
Library facet
If the Institution and Availability facets have been configured to display physical inventory from member institutions, select one of the following options to configure the behavior of the Library facet:
Do not display member libraries – Select this option if you do not want to include physical inventory from other members' libraries.
Display member libraries separately – Select this option if you want to include physical inventory from other members' libraries with a separate facet below the Library facet.
Display member libraries with my institution libraries – Select this option if you want to include physical inventory from other members' libraries with the Library facet. This option must be specified for the union view in a consortium.
Select Save to save your changes and to return to the Views List page.
Changes to the General tab require you to select the Save button to make the changes effective in the UI. Changes to other tabs are effective immediately.
You have just configured the fields on the General tab. See the following sections to configure the remaining tabs in your view:
Configuring the Links Menu – Defines the links that appear on the Links menu, which appears at the top of Primo VE.
Search Profile Slots – Defines the search scopes used in Primo VE.
Advanced Search Configuration – Configures the following lists of configuration values that appear in Primo VE: indexes, resource types, and languages.
Brief Results – Configures the facets and sort options that appear on the Brief Results page in Primo VE.
Brief Record Display – Configures the fields and actions that appear above each record on the Brief Results page in Primo VE.
Full Record Services – Configures the display of the service sections on the Full Display page in Primo VE.
Manage Customization Package – Manages the customization packages that you can use to modify the look of Primo VE.
Displaying Reference Entries for Topic Overviews
A reference entry in Primo VE contains a short overview and a full text link to an article that contains reference information based on the subject of the user's search. These reference entries appear prominently above the results when the results contain CDI records and the search maps to a topic that contains reference information in an active collection in your institution. For example, a search for the term Texas may include a reference entry to an article containing general information about Texas:
The source refers to the publication title of the article, not the publisher.
This functionality is not supported in Advanced Searches.
CDI maintains a separate topic index, consisting of topics and their synonyms taken from the reference sources that we index. When this feature is enabled, searches are first compared to our topic index, and if there is a match and a corresponding reference entry from one of the collections for which you have active full text, the highlighted topic appears at the top of the search list.
The CDI topics were originally identified by mining queries and phrases from CDI searches, and matching them against Wikipedia (to ensure that the searches map to actual concepts or things). Wikipedia and encyclopedia articles from CDI source collections listed below (such as Credo Reference, Encyclopedia Britannica, and so forth) are matched to topics as part of the regular CDI content loading cycle. The topic list is maintained as part of the CDI index. You can submit requests for new topic entries to Ex Libris Support for evaluation and inclusion.
Highlighted reference entries appear under following conditions:
The relevant reference resource is activated in Alma and has been published to CDI.
The Active for Search in CDI field is set to Yes in the electronic collection in Alma.
The searched term has a clear match in the reference source.
The reference entry has a full text available.
The reference entry has a valid description.
Eligible source collections include the following:
Encyclopedia Britannica
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Oxford University Press
Grove Music
Oxford Bibliographies Online
Oxford Research Encyclopedias
American Dictionary of National Biography Online
Oxford Very Short Introductions
Depending on the activated collections in your institution, full text linking is provided by either the link resolver or the link in the record. Note that if linking is provided by the link resolver and no article-level linking is available, the reference entry links to the book or dictionary that contains the article, not the article.
Configurar el menú Enlaces
The Links Menu tab on the View Configuration page enables you to define the links on the Main menu, which appears at top of the UI. Out of the box, Primo VE provides links for the following pages in Primo VE: Journal Search, Tags, Library Search, ILL Request (Blankill), Fetch Item (citationlinker), Browse Search, Collection Discovery, and Newspaper Search, Database Search, and Purchase Request. All except for Database Search and Purchase Request are enabled by default. For additional information regarding the configuration of Purchase Request and Resource Sharing Request forms, see Configuring Request Forms for Primo VE.
For each link, you can perform the following configurations:
If you want to add a link, see Adding a Link to the Links Menu.
All the out-of-the-box links open in the same browser tab, and all customer-defined links open in a new browser tab.
In the following example, the following links are enabled: Journal Search, Tags, Library Search, ILL Request, Fetch Item, and Browse Search:
Currently, Tags functionality is not supported in consortia environments. For information on how to delete the Tags link and other links, see Deleting a Link from the Links Menu.
Adding a Link to the Links Menu
In addition to the out-of-the-box links, you can add your own links.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
Select Add Link to open the Define Menu Link Page.
Define Menu Link Page -
Specify the following fields:
Fields for Define Menu Link Page Field Description Code
A unique name for this code.
The default display label for this link.
Select the Globe button if you want to create translations for the label in the View Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels.
The page's URL. If you are adding a link to your institution's domain (such as query within your local catalog), specify a relative path and make sure that it does not start with a forward slash. For example:
discovery/search?query=any,contains,artificial%20intelligence&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInstitution&vid=PRIMO_OAP_INST:Alma&offset=0All other links require a full path.
The text that appears when users hover their cursors over the link. The following links are supported out of the box: Library Search, Journal Search, ILL Request, Fetch Item, Tags, Browse Search, Collection Discovery, Database Search, and Newspaper Search.
Select the Globe button if you want to create translations for the text in the View Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels.
Deleting a Link from the Links Menu
The Links Menu tab enables you to delete user-defined links only. If you want to use a link at a later time, it is recommended that you deactivate it so that you do not have to reconfigure the link later. For more information, see Activating or Deactivating a Link on the Links Menu. Out of the box links (such as for Journal Search) cannot be deleted, only deactivated.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
Select Delete in the link's row actions list.
Activating or Deactivating a Link on the Links Menu
The Links Menu tab enables you to deactivate links that you are no longer using or are planning to use in the future. Deactivated links can be activated quickly without having to reconfigure the link. If you no longer need a user-defined link only, see Deleting a Link from the Links Menu.
Since Tags functionality is not supported in consortia environments, it is recommended that you deactivate the Tags code. In addition to the link in the Main Menu, the Tags Service is removed from the Full Display page.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
Toggle the slider in the row containing the link that you want to activate/deactivate.
Customizing and Translating a Link's Display Label and Tooltip
The Edit Menu Link page enables you to customize and translate a links display label and tooltip.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
Select Edit in the link's row actions list to open the Edit Menu Link Page.
Edit Menu Link Page -
Specify the following fields:
Fields for Edit Menu Link Page Field Description Label
The default display label for this link.
Select the Globe button if you want to create translations for the label in the View Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels.
The text that appears when users hover their cursors over the link. The following links are supported out of the box: Library Search, Journal Search, ILL Request, Fetch Item, Tags, Browse Search, Collection Discovery, Database Search, and Newspaper Search.
Select the Globe button if you want to create translations for the text in the View Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels.
Ordering Links on the Links Menu
All options are performed on the Links tab of the View Configuration page: On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab. If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
Select the up/down arrows in the rows containing the slots that you want to move.
Configuring Category Browse for Journal Search
In addition to defining and activating the Journal Search link in the Links menu, you can also enable/disable Category Browse, which enables users to browse journals by category. For more details, see Configuring Journal Search for Primo VE.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
Edit the row that contains the Journal Search link to open the Edit Menu Link page.
Edit Menu Link Page for Journal Search -
Select the Display Category browse checkbox to enable Category Browse.
When this option is enabled, the Teak your results (facets) section always appears on the left side of the page above the Journals by category section.
Select Save.
Configuring Browse Search
In addition to defining and activating the Browse Search link in the Links menu, you can also configure the browse search types and the order in which they appear in the Browse by drop-down list in Primo VE. Currently, the following types of browse searches are supported: Author, Title, Series, Subject, and Call Numbers of the following types: generic, Library of Congress (0), Dewey (1), and SUDOC (3). For more details, see Configuring Browse Search for Primo VE.
By default, Browse by Subjects utilizes Alma's Subjects (with MARC21 600 / 610 / 611 / 647) heading type mapping. If you prefer to exclude the 6XX fields, please open a ticket with Support.
Browse Search can return headings that contain records with suppressed or restricted holdings, but if the heading is selected, the suppressed records are omitted from the results and the following message is displayed:
Some records are not displayed since they are restricted / suppressed from display.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to enable you to add and modify links.
Edit the row that contains the Browse Search link to open the Edit Menu Link page.
Edit Menu Link Page for Browse Search -
For each Browse Type that you want to display in the Sort by drop-down list, specify the following fields:
Availability – Select this field to activate the browse type.
Vocabulary – For Subject browse types only, select the vocabulary that you want to use for browse.
By default, Browse by Subjects utilizes Alma's Subjects (with MARC21 600 / 610 / 611 / 647) heading type mapping. If you prefer to exclude the 6XX fields, please open a ticket with Support. If you are looking to include missing 651 terms from the Browse Search Vocabulary LCSH results, set this field to Library of Congress name authority records for 651.
Sort By – Select one of the following sort options: Author, Title, Date - newest, and Date - oldest.
Select the up/down arrows as needed to order the browse types in the Browse by drop-down list.
Select Save.
Configuring Authority Search
Primo VE's Authority Search is an enhanced user experience that is generated from the local authorities configured in the library. For this page, you can configure the search fields from which users can select in the Search for field: Keyword (any field), Personal Name, Corporate Name, Meeting Name, Name, Subject, Geographic Term, Genre/Form Term, and Uniform Title. In addition, you specify the order of these search fields. The first search field in the list is the default. For more information, see Configuring Authority Search for Primo VE.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view and select the Links Menu tab.
If you have not already done so, you must select Customize to add and modify links.
Edit the row that contains the AuthoritySearch code to open the Edit Menu Link page.
Specify Search Fields for Authority Searches -
In the Availability column, activate the search fields that you want to appear in the Search for drop-down field on the Authority Search page.
Using the row handle, drag and drop the rows to position the search fields in the Search for drop-down field on the Authority Search page. The first search field appears on the top of the list and is the default.
Select Save to return to the Views List page.
Activate the row that contains the AuthoritySearch code.
Configurar espacios de perfil de búsqueda
Search profile slots, which are comprised of one or more search profiles (see Configuring Search Profiles), enable users to narrow their searches to material under specific categories (such as the full catalog, journals, or items from a specific campus only). The search profile slots appear in the following areas in Primo VE:
Below search box – As users type characters in the search box, they can choose a specific active slot for their search query:
Below Search Box while Typing -
Next to the search box on the Results List page – A slot drop-down list appears next to the search box to enable users to perform additional search queries with any of the active slots:
Search Box with Search Scopes
Adding a Search Profile Slot
The Search Profile Slots tab enables you to configure one or more search profiles slots per view. For each search profiles slot, you can specify which search profiles (see Configuring Search Profiles) to include in the slot and the order in which the slots appear in Primo VE.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Search Profile Slots tab.
Search Profile Slots Tab -
Select Add a Slot to open the Define Slot Page.
Define Slot Page -
In the Define Slot section, specify the following fields:
Fields for Add a Slot Page Field Description Code
Specify a unique name for this slot.
Specify the display label for this slot.
Select the Globe button if you want to create translations for the label in the View Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels.
Specify the tooltip for this slot, which appears only in the Advanced Search window.
Select the Globe button if you want to create translations for the tooltip in the View Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels.
Optional text to describe the slot.
In the Select Search Profiles for slot section, activate the search profiles that you want to include with the new slot. As you activate a row, it is moved to the top of the list and up/down arrows are added to the row.
Select the up/down buttons as needed to change the order of the active search profiles.
Select Save.
Adding Featured Results to a Search Profile Slot
The Featured Results feature enables you to display additional relevant records that may not have not displayed because of the search profile slot that the user had selected to perform the search. Here are some examples:
Include featured articles from CDI in a search profile slot that returns only local records.
Include featured images in search results in which images were excluded. For greater emphasis, you can include featured images to search results in which images are already included.
Include featured collections in search results in which the collection would not normally be displayed.
When this functionality is enabled, a Featured Results Bar appears after the third record on the first page of the brief results. Within the bar, the highest ranked records appear first. The bar does not display after selecting a facet or navigating to another page in the results. If the original query does not return results, the system does not display any featured results. For each Featured Result mapping, you can specify either of the following formats for the bar:
List – The Featured Results Bar in the new UI displays up to 10 items that include only the title. Users can scroll left or right to see the items in the horizontal list. If the title exceeds seven rows, an ellipsis is added to the end of the seventh row to indicate that the title is incomplete.
List Format -
Thumbnail – The Featured Results Bar in the new UI displays up to 10 items that include a constant size thumbnail with the title below it. Users can scroll left or right to see the items in the horizontal list. If the title exceeds four rows, an ellipsis is added to the end of the fourth row to indicate that the title is incomplete.
Thumbnail Format
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), select the Search Profile Slots tab.
Edit the search profile slot to which you want to add the Featured Results Bar.
The Edit Profile Slot page opens.
Edit Profile Slot Page -
In the Define Featured Results section, select a search profile from the Enabled feature results drop-down list.
The associated featured results mapping definitions appear in the list for the selected search profile.
Select Add New Mapping to open the Add New Mapping dialog box.
Add New Mapping Dialog Box -
Specify the following fields in the dialog box:
Active – Indicates whether this mapping row is active. If you already have an active mapping row, make sure that this checkbox is not selected. You can activate it later from the list of mapping rows.
Title – Specify the display title for the Featured Results bar in the UI.
Search Profile – Select the search profile from which want to retrieve additional records of the selected resource type.
Resource Type – Select the resource type that you want to feature in the results.
Format – Select one of the following output formats for the Featured Results Bar: List or Thumbnail.
Select Add Row to save the mapping row and to close the dialog box.
On the Edit Profile Slot page, activate the mapping row that you want to use. Ensure that you first select the search profile from the Enabled featured results drop-down list.
Activate a Mapping RowBecause only one mapping row can be active, you may need to deactivate a mapping row before activating another one.
Select Save to save the changes to your profile slot.
Deleting a Search Profile Slot
The Search Profile Slots tab enables you to delete search profile slots.
On the Search Profile Slots tab, select Delete from the row actions list.
Activating/Deactivating a Search Profile Slot
The Search Profile Slots tab enables you to activate or deactivate search profile slots.
Configurar búsquedas avanzadas
The Advanced Search Configuration tab enables you to manage the following configuration lists:
List of Indexes – This list defines the fields that appear in the Search Field drop-down list for advanced searches.
List of Indexes Section -
List of Resource Types – This list defines the resource types that appear in the Material Type drop-down list for advanced searches. Note that this Material Type drop-down list is filtering by Primo VE's resource types, not Alma's Material Type.
List of Resource Types Section -
List of Languages – This list defines the languages that appear in the Language drop-down list for advanced searches.
List of Languages Section -
Search Operators – This list configures the supported search operators on the Advanced Search page.
Search Operators SectionWhen using the Equals exact phrase search operator for Author/Creator searches, matches are restricted to subfield a of MARC fields 100 and 700. If you want to include additional information (such as dates) in the exact phrase, use the Contains exact phrase search operator.
For each type of list, you can add and delete items (except for Search Operators), change the order of items that appear in the Advanced Search drop-down lists (Search Index, Material Type, and Search Operators only), and indicate which search profiles can display each item.
Related documentation:
For details on how information is mapped from the source records to the search indexes in Primo VE, see the Search sections in Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.
For details regarding the Advanced Search page, see Performing Advanced Searches in Primo VE.
Adding a Search Index, Resource Type, or Language to Advanced Searches
The following lists on the Advanced Search Configuration tab enable you to add items to the associated drop-down lists in the UI: List of Indexes, List of Resource Types, and List of Languages.
To enable the Search Inside service on the Full Display page (see Configuring the Full Display Page), you must define the ISSN field as a search index for advanced searches.
For starts with search types, the search terms must be found at the start of the Title or holdings call number fields. For title searches, Primo VE checks the MARC21 fields 130 (journals) and 245 (other) and takes into account nonfiling characters and stop words to match records.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Advanced Search Configuration tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize to enable you to modify the configuration list.
In the relevant section, select one of the following to open its specific dialog box:
Add Index – Opens the Add Index dialog box. For more details about each index, see Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.
Add Index Dialog Box -
Add Resource Type – Opens the Add Resource Type dialog box. For more details on each resource type, see Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.
Add Language – Opens the Add Language dialog box.
Depending on the dialog box, select a search index, material type, or language from the relevant drop-down list.
Specify the relevant search profiles with which the new item is associated. Do this by toggling the slider of one or more search profiles to build a custom list of search profiles, or toggle the slider next to either of the following options:
ALL – This option selects all search profiles including custom search profiles.
ALL_NOT_CR – This option selects all search profiles (including custom search profiles) except for CourseReserves.
Depending on the dialog box, select Add Index, Add Resource Type or Add Language to save the new item.
Ensure that the new item has been activated.
Deleting a Search Index, Resource Type, or Language from Advanced Searches
The following lists on the Advanced Search Configuration tab enable you to delete items from the associated drop-down lists in the UI: List of Indexes, List of Resource Types, and List of Languages.
Activating/Deactivating a Search Index, Resource Type, Language, or Search Operator for Advanced Searches
The following lists on the Advanced Search Configuration tab enable you to activate or deactivate items from the associated drop-down lists in the UI: List of Indexes, List of Resource Types, List of Languages, and Search Operators.
Changing the Order of Search Indexes, Resource Types, Languages, or Search Operators for Advanced Searches
The following lists on the Advanced Search Configuration tab enable you to order the items in the associated drop-down lists in the UI: List of Indexes, List of Resource Types, List of Languages, and Search Operators.
The Sort by alphabetical order checkbox in the List of Languages section, overrides the ordering and instead alphabetizes the language based on the default or selected language in the UI.
Changing the Supported Search Profile Slots for Search Operators
The Search Operators list on the Advanced Search Configuration tab enables you to select which search profile slots display for each search operator.
Select the Advanced Search Configuration tab and scroll to the Search Operators section.
If this is the first customization, select Customize. Otherwise, skip this step or select Restore to return to the default settings.
Search Operators Section -
For each search operator, select its Edit row action to configure the supported search profile slots.
Equals Exact Phrase Option Default Settings -
Updated for May 2024 - For the Equals exact phrase search operator only, select the Title, Author, and Subject checkboxes under the Use "Equals exact phrase" for hypertext linking for field if you want to use this operator instead of using the hypertext linking definitions for title, author, and subject links in the Details section of each record's full display. These checkboxes are enabled by default. For more details, see Configuring Hypertext Link Definitions for Primo VE.
If this checkbox is cleared or the Equals exact phrase search operator is disabled, hypertext linking definitions are used.
Activate/deactivate search profile slots as needed for the search operator.
Select Done.
Enabling Pre-Filters for Basic Searches
For basic searches, you can enable users to limit their initial search results by selecting the following filters prior to executing the search:
Resource Type – This filter enables users to narrow their searches to a specific type of resource (such as books or journals). If disabled, searches include all resource types.
Search Type – If filtering by search field is enabled, this filter enables users to select from the following options:
that contain my query words – The search terms must be found in the selected search field.
with my exact phrase – The exact phrase must be found in the selected search field.
begins with – The search terms must be found at the start of the Title field, which is taken from the following MARC 21 fields: 130 (journals) and 245 (other).
Search Field – This filter enables users to narrow their searches to a specific search field (such as the author or title) using the operation selected in the Search Type drop-down list. If disabled, searches include all search fields in the record.
On the Advanced Search Configuration tab, select the Enable for Basic Search checkbox under the following sections:
List of Indexes – When selected, this option displays the Search type and Search Field drop-down lists below the basic search box.
List of Resource Types – When enabled, this option displays the Resource Type drop-down list below the basic search box.
When any of the above options are enabled, you cannot use the Resource Type Filter Bar. For more details, see Configuring the Brief Results Page.
Labels for the Pre-filter drop-down lists are defined in the Basic Search Pre-Filters Labels code table. For more information, see Configuring Display Labels for Primo VE.
Configurar la página Resultados breves
The Brief Results page in Primo VE opens after a user performs a search. Besides the results themselves, this page includes facets and the Sort by list.
Configuring Facets on the Brief Results Page
Facets enable users to filter their search results based on specific metadata (such as resource type and author). When a facet is opened, it displays a list of values and the number of results found with each value. The Brief Results tab enables you to configure how facets appear in the brief results. For details on how information is mapped from the source records to facet values in Primo VE, see the Facet sections in Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.
Editing a Facet
For each facet, the Brief Results tab enables you to configure the number of values to display, sort type, search profile slots, and whether it is active (see Activating/Deactivating a Facet).
For the New Records facet, users can display records that were created in Alma in the last week, month, and three months. For consortia with a Network Zone (NZ), the creation date of a record is based on the date that it is added to the NZ.
Because the By Size sort option is not supported for the New Records facet, its facet values may not appear in the expected order.
For the Digital Collection facet, users can display all titles that are under a top-level collection or its subcollections. Typically, top-level collections are used primarily for digital records in Alma, but any type of record is supported. For more information, see Managing Collections.
For more information on facets, see Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Results tab.
Brief Results Tab -
If you have not already done so in the Facets section, select Customize to enable you to modify facets.
In the Values to display field, specify the maximum number of facet values that you want to display without expanding the facet. For example, the Library facet is set to 2, while the other facets are set to 0:
Values to Display FieldBy default, the system displays the top 20 values when the facet is expanded in the UI by clicking Show More (unless you are searching in a blended search engine, in which case the maximum number of facets could be higher). To increase the maximum number of facet values, see the discovery_facet_limit customer parameter.
Select one of the following values from the Sort Type drop-down list: By Size (descending order) or Alphanumeric. If None is specified, the order may appear random.
If you want to modify a facet's search profile slots, edit the row containing the item that you want to modify. The Edit Facet Slots dialog box opens.
Edit Facet Slots Dialog Box for the Location Facet -
Toggle the slider of one or more search profiles or one of the following options:
ALL – This option selects all search profiles including custom search profiles.
ALL_NOT_CR – This option selects all search profiles (including custom search profiles) except for CourseReserves.
Select Done to return to the list of facets in the Facets section.
Displaying the Library Name with the Location Facet
Since location names in Alma are not always unique, institutions that have the same location name in multiple libraries (such as Stacks and Periodicals) will see repeated values in the Location facet, which makes it difficult to find items at a specific library.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Results tab.
If you have not already done so in the Facets section, select Customize to enable you to modify facets.
Edit the row containing the Location facet. The Edit Facet Slots dialog box opens.
Select the Display Library Name checkbox.
Select Done.
Adding a Local Facet
After you have defined a local field that can be used as a facet (see Configuring Local Display and Search Fields for Primo VE), you can specify whether it displays in the brief results.
On the Brief Results tab, select Add a Local Facet.
Brief Results Tab - Add a Local Facet -
Select the local facet from the drop-down list.
Add Local Facet Dialog Box -
Select Add Facet.
Edit the facet to configure its availability in the search profiles. For more information, see Editing a Facet.
Activating/Deactivating a Facet
You cannot add or delete facets, but you can decide whether they display on the Brief Results page.
Ordering Facets on the Brief Results Page
The Brief Results tab enables you to specify the order in which the facets appear in the brief results.
Disabling Top-Level Facets
Top-level facets are the facet values that appear under the Availability facet. By default, all facet values are enabled.
Edit the Top Level Facet Labels code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Label).
For each facet value that you want to disable, change the contents of the Description field to NOT_DEFINED. For example, if you want to disable the Open Access facet, edit the row containing the following code: facets.facet.tlevel.open_access.
Select Save.
If the above procedure is not working as expected, you can also use CSS to disable the display of a top-level facet by specifying the following elements as needed in the custom1.css file of your customization package:
[data-facet-value="tlevel-open_access"] {
display:none !important;}
[data-facet-value="tlevel-peer_reviewed"] {
display:none !important;}
[data-facet-value="tlevel-online_resources"] {
display:none !important;}
[data-facet-value="tlevel-available_p"] {
display:none !important;}
Configuring the Sort By List on the Brief Results Page
The Sort by drop-down list enables users to specify the order in which results appear on the Brief Results page. You can use the Brief Results tab to configure the order in which sort types appear in the list or whether sort types appear at all in the list.
The Relevance option appears first in the Sort By list, and it cannot be modified, disabled, or reordered.
Ordering the Sort By List in the Brief Results
The Sort by drop-down list appears above the facets in the brief results. You can use the Brief Results tab to change the order in which the sort types appear in the list.
Activating/Deactivating Sort Types in the Brief Results
The Sort by drop-down list appears above the facets in the brief results. You can use the Brief Results tab to specify whether sort types appear in the list.
Configuring FRBR/Dedup Display Options
Primo VE groups records using the principles in the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records published by the IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. This enables users to browse the brief results quickly and access related versions by selecting the see all link.
The Brief Results tab in the View Configuration enables you to specify what information displays in the brief results (preferred or generic record) and the order in which other versions appear in the FRBR group.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Results tab.
FRBR Display Section -
In the FRBR Display section, configure the following display options as needed:
Dedup and FRBR Display Options Option Description Dedup and FRBR: Sort FRBR Versions list by
Select one of the following options to indicate how the system should sort the results in the List of Versions page, which is accessed by selecting the see all link in the record's brief display: Date - oldest, Date - newest, Title, and Author.Define FRBR Display for local records
Select one of the following options to determine what information displays for the FRBR group in the brief results:
Preferred – Primo VE dynamically selects one of the records from the group for display in the brief results list. This is the preferred record. The preferred record is the highest ranked record from the results set. From the preferred record, the system displays a link to the additional records in the group.
Generic – The generic record serves as a placeholder for the group and does not include the data and functionality that is relevant to a specific record (such as the availability status). It only indicates that multiple versions of the title have been found. End users can select either the title or the View versions link to display the versions for the FRBR group.
Enable FRBR
This option (which is enabled by default) enables you to disable the display of FRBR groups at the view level. Instead, the system will display the individual records in the group. This is useful because it does not require additional data processing and job execution if a library does not want to display FRBR groups at all in the results.
When FRBR is enabled to display the preferred record, the Criteria for the FRBR preferred in record is displayed.
Enable Dedup
This option (which is enabled by default) enables you to disable the display of Dedup groups at the view level. Instead, the system presents the individual records in the group. This is useful because it does not require additional data processing and job execution if a library does not want to display Dedup groups at all in the results.
Highlight the record you came from
When opening the list of FRBR versions for a record in search results, the selected record is usually not the first record in the list. When this option is selected, the selected record appears above the complete list of FRBR versions, starting with the preferred record. This option is cleared by default.
Selected Record in FRBR Preferred ListThis field appears only when both the Enable FRBR option and the Preferred display option are selected.
Criteria for the FRBR preferred record: Add criteria
This option enables you to define additional criteria for the selection of the preferred record. You can add a single row for each of the following types of criteria so that precedence is given to the highest-ranked record in the FRBR group that first matches your criteria, starting from the top of the criteria list:
Date - Newest – Precedence is given to the record with the newest publication date if it is among the highest ranked records in the FRBR group.
Resource Type – Precedence is given to a record of a specific resource type (such as book or journal) if it is among the highest ranked records in the FRBR group.
Availability – Precedence is given to a record that is available in a specific delivery category if it is among the highest ranked records in the FRBR group: physical (ALMA-P), electronic (ALMA-E), or digital (ALMA-D).
Primo VE displays the highest ranked record as the preferred record if no criteria are specified or if no criteria are matched among the highest ranked records in the FRBR group. For example, if preference is given to electronic items and the user has limited the search to physical items, the preferred record is a physical item even if the FRBR group includes electronic items.
Criteria for the DEDUP preferred record: Availability
This option enables you to define additional criteria for the selection of the preferred record and appears only when the Enable DEDUP checkbox is selected. The preferred record is taken from the 10 highest ranked records in the Dedup group that matches the specified delivery category:
ALMA-P – Precedence is given to available physical inventory.
ALMA-E – Precedence is given to available electronic inventory.
ALMA-D – Precedence is given to available digital inventory.
None – Precedence is given to the highest ranked record in the Dedup group, regardless of the inventory type.
Configuring the Resource Type Filter Bar
The Resource Type Filter Bar appears under the basic search box to allow users to filter their results by resource types, which are configurable. For each search profile slot, only enabled resources appear for basic searches, and their appearance is not dependent on whether the search results contain items matching that resource type.
The icons used for the resource types in the filter bar must be in the SVG format. For information on how to replace these icons, see Customizing SVG Icons.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Results tab.
Resource Types Filters Bar Section -
In the Resource Types Filters Bar section, select the Enable Filters Bar checkbox to enable the filter bar for basic searches.
Both this bar and the Pre-filter Bar cannot be enabled at the same time. If you want to enable this bar, you must disable both Enable for Basic Search checkboxes on the Advanced Search Configuration tab. For more details, see Enabling Pre-Filters for Basic Searches.
For each resource type:
Use the Active slider to activate the resource type for display in the filter bar. You can activate a maximum of 10 resource types for each search profile slot. If you activate more than 6 resource types per search profile slot, the More option appears in the filter bar to enable the selection of the bottom resource types (7-10).
If you want to move the resource type to a different position in the filter bar, select its Handle icon and drag it to the desired position in the list.
If you want to change the supported search profile slots, select the Edit row action:
Edit Resource Type -
In the Edit Resource Type Selection dialog box, activate/deactivate search profile slots as needed.
Select the Done button.
If you want to add a resource type to the list of configured resource types:
Select the Add Resource Type link to open the Add Resource Type dialog box:
Add Resource Type -
Select the name of the resource type from the Resource Type drop-down list.
Activate/deactivate resource types as needed.
Select the Add Resource Type button.
Configurar Ver registro breve
The Brief Record Display tab configures the information that appears for each record on the record's brief and full display pages.
Configuring the Display Lines on the Display Pages
In the brief and full display pages, you can display information contained in data fields (such as the title, author, and creation date) from the source record. This information helps users to differentiate records quickly. The Brief Record Display tab enables you to configure the display lines and the actions users can apply to each record. For details on how information is mapped from the source records to the display fields in Primo VE, see the Display sections in Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.
The display lines that appear on the record's brief and full display pages share the same configuration and cannot be configured separately.
Editing a Display Line
Primo VE enables you to configure up to four display lines. Each line can consist of multiple data fields that are separated by a delimiter (such as a semicolon).
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Record Display tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize in the Display Fields section to enable you to modify the display lines.
Edit the row containing the display line that you want to modify. The Row Fields page opens.
Edit Display Line Fields -
On the Row Fields page, you can perform the following operations:
Add a field to the display line. For more information, see Adding a Field to a Display Line.
Select the Delete row action to remove a field from the display line. To remove an entire display line, see Deleting a Display Line.
Select the up/down arrows to reorder the fields in the display line.
Toggle the slider to activate or deactivate a field in the display line.
Change the delimiter that separates the fields in the display line. For more information, see Changing the Delimiter Used in the Display Lines.
Adding a Field to a Display Line
Primo VE enables you to add multiple fields to a display line. After a field has been added, you can reorder the fields in the display line as needed.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Record Display tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize in the Display Fields section to enable you to modify the display lines.
Select the Edit row action to modify a display line. The Row Fields page opens.
Select Add to open the Add Field dialog box.
Add Field Dialog Box -
Select a field from the Code drop-down list. For more information, see Primo VE Display Section.
Select Add to save your new display field and to return to the Row Fields page.
On the Row Fields page, you can select the up/down arrows to reorder the fields if necessary.
Changing the Delimiter Used in Display Lines
Primo VE enables you to specify the character (delimiter) that is used to separate display fields in the display line.
On the Row Fields page, select Edit Delimiter to open the Edit Delimiter dialog box.
Edit Delimiter Dialog Box -
Select a field from the Delimiter drop-down list.
Select Save to change the delimiter and to return to the Row Fields page.
Deleting a Display Line
Deleting a display line in the Brief Record Display leaves an empty placeholder in case you decide to redefine it and display its data fields in the brief results.
Changing the Order of the Display Lines
The Display Fields section enables you to configure the order in which the four display lines appear in the brief results.
Configuring the Actions on the Display Pages
Primo VE enables users to perform the following actions on records, which are configured in the Record Actions section on the Brief Record Display tab:
e-shelf – export the record to My Favorites > Saved Records. For additional information, see Exporting Records from Primo VE, Saving and Managing Alerts in Primo VE, and Improved Format of Saved Search Alert Emails.
E-mail – send the record's details, locations, and availability information to a specified email address. For additional information on this functionality, see Configuring reCaptcha for Primo VE and E-Mail Security Features in Primo VE.
BibTeXPushTo, EasyBib, EndNote, and RefWorks – export the record to a specific citation managers. For more details, see Mappings for Export Actions in Primo VE.
RISPushTo – export the record to the RIS format. For more details, see Mappings for Export Actions in Primo VE.
Permalink – create a permalink for the record.
Share – share a permalink with users on social media applications. Select the Configure row action to enable/disable the supported social media apps. For app configuration information in Alma, see Social and Email Login.
Citation – create a citation for the record. For additional configuration information, see Managing Citation Styles for Primo VE.
Print – send the record's details, locations, and availability information to a specified printer.
Mendeley – send the record's information to the user's account on Mendeley. For related information, see Export to Mendeley for Primo VE.
Excel – send the record's details, locations, and availability information to an Excel file.
QR – display a page's QR code to enable it to be scanned by a mobile device or to enable its URL to be copied to the clipboard.
Leganto – send the record's citation to the users reading list in Leganto.
The actions that appear on the record's brief and full display pages share the same configuration and cannot be configured separately.
Records that have been suppressed from discovery by the library are not exported with any export action (such as Export to Excel).
If you have not already done so, select Customize in the Display Fields section to enable you to modify the record's brief and full displays.
Activating/Deactivating Actions on the Display Pages
The Display Fields section enables you to configure the order in which the four display lines appear in the record's brief and full displays.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Record Display tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize in the Record Actions section to enable you to modify the actions.
Toggle the Active slider to activate/deactivate an action in the Record Actions section.
Changing the Order of Actions on the Display Pages
The Display Fields section enables you to configure the order in which the four display lines appear in the record's brief and full displays.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Record Display tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize in the Record Actions section to enable you to modify the actions.
Select the up/down arrows in the Record Actions section to change the order of the actions. The items are ordered from right to left in the UI.
Configuring the Up-Front Actions on the Brief Record Display
By default, Primo VE displays the e-shelf, email, and citation actions in the record's brief display. You can configure up to three actions, which are listed from right to left based on the order of the enabled actions.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Brief Record Display tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize in the Keep This Record Actions section to enable you to modify the actions.
Select up to three Up-Front Actions checkboxes to display these actions in the record's brief display.
The e-shelf action always appears and cannot be disabled from the record's brief display.
Configuring the Export All Results Option
The Export All Results option displays on the Brief Results page after users select at least one record in the results. This option enables users to send all search results to a file of a selected format to a specified email address.
For more details, see Using the Export All Results Option in Primo VE.
The maximum number of exported results is limited to 5000 records for each of local catalog and CDI search results.
Since no DEDUP or FRBR processes are applied to the export, the exported list of records will include all DEDUP and FRBR records in the file.
The sort order of search results may differ from the order of records returned in the export file.
This functionality is not supported on mobile devices.
With the Excel export only, links display as full links instead of permalinks.
Configuration Options for Bulk Export
This functionality is enabled by default. Refer to the following table to disable this functionality or configure related options.
Element | Description |
View Configuration page (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views) |
On the Brief Record Display tab, clear the Enable Export All option check box under the Record Actions section to disable this option in the UI. This option is enabled by default. When enabled, end users can choose from the following formats if active:
Results Tile Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) |
The following code enable you to customize/translate the Export All Results button:
Aria Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) |
The following codes provide accessibility for the Export All Results functionality:
Keeping This Item Tile Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) |
The following codes provide accessibility for the Export All Results functionality:
Send Email and Sms Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels) |
The following code enables you to customize/translate the associated note in the export email body:
Monitor Jobs page (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Monitor Jobs) |
The Primo Ve bulk export of search result job is run in the background each time a user executes the Export All Results option. This enables users to continue with their Primo VE session while the file is created and sent to the specified email address. The progress of this job can be viewed from the Running and Completed tabs, but it cannot be configured and executed manually. |
Analytics for Bulk Export
To support this functionality, the following actions have been added to the Action Usage subject area:
Group | Subgroup | Action | Description |
Results List |
Records All Excel |
Send all records to user email Excel |
User selected to send all results in an XSLX or CSV file to email. |
Records All RIS |
Send all records to user email RIS |
User selected to send all results in a RIS file to email. |
Records All BibTex |
Send all records to user email BibTex |
User selected to send all results in a BibTex file to email. |
These actions are triggered only after selecting Send (not the Export button).
Configurar la página Despliegue completo
The Full Display page opens when a user selects an area within a record's brief display that does not contain hypertext links. Selecting on the title or the availability link in the record's brief display may also take the user to the Full Display page.
The Full Display Page contains various sections, which are called services. If a service is not relevant to a record, it does not appear on the Full Display page. The Full Record Services tab enables you to configure the order of services, the display lines for the Details service, additional links, and whether citation trails and times cited information is displayed.
The Services page looks very similar to the Full Display page, but it does not allow users to perform searches and may not permit access to other pages and functionality (such as My Library Card). You need to configure only a single view in Primo VE to support both types of pages.
The display lines and actions on the Full Display page are configured with the Brief Record Display tab.
Primo VE displays the following services:
Get It, View Online, How to Get It – These sections enable users to request physical items, view electronic materials or get materials from other sources.
The Get It service displays when the library has physical items. For information on how to configure custom sorting of locations, see Configuring the Get It Service.
Get It ServiceThe View Online (or View It) service displays when the record is available electronically.
View Online ServiceThe How to Get It service displays only general electronic services that are delivery-related (such as an ILL service), and appears only when the record has no holdings. For more information, see Adding a General Electronic Service.
How to Get It Service -
Links – The Links section displays additional links and general electronic services that are not delivery-related. For more information, see the following sections:
Search inside – This section displays on the Full Display page when the journal has an ISSN and a CDI search profile slot has been activated for your view. This service enables users to search for articles within the journal. To enable this functionality, you must define the ISSN field as a search index for advanced searches (see Adding a Search Index, Resource Type, or Language to Advanced Searches).
Search Inside ServiceThis type of search performs an advanced search that includes the ISSN of the journal and the user's search terms:
Search Within Journal ResultsThis type of search uses the view's first blended search profile slot that includes CDI as its initial scope in Advanced Search. If there are no blended search profile slots (including CDI), it uses the first CDI-only search profile slot. If the view does not have any active search profile slots that include CDI, the Search Inside section will not appear for the journal in its full display.
Details – This service displays information about the record and enables you to display the same information that is displayed in the brief records display, but it is meant to include additional information that can be displayed on more than three rows. For more information, see Configuring the Details Service.
Citations – This service displays a record's citation information. For more information, see Configuring the Citations Service.
Browse Shelf – This service enables users to visually browse a library shelf in relation to the selected record so that users may find other items that are related to their search. For configuration information, see Configuring the Browse Shelf Service.
Virtual Browse Service -
Quick Access – This service enables users to visually browse a record's representation files using Alma's new digital viewer. For more information, see Configuring the Quick Access Service.
Quick Access Service -
More from the Same Course/Collection – This service expands the search of the current title and enables users to browse items in additional collections and courses that also contain the current title. For more details, see Displaying the More from the Same Service.
More from the Same Course Section -
May Also Be Held By – This service provides links to this resource at other locations (such as non-Alma institutions). If this service is not enabled and configured for your institution, it does not appear as a service on the Full Record Services tab. For more details, see Displaying the May Also Be Held By Service.
May Also Be Held By Section in Record's Full Display
Configuring the Get It Service
The Get It service displays the physical locations that hold an item. If there are multiple locations, the Get It section lists these locations in the order specified by Alma. If the custom sorting option is enabled in Alma, the Custom Libraries Order mapping table is enabled to enable you to override Alma's custom settings per view, if needed.
When enabled, the Custom Libraries Order mapping table enables you to assign a library priority for each library (1 = highest priority). For each library priority, Alma further sorts these locations alphabetically by location priority and then by the number of available items. For more details about location priority, see Configuring Physical Locations.
In the following example, the highest priority is given to the Music (Stacks) location since it has the highest library priority (1) and location priority (Display first). The Main (Stacks) location is listed next because it has more available items than the Biology (Stacks) location. The Main (Juvenile) location is listed last in the library priority 1 group because it has the Display last location priority. The Law (Stacks) location is listed last because it has the lowest library priority.
Sort Order | Library Priority | Location Priority | # of Available Items |
1 - Music (Stacks) | 1 | Display first | 1 |
2 - Main (Stacks) | 1 | Regular display | 2 |
3 - Biology (Stacks) | 1 | Regular display | 0 |
4 - Main (Juvenile) | 1 | Display last | 1 |
5 - Law (Stacks) | 2 | Regular display | 1 |
All locations for libraries that are left unassigned are given the lowest library priority and are further sorted alphabetically by location priority and then by the number of available items.
Ensure that the Use Custom Sorting field is set to Yes on Alma's Locations Ordering Profile page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Locations Ordering Profile), and decide whether you want to override this custom sort configuration for your view. For more details, see Configuring the Order of Locations in Primo Search Results.
Open the View List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views) and edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
Select Configure in the row containing the getit_link1 code to open the Custom Locations Sorting dialog box.
Custom Locations Sorting Dialog Box -
Select Set custom libraries order to open the Custom Libraries Order mapping table for your view.
Add a row for each library and set its library priority (1 = highest priority). All unassigned libraries are grouped together and given the lowest library priority.
Select Done to save your settings.
Configuring the Details Service
The Details service displays the bibliographic information for a record (such as the contributors, description, and so forth). For details on how information is mapped from the source records to the display fields in Primo VE, see the Display sections in Mapping to the Display, Facets, and Search Sections in the Primo VE Record.
Primo VE enables you to configure the display lines for the Details service. The configuration is very similar to the configuration of the display lines in the record's brief display, but you are not limited to four display lines. Each display line can consist of multiple data fields that are separated by a delimiter (such as a semicolon).
To update labels for the Detail Services, customize the Full Display Labels code table (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Labels).
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
Full Record Services Tab -
If you have not already done so, select Customize, which appears above the list of services in the Full Record Records Services tab.
Select the Configure row action to modify the display fields for the Details service. The Edit Full Display Details page opens.
Edit Full Display Details Page -
If you have not already done so, select Customize, which appears above the list of fields on the Edit Full Display Details page.
On the Edit Full Display Details page, you can perform the following operations:
Add a new display line:
Select Add Field to open the Row Fields dialog box.
In the Row Fields dialog box, select Add Field.
Select a field from the Code drop-down list.
Select Add to add the new field.
Select Add Field to add additional fields to the display line. Otherwise, select Done to return to the Edit Full Display Details page.
Add a field to a display line:
Edit the row containing the display line that you want to modify. The Row Fields page opens.
Select Add to open the Add Field dialog box.
Select a field from the Code drop-down list.
Select Add to add the new field and to return to the Row Fields page.
On the Row Fields page, select Add to add additional fields to the display line.
Select the up/down arrows to reorder the field in the display line.
Select Back to return to the Display Fields page.
Delete an entire display line by deleting the row that contains the display line.
Delete a field from a display line:
Edit the row containing the display line that you want to modify. The Row Fields page opens.
Select the Delete row action.
Select Back to return to the Display Fields page.
Reorder the display lines by selecting the up/down arrows.
Reorder fields in a display line:
Edit the row containing the display line that you want to modify. The Row Fields page opens.
Select the up/down arrows to reorder the fields.
Select Back to return to the Display Fields page.
Activate/deactivate a display line by selecting the Active fields.
Activate/deactivate a field in a display line:
Edit the row containing the display line that you want to modify. The Row Fields page opens.
Select the Active field to activate or deactivate a field in the display line.
Select Back to return to the Display Fields page.
Change the delimiter that separates the fields in the display lines:
Select Edit Delimiter to open the Edit Delimiter dialog box.
In the Delimiter field, type the delimiter character.
Select Save to update the delimiter and to return to the Display Fields page.
When Leganto is integrated with your environment, you can configure the Course Information field to link to Leganto:
Edit the Course Information field.
In the Row Fields page, enable the Course Information field and then select a linking option from the Enable Linking to Leganto field:
Use a Permalink to the reading list – This option opens the Leganto My Lists page, which is pre-filtered for this reading list.
Use a Link to the list on the Find Lists page – This option opens the Leganto Find Lists page, which preselects this reading list.
If you do not specify an option, linking to Leganto is disabled from the record's details.
Select Done.
Select Back to return to the Services page.
Configuring the Links Service
The Links service displays additional links for a record (including the Display Source Record link, which displays the record's source information).
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize, which appears above the list of services in the Full Record Records Services tab.
Select the Configure row action to configure the Links service options.
In the Enable Link in Full Display dialog box, select the Display Source Record checkbox if you want users to be able to view the item's source record.
Select Done to save your changes.
Configuring the Browse Shelf Service
By default, Browse Shelf displays physical items that appear together on a virtual bookshelf (local material only). If you prefer, you can also display electronic material, which is based on call numbers from bibliographic headings, not just the holdings (for physical items).
Browse Shelf's results can include records with suppressed holdings, but if these records are selected, the following message is displayed:
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize, which appears above the list of services in the Full Record Records Services tab.
Select the Configure row action to configure the Browse Shelf service.
In the Browse Shelf Configuration dialog box, specify one of the following options and then select Done:
Browse Bibliographic Headings – Select this option if you want to display both physical and electronic material in Browse Shelf.
Browse Shelf Listing – Select this option if you want to display physical items only in Browse Shelf. This is the default option.
Configuring the Citations Service
The Citations service displays the citation trails for the record and also includes a link to the cited by records provided by the Web of Science and Scopus services.
For citations from external platforms (such as Scopus and Web of Science), we cannot guarantee that the times cited counts from our indexing will match the exact count on the external platform. There may be small discrepancies, depending on the frequency of provider updates and CDI indexing schedules.
Primo VE enables you to configure whether citation trails and cited by links from the Web of Science and Scopus services appear in the Citations service.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize, which appears above the list of services in the Full Record Records Services tab.
Select the Configure row action to configure the Citations service.
In the Edit Citation Service dialog box, select the following options as needed and then select Done:
Citation Trail – When selected, this option displays the citation trails in the Citations section of the record's full display. By default, the citation trail results are filtered by availability. If you want to change the default to expand the citation trail results to include citations for collections that do not have access to full text, clear the Filter by Availability checkbox.
Clearing the Citation Trail checkbox also clears the Filter by Availability checkbox.
Times Cited – When selected, this option displays the times cited links from the Web of Science and Scopus services in the Citations section. Before a link is displayed, the following conditions must be met:
Your institution has subscribed to the WoS or Scopus services, and their collections have been activated in Alma.
The user has signed in or is on campus (because both collections require a subscription to search or display their content).
Configuring the Quick Access Service
The Quick Access service embeds Alma's new digital viewer to enable users to quickly access and view digital representations stored in Alma. From the embedded viewer, users can download the file, open the file in a new tab or window, or select the right/left arrows to view additional representation files.
No configuration in Primo VE is needed to enable this functionality, but you must have the new Alma Viewer enabled. The following table lists other configuration options associated with this service.
Option | Description |
Change the order of the Quick Access section on the Full Display page. |
For more information, see Ordering the Services. |
Modify the labels associated with the Quick Access section on the Full Display page. |
You can modify the following code in the GetIT! Tab1 Labels code table to modify or translate the service's label:
For more information, see Configuring Display Labels for Primo VE. |
Enable the new Alma Viewer so that it can be embedded in Primo VE. |
On the Viewer Services page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Viewer Services), edit the Alma Viewer service and select the Use New Viewer checkbox. |
Modify the display logic rules for quick access representations. |
On the Discovery Interface Display Logic Rules page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Display Logic Rules), check the settings of the following out-of-the-box rules:
You can create additional rules to hide the embedded viewer with the new Representation Quick Access service. If a digital title has more than one digital representation, the Quick Access section is not presented in the UI. |
Displaying the More from the Same Service
The More from the same service is enabled by default. With this configuration, you can hide it from users. for more details, see Configuring the More From the Same Service in Primo VE.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize, which appears above the list of services in the Full Record Records Services tab.
Select the Configure row action to open the Edit More From The Same Service dialog box.
Edit More From The Same Service Dialog Box -
To hide the related services from appearing, clear the following checkboxes as needed and then select Done:
More from the same Course – When selected, the system enables the More from the same Course section in the Full Display.
More from the same Collection – When selected, the system enables the More from the same Collection section in the Full Display.
Displaying the May Also Be Held By Service
When this service is enabled and configured (see Configuring the "May Also Be Held By" Service in Primo VE), it appears by default on the record's Full Display page. With this configuration, you can hide this service from users.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
If you have not already done so, select Customize, which appears above the list of services in the Full Record Records Services tab.
Select the Configure row action to open the Enable May Also Be Held By in Full Display Service dialog box.
Enable May Also Be Held By in Full Display Service Dialog Box -
To hide the service from appearing, clear the May Also Be Held By checkbox and then select Done:
Ordering the Services
The Full Record Services tab enables you to select the order of the services (such as View It and Get It) on the Full Display page.
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view to open the View Configuration page.
Select the Full Record Services tab.
Services Section -
If you have not already done so, select Customize in the Actions section to enable you to modify the services.
Select the up/down buttons as needed to change the order of the services.
Regardless of its setting on this tab, Primo VE displays the Citation section last. For a CSS workaround, see Display order of the full view left menu.
Marca para su vista
The Customization Package Manager enables you to upload and manage customization packages, which enables you to brand and further customize Primo VE. If no packages are loaded, the system uses the out-of-the-box configurations.
Primo VE Administration Certification: User Interface Customization (7 min)
Database files (.db) are not permitted in your customization package. If the following error occurs while uploading your ZIP file, remove all .db files:
Validation error: File type db is not allowed in the zip file -
Set Windows to display hidden files if you cannot see any .db files in your customization package folder.
To ensure that a customization package integrates properly with Primo VE, ensure that its ZIP file is structured as follows:
<View_Code> – The top folder of your customization package. Ensure that you change the name of the top folder to your institution's view code, which must be in the following format: <institution_code>-<view_code>.
css – This subfolder contains the custom1.css file, which includes your CSS rules. These rules override corresponding rules in the default CSS.
img – This subfolder contains all customized images for Primo VE. To ensure that the correct image appears in Primo VE, ensure that you use the same file name as the original.
js – This subfolder contains the custom.js file, which includes your scripts.
html – This subfolder contains the following subfolders, which store all customized HTML files for Primo VE:
homepage – The homepage_en.html file enables you to customize the area of the page below the search box on the Primo VE Home page. To support other languages, you can create and upload new HTML files with the relevant language code. For example, homepage_fr.html. For more information, see Home Page.
Primo VE Home Page-
The system does not use content inside <script> tags.
Since this code is nested inside the main HTML code, wrap this code with a <div> tag (insets of the <html> tag).
email – The email_<2-character_language_code>.html template files (such as email_en.html) enable you to configure the layout and format of the emails (per supported UI languages) that are sent when users perform the Send To Email action. Note that the email folder is not created for you. For more information, see Customizing the Email Template.
help – The help_en.html file enables you to create a help page for your view. To support other languages, you can create and upload new HTML help files with the relevant language code. For example, help_fr.html. For more information, see Creating a Custom Help Page. Since a help page is not provided out of the box, you need to add the help directory to your customization package.
You can create a customization package from either the View Configuration page or Primo Studio, but you need to use the View Configuration page to deploy the customization package for both methods. For more information, see the following sections:
Accessing Primo Studio
Primo Studio enables you to interactively customize some aspects of your view and create a customization package for deployment with the View Configuration page in Primo VE. For more information, see Primo Studio for Primo VE.
Edit your view on the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views).
Select the Manage Customization Package tab.
Select Go to Primo Studio in the Create a Customization Package section.
Creating a Customization Package
On the Views List page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), edit your view.
Select the Manage Customization Package tab.
Manage Customization Package Tab -
Select Download to download the customization package. If this is the first time, download the template package. Otherwise, download the current package to ensure that you are using the latest version.
Unzip the file.
Ensure that the top folder of your package's zip file is the <View_Code> folder, which must have the following format: <institution_code>-<view_code>. For example, PRMO_OAP_INST-Alma.
As needed, customize the configuration files and folders associated with the home page, images, and CSS. You must retain the file structure and names of files that you are overriding. Refer to the following sections for details on how to brand and make simple changes to your view:
Zip the view code folder.
Zipped View Code FolderFor Windows users, we recommend using a compression tool such as 7zip or Winrar instead of Windows Send to > Compress folder to avoid upload errors.
For Mac users, use the following procedure to zip and remove any hidden .DS_Store files:
Open the Terminal application under Applications > Utilities.
Move to the parent directory of the folder that you want to compress. For example:
cd /Users/<user name>/<parent folder> -
Enter the following command to compress the file:
zip –r <target file>.zip <My_View> -x "*.DS_Store"
Specify the name of the zipped package and click Upload.
Select Save to deploy the changes.
Refresh your view in the Web browser and test your changes prior to uploading the changes to the production server.
Adding a Clickable Logo
The Manage Customization Package tab on the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views) enables you to upload a new logo and define a link that opens a page when users click the logo. The following image formats are supported: PNG and SVG.
IE11 may not fully support the display of SVG images.
Edit your view on the View Configuration page (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views).
Select the Manage Customization Package tab.
In the Upload Logo section, perform the following steps:
Select an image to upload in the Upload Logo File field.
The system places the following restrictions on the logo file:-
The file format of the image must be .png or .svg.
The height of the image cannot exceed 100 pixels.
The width of the image cannot exceed 300 pixels.
The size of the image cannot exceed 30 KB.
Select Upload.
If you want to remove the clickable logo, select Remove Logo.
If you want the image to be clickable, specify the redirection URL in the Logo Clickable URL field.
Select Save to save changes to the customization package.
Customizing the Email Template
Primo VE enables you to customize the format of emails sent to users after selecting the Send To Email action in Primo VE. You can customize the format with or without Primo Studio. With either method, you must upload the customized email templates with the View Configuration page. In addition, you can create separate email templates for each supported language in the UI.
The email template for Primo VE supports a maximum of 50 records. If a user sends more than 50 records, the system reverts to the classic email template, which was used in previous releases.
For security reasons, all links are removed from your email template.
The following figure shows the sample output of the out-of-the-box Email template for Primo VE.
The Email template is in HTML format and includes the following sections:
Logo – Displays the same logo that is loaded with the Customization Package Manager (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views). For more details, see Adding a Clickable Logo.
Institution note – Displays the text configured with the following code in the Send Email and SMS code table: By default, this field has no value and does not display if left empty.
List of records – For each record, the email displays the record's brief display and availability statement.
Disclaimer – Displays the text configured with the following code in the Send Email and SMS code table:
Configuration Options
The email_<2-character_language_code>.html template files (such as email_en.html) enable you to configure the layout and format of the emails (per supported UI languages) that are sent when users perform the Send To Email action in Primo VE. For more details and examples of how to customize the email templates, see the following page on GitHub:
Note that the default email template file is called email_en_US.html on GitHub.
If you decide to customize the out-of-the-box email template and your view supports additional languages, you must create and upload a separate template file for each language (including the default email_en.html file).
The alignment of the email's text is based on the email client settings.
After you have created or modified any email template files, edit your view (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), select the Manage Customization Package tab, and then use one of the following methods to upload the email template files to the UI:
Store the custom email template files under the html/email directory in your view's customization package and upload the entire customization package.
If you are not using a customization package, you can use the Upload Templates section to upload your email template files or choose to use the classic email template. By default, your view uses the new email template.
View Configuration Page - New Upload Templates Section
If you want to delete an email template file, remove the email template file under the html directory in the view's customization package and upload the modified package to the UI. If you want to revert to the out-the-box email template, remove all email templates under the html directory in the view's customization package and upload the modified package to the UI.
Customizing SVG Icons
Unlike other image files (such as PNG, GIF, and JPG), the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format is an editable XML-based file that represents a detailed set of coordinates that tells your browser how to draw an image. Primo VE enables you to replace SVG images through the customization of the custom-ui.svg file, which is not provided by default and is stored under the /img directory of your customization package. This file contains an SVG container (wrapper) that may include one or more SVG elements, where each SVG element is a separate image that has its own SVG ID.
For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<svg xmlns= xmlns:xlink= width="24" height="5000" viewBox="0 0 24 5000">
You can replace existing icons by assigning the SVG IDs used to represent specific icons in Primo VE to the SVG elements that you add to the customization file's container.
In the browser, inspect the icon that you want to replace and get its SVG ID, which is used later in this procedure.
Inspect Icon in BrowserDo not include the _cache32 suffix in the SVG ID, only use books.
Edit the SVG file for your new icon and copy its SVG definition for later use in this procedure.
For example, the following SVG definition draws a heart image:
<svg xmlns= xmlns:xlink= x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 50 50" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" xml:space="preserve">
<path style="fill:#D75A4A;" d="M24.85,10.126c2.018-4.783,6.628-8.125,11.99-8.125c7.223,0,12.425,6.179,13.079,13.543
</svg> -
In the Manage Customization Package tab on the View Configuration page (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views), download your view's customization package. If it does not exist, download the template and use it to create your view's customization package.
Under the /img folder, create or edit the custom-ui.svg file (if it already exists) and paste the SVG definition you copied in step 2 into the file's SVG container, remembering to include the SVG ID of the icon that you inspected in step 1.
In the following example, the heart icon replaces the Books icon in the Resource Types Filter Bar:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<svg xmlns= xmlns:xlink= width="24" height="5000" viewBox="0 0 24 5000">
<svg id="books" xmlns= xmlns:xlink= x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 50 50" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" xml:space="preserve">
<path style="fill:#D75A4A;" d="M24.85,10.126c2.018-4.783,6.628-8.125,11.99-8.125c7.223,0,12.425,6.179,13.079,13.543
Replacement SVG Definition for Books Icon -
Save the custom-ui.svg file.
Compress, upload, and save the customization package.